Tetsuya wanted to told him so many things. Tears streaming down from his eyes as he wrote.

'It wasn't your fault that I fell in love with you.'

'Maybe I am not brave after all.'

'I love you. Please remember that.'

'I always will.'

In the end, he just settled for two.

'I'm sorry.'

They said you'll just realize all your mistakes when its too late.

Seijuuro regretted it.

He regretted hating him. He knew all along that it wasn't Tetsuya's fault that they got separated when they were 5.

Tetsuya said so himself. That he was scared that I might hate him if I found out the fact that we are brothers, twin even.

Because how could Seijuuro give his heart to another?

...When he had given his heart from the first day he was born.

He had given his heart to the very person who came three minutes late...

"We're supposed to be together forever right? How can I move on without you now?" He asked.

But the cold marble offers him no reply.

Who was now sleeping with his heart on the grave.