Author: Thanks so much for the reviews! I really appreciate it!

Disclaimer: Don't own Naruto.

Sakura laid sprawled across her half-ass made bed as she stared at Ino through half lidded eyes. The blonde was currently sitting at the vanity in Sakura's room, applying eyeliner to her long lashes.

Ino paused when she caught emerald orbs gazing at her intently and she felt a faint blush spread across her cheeks. "You like what you see?"

Sakura smirked. "Of course I do and after what you just did to me in the bathroom I can't help but to stare at you."

Ino grinned "I told you I have skills."

"And you can continue to prove me wrong any day. "

The blonde giggled. "You are such a hornball."

The pinkette shrugged. "It's your fault."

Ino rolled her sky blue eyes, placing her eyeliner down when she finished applying it to her lashes. "You think your guests will be mad because of our little stunt?"

"More embarrassed than anything, besides they deserve it; look what those animals did to my door!"

Ino casted a glance to the wooden door that still lay on the floor, it was completely cracked down the middle from Deidara and Kisame crashing through it. The door was beyond repair and needed to be disposed of and replaced.

"You're definitely going to have to get a new door."

"They broke it and they're going to fix it." muttered the pinkette as she sat up and leaned against the headboard. "Have you decided on what to eat?"

Ino tapped her chin thoughtfully before turning in her seat to look at Sakura. "Well we can go to my favorite diner in town. They're food and coffee is amazing."

"Mmm. That sounds great." said Sakura as she stood from the bed. Ino followed her lead and stood as well, grabbing her purse and placing it on her shoulder. The duo stepped over the demolished door and made their way down the hallway.

All off the guys were lounging in different areas, with the Subaku siblings taking the couch. As if sensing their entrance, Temari turned in her seat and scowled at her little sister.

"You evil little bitch."

Sakura smirked. "I've learned from the best."

Temari scoffed as Kankuro and Gaara snickered. The sandy blonde eyed her sister as her blonde headed guest was blushing and finding the floor extremely interesting.

"So where are you two off too?"

"We're going to get something to eat."

"Oooh I'm hungry too!" yelled Kisame and Deidara.

"You're not invited!" snapped Sakura.

Kisame grabbed at his chest as if he had been wounded.

"So cold hearted."

"You two idiots broke my door!"

"I don't recall that." replied Kisame smugly.

Sakura's eye twitched. "Oh I definitely recall your's and Dei's fat asses barreling through my door!"

"I am not fat! I'm husky!" roared Kisame.

"Husky my ass! You're fat ass fuck!" yelled Hidan as he busted out laughing from his spot at the computer.

"Shut the hell up Hidan! Besides, weren't you unconscious you pansy?!" yelled Kisame.

"Oh yea! Who the fuck did that?!" yelled Hidan as he began to rub the huge knot in the back of his head.

Gaara turned up the volume of his mp3 player, Kankoru leaned against the armrest of the couch and pretended to snore and Deidara turned to his sister.

"Baby Sis! You're going to let her talk to me like that?" whined Deidara as he pointed at Sakura and pouted at Ino.

Ino rolled her eyes, placing her hands on her hips. "Did you not call me a hussy this morning or do I need to blacken your other eye to recall the memory?"

Deidara clamped his mouth shut and scampered off into the kitchen to hide behind Sasori as Sakura laughed at him.

Temari stood from the couch, snatching Gaara's headphones off his head and popping Kankoru upside the head before turning to Sakura. "So little sister, are you going to keep being rude or are you going to introduce us?"

Sakura scowled but did as her sister asked. "Everybody this is Ino." Ino raised her hand in a small wave as Sakura turned to her. "Ino this is my older sister Temari, my older brother Kankoru, my twin Gaara, the redhead in the kitchen is my cousin Sasori, of course you know Dei, the loud mouth at the computer is Hidan, the beast sitting in the beanbag chair is Kisame and Itachi is brooding by the bookshelf." Sakura than turned to Temari. "Happy?"

Temari grinned. "Delighted! Now how long have you two been dating?"

Ino immediately blushed as Sakura looked elsewhere and shifted uncomfortably. "We met last night." muttered the pinkette.

Temari arched a brow in surprise. "Really now? That's so unlike you Sakura."

Sakura clenched her jaw and glared at her sister before turning to leave. She knew exactly where her sister was going with this and she refused to deal with it. "Come on Ino, how about that diner?"

Ino slowly nodded, feeling the thick tension that suddenly filled the room. "Okay."

"We're going to talk later." Spoke Temari as she stared hard at her sister's retreating back.

Sakura froze and glared. "We have nothing to discuss!" She growled.

"We have plenty to discuss." Temari's voice was clipped with finality.

Sakura bawled her hands into tight fists. "Hn."

She proceeded to leave without another word when her right leg suddenly gave out and she dropped down to one knee with a grunt. Ino immediately crouched down at her side and placed a hand on her shoulder.

"Are you alright?"

" knee gave out." replied the pinkette through gritted teeth as she clutched at her throbbing knee.

Ino looked at her worriedly. "You don't look think you hurt it while we were dancing?"

"What do you mean dancing?" Temari yelled as she stopped in her advancement towards her sister.

"Uh oh " muttered Kankuro as he eyed his sisters warily; the rest of the guys leaned in closer to the conversation waiting for the fight that was definitely coming their way.

Sakura flinched and ducked her head low. "It's nothing serious! My knee gives out every now and again."

"You're not supposed to be dancing!"

Sakura scowled. "I can do what I want!"

"The doctors said..."

"Fuck what the doctors said! I can take care of myself!"

Temari stepped beside Sakura and glared down at her.

"Stop being so goddamn hard headed and listen Sakura!"

Sakura snapped her head up and glared; keeping control of her temper rapidly crumbling. "Listen?! Are you fucking kidding me?! Did you forget that those so called "doctors" told me I'd never walk again and be bound to a wheelchair for the rest of my life?"

Gaara was suddenly kneeling in front of Sakura, laying a comforting hand on his twin's shoulder that was trembling quite violently. This situation was getting entirely out of hand and Sakura's composure was crumbling and Temari didn't look like she was going to back down anytime soon so he decided to intervene and diffuse the situation before his twin completely lost her mind in front of her guest.

"Sakura...calm down. Temari is only concerned about your wellbeing; she means no harm, right Temari?" stated Gaara as he kept a steady gaze on his elder sister.

Temari gritted her teeth before sighing heavily as her tense posture loosened immediately and gave a small nod to accommodate her brother.

"Yes, sorry Sakura."

Gaara than turned back to his seething twin. "See? So look, all of us have to head out anyway and you and Ino can stay here and Temari, Kankuro and I can bring you guys something to eat before we leave."

Sakura hadn't calmed down in the least and looked about ready to tear her twin a new one when Ino took a hold of her hand and brushed her thumb against the back of it; Sakura's entire demeanor relaxed.

"That sounds like a good idea. I don't mind doing that." said Ino with a grin.

Sakura slowly nodded a smile of her own forming. "Okay."

Everyone's eyes widened as they looked at Ino in wonder; nobody has ever...EVER been able to diffuse Sakura so quickly.

'It must be witchcraft.' mused Gaara to himself as he eyed the blonde curiously. Shaking the thought from his mind he helped his sister stand to her feet and escorted her to the couch with Ino's help.

Hidan suddenly slammed his fist down on the computer table and stood from his seat. "What the fuck?!"

Everyone jumped at Hidan's outburst and stared at him incredulously.

"What the hell man?" yelled Deidara.

"This is some bullshit! I want to see a fucking cat fight with hair pulling and titties flying! That little shit stain and Goldilocks just had to fucking ruin it!" Hidan huffed angrily.

"You know what...fuck you guys!" Hidan abruptly left the apartment, slamming the door shut in his wake.

"Such a whinny little bitch." muttered Kankuro as he went into the kitchen to bag some ice as Sakura sat down heavily. Gaara lifted her injured leg as he slid an ottoman beneath it and laid it down gently.

Sasori stood from his seat with a small stretch. "We should get going, we have a lot of unpacking to do and you three still have matters to attend to." He finished, giving Itachi, Kisame and Deidara a quick glance. All three guys groaned as they got up and made their way to the door.

"Bye baby sis! We will definitely catch up later!" called out Deidara as he stepped out the front door.

"Hey! Don't you bastards forget to fix my damn door!" hollered Sakura.

"Yea yea yea Pinkie." muttered Kisame with a flick of his hand.

Sakura growled. "I mean it Sharkface! I will fuck you up!"

Kisame grinned cockily. "You ain't gonna do shit with that blown out knee Pinkie."

Before Kisame could react, he found sneaker hitting him dead in the face. He knew who the culprit was without thought, going by Sakura's smug look and her now shoeless foot was wiggling at him mockingly.

"What was that Sharkface?"

Kisame rubbed at his throbbing face with a pout. "Evil!" He grumbled before making a quick retreat before he found another shoe in his face. Itachi gave a quick wave, miserably failing to hide his humor at Kisame's demise.

Sasori shook his head before looking over at his cousins. "We will see you guys tomorrow." He shifted his gaze to his youngest cousin. "Take care of yourself Sakura." He then turned to Ino. "Was nice to meet you." With that Sasori left and closed the door behind him with a soft click.

"Where's your knee brace?" asked Temari, getting back to the task at hand.

Sakura's scowl immediately returned. "I don't need it."

"Stop being so damn stubborn Sakura! Where's the brace before she restrains you to a wheel chair again!" grumbled Kankuro as he handed Ino a bag full of ice.

The pinkette involuntarily shuddered at the thought; that had been a long dreadful week.

"It's in the back of my closet." Sakura grumbled.

"Was that so hard?" cooed Temari as she disappeared down hall.

Before Sakura could retort, she was distracted by Ino whom sat down on the ottoman next her leg. She took the cuff of Sakura's pant leg and began rolling it back to her upper thigh.

Ino gasped as she really caught sight of the damage to the pinkette's knee. The scarring around the girl's knee and halfway down her leg was horrendous; she had caught glimpses during their "festivities" but to see it so up close and personal was a shocking sight. On top of that it didn't help that it was swelling twice its size.

"How are you even walking?" whispered Ino as she ghosted her fingers over the scaring.

"Because she's too stubborn not too." stated Kankuro.

"Her ego." added Gaara.

"Her damn pride." finished Temari as she walked back into the room with the dreaded knee brace in hand.

Sakura was downright sulking by now with her arms crossed over her chest and bottom lip poked out; Ino couldn't help but laugh.

"I'm glad you find my misery so humorous, Doll." grumbled Sakura.

"I'm's just I find it adorable when you pout like that." explained Ino with a giggle.

Sakura's face flushed red in embarrassment before scowling when Kankuro began to pinch her cheeks.

"Awww baby sis looking all cute when she's mad!"

Sakura smacked his hands away. "Get off me you idiot!"

Temari came around the couch and laid the leg brace beside Ino. "That swelling needs to come down before you put the brace on. " she said as she grabbed a pillow and elevated Sakura's leg and readjusted the bag of ice over her knee, she than began walking to the kitchen.

"Hey Ino, come tell me the address of this place and what you want to order."

"Okay." replied the blonde as she stood and made her way to the kitchen.

Once she was gone Kankuro flipped himself over the couch and looked at his little sister with the creepiest smile she had ever seen; Sakura and Gaara shrunk away from him.

"Why the fuck are you smiling like that?" asked Sakura as the hair on the back of her neck stood on end.

The creeper smile broadened by a tenfold as Kankuro leaned in closer to his younger siblings as they leaned further back in horror. "Your girlfriend is hot."

Sakura arched a pink brow. "She's not my girlfriend...and what does that have to do with anything?"

"Ooh! She's up for grabs?!"

The back of Sakura's hand came across Kankuro's face so hard and so fast that he somersaulted out of his seat and over the couch.

"Damn woman! You could have just said no!" whined Kankuro as he clutched at his bruised cheek from his spot on the floor.

Sakura scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. "Then think before you speak!"

Kankuro quickly jumped to his feet and stuck his tongue out at his sister's back before walking around the couch. "What I was getting at before you tried to back hand my face off is do you know if she has any friends?"

"I would think so" muttered Sakura.

Kankuro rolled his eyes exasperated. "Single friends!"

"How would I know?!"

"Ugh! What kind of wingman are you?!"

"I am not your wing man and why would I want to introduce you to her friends? All you and Dei are going to do is run through them and prowl on the next girl that crosses your path."

"I have never done that!" yelled Kankuro in protest.

"Ali,Rei,Rika,Mellie…" listed Sakura.

"Mina,Ami,Tani,Keiko…" continued Gaara.

"Shut up Gaara and no one asked you! Plus Keiko was crazy, she set my car on fire!"

"After she found out you faked your death to screw around with Ami again." muttered Gaara dryly.

"Once again Gaara, no one is talking to you! Now back to what I was saying…" said Kankuro as he turned back to Sakura.

"Maybe I want to stick to one girl."

Sakura arched a brow and slowly tilted her head to the side at her brother. "Excuse me?"

Kankuro rolled his eyes. "I want to give up partying and stick with one girl instead of "running through them" as you put it."

Gaara and Sakura look at each other incredulously before busting out into a fit of laughter.

Kankuro growled, crossing his arms over his chest with a glare towards his younger siblings. "What the hell are you laughing at?"

Sakura was the first to somewhat calm down and she looked at her older brother with tears in her eyes. "Really bro? You of all people is going to sit here and tell me that you're done…that you want to settle down?"

Kankuro nodded. "Yes."

"Bullshit!" stated Sakura and Gaara in unison.


"Because it's your nature." muttered Gaara.

Kankuro scowled. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Look big bro, I'm going to be blunt with you. You don't know how to appreciate a woman." said Sakura.

Kankuro snorted cockily. "I beg to differ."

"That's the problem; you only view women as a means for sex." said Gaara with a shake of his head.

"I do not!"

"Okay then….answer this. When is the last time you had a conversation with a woman that did not lead to sex?" asked Sakura.

Kankuro frowned as he leaned back in his seat heavily. He was honestly trying to remember the last time he done that and it bothered him when he couldn't recall at least one time.

"Uh…how about when is the last time that you told a woman something personal about yourself?" asked Gaara.

Once again the twins were met with silence.

Sakura sighed heavily. "Once you can start doing that Bro, than you will start to understand what it means to be in a relationship."

Kankuro groaned pitifully. "What if they don't like what they hear?"

Sakura shrugged. "Then they weren't worth your time in the first place."

"This isn't going to be easy." muttered the eldest Subaku male.

"Wasn't meant to be." replied Gaara with a smirk.

Temari chose that moment to walk back into the room with Ino trailing not too far behind her. "Come on Boys, let's make this quick." Said the sandy blonde as she stuck a folded up piece of paper into her back pocket. Gaara and Kankuro stood from their seat and began to head to the door and Ino arched a brow in confusion as Temari went to do the same.

"Hey wait; don't you need Sakura's order?"

Temari smiled. "No need, I already know what she wants." with that said, Temari left and Ino turned to Sakura with a smile.

"Looks like it's just us now."

Author: That's all for now and I hope you guys enjoyed! Please review!