I'm in the process of writing a Werewolf fic for Theron Mahariel, a prequel, so to say, to this fic. I got a wee bit stuck on that one and started this. Truthfully I wanted to do this fic with Garrett Hawke, but I got a little writer blocked and I wasn't feeling the Slash, so I decided to write this fic with Marian Hawke instead, so that it would be easier for me to write, and thus easier to read that way.

So enjoy, and I hope it turned out better this way. :D This fic started out FenrisXHawke, but really there isn't much of that pair in the fic, so it's actually a HawkeXCentric, which means Hawke and a little bit of everyone. :D If you still want to read the fic carry on! Drop me a review at the end telling me how you liked, or disliked, the first chapter!

This is loosely related to my Theron Mahariel Werewolf fic, called: ' Tainted' .I'll have it finished and posted for you to read later, but this continues on that one, this can be read alone so no worries. :D


Disclaimer: Don't own Dragon age, but I wish DA3 would come out already!

Blood of the Beast

Chapter one: The Fallen

Their journey helping out the elf/Tal-Vashoth, Tallis, had ended on good terms. Fenris, Hawke, and Varric were on their way back to Kirkwall after the whole job was good and done. Unfortunately, they were delayed their return when they were ambushed by five Werewolves blocking the path.

" Of all the blighted stories not to believe." Varric cursed as they were attacked, they went on the defense quickly.

Hawke had only come across stories of Werewolves, upon hearing of them from History and the Hero of Ferelden's tale, they'd even across a Ex-Werewolf on the Wounded Coast. However, she'd never actually seen a Werewolf before now. The stories didn't do them justice.

All Hawke needed to know about them was how to kill them, that and they could not be reasoned with, at least ones who weren't under a Dalish keepers spell anyway.

Fenris managed to keep most of them off her and Varric, but there were only three of them, they were lacking a forth, and Fenris couldn't keep them all away from both her and Varric at the same time, so the expected outcome was that one of the Werewolves would of course get past and get up close and personal with either her or Varric, the long distance fighters.

Hawke would, of course, be the one who was ambushed by a sixth Werewolf, a Shadow wolf who had appeared behind her unexpectedly. She didn't even get time to defend herself, or realize he was there, until it was much too late.

She couldn't even piece together the full picture of the attack, one moment she was throwing a fireball at a Werewolf who had got past Fenris and was about to leap onto Varric, when she felt a searing heat dig into her back, then a sudden pressure and more molten heat at her shoulder. She could see Varric's shocked face and his mouth moving, it looked like he was crying out her name, but she fell and knew nothing else.

She just had to pray that Fenris and Varric could take the rest by themselves, or else Varric's tale would end without an ending at all.


Hawke woke to Anders magic warming her shoulder and his smooth voice cursing up a storm in her ear. Hawke could vaguely hear Varric explaining to the others, no doubt what was going on, but it was so muffled she couldn't hear exactly what he was saying. He was probably outside the room she was in. Which was obviously her bedroom, she could feel the familiar sheets under her fingers.

" Good to know Mahariel taught you how to curse so well." Marian Hawke joked, well she tried at least. Her voice sounded pinched and rough, strained with pain. She forced open her lyrium blue eyes to see Anders kneeling next to her... in only his pants. She choked slightly in alarm at his state of undress.

" The Circle taught me how to curse, not the Commander, but he did teach me some good ones." Anders replied, the tightness in his shoulders loosened somewhat at her joking. Which made her realize she must have fell in battle again. Really, she was having trouble recalling what exactly happened. At least she woke. She was still waiting on the day she would fall and not get back up. She was sure all her companions, and friends, were waiting on that day as well.

" Well...I finally get you out of your clothes. This isn't exactly how I envisioned it." She squeezed out a little breathless from whatever he was doing with her shoulder. It felt like he was sticking a hot poker in her flesh and wiggling it around. Her back felt much the same, like the entire thing was being pressed into fiery coals.

Anders made an alarmed sound, almost like he choked and gasped at the same time, at her comment. He met her eyes. Those amber orbs were concerned, which she saw often when she looked at him, because when she was looking into his eyes was mostly when she was injured. However this time, there was a touch of panic as well, which worried her.

" I had to take them off, my robes were covered in your blood." He explained with furrowed brows. That explained how weak she felt, blood loss tended to do that.

" Well, I get a good view while I'm injured at least." She muttered. Anders lips twitched into a smile of slight pleasure and slight amusement at her words.

" So...what happened?" She asked looking at his bare chest as he probed her shoulder some more. The probing of her wound made her nauseous, which was why she was glad for the distraction of him being mostly naked, Isabela would be proud.

" You were seriously wounded Hawke." Anders said with a tight frown.

" You were attacked from behind by a Werewolf." Fenris commented. Hawke jerked in surprise then let out a long string of foul curses in agony at doing so. She tempted to turn her head to find him in the room, but the injured muscles in her neck, shoulder, even her back, protested and with a sharp stab of pain and a blinding light, she blacked out again.


Hawke woke again with Anders still at her side, bandaging her back and whatever wound was there. She was being held into a sitting position this time. Fenris' arm was across her chest holding her upright and still as Anders wrapped her wounds. She blinked away the remaining fuzzy darkness from passing out once more to see Fenris' face only a breath away from hers, and those moss green eyes a tilt away from her own. Her breath caught in surprise and Fenris' eyes came to hers immediately.

" She's awake again." He said to Anders with a frown. Anders sighed in her ear blowing hot air across her jaw and ruffling her hair. He sealed the bandage into place and they lowered her gently back toward the bed.

" You know...I had a fantasy like this once." She commented casually. Her voice was still rough from pain, and it was still being squeezed out strangely, but other then that it was better. Of course she was trying hard to hide how much her injuries really hurt. More so with laying on them. They couldn't put her on her stomach for Maker's sake?

" Is now really the time Hawke?" Fenris asked giving her that usual incredulous look. Anders just looked amused at her words. He peered into her eyes then shook his head.

" Thankfully you don't have a concussion, despite the rock your skull came in contact with when you fell, but try not to move regardless. I don't want you to pass out anymore." He warned. She smiled slightly, her usual crooked smirk.

" Stay in view and I won't have a reason to move." She teased. He rolled his eyes at her, but his lips twitched in pleasure at her flirting. Fenris snorted. She cast her eyes to him a little apologetically for flirting with Anders with him in the room.

" The creature took a bite out of your shoulder Hawke, and clawed your back." Fenris said kneeling at her side so she didn't have to turn and look for him again. Her brows drew together as she tried to remember what happened to lead up to her fall in battle. She sucked in a sharp breath in alarm when she recalled it all in a flash of memory. She reached out and grabbed his arm and raked her eyes over him in worry.

" He and Varric only sustained small wounds, they're healed and damned lucky too." Anders reassured bluntly, he didn't like her concern about Fenris, or maybe Anders was just angry she took all the damage and he didn't. She dropped Fenris' arm quickly and put hers back on her lap, breathing out a sigh of relief.

" My magic isn't healing your wounds properly, for whatever reason, Hawke. I don't know why. I want you to stay in bed for the few days that it'll take for me to heal as much as I can." Anders said sternly. Hawke sighed heavily at that.

" Anders, I don't have time to stay bedridden." She complained, her voice was improving back to normal at least, though that didn't mean the pain was any less, actually it felt worse, the bandages were rubbing the wounds making them feel very raw.

" You'll make time or Merrill and I will cast a paralyzing spell on you and force you to lay there." Anders threatened. Hawke wrinkled her nose at him.

" Aveline, Donnic, and Varric are taking your more important jobs for the noble's. Isabela, the elf, and Merrill will be taking the rest, until you've healed." Hawke scowled at him, not at their productivity while she was hurt, but at the fact she couldn't do it herself.

" I'll be staying here until you do recover. Those wounds concern me. I'll need to keep checking them to make sure they don't fester." Hawke gave her fellow Mage a foul look and Anders smiled at her.

" And because the catty elf doesn't trust me not to smother you in your sleep, the priest is here to chant at you." Hawke made a face and cast her eyes to Fenris in a pleading way. However before it could work Sebastian walked in.

" Ah, my friend, you have looked better." His heavily accented voice commented softly, his crystal blue eyes showing his concern. Hawke sighed heavily and turned her eyes to Sebastian.

" Careful priest, that sounded almost like flirting." Hawke teased then grimaced as Anders took her distraction to do something to her shoulder. Her shoulder and back chose to start a strange pulse of scolding heat in tune to her heartbeat. She closed her eyes and broke out in a cold sweat.

" Does that hurt?" Anders asked about whatever he did to her shoulder, he put a hand to her forehead and when she opened her eyes she glared at him.

" No Anders, it feels like a walk in a field of daisy's, yes it hurts." She hissed in sarcasm. He rolled his eyes again.

" Drink this." Anders put something to her lips and she was forced to open her mouth and swallow whatever he forced down her throat. He poured it in faster then she could choke it back up in revulsion. She looked at him in horror.

" What did you just give me? Did you just give me that crystallized shit we found? You did didn't you? Oh Maker, I'll never be clean again." She groaned. Anders laughed, actually laughed at her.

" Don't worry Hawke that will make you feel better. I'll be back to check on you shortly." He said then left her. Sebastian took his place at her side. Whatever Anders gave her not only dulled the pain but made her vision blur as she looked to Sebastian and then toward Fenris.

" Don't let him give me something weird again..." She muttered reaching out, Sebastian took her hand she flung out and held it gently.

" Don't worry Hawke, We're here." Was the last thing she heard before she fell into a deep slumber.


A week later she was healed and trekking down the Coast with her companions to kill undead, shades, and demons.

" You sure you've made a full recovery Hawke? It's only been a week." Varric pointed out in clear concern as they tried to finish up their fight. Hawke snorted at the dwarf.

" I'm fine Varric." She commented grunting as she tossed a fireball at a skeleton a few feet away, her flames hit a skeleton, but not the one she was aiming at. She frowned in surprise then slapped the skeleton she missed with her staff and jumped away. She tossed a bolt of lightning out, it passed the skeleton not a foot away and flew into a rock, cracking it right down the middle. She stared at the cracked rock in disbelief. What in Makers name was wrong with her?

She never missed like this, her Magic was acting up in weird ways. Was she not fully healed? No that couldn't be it, her wounds were sealed, shiny pink scars now at her shoulder and four long claw marks down and across her back. Maybe she jumped back into work too quickly then? Her healed wounds did still pulse in heat continuously, even now. If she didn't know any better she would say they were infected, but Anders made sure they weren't he cleaned them almost obsessively while she was still healing.

Hawke tried a few more spells which ended up flying in undirected spurts, almost hitting Isabela and then Varric once or twice. She lit a tree on fire, cracked the same blighted rock again, and even burnt her own hands when her Magic failed to branch away from herself. After those failed attempts she gave up Magic and started hitting anything close with her staff and pushing the enemies toward Fenris who gave her a frown in confusion at her doing so. When the fight was finished she sat down on a patch of burnt sand and tried healing her hands.

She managed to dull the pain, but nothing else, the burns were still there and blistering. She frowned hard at her hands and looked up at her companions as they stood looking down at her in concern.

" You alright Hawke?" Varric asked clearly worried.

" This isn't going how I pictured it." She confessed with a tight frown.

" I can tell." Fenris said with a scowl.

" What's wrong with your magic Hawke, you almost clipped me and Varric." Isabela said touching the slightly discolored patch on her arm to show Hawke had clipped her with her lightning.

" I'm sorry Isabela. I...I don't know really." She admitted with a worried look.

" Well come on Hawke, let's get you back to Blondie to get those hands looked at." Varric said and pulled her up by her arm, it pulled on the new healed flesh of her shoulder and she hissed in pain.

" Hawke?" Fenris asked reaching out to steady her on her feet. She shook her head at the stab of pain in her shoulder. Perhaps she wasn't fully healed inside as she was the outside.

" I'm fine." She snapped and pulled away from their touch in irritation. She wanted to be healed already. She couldn't spend more time recovering.

" Can't have our fearless leader collapsing on us again. I'm sure Rivaini would grope you all the way back to Kirkwall, and Broody might even drop you off a cliff this time." Varric teased, though they both knew Fenris would never drop her. Fenris was her most loyal companion, once she had his friendship she had it for life, despite their rocky start, rocky relationship three years ago, and tense friendship now. Isabela would grope her though, that part was true.

" You have nothing to worry about. I'll be fine." Hawke grumbled annoyed. She didn't feel well all of a sudden, and it didn't have anything to do with her burned hands. The throbbing in her shoulder and back only intensified, and the burn got hotter searing her skin like an iron from the wounds out, radiating down her left arm and down over her spine.

" Right, well when we get you healed up, drinks are on Rivaini!" Varric said with a smile, obviously changing the subject seeing her irritation at their fussing.

" What? Why me?" Isabela complained as they started toward Kirkwall, Hawke taking up the rear and letting them lead the way back.

" Because you swindled us all out of our sovereigns last night." Fenris commented easily. Isabela clucked her tongue.

" It's too easy though." She commented with a cheeky smirk. Fenris snorted.


" How in Thedas did you do this?" Anders asked turning her hands in his and peering at the blistered flesh. She scowled at him as she sat on his cot in his clinic.

" I was trying to warm my hands in the fire and got too close, what do you think happened?" She growled. He smiled slightly at her sarcasm.

" Right, well I've never seen anyone short of a child burn themselves like this with a fire spell Hawke." He said and started healing her hands gently.

" Varric said you seemed to be having trouble with your magic." She glared at him hard.

" I was, my magic was uncontrolled at best. Not even when I was a child did this sort of thing happen. I don't understand what's happening. Is this because of my wounds?" She asked watching his blue healing magic knit her angry red and blackened flesh back to it's creamy smooth texture. Anders thought about that then when he finished let go of her hands. She rubbed them together. No trace of her spell mishap remained.

" I honestly don't know Hawke. Your wounds weren't healing properly either. Perhaps it has something to do with it, perhaps not." Anders confessed shrugging. She closed her eyes and sighed.

" Is anything else wrong, other then with your magic?" Anders asked curiously. She frowned debating whether on not to tell him about the heated pain pounding under the healed wounds.

" There is something..." She hesitated on how to explain. She locked eyes and made a weird hand gesture toward her shoulder and back.

" This heat, pulsing heat within the wounds, it started when I woke the first time after I fell in battle, but it's gotten worse. The heat is hotter, the pulsing stronger. It was in time with my heart at first, now it's a faster steady rhythm. Sharp pains stab deep with each beat and the heat feels like it radiates further through my body from the wounds." Anders brows furrowed and his face drew in worry and confusion.

" I...I've never heard of anything like that Hawke. It has to be something. I'll look through my books and see if I can find a cause. I just don't know what to do for you. My magic doesn't seem to help does it? This pulsing heat?" Hawke shook her head and Anders put his hand to his chin in thought, he even started pacing as he did.

" In the mean time try to not do too many jobs, or do ones that don't involve much fighting, you won't be much good if your magic is bound to hit one of your teammates or turn on you again." Anders said gently. She scowled, but understood what he was saying, she just didn't have to like it.

End chapter:

Well it's not a terribly long first chapter, but I had to stop here, sorry. I hope you enjoyed the first chapter at least! This fic is Rated M for a very good reason for later chapters, so be warned now!

Leave me a review telling me how you liked or disliked the first chapter! Hope I peaked your interest for more!

I'm taking a little liberty with the Werewolf thing since there isn't a whole lot known in the turning and all, then later with the behavior and instincts. I've kept the basics. The temper and all that Zathrian warned the Warden about, so hopefully you won't mind too much with that. :D The rest I'm winging to fit the story! :D I hope you like it!
