I sit alone in my room, after that battle with Mother a few weeks ago comes back into mind, I remember how I didn't have to worry about what I had to do. I sometimes wish that I can go back.

You are the gem.

"Get out!" I grunt under my breath.

There is no stopping what will happen.

I do my best to ignore the voice.

You were born from my fire.

"Just stop it."

You were born to destroy the Earth.

"Please . . ." I pause, clenching my fists together, "Stop."

I am your creator, your master!

"Father, please."

You know what must be done.

"Please stop!" I scream out loud putting my hands to my head, feeling the sweat run off from my brow.

I hear a knock on my door, I wipe the tears falling from my eyes, slowly walk to the door, as it slides open, seeing Robin and Starfire.

"Are you okay?" Robin asks.

"We heard you scream." Star says.

I stand there, not knowing what to say.

"I'm fine," I pause, "I guess I was daydreaming."

"Well, we are all in the living room if you want to join us." Star says.

"I will catch up with you in a minute." I reply.

"Okay, if you need anything let me know." Star says while skipping off.

Robin stays as he looks at me.

"You don't look okay, Raven."

"Like I told you before, Robin," I pause, "I haven't been able to meditate."

"It's more than that."

What does he know? Its true, I haven't been able to meditate for a few weeks now.

"Is it because of Trigon?" He asks.

"No." I lie.

"Then, what it is?"

"Its because of the loss of my mother," I pause, "I saw her killed right in front of me."

"You didn't tell me that before."

"Now you know." I turn my back to him.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Robin pauses, "You haven't been acting like yourself."

The hour is approaching quickly.

I clench my fists tighter together.

"I'm okay, Robin," I pause, "go to the living room, I will meet you there in a few."

"Okay, if you are sure."

I hear the door slide shut, hearing his footsteps walking away. Once I knew he was gone, I fall to my knees, my tears falling from my face.

"It's my destiny," I tremble, "I wish I could fix it somehow."

The hour is near.

"The hour . . ."

I slowly get to my feet, wiping my tears away, feeling like I need to be next to my friends. Until the alarm went off. I put my hood over my head as I meet my friends in the living room.

"Mumbo." Robin hisses when I got there.

"How did he escape?" Star asks.

"No time to explain," Robin looks at us, "titans go!"

We leave the tower to the abandoned library where Mumbo works on destroying the building.

"I have always had a bad feeling about this library," He says, "time for it to burst in flames."

We stand behind him as I see him take out his wand.

"Don't even think it Mumbo." Robin says.

The blue magician turns to face us.

"The Teen Titans," Mumbo says, "don't tell me you are going to stop me from blowing up this building."

I sigh, I don't care if he destroys this, that means the prophecy will never happen.

"Isn't this . . ." Beast Boy begins.

"The abandoned library?" Cyborg finishes.

Stop him from doing this!

I inhale deeply, feeling my body ache.

"Mumbo, stop!" I yell, "Don't destroy the library!"

"What was that?" Mumbo asks, "Don't? Why?"

I see him cast his spell on the library, lighting the inside on fire. I fall to the ground, it feels like I am feeling every pain in the world. I begin screaming, the pain is too much.

"Raven!" Robin screams as he rushes to my aid.

The others soon did after.

If the building is destroyed, we both die!

I inhale deeply again, hearing my father say that made me cringe in pain.

"Mumbo, I beg you," I moan, "put the flames out!"

But he didn't listen to me.

"Raven, are you okay?" Robin asks.

It became harder to breathe, this pain is causing me to exhale and inhale harder and faster.

"How dare you!"

I hear Slade's voice, as I glance up at him.

"How dare you try to stop what will begin." Slade says.

"Well, well," Mumbo says, "I thought you were dead."

"Thoughts can be deceiving." Slade pauses, "If you don't mind, I am going to put the flames out."

"I don't think so!"

I see a bright light coming from Mumbo's wand that is backfired by the demonic powers that Slade possesses, making Mumbo fall in a state of unconsciousness.

The chamber has been left untouched by the flames.

I see Slade raise up his hands as the flames from the burning library are extinguished by entering Slade's body. I begin to feel less pain.

"Let's go home." Robin says.

My eyes didn't look away from Slade taking the fire from the library into his own body, even with Starfire picking me up and carrying me.

Once we were all back at the tower, we all sat down in the living room.

"What happened back there, Raven?" Cyborg asks.

"When the Mumbo lit the library on fire?" Star asks.

I look down at my hands.

"As the portal, I am drawn to the library."

"Drawn?" Robin asks.

"The library is covered in the mark of Scath."

"Yes, we know." Beast Boy says.

"Now that the inscriptions are in place on my body, if anything happens to the building," I pause, "I feel pain."

"Inscriptions?" Cyborg asks.

"The red marks that appear randomly on my body."

"If you feel what's going on with the building," Robin pauses, "does that mean . . ."

"Trigon also feels it." I pause, "When Mumbo set the building on fire, I heard his voice."

"And what did he say?" Star asks.

"The reason why I was pleading for him to put the flames out, its because," I pause, "if anything happened to the chamber, Trigon would not come."

"You should have let him kept the flames going." Beast Boy says.

"Not only would Trigon not come," I pause, "I wouldn't be here."

"What do you mean?" Cyborg asks.

"I would have not survived."

Silence fills the room. I knew that this was going to happen.

"This is all my fault," I pause, "I am afraid of what will happen when the hour comes."

"Then Slade showed up and took care of everything." Star says.

"Should we be glad that he saved Raven's life?" Cyborg asks.

"No." Robin pauses, "He is still after her for Trigon's game."

The gem was born of evil's fire . . .

"I am the gem."

I lean my head on Beast Boy's shoulder.

"Beast Boy." I say, not knowing why I said his name.

"Yes, Raven?" He answers.

I didn't answer. There is so much on my mind. What will he think about me, if he saw me become the portal? Even though I have been closer to Robin; Boy Wonder is more like a brother than anything. What is it about Beast Boy that makes me want to stay with him? Why do I wish that the building burned to the ground? I know the answer, is so that Trigon's reign wouldn't happen. But my existence would be shattered. I am afraid for what might happen. What will my friends think of me if they saw me in pain with the mark of Scath all over my body? I close my eyes. He is warm, for a strange reason, I love it. Perhaps he isn't all that bad, I really think that I have been too harsh on him, and never really gave him the chance. I don't want to help my father, I don't want to be the portal. Maybe my feelings for my friends will be able to stop what might happen.

"Are you okay?" Beast Boy asks.

I nod my head, feeling warm inside. I really needed to be next to them. My friends. I open my eyes again, slowly lifting myself from his shoulder. Slowly standing up.

"Well, I think we should all get some rest." Robin says.

I glance over to him.

"I think that's a great idea, Robin."

Beast Boy stands up, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Would you like me to help you to your room?" He calmly asks.

It made the warmth within me rise in temperature. I wonder why it happened now, and not when I leaned into him.

"You are wobbling back and forth." He adds to what he said before.

I glance back at Beast Boy.


Cyborg's eyes widened. Beast Boy's arm went from one shoulder to the other as he helps me walk from the living room, to my bedroom.

"Can I ask you something?" He says.

I glance at him, as he stops in the hallway before we reached my room.

"I know that I know nothing about your destiny," He pauses, "But, why are you the one to be the portal?"

I look away from him, trying to think about why. I haven't figured much about why I am the portal.

"It's fine if you don't want to tell me."

"The gem was born of evil's fire." I started, "Trigon tricked my mother into making a promise when I was born. Even made the monks that protected me throughout my life, frightened of me. Then I was sent to Earth, when I met you and the others."

No more from you, daughter.

"I remember when we first met." Beast Boy smiles.

"To be honest, Beast Boy," I start.

Don't spoil anymore.

"Yes, Raven?"

Don't tell him anything else.

"I forgot what I was going to say."

"Oh, okay." Beast Boy starts.

My body started to ache and burn, feeling the inscriptions burn on my skin.

"No . . ." I hiss under my breath.

"Raven, are you okay?" He asks.

I glance at him, the inscriptions are shown through my clothing, glowing red. Beast Boy gently lowers himself and me to the ground. I see the look on his face, it is both worried and frightened. I throw my arms around him, holding him closer to me.

"Raven?" He asks.

His shirt feels damp, my tears came back. The hour is drawing ever nearer. I could feel him comforting me.

"Shh, it's okay Raven."

His voice made me feel calm, even though I still feel afraid.

"Thank you, Beast Boy." I say softly, through the tears.

I feel his arms around me. I grab the back of his shirt in my own hands, holding it gently. I feel like I am being torn apart on the inside. Why am I having this feeling? I hear footsteps coming towards our way, I didn't lift up my head.

"Is she okay?" I hear Cyborg ask.

Beast Boy gently pets my hair with his hand.

"She is starting to calm down."

"Do you need me to help you take her to her room?"

"If you want to."

"Sure, I was going to check up on you two."

My grip lets go of Beast Boy's shirt, as he helps me up. The red marks disappeared. I follow Cyborg and Beast Boy to my room as they helped me to my room.

"Thank you, friends." I say.

The door opens, I walk into my room, slowly make my way to my bed, taking off my cloche.


"You don't want to do this." Timid says.

"Of course I don't!" I scream.

"I'm sure that your friends have a plan up their sleeves." Brave smirks.

I sigh.

"It's hopeless," I pause, "even if the building burnt to the ground, I would have died."

"Yeah, that building was covered in the mark." Irrigant says.

"Are you sure I can run from this?"

"Positive." Brave answers.

"With Beast Boy next to you, you feel calm." Happy says.

"He still won't be enough."

"Why would you say that?" Happy asks.

"I am not sure if he has the same feeling for me back," I pause, "I can stay calm for only a few hours."

"Seems to me that you are losing control." Knowledge says.

"Of course I am!" I pause, "I haven't been able to meditate in weeks!"

"But how do you keep your powers under control?" She asks again.

"What do you mean?"

"You have been able to use your powers when you need to," Knowledge pauses, "why haven't they . . ."

"I think it is due to my emotions."

"Are you making a statement?" Happy asks.

"Its not easy to control my powers without you."

"We are your parts of your personality, Raven," Brave pauses, "did you think we would let you go through this without our help?"

"We defeated Trigon before." Happy adds.

"And we can do it again." Knowledge replise.

"This is different than the last time."

"We are here for you, Raven." Timid says.

"Let us know if you need anything else." Happy smiles.