Alternate Ending and Epilogue.

W/M: so this takes place in Chapter 42, instead of Clary watching them on TV. You'll see why I chose the other ending.

Alec blinked as he emerged from the tube, the sudden light was blinding. He looked towards Magnus and smiled, his heart was beating fast and his nerves twisted his stomach but he was with the people he loved and they could take anything.

"And finally we had The Warlock's Team. Represented by Magnus Bane with his Shadowhunters Alexander, Isabelle and Jace Lightwood." The crowd roared as Kaelie approached them, she was smiling but it was quite false. "Now we just have some questions to ask, we'll start with Alec…"

Alec answered, "Okay."

"How did you feel about the whole competition then, Alec?" Kaelie asked.

"It was… different." Alec replied, "Of course I'm not happy why we were sent or about the possible outcomes but I feel like we've all grown closer than before because of it. And, that maybe I've found who I want to be."

"Well, at least something good came from your experience." Kaelie smiled, "We have a question for Isabelle, how well do you think, as a team, you've done?"

"Pretty damn well actually. I think we tackled the rounds a different way to normal and it worked. But, I'm pretty sure we're not going to win." Izzy said with a small smile.

"Why is that?"

"Because the Council don't like things or people that are different." Her tone was bitter and her eyes full of anger.

Kaelie nodded and they shared a look before the faerie moved over to Jace, "Jace, if you get to go back home do you have someone waiting for you?"

"Yes, actually. I have the most beautiful girl waiting for me." Jace smiled.

"Aw, care to elaborate?"

"Well, I won't name names because she knows who she is but she's just amazing. She's funny and arty, she brightens every room and I've really missed her, so I vowed when I go back home I'd tell her I love her."

"She sounds brilliant." Kaelie smiled.

"She is."

"Now, Magnus." Kaelie moved over to Magnus after a moment of silence, "We have to ask you, are you proud of your team?"

"I am. They were all very brave and they've taught me a lot. When I first hired them a few months ago, I thought they would aggravate me but over these past few weeks we've become a close little family, I couldn't live without them. I've realised how much I need them in my basic everyday life and I really appreciate them all, even Mr arrogant over there at the end." Magnus answered

"Ha-ha." Jace said sarcastically.

"Aw, anything any of you want to say?" Kaelie asked. They stood for a moment, thinking before Alec spoke up.

"Yes, actually." Alec said, "Well, it's not so much say but whilst I have your attention, I see no harm in it." With a confidence he didn't know he had he jumped off his stand and stepped up onto Magnus', then he kissed the warlock full on the mouth. Magnus kissed back after a moment of surprise, they held each other tightly. Izzy and Jace started clapping. When Alec pulled back from the kiss he was grinning at Magnus and Magnus was smiling back, they didn't bother to hide their love and instead of standing on two separate stands, they stood on one with their hands interlocked.

Magnus took the moment of shock to say, "I'm in love with you, Alec."

Alec grinned as he whispered back, "I love you, Magnus, I will always love you."

The crowd erupted into noise. Kaelie was shouting out to others, the contestants were unsure and the others working on cameras were all pointing their cameras on Magnus and Alec.

A loud explosion rang out and people screamed. The crowds were trying to escape and were crashing into each other, screaming. A swarm of people dressed as guards hurried onto the stage, they shouted orders in the chaos and some of them started shoving Alec and his team towards the exits. They had gotten off the stage and were being pushed through backstage, down some corridors. More explosions rang out.

Izzy started screaming and thrashing so one of the guards grabbed her which made her fight more. The guards grabbed the other team members in case they tried to copy Izzy. Isabelle suddenly elbowed the guard holding her in the face, the guard released their grip on her and she took the advantage to duck under the guards arm and to run back through the corridors and away from the rest of them.

More explosions rang out, Alec felt fear run through him, "Let me get her!" The guard holding him shook their head, Alec looked into their eyes, "Let me get her! She could die!"

The guard hesitated and that was all Alec needed, her jabbed them in the stomach with his elbow and ran away from the guard. He saw Magnus' panicked face but had no time to stop, he needed to get his sister. He hurried along the halls, not really knowing where he was going, he burst back into the backstage. He saw his sister as she fell to the ground, a deafening explosion ringing out. Alec rushed over.

Izzy's face was streaked with tears, her face were scrunched up in pain from her fall.

"What were you thinking? You could've gotten killed." Alec shouted.

"I wasn't." Izzy sobbed. Alec scooped her up into his arms, making sure he had a hold on her, he stood up.

"This is going to hurt." Alec apologised.

He started running back the way he came, Izzy clung onto him tightly. More explosions rang out, getting more frequent and louder as Alec ran. He hurried through the corridors, bits of ceiling and rubble falling around them, the dust in the air made it hard to breath but Alec kept running. He had no idea where the other had gone but he ran anyway.

He breathing hard and Izzy was crying. He slowed to a walk. He thought it was hopeless that he'd never get out when he heard his name being called between the explosions and falling rubble.

"ALEC!" Was that Jace?

"WHERE ARE YOU?" Definitely Magnus.

"HERE!" Alec shouted. He coughed, and moved against one of the walls. Bits of ceiling fell around him as he heard footsteps approach, Magnus and Jace stopped as they saw him.

"Do you want me to take Iz?" Jace asked.

"No time." Alec replied. "How did you get away?"

"We fought." Jace answered. A chunk of ceiling fell right in front of Jace. "Let's go before we're crushed."

They hurried back the way Magnus and Jace had come, twisting through the corridors. Alec started lagging behind, he followed though, he was panting and coughing through the thick dust, he barely dodged the falling debris. The explosions had gotten quieter and as they rounded the corner, they saw an exit up ahead.

Jace and Magnus ran ahead, Alec was almost walking. Izzy was still clinging to his neck, Alec looked forward and saw Magnus had reached the door, the outside was a few feet away. Jace was rushing back to Alec, taking Izzy into his arms. Jace hurried on, Alec stumbling behind him.

There was a single loud explosion, nearer than any of the others. Alec was knocked to the floor, he felt a heavy weight on his back, left arm and legs, he was pinned under whatever had fallen. He moved his head towards his family, there was no sound that he could hear but he still saw their pain etched faces. Magnus was screaming, his face contorted into a mixture of emotions, he was struggling against Jace who looked like he was holding him back, Izzy was using the wall for support but on her feet, staring in shock at Alec, tears pouring down her cheeks and Jace was shouting back at Magnus whilst trying to hold him still.

Alec blinked slowly and when he opened his eyes and his gaze met Magnus's his heart broke. The warlock's beautiful face was a picture of pure despair, his eyes were puffy and red, tears falling quickly, his face was blotchy from crying and his hair was messy from the dust in the air. But Alec still thought he was the most beautiful thing he had seen.

Magnus broke away from Jace and fell to Alec's side. He began trying to move things, then he realised it was useless and gave up, he ran his hands over Alec's hair and face. His tears fell onto Alec's head, he was saying things Alec couldn't hear but the dying boy saw the love in his eyes, he was not unhappy. Of course, he did not want to leave his love yet but at least he knew he was loved. He reached a hand up to Magnus' face and wiped the tears away, then he pulled the dog tags from around his next and placed them in Magnus' hand.

He used his last strength to say: "I love you."

Epilogue – 10 years later.

The dark haired teenager followed as the tall man hurried through the park. The man had a purple trench coat wrapped around him tightly, his head was ducked and he kept to himself, he increased his pace, his long legs lengthening his strides. The teenager hurried after him.

They slowed as they approached the iron gate marking the cemetery, the man walked slower than before, he kept his head up but still walked with what seemed like a chip on his shoulder. The boy knew where the man was going. Knew the exact path he would take, it was the same on every month for the last ten years.

The man walked up the small hill in the graveyard, he went to the very back of the cemetery before standing in front of a grave. The boy following him knew it would be here the man stopped, he knew what was etched into the stone of the headstone. The man fell to his knees in front if the grave, the boy sat next to him.

"Oh Gods Alec." The man gasped as he stared at the stone. "Ten years. Ten long years without you." The man's green eyes filled with tears, the green and gold grew watery and a tear fell down his angled cheek, the boy fought the urge to brush it away. He could try to brush it away but it would never work, he would never touch this man again and it killed him a little, too late, he thought, I'm already dead.

The man continued, "A lot has changed my dear, Shadowhunters have equal rights, places on the council and they no longer serve us. More and more Shadowhunter and Downworlder relationships are taking off. Things are changing so much and so fast, I just wish you could see what you died for.

"Isabelle got engaged to that vampire. Jace gave him the older-brother-speech on your behalf and I backed him up. She seems happy though, she's enjoying life as a Shadowhunter now that your kind can fight demons again, of course she's not doing much of that at the minute, she's helping teach younger Shadowhunters how to kill demons along with Clary and Jace – they're all enjoying it. Clary and Jace are also engaged, Maia and Jordan got together, as did my friends Cat and Ragnor. But, I haven't found anyone. I haven't wanted anyone but you."

The warlock broke off in a sob and took a moment before he continued, "I miss you with every passing day. I miss your blush, your gorgeous smile, your elegant face, your laugh, the way you talk, your jokes, your caring nature, your love. I just miss you. What I wouldn't do for one last kiss, one last conversation. I love you Alec, I know I need to move on but I can't. No one else fits me like you do. Did. See, love, it's been ten years and I'm still not talking about you like you've gone to the shops not to wherever. Let's face it: I'm a mess without you."

The boy couldn't stop himself as he reached out and took the Warlock's hand. He spoke though he knew the warlock wouldn't hear, "I'm a mess without you too."

"I love you Alec." The warlock sighed, "I'm still in love with you. I'll never forget you or what you did."

"I love you too Magnus." The boy replied. "I know you can't hear me when I say this but I'm saying it anyway. I love you Magnus Bane, never ever forget that."

Magnus continued to chatter away to the gravestone, telling it all that had happened. The boy stayed with him, enjoying the company even if Magnus could not see him. Magnus stood then, he read the words on the grave once again. Blew a kiss and then spoke:

"I have to go my darling, I'm meeting your sister." Magnus pressed his lips together as a tear fell, he reached up to touch the dog tags around his neck, the ones his lover had given him with his dying breaths and he repeated the last words his lover had ever said, "I love you."

Magnus stood for a minute before he turned and walked away slowly. The boy didn't follow. He stayed by the grave, watching the warlock walk away.

This is it, the boy thought, I'm finally letting you go, but remember I will always be yours. I will always be The Warlock's Servant and I will always love you. And with that the boy disappeared into the misty air.

W/M: You can see why I changed the end.Alec died in my original story. I just felt he had to sacrifice something for the revolution.

For the last time in this fic, what do you think?