Hi everyone! I'm back with a new story!

So basically if you read the summary, you'll know that this is an AU where Sebastian is a doctor and Ciel winds up his patient.

This is all me, I don't have a beta or a plot consultant. I do it all for you guys!

Disclaimer: I don't own Black Butler, Yana Toboso does. Sadly, I am not her.

Rated T for now, I think it will go up to M much later.

Warning: Swearing, yaoi, and mentions of rape in this chapter.

***To those of you that have read my work before, thank you so much for attempting to enjoy my new stories:D I hope you like it!

Ciel Phantomhive is just a boy. Nothing more, nothing less.

So why did he feel like everyone on the planet existed to make his life miserable?

He's had a hard enough life already and he's only thirteen. His parents died three years ago in a house fire, they were murdered actually. The police have no idea who did it. Ciel was left without a home, vision in his right eye, or family and he's lived with his creepy second cousin, whom he called Undertaker, ever since. They live in a flat above the morgue where Undertaker works, so that explains the nickname.

Presently, he was walking to school. Things were going as usual. Undertaker gave him a couple bone cookies for breakfast and he was on his way, perpetually late.

When he arrived at Weston High, his school, the usual greeting met him. Alois Trancy, a popular little prick, went about what had sadly become their routine.

"Cieeeell, helloo." the blond cooed.

"Trancy." Ciel nodded as he tried to pass him through the doorway to get on his way before he was late to class. Again.

"Why so hurried? You could stay here with me y'know." Alois inched closer and closer as he spoke, leading up to what was inevitably next.

"I'm going to be late. Now if you'll excuse me-" Ciel tied to prevent it but failed.

He felt the firm squeezing on his rear end as Alois leaned in and tried to blow on his neck. The blue haired boy resolutely swatted his hand away and side stepped the creep before rushing to class, calling behind him, "Not today, Trancy!"

'One pervert down.' Ciel thought to himself. 'Who knows how many to go.' He tried to focus on slowing his breathing as he made his way down the halls.

Day by day, he gets sexually assaulted by a number of people and each time he can feel his heart beat erratically and his breathing speed up. Asthma attacks are common for him so he's forced to carry around an inhaler and a spare just in case he loses the first or it gets stolen or something. Luckily, there's no need for that small metal object this time.

No one knows about the reason he freaks out so much every time someone does so much as look at him strangely for a prolonged period of time. No one knows except him.

It all relates to when his parents were killed when he was ten. He remembers that day as if it were etched with a bloody knife into his soul. Ciel curses himself mentally as the images flow through his mind on a string of horrible memories.

"Grab the kid and torch the place." A strange gruff looking man shouted at the other intruders in the Phantomhive household.

Ciel feels his face twisted into an expression that conveys terror and indifference at the same time. He looks on with glassy eyes at his parents corpses laying on the living room floor, battered and bloody. He's roughly picked up by hairy arms and slung over a tough shoulder.

He tries to force his limbs to move in protest, to strike a note, any note within his vocal chords. But nothing comes out. He doesn't move. He can't. He just watches as men in dark hoods spread a foul smelling liquid over everything inside and his home goes up in flames.

He feels himself being taken away to who knows where by those horrible men. They stuff him in a dark room for an indeterminable amount of time. Everything was moving so slowly. Ciel felt like his soul was calmly detaching itself from within him.

When the men come back, they all take turns touching him. Their calloused hands rough up his soft skin and he receives punches and kicks with only faint whimpers. His soul got farther away every aching second. It got much worse as he experienced the worst pain imaginable, over and over. They forced themselves upon him and soiled his innocence. The disgusting smells and the pain were unimaginable.

When they were done and dropped him off somewhere in town, the police who were already looking for Ciel found him minutes later. But by that time, his soul had already left its wretched shell of a human.

All of a sudden, Ciel's slumped against a wall in school and no air is escaping. His pale hand scrambles for his inhaler in his pocket and the cold touch of it is welcome in his burning lungs. Thankfully, there's nobody around to witness Ciel's little episode.

He got to first period a little later than usual. The instructor handed him a pink slip and he made his way through the next four classes safely.

Lunch passed and Ciel was still slightly sweating from the memories that had been recalled earlier. He ate his meal of poorly prepared mystery food from Undertaker alone. Next was Latin.

If he had heard correctly, two boys sitting a ways from him were talking about the new substitute teacher for Latin.

'What did they say his name was again? Faustus? Maybe he'll be a better teacher than the old fart..' he mused to himself as he left the lunchroom.


'Oh god, why must this happen to me?!' Ciel was sitting in his assigned front row seat that was given to him by the substitute, Professor Faustus.

As soon as he had entered the room, the pervert's eyes had been glued to Ciel, roaming every now and then. He even licked his lips in quite a suggestive manner at him a couple times.

As soon as they got into their workbook, he asked the blue haired boy the answer to a question. He said, "What is the translation for number four? You there, in the front. Stand and give me the answer."

Ciel stood up and recited the latin translation for the sentence as was asked of him and waited until told he could sit down again.

His patience was met with a prolonged silence on the instructor's part. It took so long for him to say something and when he did all he uttered was an almost sensual "Hmmm."

The low octave of his voice made Ciel's skin crawl. "M-Mr. Faustus? Is there a problem?" 'Damn my stuttering.'

"That's Professor Faustus." he said smugly and glanced at a clip board on his desk. "Phantomhive, is it?"

"Yes sir."

"See me after class, Phantomhive." he said. Ciel's name slowly rolled of his tongue like he was testing it out and his thin lips curled up briefly into one of the most disturbing smiles Ciel had ever seen. He looked like an ugly spider.

'Shit. I'm done for. This pervert's going to rape me. I'm going to die.' the blue haired boy thought grimly as he tried to swallow the lump in his throat.

Soon after, the bell rang and everyone shuffled out. Everyone except Ciel, that is.

Ciel sat rigidly in his chair waiting for the creep to speak. When Prof. Faustus did nothing but stare in a way that gave Ciel the impression he was going to eat him, he spoke up.

"You wanted to see me, Mr. Faustus?"

"Yess. I wanted to have a chat with you about respecting your elders. I am a professor, you will address me as such. Doing any less is taken as a disrespect. Do you understand, Phantomhive?"

'Great there he goes saying my name all weird again.' "I understand, Professor." Ciel made sure to enunciate it just to rub in how pointless this all was. "Am I free to go now?" he asked, wanting to leave as soon as possible and get away from this pedophile.

His hopes were crushed when the man stepped closer until he was right in front of him and purred, "Oh no, Phantomhive. I think you should serve a punishment for your disrespect."
"Punishment, sir?" Ciel practically squeaked as the other's hand came to rest on his dark blue tinted hair.

"Punishment." The word was drawn out as his long hand slid its way down the back of Ciel's head and he bent down so that they were face to face.

If he didn't look like a spider before, he definitely did now.

Caught like prey, the boy could feel his heart slow down as the pale, smirking face drew closer to his frozen form. The moment those gross, thin lips made contact with him, it felt like his heart suddenly started a race. His arm moved without thinking and punched Faustus square in the eye. While the tall teacher was busy flinching from pain, Ciel made a break for it. He jumped out of his desk and started sprinting down the hall towards the first place that popped into his mind: the nurse's office.

His lungs grew weak quickly and he stole a glance behind him. What he saw made his already pounding heart skip a beat. Faustus was running after him.

Putting everything he had into his leg power, Ciel sped towards the nurse's office.

After a full minute and a half of sprinting, he reached his destination and quickly slammed the door behind him.

Locking it, he started to sink to the floor. It became work to suck the much needed air in and force it back out.

The nurse working that day looked up to see this blue haired boy with an eyepatch collapse on her floor. Panicking, she rushed over and asked, "My god, what's wrong? Breathe!"

Ciel stared into her thick glasses and noted the way her ruffled headpiece sat in her muted red hair as he drifted off into unconsciousness.

Oh no, what will happen? The nurse is Mey Rin by the way. It will become more apparent next chapter.

Well that was fun to write. I kept picturing J. Michael Tatum standing back to back with Daisuke Ono wearing matching lab coats and stethoscopesXD

I don't know when I'll update but you can bet it will be next weekend at the latest, tomorrow at the earliest.

P.S. If you would like to ask for something to happen, I am open to suggestions. It may not be possible to squeeze in until later but I'll see what I can do:)

I love you, my precious reader~!