Author's Note:

OH MY GOD! I FINISHED IT!!! 'NEVER DOUBT THE HEART OF A YAMI' IS FINALLY COMPLETE!!! But is it really over? Is that it? Bakura's dead and Yami Bakura will spend the rest of his miserable life in agony over Bakura's death? Well, I have one word for you. SEQUEL! That's right! There's a sequel to this fic and it is called, 'Yami Bakura's Dark Past'. So if you like Yami Bakura and want to know how and why he lost his heart (well, my version of it anyways) then you can read the sequel. Also, Bakura plays a key role in it at the end so you haven't seen the last of that cute little bishounen.

On another note, I beg for your forgiveness for taking so long to complete this fic. It's been hectic for me with school, and friends, and other fics, and writer's block, and every other possible thing you can imagine. Not to mention I am lazy. But I promise to try harder. I just hope it isn't too late and I didn't loose of my wonderful fans because I love all of them soooooooo much!

Well, I hope you had as fun reading this fic as I had writing it, maybe even more so. (Yes, I really liked writing this fic. 'Twas fun, even if it did get a little rough along the way.)

I want to thank all of my fans and friends who supported me through this fic. We've come a long way, and I can't actually believe that it's over now. But hey, a new journey's about to begin, the writing of the sequel, and the whole thing's gonna start all over. Oh boy. Well, I'm sure I'll have just as much fun, yay!

My last request, and the request I've been requesting all along is that if you liked my fics and think you know someone else who would enjoy them as well to recommend my fics to them because I LOVE reviews.

Well, I guess this is it. I'm just wasting your time now. So I shall say my goodbyes.

All of you who stuck with me, I LOVE YOU! Best wishes for all. GOOOOOOOOOODBYE!

With lots of love and happiness for all,

*~*~*Bishie Babe*~*~*