AN: Hey, lovelies. This is a klaroline story by yours truly Lotr Addicted (KC story: Misssing) and Karmen238 (KC story: Conquering fears).

A WARNING BEFORE READING: First few chapters will contain Klaroline only in flashbacks. You will see why. OH and some characters are OOC cuz it's way funnier if they are.

We do not own TVD. JP does. We own only the new characters in the story and the plot of this story.

"Let's rip a few throats apart, brother. I'm feeling quite famished." Stefan said to his brother Damon.

"With you it's more take apart the whole body and put them back together like a mannequin." Damon commented. "It doesn't matter though. I will join you. Just let me get my daily fill of Elena. She is the sun to my darkness."

Stefan rolled his eyes at that.

"Forget Elena when you can have any girl you want and fuck her senseless. Just imagine you on top of her, killing her by draining her blood while doing it."

The thought did appeal to Damon, after all he was a sex addict.

"I can't. Did you forget I joined the AVSA?" The raven haired vampire whined.

"Oh right. Your anonymous group for vampire sex addicts. How long are you gonna keep this false pretense of abstinence?"

Stefan knew that Damon wouldn't last long on this abstinence; not when he can do something about it.

"Oh, come on. Be the fun brother for once."

Stefan said when his brother didn't say a word. That of course proved to be efficient since Damon jumped up from the couch where he was sitting and went out into the nightlife with Stefan on his heels.

At some point they stumbled across a girl who they thought would be a great midnight snack.

"Hello there, beauty." Damon said with his creepy but charming smile.

"What a nice view. Don't you think, brother?" He asked his partner in crime while the girl helplessly looked between them.

"Of course. Although her blood is more alluring. Why don't you come closer and show us your neck artery?"

Stefan motioned for the girl to come a bit closer. Figuring it was better to comply with the crazy demands, she stepped forward. Once she was in front of them, Stefan moved his hand on her neck artery.

"Mmm. Definitely a keeper."

The girl cursed her bad luck. This was the first time two gorgeous guys approached her and now she saw they were crazy.

She was scared as hell, but something in their voice made her obey to the weird request. What did they mean about her neck artery? She was not a head turner, but come on, all they could compliment her for was her neck artery?

When she came a few steps closer to them, she realized they were marvelous. The taller one had sparkling green eyes and a killer body. The dark-haired one had the most amazing blue eyes she had ever seen. They were both looking at her like she was delicious.

She didn't have time to consider how amazing they looked, because suddenly their faces contorted in an unnatural way. She wanted to scream, but no voice came out of her throat. Dark veins protruded around their eyes, which now had turned to a devilish red.

"Oh my god, vampires exist." Damn, how the hell do they kill them in the movies? But she had nothing she could use as a weapon. Not that she had the courage to do anything.

What if I drop down and play dead? Nah, stupid idea, they can sense my heart pumping blood. Oh my God, I must look like a burrito to them. I should have gone on a diet, I wouldn't look that appetizing then.

They were playing with her, circling around her like true predators. Her fear fueled their excitement.

"You're not playing nice, little boys." Came a voice from behind the two vampires.

The girl immediately forgot her fears and tried to get a better look at the source of that unbelievably sexy British accent. She was mesmerized at the sight of him. If she thought the two vampires were amazing, she had no words to describe this man.

His eyes shone like sapphires in the night. His full lips drew her attention like a magnet. His smirk made her forget she was in mortal danger. Then, she let her gaze take in his lean, slender body. This man was simply breathtaking.

He could help himself at her neck artery if he wanted it. She would die a happy woman.

"Oh come on, Klaus. Don't ruin the mood. You can join if you like, there's plenty for all of us." the raven haired man said.

So, his name was Klaus. Magnificent creature. The girl had lost the ability to think straight.

"Where's the fun in that? Let's play it a little differently." He said coming closer to the stunned girl. "Me and her against you too. What do you say?"

Stefan didn't like the challenge, while the other man smiled and nodded. "You play dirty too, Klaus. Bring it on."

Klaus smiled confidently at the two young men and then approached the girl. He placed his arm around her shoulder and brought her closer to his chest.

"Stay close to me, love. You will remember nothing of this in the morning."

Oh my God, this is heaven. I'm in love, she thought. I'm a burrito in love...

And then she woke up from her nightmare. No, it wasn't a nightmare; she had just met the man of her dreams, in a dream. She realized she was late for work. Yet, she just stayed in bed, hoping she would dream once again about the mysterious man that stole her heart.

And once again she did. The next night she dreamt about the same brothers and him as her white knight. Is it possible to feel such strong emotions towards someone you have only ever seen in a dream?

Most would oppose to this statement but she and a few other unlucky people know it is entirely possible. Hope that one day you might meet him and have a connection is wishful thinking on their part. but they cannot help themselves. As the time comes to sleep, they are painfully anticipating their on-going dreams.

She would dream about the brothers draining her dry, but just before life left her, Klaus would throw them off of her with his trademark smirk.

"Sorry, boys. Not tonight."

They pout and put their puppy faces on.

"But she is so tasty. Why do you keep interfering in our eating habits?!" The rippah whined.

"No need to get all jumpy. If you must know, she is valuable to me."

The girl perked her ears wanting to know more about it.

"Her? A mere human? I think you are getting old, mate." The rippah questioned.

"If you must know, she is a witch; although not fully grown to her powers, but a witch nevertheless. She happens to be the only one who can help me raise her from a thousand years of sleep."

A what? A witch? Is he being serious? No way I'm a witch. If I was a witch, I would turn my boss into a frog ages ago. The girl contemplated the unexpected revelations while the boys had a 'who is stronger' men stare.

"Still trying to wake sleeping beauty?" The raven haired vampire asked.

"Still trying to be a dick, Damon?"

Apparently the vampire's name was Damon. Who the hell names a kid Damon? It sounds like a lemon and nobody wants to marry a lemon. It's a yellow fruit and if that is not enough of a crime it is sour at the same time. Just no. Lemons should be banished from this earth.

"I'm not trying. It comes naturally." The lemon guy smirked.

"For your sake. I would keep my piehole shut. You know I only let you live for your rippah brother."

The only response he got was Damon rolling his eyes.

"How can you be sure she is the one who can help you?"

The lemon's rippah brother asked, trying to move this along so he can taste that delicious blood.

"It's simple, Stefan. She is the descendant and her friend is a fairy. Tricky little things. Always have an ulterior motive."

Stefan laughed at that.

"Like you don't?"

Klaus smirked. "Maybe it is because of that we get along so great."

Wait a minute? Did he just say fairies exist and a friend of mine is one? And what is that noise?

Before she had the opportunity to ask more, she woke up to the sound of her alarm clock.

Now she had to wait all day long, a boring day at work, for the next dreams to happen; to see him again and ask the questions swirling in her mind. Her gut was telling her there was more to this dream than just an incredibly handsome man.


Caroline was sitting in front of the falls, watching her reflection in the water. She loved this place. Every time she had a hard time, she would come here and just enjoy the silence.

Today she once again had a dispute with Klaus. Why can't they never get along? She never has this kind of problems with his siblings.

Their fight once again started with him driving away Thomas, one of her suitors, on the pretense he isn't the right caliber for her and he will not tolerate her embarrassing his family. Of course that led to her calling him out on Tatia.

Everyone in the village knew he and his brother, Elijah, were pinning over the same girl, themselves included. It often led to a fall out between the two brothers, which led to a beating forced upon Klaus by his father. Mikael never liked Klaus very much. In fact Caroline was absolutely sure he hated his son.

"It's not the same." He sharply said after Caroline made her point about Tatia.

"Oh, how is this any different?"

Caroline challenged him, daring him to answer her question, which infuriated Klaus even more. When he saw that Thomas boy touching her arm in a rather affectionate manner, something snapped at him and before he knew it, he was already over there snatching his hands from her body.

"Tatia at least isn't a harlot like you."

Klaus sneered out of anger. Before he could register what he said and apologize, Caroline had already run away.

Those words hurt Caroline deeply. They always had their spats but never did he insult her.

She was brought out of her thoughts when she felt a presence next to her. It was Klaus.


He looked her in the eyes in a way that showed how much he regretted those words.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean those words."

He looked so broken that Caroline almost considered to forgive him right there and then, but remembering the quarrel she decided to let him suffer for a few days.

"You will have to do more than an apology, if you want my forgiveness."

Caroline said as she stood up and went back to the village.

AN: Hope you liked it. Leave a review, if you want. ;)