Chapter: Greetings

The sound of waves crashing woke her. Moon light streamed through the open terrace and a breeze drifted across shimmering pearl curtains. The Tardis hummed softly wrapping her in comfort as the haze of sleep lifted bringing memories with it. Her heart beat erratically as she recalled waking up to the Doctor's smiling face. She could only assume that she passed out because everything had gone black and guessed that he brought her to her room; except she was sure that she had never had a terrace before. Slipping from her bed she crossed the room until she reached the terrace railing. Sometimes the Tardis could still surprise her. If she hadn't known she was on board she could believe that the ocean below her was real. The air carried the smell of sea water and she took it in with even breaths as she slowed her heart rate. Her body felt energetic and just a little bit on the tingly side. She knew that both were after effects of her healing and being near the Tardis again. Two thoughts ran through her head, one was that she was on the Tardis and the other was that she was home. Joy bubbled up from deep inside. A giggle broke free and giddiness swamped her. Unabashed deep bellied laughs poured out and she swung her arms wide as she tilted her head up towards the moon. The door opened behind her and she swung around and came face to face with her guys. Their faces glowing with their own joy as smiles spread across their lips. The Tardis hummed louder and Rose felt tears welling up but made no move to stop them. Instead she ran until she had her arms wrapped around each neck and their arms wrapped around her. Their hug was nearly bone crushing and she knew that she wasn't the only one crying.

They stood like that for what seemed like hours before the Doctor pulled away and stared down at her as he cupped her cheek. Jack stepped back giving the Doctor some space, he knew that when it came down to it, the Doctor would always come first.

Rose leaned into his hand enjoying the reality of it.

"Hello Doctor. Long time no see."

His hand moved into her hair and pulled some of it forward, stroking the ginger strands.

"Yes, a very long time and that's a conversation that we WILL have, but first Rose Tyler there is something else that I have to do."

His voice had deepened and her gut clenched in reaction just before he pulled her until she was pressed fully against him. His fingers tightened in her hair as his lips crashed against hers. He took advantage of her surprise and deepened the kiss. Hunger and fire sparked and engulfed them both and it was only her need for air that ended it. He trailed his lips in soft kisses up her cheeks and across both eyelids before resting his head against hers.

"Welcome home Rose."

She wanted to wrap this moment up and keep it forever. She wanted to bask in his love and in his embrace but the presence of Jack and the long story that they would want from her chased her wants away.

Rose traced his features softly before pulling away from him.

"You have questions and I'd rather just get this done so that we can move on."

Rose felt the cold seep into her and with it the numbing sensation that she had grown so used to. She had often shut down her mind and emotions making it so that she felt nothing. It was at those times that she felt so far beyond the human that she had been. And she could see the slight hurt she had put in his eyes when she had abruptly pulled away; she hadn't meant to come across so direct or so hollow. Guilt pulled at her and she slid her hand into his in silent comfort.

"Give me a few minutes to shower and change and I'll meet you in the library."

The Doctor's hand tightened against hers and she squeezed back.

"Take your time and come when you're ready. We can wait."

She smiled because although she knew he would give her time, she also knew that he wouldn't wait for long.

"I won't be long."

He pressed a kiss against her cheek and she watched as they shut the door behind them. She allowed herself one long drawn out sigh before shedding her clothes and walking into the bathroom. Steam began to rise from the shower the Tardis had started for her. She stepped under the spray and allowed the hot water to work over her tensed muscles. She didn't linger long knowing that the others waited so. It took her fifteen minutes to shower and change. She had slipped on her favorite pair of hot pink cotton shorts and black tee and was quickly reminded that she had changed. Her clothes sagged on her frame. This new body was lean and muscled with a tucked in waist and deceivingly delicate features. Roughly she had pulled the clothes back off and tossed them onto her bed in annoyance before stopping back over to her dresser. Her irritation vanished at the replica of her shorts and tee she had found. The Tardis had given her another set in her size.

She had thanked the Tardis with a caress of her coral walls sending her a wave of love and the Tardis had hummed in return. She had a smile on her face as she pulled her hair into a messy bun atop her head. Now she stared at herself in the mirror contemplating if she should change. Her current attire didn't allow her to hide the marking that covered her from the neck down. Shrugging her shoulders she turned away and left her room and immediately stepped into the library.


Sorry for the delay folks. I actually forgot to post this last chapter (not the last chapter) and then life intruded so of course I haven't been able to write. Things are slightly less chaotic so I hope to be able to get back to this story. I have just spent the last several hours reading over this and a few other stories I had started working on so I can get back to it. I know that this one was short but it's the last thing I wrote so I figured I would post it and go from there. Wish me luck!