A/N: So I've decided to post drabbles, short stories and what-have-you's based around our favorite Firelord. I might stretch some of these into actual stories later but we'll see.

Suki had come barging into his office one day, a coy smile on her painted face as she practically shoved Zuko a page from a letter she had received.

"You have got to see this!" She gushed as Zuko recognized Sokka's terrible handwriting.

"Sokka got a dumpling named after him?" Zuko inquired curiously, his eyes skimming the written text. Suki rolled her eyes.

"No, the part after that!" She jabbed at the appropriate place in the letter. Zuko's eyes narrowed as he read the text.

"What's a... what is that? 'Zukonite'? Wha-? What is-? 'CraZuko'? 'Zukophile'? Is that my name?" Zuko asked confounded, snatching the letter from Suki's open hands. "That's my name! Why's my name in there?"

"That's what your groupies are going by." Suki grinned down at him, ecstatic about the news. "I think any of those work okay depending on how you read it, but I think 'Zukophile' works well with how they've written it, don't you?"

"Why are they...? How...? What?"Zuko sputtered, his eyes jumping between the warrior and the letter before him.

Fire Lord Cranky Pants has his picture EVERYWHERE out here! I mean, the rest of us have a good amount for sale at the market too (I bought you one of myself for you! I signed it and everything so you can show all those Fire Nation jerkwads what a real man looks like!), but they make make-up sets to match Zuko's scar! His scar! Earth Kingdom girls are CAH-RAY-ZEEEEEE!

"You can't be serious..." Zuko stated, dropping the letter on his desk. Suki simply smiled at the forlorn expression on Zuko's face. "Why would they do that?"

"Because you're a hero?" Suki supplied, picking up her letter and replacing it in with the other pages she held. "Because you helped take down a psycho princess and your equally demented father?"

"Aang took down Ozai and I got shot by lightning!" Zuko exclaimed, reclining in his seat in bemusement. "Aang and Katara did most of the work! I don't see anything about make up sets for airbenders or hair-loopie tutorials!"

"Sokka mentions those a few pages after." Suki replied as-a-matter-of-factly, waving the appropriate page at Zuko.

Zuko promptly began to bang his head against his desk.

The next day, the whole troupe of Kyoshi warriors had done their make up in tribute to the Fire Lord's scar.

"Looks pretty good, doesn't it?" Ty Lee asked, sporting her own Zukophile scar to the red faced Fire Lord. Zuko had promptly hidden himself away from the women, muttering the whole time about girls being crazy.