Has it been two or three months already. I am so sorry it's not even funny. I totally forgot. God I am the worst. I'm so terrible. I suck. Ok OK ok I give. Please, do not hold back on sending me hate, I most likely deserve a ton of crap. But here we go. In case you forgot, Asher just threatened Mattie which practically scarred gil shitless.

WARNING- nudity and slight sexuality.

Mattie's pov

Gil pushed Mattie gently down onto the bed and before he could protest, already holding his hands above his head preventing him from moving.

"G-gil?" Mattie questioned as he gazed up at the albino who, in return, stared lustfully back down at him.

"Birdie..." Gil said before he pulled Mattie into a heated kiss. Mattie notes that Gil had really soft lips that seemed to draw him in even more. Mattie felt a tongue though his lips and he opened, accepting entrance. Gil expertly explored matties mouth making the blond under him squirm.

"G-gi- ah!" Mattie moaned slightly as he was being touched under his shirt. Gil just giggled and moved away from his mouth and went to his neck, soon finding his sweet spot and sucking on it, receiving a little moan from the blond. Gil carcassed his nipples and looked up to find that his little birdie was enjoying the pleasure.

Mattie's growing erection tightened against his pants and hurt a little at first, but it kept growing bigger with each of gils touches. With his face totally red now Mattie thought the question would be to embarrassing to ask because it was causing him too much pain.

"Gil? I- i really need you to unbutton my pants. It-it h-hurts, a lot." Mattie said while squeezing his eyes shut so he didn't have to face his embarrassment. But when he opened he found out that Gil went completely red too, and was now scrambling to take off his pants.

He soon unbuttoned them exposing his hardened member, covered only by his boxers. Gil reached down and rubbed his shorts creating a loud moan from Mattie, and causing him to arch his back and grip the bed sheets. "Gil! Sto- I don't think I can take it much longer. I- I think I'm going to c-aahh~!"

Mattie shot bolt straight in bed panting hard as he tried to catch his breath. His heart beat a million times an hour and he was pretty sure he was red all over. Mattie grabbed his hair and started taking large breaths of air. "Mattie!" He silently screamed to himself "what the hell just happened!" Oh God his first wet dream. Well this was a pleasant surprise because he felt as if his heart was about to explode. He furrowed his brows and threw his legs over the side of the bed. But what he saw made his gap. "well, now I know why they call them wet dreams." Mattie thought to himself.

He got up and changed his clothes and his sheets and picked up his phone. 1 New message. It was gil.

" how did you sleep last night?"

Mattie became a blushing mess as he slowly replied with a "good," and a "want to go out today." He was grateful that the Prussian liked him back, really. After hiding his feelings for him for so many years, he felt miserable every time he thought that Gil would never like him. He always gave him advice on relationships, but be secretly hated the bitches that broke gils heart. But now that he had figured out that Gil liked him, he had lost most self control with his thoughts. Everyday, and night, his mind would drift to gil. During school he had to control his squirming because of him.

Mattie flopped onto his bed and tugged at his sweater nervously.

"Gil should never, EVER, know about this." He thought to himself as he got up and walked out of his room. There, it was settled. He would never speak of this dream to him ever.

Oh no. But what if it slipped? would gil hate him for that? Mattie shook those thoughts away. Damn this was so confusing.

Gils pov

Gil woke up and noticed his blankets were removed and he was now body hugging them. What the hell, was this like a new thing for himself? He never did this before. "AH-CHOO !" nope, not getting a cold. Maybe someone was talking about him? He looked over to the clock squinting at those Damn numbers.

Mattie's pov

Mattie heard the doorbell ring. Knowing it was gil he ran down stairs.

"Who is it?" Mattie yelled halfway down the stairs.

"Uh, um, it's bir-birdie? Yeah. That's it." Mattie stopped in his tracks and furrowed his brow. Something is not right here. Gil would never call himself birdie, and he would never question himself like that. Gil always thought he was right, and if he wasn't right, well.. He still was. Plus this didn't sound like him at all. He walked over to the door and looked out to see someone he didn't know. Black hair swept to the side, bags under his eyes, dirty clothes, and a wicked smile made this boy up.

"Who is it?" Mattie asked again nervously. His palms were sweaty and He was getting nervous.

"Open the door and maybe you'll find out." The voice hissed. Mattie opened the door a crack and the boy looked over to him.

"Why, that wasn't so hard was it?" The boy said mischievously.

"Ok but who a-" Mattie was cut off by a rag over his mouth. He screamed and kicked but he began to feel weaker and weaker. But no. Mattie was smarter than that.

"Think Mattie! Think!" He thought, but then he had an idea. He stopped breathing and went limp closing his eyes slowly.

"Finally. Stupid bastard." The wicked figure said as he paced on his phone "pick up!" The boy said glaring at his kitchen. Mattie took this opportunity, while his back was turned, to grab the nearest thing ( a glass vase) and smash it on his attackers head. The man collapsed to the floor and Mattie let out a sigh sinking to the floor as well. His breathing was heavy and his heart was racing.

"Holy shit." He breathed. He was impressed with himself but still in shock on why someone would want to kidnap him. Just then the doorbell rang again. He looked through the peep hole to find gil waiting there. He swung the door open and embraced gil tightly, tears forming slowly in his eyes.

"Jeez birdie. I didn't know you'd be this scared because I was la-" Gil was cut off when he saw the man collapsed on the floor.

"Gil. It was terrible." Mattie said Burying his face into gils shirt.

"Mattie? Did you do this?" Gil went stiff. "Did he attack you?" Mattie looked up to see that Gil was staring down at the man in pure hatred and rage. Shit. please remind me to never get on gils bad side.

Gil looked at Mattie. "Looks like we'll have to question him, because I may have an idea of who sent him. By I don't think he'll talk so we may have to do things the German way..." Gil said a smile growing on his face. Mattie's eyes went wide at the statement. What was that supposed to mean?

"Gil?" Mattie said as he look to the albino who was already picking up the man

" 's okay Mattie. This won't take long"

Gil angrily put the man into the car after he duck taped his hands and legs together. Him and gil went into the car and started to drive. Mattie was clueless as to what "the German way" was nor did he want to know. But all he knew was that he was gonna find out soon.

Gils pov

Gil went to mattie's house to have breakfast and he found out that someone tried to attack him, but Mattie took him down. Gil could not express how Impressed he was when he heard that his cute little birdie took down that guy, but he was still furious. Oh ho! You definitely found the wrong person to mess with asshole. He knew west would agree to helping his teach this lil shit a lesson.

Prussia got out of the car, let Mattie out, then picked up the dirty man out of his car. He opened the door to his house and found his brother reading in the same place he left him.

"Yo, bruder. I'm back. Is mom home?" Ludwig didn't even look up.

"Moms gone. Welcome back."


"Yeah?" Ludwig replied still not looking up.

"Could you help me teach some ass a lesson?" This time his brother looked up, but still he was completely calm. The man was now awake and squirming to get away from the Prussian. But Gil held him firmly on his shoulder. He didn't know where Prussia got his strength but Damn was he strong.

"Bruder?" Ludwig questioned as he frowned and face palmed. "What happened this time?"

"He attacked Mattie at his own home but Mattie took him down. But that still doesn't clear my suspicion. I have a slight idea of who he's working for." He paused for a minute then went on "Ludwig, I think we have to give him a little idea of how we Germans work."

Ludwig's eyes went wide for a second then it turned into a devilish grin.

"I couldn't agree more." Ludwig said while he stared coldly at th man on his shoulder.

again I am so sorry for forgetting about this story. I really hate myself right now so I'm just gonna sulk. I love yall