Disclaimer: Same as the past 40 Chapters to this story.


The next morning, Jamie headed back to Midtown North, eager to resume his full time role as a detective.

Both the DA's office and One PP were being inundated with requests to interview the Detective/ADA who had solved, prosecuted, and won, the case against Horatio Slade and Darnell Potter.

Jamie had made clear, that he wasn't giving interviews, though he could not control what the spin machines working for Charlie Rossellini and his father would say, nor did he care.

Waiting for him in the holding cell was Orlando De Jesus.

"Man, how can you do me like this, we had a deal." He yelled out as soon as he saw Jamie.

"You're right, we did have a deal, and in case you lost your copy of it, here's another one." He said.

Baker was with him as a witness as he didn't want to involve his family in this any more than was necessary.

"It says, that you were granted immunity for the murder of Vinney Cruz, the conspiracy to assault police officers Vincent Cruz and Jamison Reagan, and for the conspiracy to murder Jamison Reagan. What it does not say, was that you were granted immunity on actually shooting me, now you can't be prosecuted for a lot of what you did, but I can file charges against you for the actual shot I took in the vest, and while you can't be prosecuted for attempted murder for hire, I can introduce that you were paid to kill me, and my being shot was a result thereof." He smiled.

"What kind of time am I looking at?" He asked.

"Twenty Five to life. The laws are pretty strict on shooting cops in this town, and by the way, there's nothing in here about not prosecuting you for having a gun. Must have slipped my mind that day." Jamie stated. "That's worth another five years, so you could be looking at 30 years minimum Orlando."

"What do you want?" Orland asked.

"I want you to negotiate a new deal, but this one is going to be a plea agreement. You're going to agree to void this immunity agreement, and you're going to consent to do 25 years for the murder of Police Officer Vincent Cruz, the attempted Murder of me, the conspiracy to murder me, and the unlawful possession of a firearm in the commission of a felony, and everything related to Mayor Poole's shooting. and if necessary, you will testify in any other trials that come out of this entire mess." He informed Orlando. "Call it a package deal."

"Otherwise, you can roll the dice and see which way it comes up, but I promise you, that I will be the one prosecuting you and the jury won't be sympathetic." Jamie stated.

"Fine, I'll take the deal, but this time get me someone from the PD's office that knows how to read to make sure you don't leave anymore traps in there." Orlando replied. "But I want one thing too."

"What's that?" Jamie asked.

"Have them put me close enough so that my mom and brothers can visit me." He stated.

"I can live with that." Jamie nodded and went off to make a call to Erin to have it typed up.

"He's copping to everything we gave him immunity on?" She asked.

"Sure is. Otherwise, between the gun charge and shooting me, he faces at least 30 years and I will try this one myself." He said.

"Nice maneuver, so you've voided his original plea deal that capped him at 20 years, voided the immunity we gave him, and then added five years on top of the original 20. Well done." She said.

"Thanks. Please get it over to me today, and we'll have Orlando on a bus to Fishkill by tomorrow." He concluded.

"By the way, you and I are going to have some private time together soon regarding last night's phone call." She firmly stated.

Jamie laughed. "Come on, that was just to get back at you for embarrassing me."

"You can laugh Jamie, but I have an old friend of yours from 17 years ago that is very interested in becoming reacquainted with your behind." She sweetly said before hanging up.

Jamie put the phone down looking white as a ghost, just as Danny and Joe entered the squad.

"What's wrong with you?" Joe asked.

"Nothing." He said as he blankly stared into space.

Joe looked at Danny. "Erin." He smiled.

"You didn't think she'd let those comments just fly by, did you?" Danny asked.

"She told you guys?" He inquired.

"First thing this morning, we both got called. Something about an old friend of yours making a visit." Danny answered.

"That is not going to happen. I'm 32, she can't do that to me anymore. I just played along with the soap thing last night out of fun, but no way she's going to spank me again." He stated.

"Okay, but you know that Erin always gets what she wants, and right now, that's some quality time with your ass." Danny said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Joe?" Jamie implored his brother.

"For someone as intelligent as you had just proven yourself to be, that was an incredibly stupid move. You poke the bull, you get the horns." He said sticking his index fingers out by the sides of his forehead.

"Maybe you can plea it down, say from 50 whacks down to 20. Say it was diminished capacity or something." Danny laughed.

Baker stood to the side taking this in and grinning. When Jamie turned to her she smiled. "JAFO, though I would pay a week's salary to observe what Erin has planned for you."

Jamie folded his arms on his desk and leaned his face into them. "Oy."

Two hours later Erin arrived with Orlando's plea agreement. "Here you go, all ready for his signature." She said.

"Thanks." He said not looking up.

She sat on the edge of his desk "Doesn't do any good fretting about it Jamie, you knew better and that was way out of line last night. I'm surprised Casey even let you make that call." Erin stated.

"She had no idea what I had planned to say. By the time I said it was too late and she told me that I probably just got myself in a world of hurt. I'm sorry Erin, I didn't mean to offend you, I was just playing off of last night." He stated with sincere remorse.

"I'll take that into consideration when I execute the sentence." She said. "Now, on another matter, the former Mayor is looking to make a deal. Charlie wants you in on this with me."

"When?" Jamie asked.

"2:00 p.m., my office. No need to bring a pillow, just yet." She stated as she headed out the door.

"Great." Jamie whispered, before turning to his brother.

"Joe, I know that you still have ears at the federal level. I'm wondering whether they would be willing to listen to a story about Warren Bell. We immunized him on state charges, but there may be some federal angle on this." Jamie stated.

"I can get a meeting at the U.S. Attorney's office." Joe replied.

"Tomorrow would be great. I don't want him having time to skate to Brazil or somewhere else without extradition." Jamie noted.

Jamie's phone rang. He recognized the private number and answered. "Yes Sir. I'll be there." He replied and disconnected.

Joe looked up questioningly. "I'm having lunch with the Mayor." Jamie informed him.

Joe scooted his chair over to his little brother. "I know that you don't want to hear what I'm going to say to you, but hear me out. You have created a lot of good will and political capital over the past few months, and having friends in high places can lead to an incredibly bright future."

"Politics?" Jamie asked.

"Politics. Not now, not five years from now, but you are beginning to make a name for yourself, which is where it begins for every politician. You also have the advantage of having a well-respected and well known surname, and are identifiable with some pretty heavy hitters in this city, including dad and Erin, who are connected to even heavier hitters. Police Commissioner, District Attorney, Mayor, State Senator, Governor, U.S. Senator, President, it all has to start somewhere Jamie and it begins with a case like this. Huge coverage, a unique unknown handsome good guy, unlikeable bad people, all kinds of intrigue, and a great result, all combining to form the perfect Horatio Alger story." Joe informed Jamie.

"So you're telling me to make a deal with Mayor Poole?" Jamie asked.

"No, and he may not be offering one. He may just want to thank you for a job well done on his behalf, and that of his PC, and of his City, but if you're smart, you'll walk in there with an open mind, and not a defensive attitude that you're a cop from now until eternity. Nothing lasts forever, look at Pops, and even Dad. He may be the PC, but he is no longer a sworn officer. He can order others to make arrests, but he can't do it himself anymore, and one day when he's out of office, and that day will come, he'll be another Pops who recalls the glory days, and will live vicariously through us." Joe candidly stated.

"I understand. I'll go in with open ears and a closed mouth, hear what he has to say, if anything, and I'll come back to discuss it with you." Jamie noted.

"Not just me, with Danny and Erin as well. This is a group effort. We all have a lot invested in you and you're the one who has the chance to go where no one in this family ever has." Joe remarked.

"Got ya." Jamie smiled.

At noon, Jamie headed out of the precinct house to find the Mayor's limousine waiting at the curb.

He nodded at the detective who was part of the security detail.

"Great work Detective." The man smiled at him.

"Thanks." He smiled back as he entered the vehicle.

"Thank you for joining me Jamie." The Mayor said.

"It's my pleasure sir." Jamie replied.

"First thing, drop the 'sir' and the 'Mr. Mayor' and call me Carter." He said.

"I'm sorry Mr. Mayor, I wasn't raised that way." Jamie replied.

Carter Poole smiled. "Your sister raised you right." He commented.

"My sister, father, mother. It was a group effort." He grinned.

"Usually is with the youngest." Poole nodded.

"Jamie, the reason that I asked you out to lunch, is first of all, I wanted to personally thank you for all of you outstanding effort and work, both as the detective who cracked this case, and as the ADA who prosecuted it so well. You have shown unswerving ability at such a young age." He concluded.

"Thank you Mr. Mayor. I had a lot of help, mostly from my sister and brothers. It was a team effort." Jamie replied.

They arrived at their destination. Jamie stood respectfully to the side as the Mayor's detail assisted him out of the vehicle and into his chair.

Jamie walked next to him as they entered the restaurant and were immediately escorted to a private corner booth, where upon the Mayor was once again transferred from his chair as Jamie joined him.

"I know that your father and Joe are foodies, and that Erin can live like a rabbit on salads, but you and Danny will take a great burger over any four course meal." He smiled.

"That's is true." Jamie smiled.

"This place has one of the finest you will ever experience." He smiled back.

Their server came over and both men placed their orders. While they waited, the Mayor launched into his spiel.

"Jamie, I'm not going to mince words because that would be insulting to you, so I'm going to come straight out and tell you, that you have a bright future in politics." He stated, echoing Joe's earlier assessment as to how this conversation would progress.

"My brother Joe was discussing that with me earlier." Jamie replied.

"Then I am sure he explained that there comes an event where everything comes together, and a person of ability and character seizes the opportunity to act, thereby showing that he stands above the rest." Poole stated.

"Not as eloquently as you sir, but words to that effect." Jamie nodded.

"Your father is not a politician, nor would he ever seek to be. He's made that very clear to me over the years, however, that does not mean that door isn't open to you. You have a very well known, and respected last name in this city, that your grandfather, father and sister have established. It's your good fortune to be able to ride their coat tails along with building your own brand image within the Reagan name." He informed.

"I know that for right now, you want to be a cop, and I admire and support you however, at a certain point Jamison, it becomes time for children to put away the desires of their youth and to begin to take on the responsibilities of adulthood. The DA's new program was created for you, so as to allow you to enjoy a few more years of working with your brothers, as well as maturing into the man we would like to see as one of this city's eventual leaders, but at some point, you will have to turn in that gold shield and move forward in other ways, if you want to capitalize on a bright future."

"I understand Sir." Jamie acknowledged.

"There are many people in this city, and within this state who now have you on their radar. You're 32 years old. They are giving you a five year window to see how you develop. If you do become the man we believe you will, the offers, support and manpower will be waiting, so it's really up to you now, and know that whether I am in office or not, I will remain one of your consultants and supporters, so feel free to contact me whenever you feel the need to discuss your future, and how to best position yourself. And now, our delicious burgers have arrived." He concluded.

When Jamie returned to his squad, Joe, Danny and Erin were all waiting.

"Was I right?" Joe asked.

"Not only were you right, you hit it dead center. He's grooming me for a future in politics." Jamie answered to the delight of his siblings.

"See, what did I tell you two when he took the bar exam. Mayor Reagan." Danny proudly remarked.

Erin sat down and looked at her baby brother. "Is this what you want?" She asked.

"I don't know, but I'm on a five year observation watch, and I've been given that much time to enjoy working with Danny and Joe. The new program was created just for me so I could stay here, and at the same time get good exposure working with you." Jamie stated.

Erin nodded. "We all have such high hopes for you Jamie, and we are all behind this, even Dad, but we would never force it on you. It has to be what you want for yourself, and not out of any preconceived obligation to us or our family." She gently stated.

"I know, and right now, I'm happy being a detective and working now and then as an ADA, but I understand, that I have to do my best, keep my nose clean, and continue to pull off the occasional miracle to keep in the spotlight." He affirmed.

"That also means you have to do interviews and satisfy the press, because that will be what either makes you or breaks you." Joe advised.

"It's okay that you kept quiet on this first one, because it shows you to be a humble public servant, but from now on, either Garret or someone from the DA's office is going to have to script you." Danny stated.

"I feel like I'm being managed, when all I did was my job." Jamie stated.

"You are being managed Jamie, because that's how you develop and maintain the image required to get you elected." Erin informed him.

"Okay, and I kind of like the idea. I just wish I had Danny's tenacity, Joe's charm, and your sense of timing, because I'm not comfortable and loose around people like you three are." He replied.

"Jamie, whether or not you know it, you have all of our qualities in you. You're simply hesitant to let them shine." Joe smiled.

With that, Erin departed and everyone got back to work, waiting for the next case that would put Jamie's foot on the next rung of the ladder to higher office.

Joe had informed Erin that he had a meeting at 6 p.m. that may produce something regarding the former Mayor's case. The DA's office was still deciding on what kind of deal it would cut, if any.

Erin smiled. "What time will you be back home?" She asked.

"Nine or so, why?" He inquired.

"Call me and let me know if there's anything of interest as to what you find out." She stated.

When she returned to her office, she corralled Casey and Alex and asked if they would be kind enough to spend a couple of hours after work having a drink or window shopping, as she had something to take care of with Jamie.

Casey knew exactly what that was and said that she was sure they could find something to do for a couple of hours.

At 6:00 p.m., Jamie headed home. Joe was out meeting with the U.S. Attorney per his request, and Casey called that she and Alex would be running late, but to head home and start dinner.

When he entered his apartment he was surprised to find Erin waiting.

"Hey, what brings you by?" He asked.

"You and I have something to discuss young man." She firmly stated.

"I already apologized Erin, come on. I understand I.."

"Misbehaved?" She inquired.

"Yes." He admitted, feeling like a fifteen year old again.

"That's because you did, and as we discussed, you will be punished. Not only did you insult me, but you insulted Casey, who was very offended by your reference to her. I promised her, that as I obviously had failed to do a better job in raising you as a man who showed respect to women, especially his fiancée, that the responsibility fell to me to correct that failure, as I would have when you were younger." She firmly stated.

Erin reached into her large purse and withdrew a small plastic bag which she handed to Jamie.

"What's this?" He asked, looking inside to find a pair of black thong underwear.

"For your modesty, as I only need to see your back end. Put that on and come back out here." She ordered.

"Erin, you're not doing this." He stammered.

"You can either go change, and come back out here within two minutes, or I can wait for Joe, Casey and Alex to return, and do this in front of them, but either way, I will discipline you, and if you walk out your door, don't ever come back through mine." She said looking at her watch. "I'd suggest you get moving, the meter's running."

Jamie returned two minutes later, wearing just a shirt, slippers and the thong underwear.

"Twelve seconds late. That will cost you one extra stroke. Now, I obviously did not do a very good job washing your mouth out last night, so I will have to repeat that task, with a stronger soap, so let's head into your bathroom." She ordered.

Once there, she sat Jamie on Casey's stool and proceeded to lather his mouth up with Lava soap. She waited until he was almost choking on it before allowing him to expel the foam, before she gave it another good scrubbing, and then another.

"Now, I trust that your potty mouth is gone this time?" She asked.

"Yes ma'am." He replied.

"Fine, then let's go give your bottom some well deserved attention." She stated as she led him by the hand to the kitchen, where she pulled a kitchen chair into the middle of the floor, sat down, and pulled her skirt up to the tops of her thighs.

"Get across." She ordered.

Jamie place himself on his big sister's lap, where upon she folded the shirt up to the middle of his back.

Erin reached in to her purse and brought out her wooden hairbrush, and after rolling up the right sleeve of her blouse, put her left arm around Jamie and stated:

"Casey has asked me to give you 25 swats for your rude comment regarding her. I will give you another 25 for saying such a reprehensible thing, and embarrassing me that the man I raised could be so crass and disrespectful. You have one additional spank coming for making me wait twelve seconds beyond your allotted time earlier. Grab my ankle and the chair leg." She stated.

Once Jamie was in place and she had adjusted him where she wanted him to be, she began.

But this time, she didn't just spank like she did with Nicky. She scolded as well.

"It's a shame that at 32 years old, I have to wash your mouth out with soap, and put you across my lap like a ten year old because you haven't learned not to use dirty language." She said as the brush rained down on Jamie's bare behind, the redness already beginning to show.

Jamie was trying to hold it in, but by the 30th smack, he was starting to tear up.

"I'm sorry Erin, I really am. Please stop. I've learned my lesson." He promised.

"Good. Then the then the rest of your spanking will reinforce that lesson." She said as she worked her way up to the 40th one.

By now he was starting to squirm, but she firmly held him in place and made each stroke count. She could feel how tightly he was squeezing her ankle and knew that the pain was intense, but she could also feel he was starting to move on her thigh from excitement, so she parted her thighs so that he had nothing to grind against.

"Five more to go." She said as she observed the bruising. She delivered each one almost as hard as she could to drive her point home, and when number 51 landed, Jamie began to cry.

Erin put down the brush and brought out the same medicated cream she had used on Nicky and rubbed it into her brother's behind.

"Stand up." She said, as she helped him raise himself up and off her lap.

"I hope I never had to do that again, but I don't care how old you are, if you ever act that way again, I will put you right back over, do you understand me?" She said.

"Yes ma'am." He sniffled.

"Go to your room and stand in the corner until I tell you that you can come out, and don't you dare touch yourself." She instructed.

Erin stood up and smoothed out her skirt, and put everything back into her purse before placing the chair back at the kitchen table.

Thirty minutes later Casey and Alex arrived and noticed Jamie wasn't there.

"He's in his room standing in the corner, contemplating his actions." Erin advised.

"How bad is he?" Casey asked.

"He'll be standing for a day or two." Erin matter of factly answered.

"He deserved it. If you hadn't done this, I don't know if I could have forgiven him." Casey remarked.

"He's very remorseful, and I'm sure he'll have an apology for you. It's up to you whether you make him squirm or if you comfort him." Erin replied, "But you and I both know that he loves you and it was a bad case of putting his mouth in gear before starting his brain. He won't make the same mistake twice."

"I know, and of course I forgive him, but the discipline coming from you hits home more than it would have from me. No matter how much we love one another, you'll always be the one he looks up to and fears hurting the most." Casey replied.

"I'll go in and talk to him and let him know he's forgiven. He was due for a tune up anyway, so this was a good excuse." Erin smiled. "Besides, he needs to know that I still love him, even though he hurt me."

"Let me go first okay?" Casey asked.

"Sure." Erin smiled.

Casey entered their bedroom and spent the next few minutes consoling Jamie, before coming back out to Erin.

"He won't leave the corner." She smiled.

"Because he knows that if he does, he gets another spanking." She smiled back. "I'll go talk to him.

Erin entered and closed the door behind her.

"Come here." She gently said.

Jamie walked over and Erin took him in her arms. "I'm sorry Erin, I never meant to hurt or embarrass you." He remorsefully said.

"I know Jamie, and I forgive you. You've paid for your mistake and now we can move forward, just like we did when you were 15." She said as she hugged him to her and rubbed his back.

"You and Casey will be fine, she understands as well." Erin said.

"I know, she told me. We'll be alright." He said.

"You know that you'll always be my little pumpkin, and I will always love you, but I will also be there to make sure that you behave yourself and are the best person that you can be, get me?" She asked.

"I get you Sis." He smiled as she held his head against her shoulder.

Erin gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Then we're good. You can get dressed and come out now." She smiled back.

Jamie came out after a few minutes, in obvious physical distress, but the women all knew why and nobody brought it up, nor would Joe when he returned home, as Erin wouldn't hesitate to give him a good dose of her brush if he picked on Jamie.

As all of this was taking place, Joe was set up outside of a particular location in Queens.

While Joe would not take part in this particular arrest, he would observe, as there was no benefit for their suspect to know that Joe was more than he appeared to be.

Finally, Warren Bell stepped out of the brownstone where his girlfriend lived, and proceeded to head towards his car, a smile on his face.

Just as he reached the street, several men in blue windbreakers surrounded him.

"FBI, get down on the ground." One agent called out.

Bell froze and knelt down as directed.

"Warren Bell, you're under arrest." The lead agent stated.

"You boys better check with the Manhattan DA's office. I have full immunity on everything I've done since my first day in kindergarten."

"You have immunity on all state related charges however, you are charged with violating Federal RICO statutes."

Bell protested, but to no avail. He was cuffed and put in the back of a black van and taken down to 26 Federal Plaza for processing.

A transcript of his testimony in the Slade/Potter case preceding him.

After the van drove off, Joe exited the bureau car and returned to his own.

He slipped his FBI credentials into his jacket pocket and clipped his gold shield back onto his belt.

Jamie wasn't the only one in the Reagan family who from time to time, carried a second badge.
