Prologue: The Kill

It was almost eight o'clock, perhaps a few minutes till, and the clouds hung heavily in the sky. Noah packed his bags and got ready to leave work. Izzy always pestered him about leaving earlier, but he didn't mind working so late; it wasn't like anyone was waiting for him. He pulled a dark grey coat over his thin form and walked outside into the frigid winter wind. The small tap of his footsteps echoed down the empty parking lot. Glancing once more to the snow-covered building he called work, he walked into his warm, heated car, shut the door, put in his keys, and drove off. One hour.

It was a quiet drive; the route he took from work had only a few cars scattered sparsely throughout the road. Peering into the rear-view mirror, he noticed the headlights of a vehicle driving right behind him. Noah kept on driving, taking the occasional highway exit, until he reached the small town he lived in. Little did he know that the car was still driving after him, sneakily following through the cold. 45 minutes.

Eventually he reached his house. It was a small house, at the edge of town, near the woods. He parked his car and went onto his porch, getting out his key. Suddenly he was aware of the sound of a car driving, but he turned around and saw nothing. He shrugged and went inside. 30 minutes.

Noah walked into his kitchen and got a mug of coffee to warm him up. When it was done he walked into the living room and turned on the TV. Unfortunately for him, the loud TV's noise blared out the sound of footsteps on the creaky porch. 15 minutes.

When the show he was watching was over, he went upstair to get ready for bed. When he was finished and about to sleep, he felt a nagging feeling in his gut that something wasn't right. Meanwhile someone was walking out of the foyer and to the stairs. 10 minutes.

Scared, Noah peered through out the window. In front of his house he noticed the car that was following him on the highway was parked there. Five minutes.

He sat on his bed, transfixed in dreadful terror, as he listened to the increasingly louder footsteps coming up the staircase. Three minutes.

Like a cat about to catch and kill a mouse, the man stood outside the bedroom door patiently, feeling the intense fear of the young man inside. One minute.

The person outside the door checked their watch and then burst open the door. Noah screamed. The man only grinned insanely as it revealed the collection of knives in their coat. 30 seconds.

Backing away the from the figure, Noah began to inwardly panic. He had been training for this moment all his life, but his escape smarts melted out of his brain like a snowman in Hell. He could only watch as the man selected their knife in a painfully slow fashion. 15 seconds.

The madman picked a horribly large dagger out of his coat and closed it. Noah screamed for help, but he knew the townspeople would never hear. He was in a rather secluded house, after all. The person lifted the dagger high in the air. It did not miss it's mark. Two seconds.

The murderer glanced at the body, then to his watch. Zero seconds. The kill had been perfectly timed. He grinned.

A/N: Hi, and welcome to my fic :D. As stated, this is an AU, so there's a lot of changes I made. Like the characters are generally 22-23 years old, and Noah's a top secret agent :3 ooooooooooooooo. Look, I dunno. I needed a reason for him to be assasinated. But yeah. So, er... please review! Credit for mirthfullespurr on tumblr for the idea :D. Aaaaaannnnddddd, g'night!