AN: This is my first fanfiction, and I'm kinda new to the site, at least with this profile. These are just a bunch of different Kataang oneshots that will be compiled into one story for easy reading. I plan on making more of these, and other ones with the other canon pairings. I also plan on making a multi-fic of their life after the war, and I'm looking for a beta reader for it. If your interested, please private message me.

Now, on with the story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Avatar: The Last Airbender

It was a cold day in Ba Sing Se, as fall was coming to a close and winter was just beginning. A chilling breeze blew through the open window of Katara's bedroom at the house that the Avatar and his friends shared.

Katara shivered as the breeze came over her tan skin, and dark hair. All of the heat that was in her fingers and toes has drained away beginning to wake her. As she wakes she curls into the tightest ball she can manage in attempt to keep warm.

"Ug. It's so cold." She mumbled to herself. How to warm up? She thinks to herself. The first thing-or rather person-she thinks of is Aang. Obviously, she could just as easily close the window or get more blankets, but why ruin the perfect opportunity to go to her boyfriend.

She gets up taking her thin blanket with her as she shuffles her way to Aang's room. Slowly, she opens the door to see Aang sleeping soundly on his stomach on his bed. The blanket draped across his lower back. Slightly annoyed that he always seems to be warm no matter where he is or what he's doing. That could just be the firebender in him or he can control the air to keep him warm even in his sleep.

Ever so carefully, Katara creeps across the floor of Aang's room to his bed. She lays her blanket on top of his before gently lifting the covers and sliding underneath them.

"Hmm." She hums to herself at the relief of warmth running through her body. Unfortunately, her fingers and toes still felt awfully cold to her. Then, and idea struck her.

"Ah!" Cries Aang at the sudden cold sensation on his bare chest and legs.

"Sorry." Katara whispered, pulling back reluctantly.

Aang stared at her for a few moments as if trying to figure out what happened and why his girlfriend was in his bed with him, not that he minded.

"It's alright. Are you okay?" Aang asked clearly concerned for her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just cold and you just seem warm, so I thought that I would join you. Then I noticed that my fingers and toes were still cold so I put them on you." She began blushing slightly as she began to get up. Suddenly, she was glad it was dark so Aang couldn't see her blush.

"Clearly, didn't think that I would wake you doing that, so, sorry. I guess I should probably go back to my-"

"No! No." Aang interrupted her rambling grabbing her wrist, while trying to not sound to eager.

"I mean, you can stay here. I don't mind. Plus, that way we can keep each other warm." He added with a shy smile.

Katara smiled back as she settled back down again. She thought for a moment before a sly smile appeared on her face. Taking notice, Aang asked with a raised eyebrow,

"What are you thin-Ah!" He cringed. Again, Katara's hands found themselves on Aang's chest and her feet on his legs. Only this time, not just looking for warmth, but to also mess with her boyfriend.

"A little cold?" Katara asked with fake innocence.

"A little." Aang responded hoarsely.

"Here let me help." He said as he grabbed her hands and gently warmed them with his firebending.


"Better. But, what about my feet?"

"Hmm. Lets see if I can fix that." Aang reached down under the covers to find her feet. Once he found them he warmed them the same way he did with her hands, but this time he had another idea.

"Whaa!" This time it was Katara who cried out, though for a different reason entirely. Aang was tickling her feet.

"Aang, stop! Stop it!" She pleaded laughing.

"What was that? I can't hear you over your laughing!"

"Please Aang, stop!"

"Oh, alright." He replied smiling as he released her feet and lied back down next to Katara, who was wiping away the tears from laughing so hard.

"That was so not fair!" Katara said as she playfully punched Aang.

"What? You put cold hands and feet on me as I slept, then put them on me again when I said you could stay here to keep warm, I think it was perfectly fair!" He said with mock annoyance. Knowing just as well by the grin on his face, Katara responded,

"At least I was trying to get war, not revenge. What happened to 'letting you anger go and forgiving' or whatever it was that you told me?"

"Hmm. That's a good question." He began before he was interrupted by a yawn coming from none other than Katara.

"But, a question for another day. We should get some sleep." He added. Katara nodded in agreement as for her eyelids were already beginning to droop.

Katara snuggled closer to Aang and put her head against his chest as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, hands tangling in her hair.

A chilling breeze blew through the open window in Aang's bedroom, only to find two sleeping forms, warmed by each others bodies.

AN: Alright, that is my first fanfiction. Please review!