Hey everyone, it's me.

I'm sorry that I've been gone for so long. My life took a really crazy turn around the time I last published something.

My friend came home early from her service out of state in Fall 2015, due to health issues. I became her emotional support again. It drained me in more ways that I can even describe. We had a massive falling out about a year later because I was tired of being her everything.

In February of 2016 I was diagnosed with clinical depression. My therapist told me that I needed to take a leave of absence from school and go back home to heal and recuperate. I went back home, got my first "real" job. A couple of months later, I started dating a guy that I'd met the year before that. 6 months later we got engaged. Family drama started that I won't go into, and our 6 month engagement was full of challenges.

June of this year, my husband and I tied the knot. We've been happily married for almost 6 months now.

During this whole adventure I started writing again. I started doing art again. I became inspired to create again. My life has improved so much, despite every bump in the road.

I wish I could say that I would be here often. I don't know that for sure. But what I do know is that I think I'm ready to start delving into fandom life again. I have ideas for new stories that I want to try out in the future, maybe write some one-shots that turn into something bigger. But I want to share my creations again.

My voice is probably just one in a dozen others on this site, but I wanted to tell those who take the time to read my work that I appreciate it so much. Thank you for your time, and your devotion to the fandom.

God bless you all. Stay safe out there.