Three and a half years after their wedding ceremony, and two years after the Reston-Langston ticket was defeated in the general election, Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III was reelected as a senator for California, beginning another six-year term. He had had some opposition, but nobody had really threatened his seat. Fitz was happy to be able to continue working with the momentum he had gained since suspending his presidential campaign in 2008.

There weren't many days when he wondered if he had done the right thing by deciding to end things after Iowa. He had felt in his heart that it wasn't the right time for him, for he and Olivia, to continue to pursue the campaign. For him personally, while had sincerely appreciated all of the hard work of the team that had been dedicated to his campaign for three years, the writing was on the wall. He was also madly in love with his wife, and selfishly wanted more time to spend with her, like a normal couple. As normal as an Olivia Pope and Fitz Grant relationship could be.

When Olivia found her footing at Stanford, her worth ethic, her passion for the details, her drive for perfection was more prominent than he had ever witnessed. It only made him love her more. She came home from work wanting to talk about her day, his day and everything in between. She also came home with energy for other things, things that made Fitz blush just thinking about them as he stood next to her on the stage, waving to the crowd after delivering his acceptance speech. They walked off of the stage with their arms around each other's backs, and shared a kiss as soon as they were out of sight of the crowd.

"Congratulations, Senator," Olivia said.

"Remember how you used to only call me that when you were mad?" he said, pushing her hair out of her face.

"I do," she said, looking at him with wide eyes. "But that was before I knew I loved you. Senator."

"That sounds sexy, say it again," he said.

"Senator Grant!" Cyrus boomed, having been watching the speech from the room with other staff members.

They shook hands, and Olivia laughed to herself. She did a quick scan of her surroundings. Backstage, with her husband, a United States Senator. There were still moments, blips, when she couldn't believe it. But more and more, her life was starting to feel like her own. Less like a dream, and more like something real.

She loved her work. After helping get Stanford's Department of Student Community Service off the ground, she was now leading one of the first departments of its kind in the country. She had a staff, and she enjoyed managing them, but she got her greatest professional pleasure from working with college students who reminded her of herself at that age. That she was able to implement some of her own ideas, set up projects that drew the attention of people around the country, and do some writing on the side made it the perfect job for her. There had been hiccups, for sure. The biggest hurdle had come when she had designed a year-long project for students in which they would deliver medicine to countries without resources abroad. Her justification, and her belief, was that students could learn in the field, by doing what it was they discussed in the classroom. It had been challenged by a conservative state senator who wondered about the provision of funds for "silly side projects of political wives," and Olivia had responded in kind. It had been somewhat messy for Fitz, as he had to comment but also had to stay out of it, but in the end, the project had been a success and universities across the country were now emulating it and praising Olivia for her determination.

She smiled as she watched Fitz and Cyrus catch up. Cyrus had kept his promise following the 2008 election, and had called everyone to see if they were ready to pursue the 2012 nomination. The answer had been no. By that time, everyone had settled into their lives. Abby was a year away from being a licensed lawyer. Harrison and Lindsay were busy with their law practice. Fitz and Olivia were finally into a routine that worked for them, where they saw each other regularly and were living a regular life. Even Cyrus had seemed half-hearted in his persuasion, and after many conversations it was decided that they would not launch a campaign. Cyrus remained in New York with James, but had planned a visit around the time of Fitz's election day.

"Liv, you're looking as classy as ever," he said, kissing her on the cheek. "California has always looked good on you."

"Thanks," she said. "Dinner?"

Fitz gave some interviews, some with Olivia, some alone, and then the three of them headed to Chinatown. They shared a lot of laughs, reminiscing about Cyrus' wedding, telling stories about Fitz's father, Tom. They also debated about the merits of the current president. All agreed he was trying, but mostly failing, to instill real change in the country. Olivia saw the gleam in Cyrus' eyes and knew what was coming. But of course, so did Fitz.

"Well, Cy, I'll answer your question before you ask it. I still don't want to run for president in two years. Even if I did, we're already way behind."

Cyrus laughed and swallowed his dim sum. "You always think the worst of me. It hurts me, you know, that you judge me this way." He feigned sadness.

"Please, we know you too well," Olivia said, smiling.

"I agree that it's late in the game, but don't forget about all of that money we raised. We made promises to people. People still think of you as the best that never was."

"But he's right here," Olivia said, kissing Fitz on the cheek.

"Yeah yeah, and you get him all to yourself. How about sharing him with the rest of us?"

"I don't need to share. He can decide for himself."

"Cy, look, your confidence in me has always been humbling. But I just won an election tonight. I like my life here. This is where I want to be."

"I know. I had to ask, though."

"I know. Is that the only reason you're here?"

"'I'm having dinner with two of my favorite people in the world. Why do I need any other reason?" Cyrus smiled.

Olivia and Fitz both just stared.

"Dammit, fine. Look, Reston is running again. He doesn't want Langston as his running mate. He wants you. He sees you as his ticket to the White House. It's less work, less pressure, less everything. You get to do a lot of smiling and waving, give some speeches, support the candidate, while still getting to live the life you're building for yourself. It's early, and you have time to think, but I got the call and I said I would present it to you."

Fitz was surprised. He had been expecting an epic persuasive speech to run for President, not Vice President. He hadn't even really considered any other options. Olivia squeezed the back of his neck.

"Does it have to be decided right this minute?" she asked, bringing him out of his spell.

"It doesn't. There's time. But Reston is sure, and he wanted you to know long before everything begins in full force that you are his number one. There is no list. It's just you."

"The full court press," Fitz said with a laugh.

"Just think about it. I'm flying out in the morning. We don't have to talk about this again until after the new year."

"Sounds good. And thanks, Cyrus. For having my back. Our backs."

"You know I always hear your father's voice, telling me not to screw you over. That I happen to like you a whole hell of a lot is just a bonus."

Cyrus paid for dinner, hugs were exchanged, and Fitz and Olivia headed home.


Some changes had been made to the house that first been Fitz's alone before he and Olivia had begun their relationship. The biggest change was the addition of a two-story deck that was accessible from the master bedroom. It gave them a better view of the bay and they often spent their mornings out there, cuddled under a blanket with hot tea to drink and Tock at their feet. Olivia had, with Fitz's blessing, had some of the rooms repainted. The kitchen was now ivory instead of red, the bedroom was a light gray instead of white, and the living room couches had been changed from a southwestern wool print to a luscious mix of brown leather with green, blue and ivory accents. She had added a feminine touch without removing the feeling of Fitz from the house, and that had been essential. She loved the house. She also loved their new dog, Bodger, or Bodgey as she often called him. He was a small Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, and he was a perfect fit for their family. He followed Tock everywhere, trailing behind the most patient St. Bernard in the world, and the two of them explored the yard together and protected the homestead. At night, Bodger would curl up on Olivia's feet, and Tock would sit right next him. This happened as they watched the late local news after returning from dinner with Cyrus.

Fitz looked at them as he came into the room with popcorn.

"Aren't you three just the cutest Grants?" he said, setting the popcorn down, giving each dog a scratch and Olivia a kiss on the top of her head.

"We got it from you," she said.

They watched the news and ate popcorn, neither one bringing up the topic that Cyrus had proposed at dinner. Finally, Olivia turned. Before she could say anything, Fitz started speaking.

"I'm really not sure. That wasn't just me trying to buy more time. I don't know if I want to be Vice President. What do you think?"

"I think it's something to consider. Cyrus was right, that it's a different type of responsibility. It would get your foot in the door, for sure. On the other hand, you would have less pull, or power, to work on the issues that matter to you. So you would have to decide if leaving the Senate would ultimately get you to your goal. If your goal is still to be President, and the last time we discussed this you sounded pretty content."

"And I am. Our life here is amazing. More than I ever hoped for."

"But," Olivia said.

"But, being in a position of power in the White House was the dream. A dream that I put aside, deferred, but didn't totally let go of."

"So then we need to consider this."

"We do. Are you okay with that?"

"Absolutely. We have time. We can think, we can talk, we can figure out what our next step should be together. Which," she said, brushing the salt off of her hands and putting them on his cheeks, "I have to tell you, I love having my next steps be decided with another person. I did it alone for so long. I love you." She kissed him.

"I love you too," he said, laughing.

"That was a sentimental comment, and you laugh at your wife?"

"You taste like popcorn. I love you," he said, before picking her up and carrying her to the bedroom. Tock and Bodger made their way to their beds in the corner of the room, as there was no room for them in bed when Olivia and Fitz were still awake, still exploring, still learning and loving together as if it was the first time, every time.

Four weeks later, Fitz and Olivia found themselves closer to telling Reston they were interested in being his running mate. It was still a year before the real campaigning would begin, and they felt as though that gave them plenty of time to get their lives in order. They had weighed the pros and cons, and felt like the window of opportunity for a stint in Washington, in any capacity, was probably closing. Fitz planned to tell Cyrus on Christmas morning, because they always spoke that morning.

That is, until he walked into the bathroom on Christmas Eve after Olivia beckoned and found her holding a pregnancy test, beaming from ear to ear, the smile she reserved only for him. That moment changed everything.