Disclaimer: I do not own Doctor Who! Ok, I'm done. Let me know what you think. I'm thinking of finishing it off with a few chapters. Nothing big or anything. This was just bugging me and I needed to get it out. Be nice with reviews people. :)

Chapter One: The Witness

She stood solitary in the dark; a silent witness to the licking flames that devoured the village that had no choice in its demise. Her fist clenched until her flesh turned white; it was the only sign that she was affected by the devastation ahead of her as the screams of many echoed into the unyielding night. She was as bound to her current spot as the night is bound to the day. In that moment in time nothing else could exist because that was the price. That was the price she paid for looking where she should not have; for making a choice before considering the ramifications. Her back was ramrod straight with the heavy weight of her burdens. It was moments, it was hours and it didn't matter because she stayed until the moon gave way to dawns light and the village lay in ashes just feet away from her. Eerie silence filled the valley but the screams still echoed harshly in her mind. She bowed her head with eyes sliding shut as she finally let the tears fall. Not for herself but for those whose light had been taken; she had been too late and yet she was on time, again it didn't matter. There was nothing that she could have done because she had searched every possible outcome and none had ended well. That was the choice, them or the world.

After nearly four hundred years she had learned that there was only ever that single choice, because once it was decided then the rest would come together like pieces of a puzzle. She unclenched her hands and reached inside her jacket pocket and wrapped her hand around the warmth that hummed with energy. She had found it here on this planet, right in the center of a century old war between the Alarians and Lennox. She had tried to talk them into negotiating a peace treaty. She had tried to save them, she truly did, but in the end they were the means of their own destruction. The stone that was in her pocket was a relic worshipped by both sides; it was believed to hold a power that could make them into a god. In a way they were right. The stone feeds off the handler, each drawing from the other and when both the Alarians and Lonnox leaders fought over it the stone began drawing too much and giving back too much and caused a side effect where both parties' wishes were granted. The energy back fired causing an explosion that rocked the earth and set off an inferno, killing the majority of the battling species. When she had arrived the fire had already been raging, and she had wanted to rage with it because they had such potential to be great. She took few precious moments to collect the stone that had been lying in the center of all the chaos before she found her way to the outskirts of the village and the darkness lying in wait. Opening her eyes with tears still trailing down her cheeks she gripped the stone in a fierce grip and vanished with a flash of gold leaving the howl of the wolf in her wake.