AN: I don't own OUAT, I'm just a fan doing this for the fun. I hope you enjoy this revised chapter. I didn't like a few of the things I had in my old story, and it just didn't flow right for me, so I decided to revise the story so that it would flow much better. I hope you all enjoy this improved verson.

The smell of the ocean hit Emma full in the face, with the gentle cold wind that blew around her. The sight of the ocean, seeing the blue and green waves rolling on the horizon left a yearning in her soul, the one missing piece that was gone, is temporarily filled. She feels the white sand under her toes, massaging her feet.

Alone, she stands on the beach watching the ocean. She was just released from her prison in Phoenix two days prior. She didn't own anything, except the Baby Blanket, until her release. Then suddenly she owned their yellow VW Bug and inside of it two-thousand dollars was found under the seat hidden in a black backpack.

The first thing she wanted to do when she got released was to start over. So she wanted to go see the ocean, and so that's what she did. Emma drove up the Oregon's coast to her new destination. Yeah, she could've driven to California, but that would've been a predictable place to see the ocean.

Memories started to play in the troubled woman's mind. Memories of her youth. Of never finding a place called home, no family. She almost had a family once. Never again though. She wouldn't allow herself to fall for that ruse again. She gave up the one bright spot in her dark life, but that was because she knew, deep down that she wouldn't be able to provide a good life to the child. He would grow up, hopefully with parents who would love him unconditionally. As for her, it was already too late. She was alone in the world again. No one loved her. She would love herself, she was the only one that mattered.

The wind that was blowing had started to pick up, and the previous white clouded sky was becoming darker. It was mirroring what she had felt in her soul. Dark, dangerous and lonely thoughts, coupled with anger, years of anger that had gradually turned from simmering to boiling.

She picked up a starfish that was by her feet, wished that she could be free and start over, and threw the fish as hard and as far as she could back into the ocean. The gusts of wind that were blowing over her had given her goosebumps, so she picked up her shoes from the sand and jogged back to her car.

She got inside her car, her safe haven and pulled on her jacket. Her fingers drumming on the steering wheel in thought. Finally after a few moments she turned the key in the ignition and prepared to leave. Before she got the chance to shift the gear from park to drive, the dark clouds from before sent a bolt of lightning directly at her car. A flash of light, brighter than anything she's ever seen enveloped her vision.

When her vision cleared and the spots had finally gone away she noticed she wasn't sitting in her car anymore. Instead she was sitting outside of a worn down building in the street. She blinked thinking she was dreaming. This place looked like one of those villages from the Renaissance Festival that she snuck into one year. 'Where am I?' She thought to herself.

Suddenly she heard a group of people walking up, in a panic she dashed to the side of the building and peered out the side of it watching the group approach. A group of men passed her into the building, all dressed like pirates. 'Pirates? I must be dreaming.' She looked up to see that the sign had what looked like a mug of some sort. 'Figures. It must be a tavern or bar of some sort. What's going on?'

Emma looked around her surroundings thinking that there's got to be something she could nab. She's sticking out like a sore thumb. Dumpster diving she's done before, so she's not squeamish about having to go through the garbage, she's found what appears to be where they toss unwanted things. All she notices are rags and mismatched clothes. Picking up some of the articles of clothing and dashing even further into the shadows she changed.

She walked back into the street she had first found herself in. There she saw her reflection in a puddle on the cobblestone street. Dressed in dark woolen leggings and a knitted shirt that made her look like she was a 12 year old girl in her older brother's shirts. She pulled a dark gray cloak on over her head. That helped disguise herself. Leather knee high boots she wore on her feet. The only article of clothes that she wore previously that she took with her. 'No blisters, at least I can wear something my feet are already formed with.'

With a deep and steady breath, she pulled her hood over her head and walked into the bar. Laughing and conversations erupted into her ears as soon as she walked into the building. She made her way to the bar. "Um, excuse me Sir?"

A scruffy looking man with a scar over his eye landed on the counter looking at her. He quirked an eyebrow, the only signal she got that he was listening. "Where am I? I am not from her and I just came into town."

"We are small enough to not have a name." His scratchy, yet smooth voice answers her. "We're near the coast. We get ships that dock here from time to time. Some travelers come through here, but most never stay long, just passing through mostly. There's not much else to say about our town."

"Oh, okay. Thank you." She sits down and the man walks away to fill another order for someone else. 'I need to figure out where I am so I can get home.' She didn't want to think that this was a dream. It was too vivid and realistic. She hasn't had a dream since she was really young.

Raising her hand the man from earlier walks back. "Are you looking for any help? I need a job and a place to stay. Or do you know of a place that's hiring?" She then lowers her hood so her face shows. She's praying that this isn't a brothel of some sorts, otherwise she's going to look elsewhere. Sure her life sucks, but she's got more pride and dignity then sleeping for money.

The man looks her up and down. "I could use more help around here. But have you ever worked at a tavern before?"

Emma shook her head and sadly replied, "No." Then seeing his attention was quickly diminishing she quickly added, "I'm a quick learner. I am looking for a place to start over. A new beginning of sorts. I won't disappoint you."

Thinking it over the man, the man looked at Emma then sighing he finally gives her an answer. "I am rather short on help. I'll give you a deal. You will work for free tonight, so I can see how well you do, you get a free meal that's it. If you do well, I'll hire you."

Emma thought it over, she didn't want to work for free, but she thought this sounded like a pretty good deal to her. If starting over meant working a day for free, then she'll take it. Nodding at the man, she extended her hand and shook his agreeing to the term. "Sure. Thank you for this chance."

He just nodded one more time then said, "You can be a barmaid of mine. Serve up drinks, flirt, charm the customers." He looks at the clothes she's wearing. "You need new clothes. Here follow me." He then leads her to the room in back, "Pick out something." He then closes the door.

About ten minutes later she emerges from the back room, blond hair pulled to the side, a white and green dress with a bit of maroon thrown in, a slit up the side, she kept her boots from earlier on. He whistled low in approval. "You picked out a good one lass." He looked her up and down.

She didn't feel uncomfortable. He wasn't looking at her like a pervert, more like the professional he was. That put her at ease. She can do this. She can take care of herself too.

"Well, now that you're going to work here, what's your name Missy?"

"It's Emma. Just Emma." She didn't want to give her last name. It's not safe to give people your full name. She learned that the hard way.

"Alright Emma. Here's your tray, all these go to the table there in the back." He points to the table where the pirates that passed her earlier all sat at."

Emma walks up to the group and puts a smile on her face. Nodding at each man while she puts a drink down in front of each one. "Would you like anything else?"

One of the pirates, a handsome looking man in dark black leather, piercing blue eyes and stubble grabbed her hand when she put the drink down in front of her. "My my, what's your name? I haven't seen you around here before." He smiles at her with a welcoming, charming grin.

Emma pulls her hand out of his grasp. "My name is Emma. I just started today. What's your name?" Part of the job was talking up the customers. She knew men like him. Pure Charmers who think the world revolves around them. She can be friendly, doesn't mean she's going to sleep with anyone.

"Killian Jones love, at your service." He then waves his hand to the rest of the men at his table. "This here is my crew. We stop here often on our way through the ports and portals."

'Portals? Yeah I must be dreaming.'

A dark haired woman walks over to the table and sits next to Killian. "This here is Milah." The now introduced woman sat down and nodded at Emma, then completely ignored her afterwards.

"I could use a shot of rum next, lass." Captain Jones requested.

Nodding once at him, "Alright, I'll be right back with that." Turning towards the rest of the table she gives them all a smile then says, "Glad to meet you all. If you need anything else, feel free to wave me over." Emma said with a smile.

Walking away Emma is starting to take orders at the other tables, then goes to the bar to fill them. Throughout the night she feels Killian sneaking looks at her and trying to get her attention again, and she ignores him. She's not here to flirt, well, other than what's required for her job.

Killian and his crew visited every night that week. Some nights Milah was there, other nights she wasn't. Emma was getting to know Killian better after each visit. He got her to laugh a few times with his stories and humor. She still ignored his attempts to seduce her though.

"...that's why I'm looking for a Magic Bean." Killian was leaning next to Emma at the bar. Then turned when Milah put her arms around Killian's waist.

Emma noticed Killian hide a grimace when Milah put her arms around him. He turned around and gave her a hug. "Hey Milah. I thought you were spending today with your son?" He asked, genuinely curious. Sure he and Milah had their fun. She's interesting, and yes they've had their fun in his quarters, but she knows he isn't a one woman man. He wished she'd get the hint and leave him alone. If there's one person he's truly getting interested in, it is this 'Emma' with no last name. She's feisty, and quick with the banters. She's fun, and a challenge, a breath of fresh air in this stale place in his life.

"I was. He went with his father into the next town over. I didn't want to join them. I hate it. You know that. That coward. Everyone stares at us when we leave the house together. It's miserable."

Emma's thoughts race. She's married and she's here flirting with Killian when she has a husband and child. A family. God if it's one thing Emma hates, it's people who have family, people who care for them and treat it as nothing. She knows nothing, she's lived it. Her temper has gotten the best out of her. She jabs her fingers into Milah's chest and starts to lay into her, "You know what!? You need to go. Be with your husband. You need to work whatever issues you have out! You have a husband, a son, both who probably love you, and you're spending your time away from them! How dare you! Do you not care at all, do you not have a soul?!"

Milah's mouth stood agape, the same with Killian. No one had ever yelled at her like that. She glared at Emma and turned around and walked away. Killian smiled at Emma. "Wow, lass..."

Before he could continue to talk, Emma stood with a finger in his chest next. "And you! You knew this?! You could be the reason their family is tearing apart! Do you not care? You aren't just ruining Milah's life, but three lives! She, her husband and her son's!" She turns around and attempts to walk away when one of Killian's hands grabs Emma's shoulders and turns her around to face him.

His face is dark, pink covers his cheeks like he's been slapped, but it was worse. He was embarrassed. No woman embarrasses him and gets away with it. He leans towards Emma's face, his nose inches away from hers and he speaks low, she had to strain to hear him. "Let's talk outside, Emma." He then leads her outside to the side alley.

"I am a Pirate Emma. I've had many women over the years. It's just for fun. To relieve stress. She knew this. Everyone takes that risk when they sleep with someone else! I care for her. As a friend. That's it!" His face that was angry before now softens. "I don't want to rip someone away from their family. That's their choice. I was actually going to ask if you'd want to join my crew."

Emma stood there in shock. 'Me on a boat? For real?' Looking at him suspiciously she asks him, "Why?"

"Well for one, love, I think you'd make an awesome pirate."

Emma raised her eyebrow at that, she must have been hanging out with him too much. His mannerisms with the eyebrow are starting to stick with her. "That's it? You think I'll just make a good pirate? I gave up the thieving life, I don't need to start that again."

"No, not just because you'd make an excellent pirate. I can see in your eyes you're a wanderer. You're getting sick of this place already. Our lives are made up for traveling, and I can see you want to travel." He looked at her with a smug grin and leaned in a bit, his eyes piercing Emma's gaze, "As for your old life. We aren't just a bunch of thieves. We go searching for treasure. We look out for each other. You don't even have to do any pirating, you can just enjoy the ride."

Emma scoffed at the innuendo and pushed him away from her, then thought it over. She is getting a bit restless, and the adventures do sound amazing. "I have a deal with you. I'll travel with you for two months. If I don't like it, you bring me back here and I resume my life, away from you and the pirating."

Killian wore a brilliant smile and nodded saying, "Yes. Deal." Then took Emma's hand and kissed it while looking up at her.

She just rolled her eyes at that and pulled her hand away, "So, this is really happening. Really? No Joke?

Killian puts his arm around her shoulders in a friendly gesture and replies back, "Really. No joke." A smile graces his handsome face. "Just to reinforce what I told you before love, I think you'd make an excellent Pirate, lass."

"So, when do we leave?" Her excitement is slowly bubbling, and starting to overflow, this dream she's been having has been great, she almost doesn't want to wake up.

"Tomorrow." They then smile and go their separate ways.

After they both leave a form moves out of a darkened shadow, then leaves in another direction.

That night Emma walks into her last night working and sees Milah there again. 'Of course' She thinks bitterly to herself. She can't stand her. She wouldn't have any problems with the woman if she had just fixed her family life instead of being at the tavern so much.

This night it's jammed packed, order after order, Emma didn't really get a chance to relax. She scanned the bar and noticed Milah and Killian's group are all laughing together. A lot of the people that were regulars, and the non frequenters showed up, it was almost like the little town knows it's Emma's last night with them. She was friendly to them all, but wasn't really close to them either, but she's grown on the villagers since she's been there. Well, the villagers that she sees in the tavern.

She's talking to her boss, Levi, at the bar when she sees a man she's never seen before walk in with a limp and a cane. He looks around nervously until his eyes stop at the table Killian is at. She doesn't know what's said, because of the volume of the tavern, but whatever this stranger says, he and Milah are the ones engaged in the conversation. Killian says something and the whole table laughs. Until a boy enters and Milah up and leaves with him and the stranger.

'Must be her family. Will she ever learn?' Emma thinks bitterly to herself. Then another table waves her over and her thoughts leave as she quickly gets back to work.

After Emma's shift is over she's outside leaning on the building. The outside cool air feels nice on her hot skin. She's happy. Happier than she's been. She knows tomorrow will bring even more joy. She gets to sail around the world with her friends, what more could she ask for? Looking up she sees a cluster of stars in the sky oddly in the shape of a star. She then feels a hard hit on the back of her head, and her world goes dark.

Rope. That's the first thing Emma feels when she comes out of her forced sleep. A moan escapes her and she lifts her head, eyesight blurry, trying to get into focus. There in front of her stands Milah, an evil smirk upon her face. "Ah. Glad to see you're awake." She then yanks Emma's hair, forcing her face to come inches towards Milah's face. "I don't know what Killian sees in you girl, but come tomorrow he won't remember a thing about you!"

"Whoa.. What? Why? What are you doing?" Emma struggles against the rope, and against her own hair that's betraying her.

Milah lets Emma's hair go and slaps her across the face. "That's for embarrassing me in front of all of my friends!" She then stabs Emma in the leg with a dagger, and smiles sinisterly when she hears Emma's screams. "I bought a potion. Which I gave my dear, dear Killian tonight. Making who ever his affections are for, redirect themselves onto the next person he sees. Me!"

Emma, who's getting a hold of her emotions, because she's been through worse than one stab wound, gasps out, "You're sick! You fucking bitch."

Milah then punches Emma in the face, making her head snap to the side. "You don't know anything yet, whore!" She then slices Emma's face, and then beats her prisoner until she's lying motionless on the ground. Stabbing her once more in the leg and leaving the knife there, she then starts to walk away. Her footsteps getting quieter the father she goes, leaving Emma there, laying on the cold sandy ground.

A tickling sensation brings Emma to consciousness. A groan escapes her. As her eyesight comes to, she notices she's back on a beach. Not the one in Oregon, but the one in her unnamed seaside town. The sound of the waves crashing near her, and then water flowing over her feet quickly jump start Emma's brain. She tries to jump up, then moans in pain. She notices her hands are still tied in front of her, the dagger still in her leg. Ignoring her aches and pains she reaches down and pulls the dagger out of her leg, then cuts her binds.

She manages to wobble onto the docks leaning on a piece of driftwood she found. Limping closer to the lone ship near the docks, she watches in agony Killian mocking the stranger from last night, trying to get him to duel to win his wife back. The man didn't have a chance, left. Emma sadly watches Killian's ship leaving the docks. She tries to get Killian's attention and waves at his ship, but his gaze never landed on her.

Emma, seeing the closest person she got to know, leaving like a jackass, and not the man he claimed had "Good Form" cries. She cries because of her stupidity for letting herself fall for another jerk. Even though he wormed his way into her heart. She was slowly letting him into her closed off world and then he goes and does that! She thought that she was going to be alone forever again, and here she goes, losing the closest person she let in. The world, not even in her dreams can give her a break.

Her eyes are closed and she hears a soft accented voice near her speak. "Are... Are you okay miss?"

Emma looks up startled, noticing the stranger from earlier looking at her with concern. "You're injured, do you need help?"

She sniffles, then gets a hold of herself, steels her voice and answers truthfully. "Yes. If it's not too much trouble?"

"No of course not. Come. Follow me." The two of them then limp towards his house. She thought the silence would be slightly awkward since neither knew each other, instead it was oddly comfortable.

When they managed to get inside his house, a small boy's voice sounded through the silence. "Did you get mother?"

The stranger then nods his head, "No, she's dead."

Emma who knew the truth, didn't reveal it. This was a painful thing. Neither of these two souls knew what had happened to Milah. She wouldn't make it worse for either of them. The stranger then turns towards Emma and his hand points towards a bench in the corner. "Please, sit. Let me tend to your wounds miss." He turns around and gets the few meager supplies that he has, then turns around, seeing Emma sitting down. "What's your name?"

Emma, not wanting to give out her first name now. After all, that new life she had is over, and it's too painful. The desire to start all over again. She can't go back to that tavern now. Too many painful memories. "Swan." She answers. "You may call me Swan."

She looks up to the stranger that Milah talked so much about. The 'Coward' she was so embarrassed about, of being his family. He was kind, helped her out. She then made the decision. She would help this man out. Be there for him and his son. Be a friend to them, because she knows how it is to feel alone in this world.

As the stranger and his son helped dress her wounds, a few moments later he finally spoke again."My son's name is Baelfire. He's five, and will be turning six in a few days." Pausing to add pressure on a knife wound, and trying to distract Swan from the pain he kept talking. "You may call me Rumpelstiltskin."

AN: This is going to be my first multi-chapter OUAT story. I will try and update when I can, but it won't be scheduled updates. If you can, please R&R. This is a fun thing that I'm doing when I get the chance to. I hope you'll enjoy this! :)