Kiyotaka Ishimaru was having a fairly decent day until Mondo Oowada ran into him, swore, shoved him to the side, and kept going.

No matter how late Oowada was for his next class, it did not excuse him for going that fast in the hallway, or for having such a complete disregard for others. Ishimaru pushed himself away from the wall and, straightening his uniform a bit, power-walked right after him. Oowada slowed down a little turning the corner, and that's when Ishimaru caught him.

He grabbed onto Oowada's arm, pulling him back. "What the hell-" Oowada started to say, and then he saw who it was. "Great. It's you."

"Me?" Ishimaru asked, a bit puzzled. But it didn't matter what Oowada thought of him, what did matter was that Oowada had been breaking rules. "You are not permitted to run in the halls."

"What? I wasn't running, that was just a fast walk! Fuck, you need to calm down," Oowada said, face twisting into a scowl. Ishimaru frowned, reaching for his booklet of detention slips. "Oh fuck no. You are not giving me one of those stupid-"

"I am," Ishimaru said, flipping it open. "One day, for two things that would have constituted a warning otherwise. One, for running in the halls. Two, for vulgarity in a school environment. Also, three, for having absolutely no regards for anyone's space but your own. Today after school. Unless you would prefer morning detention?"

"I would prefer you getting out of my fucking face!" Oowada yelled, grabbing onto Ishimaru's uniform and pulling him, coincidentally, up to his face. Ishimaru's frown deepened and grabbed onto Oowada's wrists.

"Then perhaps you should let me go!" he snapped. He moved his hand away from Oowada's to check the 'afterschool detention' box, ripped it out of his booklet, and held it out to Oowada. "If you do not show up, I will know, as a second copy will be made. Now set me down or face further punishment!"

Oowada scowled, shoved Ishimaru away from him, and ignored the detention slip. Ishimaru scowled and turned around, tugging his uniform down and seeing an unfortunate Kazuichi Souda speeding through the halls. He saw Ishimaru's face and froze.

"There is no running in the halls!" Ishimaru said, setting himself in front of Souda, who laughed nervously.

"Ah, yeah, so-"

"Detention after school today, thirty minutes," Ishimaru said, scribbling out a detention slip in little time. He tore the slip off and handed it to Souda, who stared at it, dumbfounded.

"Wha… but doesn't that make a warning?"

"Generally, yes. However, with the recent influx of students thinking that they may just run willy-nilly throughout the school building and simply get off with a warning is astonishing. Therefore, I have decided to be a bit less lenient in my punishments," Ishimaru said, turning and walking away, leaving Souda to stand there, staring at his detention slip like it was a particularly terrifying spider, or perhaps a disgusting slug.

Ishimaru paused to write the duplicate slips for his future reference – or whoever was doing detention today, he believed it to be him, but he would check, just in case – and stopped by the disciplinary office on his way to his next class. There were already a few others in there, Ikusaba must have found a few troublemakers as well. If he hadn't already been in danger of walking in just as the bell rung, he probably would have stayed to read them.

As it was, however, he just dropped off his slips and went to his next class, still a bit irritated. He would generally try to not let one classmate distract him, but there was something about Mondo Oowada that angered him.

Actually, there were several things about Mondo Oowada that angered him, including but not limited to: the way he leaned back in his chair and put his feet on his desk, not even caring what was being taught, the tendency he had to start fights, his vocabulary (or lack thereof), his motorcycle, his hair, his constantly messy appearance... Mondo Oowada was a delinquent, through and through, and Ishimaru did not care to associate with someone like that.

As he had thought, he was in charge of detention. He send Mukuro Ikusaba out to collect the ones that had decided to skip out – Mondo Oowada being one of them, of course – and watched.

Souda was sitting in the back row, back corner next to the window, fiddling with something. Ishimaru wasn't sure what it was. He would have to go over there and see if Souda was playing with something that was prohibited by the school rules – or, at the very least, the rules of detention – or just messing around with his hands, which also could be likely. Souda was quite fidgety sometimes.

Akane Owari was scowling, sprawled out in a chair near the middle of the room. When she had first come in, she'd laid herself across several chairs, and Ishimaru had had to tell her that it was one desk per student.

Mukuro Ikusaba came back then, holding Leon Kuwata by the collar of his shirt and tugging Mondo Oowada by his wrist. "I have them," she said. Ishimaru nodded to her.

"Thank you," he said. "You are free to leave for the evening. Remember, you have detention duty on Thursday."

She nodded back to him and turned, shutting the door behind her. Oowada scowled and stomped to the back, glaring at Souda, who jumped, dropped whatever he was messing with, and moved. Oowada took his seat, swinging his feet up on the desk. Kuwata, after what looked like extreme consideration, sat next to him.

Ishimaru immediately marched back and pushed Oowada's feet off of the desk. "Have some respect," he snapped, turning and walking back to the front.

At exactly the moment he turned around again, Oowada put his feet back on the desk.

Ishimaru walked right back, pushed the feet back to the floor and walked back to the front of the room.

Oowada's feet were on the desk again.

Ishimaru walked back and put them to the floor again.

Oowada's feet were, once again, on the desk.

Ishimaru's tolerance level was lowering by the second. This time, when he marched back there, he pushed the feet off of the desk and stood beside Oowada, glaring at him the entire time. If he had to babysit Oowada, so be it. But he would not let him get away with breaking another rule.

After about half an hour had passed, someone tapped on his arm.

"What?" Ishimaru snapped, whirling around to face Souda, who looked startled.

"I, ah, my times up, ya see," he said. Ishimaru looked at the clock.

"So it is. Feel free to leave. Do not run in the halls," he said, and Souda left, grateful. Ishimaru turned back to Oowada, half expecting his feet to be on the desk. But no, they weren't. Oowada was simply looking out the window. He looked more peaceful than he had any other time Ishimaru had ever seen him.

After another ten minutes, Ishimaru let Owari go. And then Kuwata.

Then it was just him and Oowada, Ishimaru standing with his arms at his side, watching Oowada, who was completely uninterested in him.

That is, until they'd been there for approximately an hour and a half. "How long do I have to be in here?" he asked.

"You would know that, had you taken your detention slip," Ishimaru said. Oowada stood up and headed for the front of the room. Ishimaru, thinking that he was just heading to leave – which was fine, he had not specified a time for Oowada's detention, he had simply forgotten and then, upon the time of the detention itself, he had decided that he would simply keep Oowada until Oowada asked to leave.

Then Oowada started pawing through detention slips, and Ishimaru could not have that.

"You are not allowed to touch those," he said, striding forward and grabbing onto Oowada's arm, pulling him back. Oowada jerked his elbow back and caught Ishimaru in the face. Ishimaru stumbled back a few paces, catching blood dripping from his mouth with his hands so that it would not stain his uniform. Before he could stop Oowada from finding his detention slip, the delinquent did.

"Unspecified? It's fucking unspecified. I could have left whenever I goddam wanted, and you kept me here for a fucking hour and a half," Oowada said, turning on Ishimaru, who scowled.

"I kept you until you asked to leave," Ishimaru said. "You did not ask to leave for an hour and a half."

"I swear to God I'm going to kill you-"

"And receive another detention?" Ishimaru asked. Oowada took a step closer to him. "I can specify a time, you know. Such as with a different classmate, who did, actually, take their detention slip when I gave it to them."

Oowada scowled and threw a punch for Ishimaru's face.

Ishimaru ducked.

Oowada grabbed onto the collar of his shirt and Ishimaru twisted out of it, making for the door maybe a bit faster than he would have otherwise. He half expected Oowada to start calling things such as 'watch your back' or 'I'll come for you' or something such as that, but Oowada simply fumed and did nothing else.

It was a good thing, really. Ishimaru would already have quite the bruise on his face by tomorrow.

Okay, so I know this has sort of been done to death, but I sort of wanted to try it out, because Ishimaru is definitely my favorite character and I wanted to write a multichaptered Dangan Ronpa fanfiction, so, here we are. Your average 'Ishimondo non-despair AU how the hell is this person going to make them friends without going the overdone route' fic. But it's going to be a lot of fun, and eventually a lot of fluff, too, so. Yeah.

There's that.

also you'll totally be able to tell which other character i'm infatuated with a little by who's being used as a secondary character most often yeah