Just Keep Trying

A:N:Disclaimer: I do not own Rookie blue I only own the story I am writing

A:N: 2: Merry Christmas everyone! it's Christmas eve here, though I think it's not for most of you guys. here is my present for you guys, a fluffy Sam and Andy and their family chapter. It will take place two years from the last chapter, so Aiden is 7 and Lilly is 5 (hopefully that is right). I hope you all enjoy this chapter.

chapter 15

Two years later- Sam and Andy's place late Monday afternoon.

Sam closed the front door of his house quietly, knowing that

Andy would be trying to keep the kids quiet. Sam smiled softly when he heard his youngest daughter, Cassidy- Louise, who was just three months old, start to cry.

Sam rolled his eyes when he's eyes drifted to the lounge room, where Lilly-Rose was watching TV and then he looked at the dining room, where Aiden was sitting down with books on the table, trying to concertante.

"Lilly, the TV is too loud, I can't hear myself think", Aiden yelled to his sister.

Lilly turned around and looked over at her brother , then spotted Sam and got up straight away and ran over to her dad.

Sam smiled and bent down and picked up Lilly and hugged her and spun her around.

"Daddy, stop", Lilly said to her dad, causing Sam to grin and put his daughter down slowly.

Lilly took Sam's hand and pulled him all the way into the kitchen and pointed to the picture on the fridge. Sam smiled at the picture and took it off the fridge and put it on the kitchen bench and picked up Lilly and put her on the bench next to the picture.

"See daddy, I'm a big girl now, I can hold Cassidy ", Lilly said to her dad, looking at her dad with the saddest look on her face.

Sam shook his head and bent down and kissed his daughters cheek.

Sam knew Lilly was excited on having a younger sister, and yes she was now five years old, but Sam and Andy wanted Cassidy to be a b it older before Lilly or Aiden picked her up.

"Cassidy just needs to be a little bit bigger then you can pick her up sweetie", Sam mumbled to his daughter and picked her up hugged her and put her down and shook his head watching her run back to the lounge room to watch TV again.

Sam got a drink out of the fridge and made his way over to Aiden, who wasn't really doing his homework, he was just sitting down and picking up his pencil and throwing it on the table.

Sam sat next to Aiden and took his homework book and took a look at what Aiden was meant to do.

"Dad, this is boring, can I go and play?", Aiden asked his dad with hopeful eyes.

Sam rolled his eyes and move the chair closer to his son.

Sam saw that Aiden had done all of the homework that was needed to be done on his home work book.

"Go and get your reading book", Sam said to Aiden, who just slumped off his chair and made his way to his school bag.

"Lilly time to stop watching TV and go and pick what you want to wear to bed and your bedtime story for tonight", Sam said to his daughter.

straight away, Lilly turned off the TV and made her way to her bedroom.

As Aiden finished the two pages of the book he was reading, Andy came downstairs with Cassidy in her arms.

Sam got up and went over to Andy and took Cassidy off her and kissed Andy softly on the lips.

"Aiden time to pack up your homework and get ready for dinner please", Andy said to her son.

Aiden did what he was told and went and put his school bag in his bedroom.

Sam put Cassidy in her port a cot in the lounge room and went to help Andy sort out dinner.

"Fish and salad?', Andy asked Sam and Sam smiled and nodded his head at his wife.

"Daddy, all my clothes fell down", Lilly yelled from the stairs.

Sam rolled his eyes kissed Andy one more time and made his way to where Lilly was waiting for him.

After they fixed the clothes up in Lilly's room, Sam noticed that Lilly was looking really upset so he stopped what he was doing and picked up Lilly and put her down on her bed and crouched down to her level.

when Lilly wouldn't look at him, Sam lifted up her head and noticed she was crying.

"Hey, what's going on Lilly?", Sam asked his daughter softly while wiping tears away from her face still.

Lilly looked up at Sam with the saddest face he'd seen her with and it almost broke his heart.

"Toby said, that now Cassidy is growing up, you guys will forget about me and Aiden, and will want us to different families", Lilly said to Sam and started crying again.

Sam closed his eyes let out a breath and got up and sat down on Lilly's bed and brought Lilly to him and hugged her tightly.

once Lilly had stopped crying, Sam picked her up and put her on his lap.

"Lilly-Rose Sweark, I want you to listen to me, so put your listening ears on", Sam said to his daughter and laughed when she actually did what she was told too.

"you and your brother are going to stay with mummy Cassidy and I for a very long time, we are not going to want to give you away to another family, I promise", Sam said to his daughter, who was nodding her head .

Sam smiled when he saw his daughter's smile again.

"Next time Toby say's something like that, you tell him that your daddy told you that's not going to happen", Sam said to Lilly who nodded her head and hugged her dad.

Sam let out a breath and kissed his daughters head.

"come on you, it's dinner time", Sam said as he took his daughters hands and they made their way downstairs to have dinner.

once dinner was done, and Aiden and Lilly were in bed, Sam took Boo for a walk.

when he came back, Sam smiled at the sight in front of him.

Andy was asleep on the couch, with Cassidy in her arms.

Cassidy wasn't asleep though , and Sam looked at the time and realised it was time for a feed for her.

so he made his way over to the couch and took Cassidy into the kitchen and made her a bottle and fed her.

Sam burped Cassidy changed her into her PJ's and put her to bed.

when he made his way into the bedroom, he smiled at Andy sound asleep in bed.

he went and had a short shower and joined his wife in bed.

A:N:3 I hope you all enjoy this chapter, I am very close to finishing this story. next up; what happens when a tragedy hit's Andy. How is Oliver going? something's up with Gail..what's going on?