Notes: I want to thank everyone who reviewed, favorite and followed this story. It means a lot to me that everyone is enjoying this story. I'm going to try and get out a chapter as often as I can and I'm trying to keep to a thousand word minimum per chapter.


With the house clear of walkers, Daryl and Beth were free to explore the abandoned one story house. Like most houses the group had come across on various runs, this one had been cleaned out. As Beth fumbled through cupboards in the kitchen, Daryl made his way into the bedroom and bathroom, hoping to find some supplies.

"Anythin'?" Daryl asked as he poked his head into the kitchen. Beth produced two cans of beans and a single bottle of water, which had miraculously lasted this long. Daryl's mouth watered but he ignored it and simply nodded. "Good. Bedrooms secure, so if ya wanna' sleep-"

"Daryl, whats that?" Beth had noticed it the moment he had entered the kitchen. The deep crimson leaking through his shirt from his waist. Blood. Daryl was bleeding. Daryl lifted his arm as Beth neared him, poking at him with invasive fingers. "You're bleeding. Come on." She pushed at his back and led him into the bedroom. She made him sit on the bed and began searching in the various drawers for something to help.

"Nothin' there," he started, watching her move about the room, "already looked."

"Ah-ha!" Beth produced a needle and thread from the bottom of a walk in closet. Daryl's eyes widened - he hated needles, always had and always would and he knew what the blonde girl wanted to do.

"Hell no!"

"Oh hush. Now, take your shirt off, I'm gonna go clean this." Daryl wanted to shout at her - both for telling him to take his shirt off and for walking out on him - but he simply sighed as he peeled the dirty and worn sleeveless flannel off his tired and sore body.

Daryl grunted as he managed to get the shirt off and lifted him arm to look at the damage. Somehow, he had managed to cut his skin open. Having no idea how he did it, Daryl shook his head at his stupidity. Beth soon returned, blowing on the needle and holding a spool of thread in the other hand.

"Ready?" She sat beside him and eyed him. "I need you to hold your arm up and stay still. If you can't do that, lay down and hold your arm above your head." Daryl shifted and simply held his arm up. "Looks pretty deep. Its gonna hurt." She lifted her head and eyed him. "You gonna be okay?"

"Forgotten about that damn horse of yours, huh kid?"

"I'm not a kid," Beth muttered, poking the needle in.

"Mother-fucker!" Daryl hissed, eyes squeezing shut as the needle pierced his skin. Beth smirked as she ran the needle and thread through his skin, stitching the skin back together. "Damn, that freakin' hurts."

"Baby," she replied. Daryl watched as the corner of her mouth lifted and chuckled.

Half an hour later, Daryl was all stitched up, bandaged and able to put his shirt back on. Beth cleaned up and returned holding a can of beans out to him. "You should eat. Keep your strength up after all that drama."

"Shut ya' mouth," he snapped, jumping up and snatching his crossbow from the floor and heading outside. Daryl needed a smoke - badly and couldn't really be around the young blonde girl at the moment. He felt bad for her, because she was separated from her sister and had recently lost her father. She didn't know though, hadn't seen the final blow that ending his life and Daryl knew he had to tell her. And soon.

Pulling the almost empty packet from his pants pocket, he pulled one out and lit it quickly. He let the nicotine enter his lungs and sighed at the heavenly taste. "Daryl?" the young woman's voice interrupted his enjoyment and he sighed heavily, annoyed. "Daryl, I wanted to apologise. I shouldn't have acted that way - it was childish and I was raised better than that."

Daryl simply nodded, hoping he didn't scare her away with his silence. She surprised him when she leaned against the other pillar, taking in the quiet night air and peaceful area. "What happens now?"

Daryl inhaled deeply and blew the cloud of smoke above his head. "Find more food and some ammo mainly. Then we start to look for the others."

"You think my Daddy's okay?" Daryl took a large breath and threw the smoke onto the ground.


"Its okay. I know what happened."

"Yer daddy was a great man." Beth nodded and sighed heavily again. "Beth, go and get some sleep. I'll keep watch."

"You won't leave without me right? I want to go wherever you go. I... I can't be alone right now." Daryl stepped closer to her and placed a hand gently on her shoulder.

"I won't leave you Beth. I promise."

Beth nodded and wrapped her arms around his middle, much as she had the last time they had been alone. It amazed Daryl that he didn't know as much about the young woman as he did about everyone else. He only knew what everyone else did - that she looked after Judith, that she was the daughter of a farmer and that she could sing. One thing Daryl knew that others didn't though was that Beth barely cried anymore. Not since before Zach, her boyfriend they had lost on a routine run. Daryl guessed that she was very physical though, enjoyed touching and being touched, thus the hugging. Daryl lifted one hand, touched her shoulder again and pulled her close, letting her have her moment.

Beth soon removed herself from his hold and smiled gently to the hardened redneck before nodding and heading back inside. He watched her enter the house and closed the door behind her. He shifted his crossbow and held it straight, aimed at the forest. Daryl felt annoyed and protective of Beth. He needed to find her sister, the sooner he found Maggie the sooner Beth could move on.

Honestly, I'm not very happy with this chapter but it had to be done. Hope you enjoyed it and let me know what you all think.

Next chapter: Daryl and Beth go on a run and find someone unexpected.