But he didn't say yes either.

"Ask me again in a week," Shadow said then got up. "I'll leave you to think about it. You have friends to go to if you feel lonely, right?"

Amy nodded then wiped her eyes and watched Shadow leave. She sighed as she realised she had a lot more thinking to do.

Sonic made his way back to the usual scenery, Station Square and Mystic ruins were where he preferred to hang about, because that was where his closest friends lived. No matter how much and far he ran, he always ended up back at one of those places, even when he didn't think about it.

He felt that the heat must have died down by then, and went back, but still remained aware of Amy. When he arrived in Station Square, he crossed paths with Shadow, who didn't say anything but,

"You owe me, Sonic," before walking out of his site.

Sonic had no idea what he meant, other than the favour Shadow had done for him earlier, but Shadow already told Sonic that when he asked the favour. Why would he say it again? Was he trying to get under his skin? Sonic had no idea, but it was clear to him that he owed Shadow a favour or two in return, which he would have done for Shadow even if he didn't owe him. The hedgehog shrugged and ran to Mystic Ruins to see Tails, it had been a while since he'd spoken to his best friend.

A week passed, and Amy walked down the street to the busy parts of Station Square for her shopping. This time, she wore different attire to her usual red dress. Instead of a feminine dress, she wore yellow trousers and a green sweater. This was similar to what she wore before she became obsessed with impressing Sonic. Her hair wasn't her usual shiny straight strands, instead they were spiked up. It took a lot less effort to keep it that way, no more hair products and straightening, just a natural messy style. But, she wasn't trying to impress Sonic anymore, so the effort wasn't needed.

When she reached the high-street, she passed Shadow. They walked past each other far enough for them to have their backs to each other. Amy turned around, but Shadow didn't, he just stood still.

"Well?" he asked. Amy was confused. "It's been a week. Do you still want to ask me that question?"

Amy realised that Shadow meant and felt embarrassed. She wondered whether that was Shadow's way of asking her out, getting her to ask him out. Whether that was Shadow's intention or not, she didn't want it. She didn't want any boy at that time.

"No. I'm fine," she said. Shadow smirked and walked away, he had triumphed.

"Well done," he waved his hand up to her, still not turning around to look at her and turned the corner.

Amy smiled and turned around, but bumped into someone when she walked forward since she didn't have time to look where she was going. She fell backwards onto the floor, looking down at herself. Her clothes seemed a little dusty, but nothing was damaged. She felt a bruise coming on, but she'd be fine.

"I-I'm really sorry. I didn't expect you to turn around," familiar voice said, sounding flustered. Amy looked up to see a hand in a white glove reach out to her help her. The hand retracted all of a sudden. "Amy!?"

It was Sonic.

Amy got up by herself and brushed herself off.

"I-I didn't recognise you," Sonic said shakily. "You look so… different."

Amy didn't say anything, she just looked at Sonic irritably.

"Oh… please don't hurt me… I didn't meant to knock you over. And… I didn't meant to leave you when you helped me the other day," he continued, expecting Amy to get her hammer out.

Amy's annoyed expression turned to a soft one and she smiled.

"All of your mistakes are forgiven, Sonic. Have a nice day," she said, then walked past him. Sonic's mouth gaped open in shock. What happened to all the screaming, hitting, then overly attached forgiveness? Amy had changed on the inside as well as the outside.

Sonic stood for a few moments before running off, feeling relived that Amy had perhaps grown up and decided to stop obsessing over him. Just as he was about to turn the corner of the street, he heard someone scream his name.

"SONIC!" a young female voice called. Sonic tensed up, and jumped a little in shock. Did Amy have second thoughts? He turned around and gulped, but Amy was nowhere to be seen. Then he spotted a young female hedgehog in the crowd of humans. She looked slightly younger than Amy, but innocent and excited like Amy once did when she first met Sonic. The hero's eyes widened as the little hedgehog ran towards him. "I'm your biggest fan, Sonic! I knew I'd find you here, I knew it was destined to be!" she cried out.

Sonic saw the same love crazed expression he'd once seen in Amy, and ran as fast as he could, almost getting tears in his ears.

"No… no, it can't be," Sonic said to himself in distress as he was chased by the young fan girl.

"Sonic! Wait for me!" she young girl screeched. Sonic didn't wait for her; he ran as fast as he could. Sonic didn't want to see her, or another fan girl ever again.