Author's Notes: So here it is, the last chapter to this Christmas story, just in time for the big day. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed writing it. I have never had a story come from my mind to print in such speed, and I was glad I could share it with you.

I want to thank all those who took the time to review, and a special thanks to my beta, lilarin, who kicked my ass verbally when I grew so discouraged early on by the lack of interest. I am glad I listened to her and persevered. Every review has made me smile!

So before you read I recommend loading Rod Stewart's version of Auld Lang Syne to listen to. It just left me with a smile when I finished this story.

One more thing - I have an epilogue, but am not sure whether to add it. It is pure Grimmhime fluff, yet I am not sure if the story should end here or not. Please let me know if you would be interested and I will try to post it before Christmas.

If not - Merry Christmas to all those who celebrate, and may the next week be filled with joy!

A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens

Bleach by Tite Kubo

Chapter Six:

I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year. I will live in the Past, the Present, and the Future. The Spirits of all Three shall strive within me. I will not shut out the lessons that they teach!" ― Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

"Merry Christmas!" he blurted as she picked up the phone.

"Mr. Jaegerjaquez?" Nanao's puzzled voice spoke groggily.

"You got it," he said with enthusiasm.

"Mr. Jaegerjaquez it's," she paused for a moment, "Not even six in the morning."

"I know," he laughed.

"And its Christmas," she grew annoyed.

"I know," he said again.

"And I have off on Christmas."

"Correct again!" he was pacing his room with the phone to his ear. His energy was boundless and he found he couldn't sit still.

"So then," she let out a loud sigh, "Is there a reason you're calling?"

"Besides to wish you a Merry Christmas?" he teased.

"Yes sir," she replied now clearly annoyed.

"Well funny you should ask," he said as he stopped to look at his reflection in the mirror. He grinned wide. "I need you to call in some favors for me, and then rustle up some of the people who work the warehouse in the city, a few truck drivers too…"

"Sir may I remind you again that it is Christmas," she interrupted.

"I know," he laughed, "I already wished you a merry one. So now about those workers…"

"Everyone has the day off, including me," she said slowly.

"I'll pay them double," he said.


"Yeah, you're right. It is Christmas after all," he paused as he calculated the numbers in his head, "Make it ten times salary!"

"Are you drunk?" she asked.

"Just high on life," he grinned.

"You do realize we are talking between one to two hundred dollars an hour, depending on who I find."

"I trust you Nanao," he said, encouraged that she had made the concession as to who she could get. It meant her mind was already working.

"And I do not come that cheap either."

"No you don't," he shot back, "But you are well worth the money Miss Ise."

She grew silent and he knew if he could see her face she would be blushing.

"You are drunk," she recovered.

He laughed loudly.

"Okay Miss Ise, listen carefully," he continued on, "Got a pen and paper."

"Mr. Jaegerjaquez I did not agree to this."

He ignored her.

"First we need to fill about…I would say two big trucks should do it. Balls, bats, bikes," he paused. "Little kid crap, you know."

"No I don't know," she refused to be swayed.

"Stuff that kids can use…I mean you were a kid once, weren't you?"

"I did not play frivolous games…"

"And yet you work for a recreational equipment company."

"I am versatile," she remarked, but he heard the distinct clicking of a pen.

"So as I was saying," he barreled on, "Two trucks full of stuff for kids. And then I want you to call Kirio Hikifune and have her clear out her store of every last confection."

"Sir," she asked, "What exactly is going on?"

"A Christmas party of course."

"But you hate Christmas."

"That's the old me," he said as he searched his closet for the right clothes. "The new me loves Christmas. Anyways this is for a bunch of kids."

"Does this have anything to do with Orihime Inoue?"

He grinned painfully wide, "It has everything to do with her. But then again," he hesitated, "This is my old neighborhood. It's time to pay it forward, if you know what I mean."

She grew silent and he wondered if she was smiling too.

"Okay," he said as he pulled out some black jeans and a dark red shirt, "Meet me the warehouse, and wear something elfie."

"Elfie?" she asked.

"Yeah like green or red - Christmas colors."

"I never said I was going to accept this job," she reminded him.

"It's for the kids, Miss Ise," he teased again. "Oh and before I forget, when that husband of yours wakes up have him go online and book a vacation to the island paradise of his choosing- on me."

"Excuse me?" she sputtered.

"A vacation Miss Ise," he laughed, "Starting tomorrow."

"But the twenty-sixth is hell at work," she protested.

"Yeah, forgot about that. Scratch that idea. Tell him I'll give you two weeks if he lets me have you this week instead."

"Maybe I should send a medic," she replied. "Are you sure you are well."

"Never been better," he grabbed some socks and shoes and headed back to his room. "You've got my credit card information. Just leave it with him when you leave for the party - unless he wants to come too."

"Oh," she sounded surprised. "I don't know. I like to keep my personal life and work life separate."

"It's Christmas Nanao. Fuck that shit!"

This time he distinctly heard her laugh.

"Alright then," he prepared to take a shower. "I'll meet you down at the warehouse in an hour."

Grimmjow had showered, dressed, and was about to head to the elevator when he remembered one task still left undone on this glorious morning. As the doors opened and he stepped inside, he pulled out his phone and sent a text. The message was simple: What time is dinner?

It wasn't until he pulled up in front of the warehouse and got out of his car that the phone rang. He stood beside the vehicle in the cold morning air and stared at the number. For a second he was overwhelmed by anxiety, but pushing it aside he took the call.

"Merry Christmas, Toshiro," he said with genuine pleasure.

"Is everything okay Grimmjow?" his brother's voice was concerned.

"I've never felt better," he replied honestly. "In fact I plan to work up quite an appetite today, so I hope there will be plenty of good food at this dinner."

"You are serious," Toshiro spoke low. "You are honestly accepting my invitation?"

"Why," he teased, "Have you suddenly decided to rescind the offer?"

"No," Toshiro was quick to reply, "Not at all. I just…you were very adamant yesterday."

"And today I am very adamant about coming," he said. But then his nerves got the best of him and he began to doubt himself. "That is if you still want me to come."

"Of course I do," his brother replied. "It is what I have wanted for a long time; to spend Christmas with you."

He felt like a complete shit. The poor kid had no family other than him, and he had tried so hard to push Toshiro away for most of his life. Yet today was a new day. No regrets. He had promised himself that. If he allowed regrets to enter his heart, he would stumble and fall again. No he was hell-bent to start anew.

"Toshiro," he spoke low as he stared at the warehouse. Nanao had pulled up and she and her husband got out of her car. Around him other workers had begun to arrive, and he felt his confidence rise. "I have not been the best of brothers..."

"You have always provided for me," the kid interrupted, but he refused to be deterred from what needed to be said.

"I have not been the best of brothers in the ways that truly matter," he pushed ahead. "Somewhere along the line I lost my heart. I let this world weigh me down, and I lumped you together with all the other people who only cared about me for the profit I could bring them. It was wrong, and I apologize."

The line grew silent. He waited for a moment before saying, "Toshiro?"

The voice that answered was coarse, and he knew his brother well enough to know that the kid was fighting tears. And as much as Grimmjow hated to show weakness, he knew Toshiro hated it even more.

"I forgive you," was his brother's simple reply.

Grimmjow exhaled loudly.

"Good, now that that sentimental shit is out of the way, we can do this whole family thing over again. And this time I plan to get it right."

Toshiro laughed softly, his relief evident. "You ever consider going into the greeting card industry instead?"

Grimmjow laughed so hard that the workers that had gathered looked up and stared at him. He waved at them and then said, "Toshiro, I have to go. I have this big shindig to attend in the old neighborhood. I'll call you if I run behind."

"I understand," his brother replied.

"And Toshiro," he said before he hung up, "Is it okay if I bring a guest…well if she accepts that is…"

Grimmjow stood just outside the doors to the building where Orihime held the gift giveaway. It had taken a few hours, but Nanao had managed to gather enough workers, and they had cleared the shelves at the warehouse of all things children related that they could find.

Kirio Hikifune had taken a little more convincing. The woman was not a fan of his. He supposed it was the comment he had made about her recent weight gain last year that had left him on the top of her most hated list, but Nanao had persuaded the woman to go in and clear her shop of the last of her Christmas candies and confections. Of course she had to offer the woman double what the already pricey items were worth, but it would be worth it when those kids got to taste sweets that only the richest and influential people could afford.

Now they stood at the recreation center, his employees, Kirio and a few of her employees (whose salaries he was also paying), and Nanao's husband. The man was more than curious to see what exactly this was all about, and after the initial anger that Grimmjow was taking his wife away at Christmas; he became one of the most eager of the lot to help.

Gently he opened the doors as to not alert the occupants of his arrival. He tiptoed to the double doors that led into the main gymnasium, Nanao, her husband, and Kirio behind him. When he pushed the gymnasium doors open just enough to see what was going on he could see Orihime standing on a small platform in front of the rather large crowd of children. A huge chair was decorated for Santa to sit upon, and behind her stood the man in red himself. She held a microphone to her lips and spoke softly, and Grimmjow was saddened to hear the exhaustion in her tone.

"Santa and I would like to welcome you all to our party," she smiled wearily. The kids though, oblivious to the events that had transpired the previous day, cheered loudly. She smiled weakly and hesitated. Looking back at Santa, who nodded for her to continue, she said, "This year…" she paused and when she spoke again her voice cracked slightly. "This year things are…well there was a problem…and we have been working hard to fix it…"

She became silent and anxious murmurs could be heard from the kids and the parents gathered. Orihime looked up and smiled as she gathered her courage.

"Christmas," she began again, "Is not just one day where we give to others and then go back to our lives forgetting the joy it brought us. We should keep the Christmas Spirit all year." She squared her shoulders and plowed ahead. "You are the most wonderful bunch of kids I know, and Santa tells me you have been exceptionally good this year…but…well…"

He couldn't take it anymore. She was trying so hard to please the kids, and her courage in the face of all that had happened was awe inspiring. Wanting to rescue her from delivering her fateful message, he burst loudly through the double doors. The room grew silent and all eyes turned his way. He smiled his usual cocky grin and made for the makeshift stage. Orihime's eyes grew wide as he took the microphone from her and winked.

"I'll take over from here," he smiled wider. He turned to the kids and said, "Isn't she the sweetest woman you ever met?"

The kids all began to cheer and Orihime blushed furiously.

"She's Santa's most ardent supporter," he continued, "Isn't that true Santa?" He looked to the man in costume and the old guy gave him the thumbs up. Grimmjow turned back to the kids. "Usually Miss Inoue has every little duck in a row for this event, but this year," he paused, "This year something happened."

The room grew silent again and he looked around to each anxious face. In those worried expressions he saw himself as a child. He remembered how hard it was to believe in Santa and the Spirit of Christmas when he awoke year after year to find nothing under the tree. He also remembered wondering what wrongs he had done to earn the jolly fat man's disdain. He had hated that feeling, and consequently hated Christmas as a result. Now though he had a chance to change that. These kids shouldn't have to feel those feelings he had as a child.

He smiled wider. "You see Santa is a busy man. Flying around the world in one night, and dropping off gifts for all the good boys and girls can be a logistical nightmare." The kids stared silently. "This year his most important bag, the one that contained the presents for all of you, fell off his sleigh and got lost."

Now the anxiety grew into whispers and the kids faces fell. He quickly held up his hand to silence them and said, "So Miss Inoue called me, and I put the best woman I know," he turned to where Nanao waited by the door. She stood straighter and behind her Shunsui smiled proudly. "Miss Ise, my secretary," he leaned forward and placed his hand by his mouth. Whispering loudly as if sharing secret he continued, "She's part blood hound you know," this earned him a rather loud snort form his secretary and a few hesitant giggles from the kids. He straightened and kept going, "Anyways, she managed to track down that lost bag…"

The kids began to applaud enthusiastically. Beside him he heard Orihime gasp and when he glanced her way he saw the tears glistening on her lashes. He smiled at her and then turned back to the crowd.

"Turns out the bag had fallen just a few miles from where we are now. So Miss Ise called some of our workers and they got a few trucks and gathered up the stuff," he began to laugh, "Cos you know Santa's bag is magical, and the darn thing ripped during its fall from his sleigh, it took two huge trucks to carry all the gifts that were inside that thing."

The kids' eyes grew wide and he felt higher than he had after waking from the nightmare he had lived the night before. This was fucking incredible, this feeling their belief brought to his heart. He lifted a finger to wipe the moisture that had collected in the corners of his own eyes and continued.

"So," he pointed to the double doors, "Just outside those doors are the trucks full of the presents. But it's gonna take a bit of time to unload all that sh…" he caught himself and shook his head, "stuff. We'll need about an hour to get this done properly. So while you are waiting I had Miss Hikifune, who makes the best candy and treats in the city, bring you guys some good eats to hold you over. And," he nodded to a young man who had been busy setting up equipment during Grimmjow's little speech, "My friend Shuhei and his band are gonna rock the place with Christmas songs."

The kids all clapped. Some were jumping up and down, while others began to dance to the music that was already blasting through the room. Grimmjow grinned and turned to Orihime. Handing her back the microphone he winked.

"Hope I wasn't too dramatic." She took the microphone, but her mouth hung open. "Yeah," he scratched his head as he felt his face heat up, "I guess I overdid it."

She shook her head and smiled. "You were perfect."

"You think so?" he grinned earnestly.

She nodded her head and the tears that had been threatening since he arrived, fell from her eyes. He stepped closer and lifted a finger to catch the drops and wipe them away.

"Orihime," he said before she could push him away, "I was a complete and utter shit yesterday." She nodded silently and he sighed. "I shouldn't have said any of those things to you. I know that if anyone enjoys the charity work she does, it's you." He gazed into her eyes, "All my life you have been the one unchanging beacon of hope in a sea of self doubt and pain."

She let out a gasp. The tears only fell harder, but she smiled. Happy tears – that was good, he thought. Encouraged he went on, "Your spirit embodies that of Christmas, the whole year through. And I think at some point I resented that spirit. I resented that you could take all the shit life threw at you and remain as trusting and as open as the day you were born."

She laughed nervously; his words obviously embarrassing her. Yet he was not about to stop. He had almost lost this woman. Hell he had almost lost his soul. Now that he had a second chance he was never going to hold back the truth again.

"Can you forgive me?" he asked with sincerity, "And not just for yesterday, but for all of it. Every last stinking shitty thing I have ever done to you."

Her eyes held his but she remained silent.

"I know it's a lot to ask," he lowered his hand and then his head in shame.

Yet she reached for his chin and lifted his face so that he could look at her again.

"What happened to you Grimmjow?" she peered deeply into his eyes. "Yesterday…that man…he was not the man I knew…he was scary…"

"I wish I could take it back," he whispered.

She shook her head. "Today you are the boy I remember," She smiled, "But I don't understand."

He held her gaze and said in all seriousness, "I was visited by three spirits last night."

She narrowed her eyes and teased, "Jack Daniels, Jim Beam, and…?"

He threw back his head and laughed loudly.

"They were my companions early on," he then sobered, but his smile remained, "But before the night was over I was reminded of the true meaning of Christmas, and all the people who were important to me. Orihime," he reached for her hands and held them in his own, "I had so much to be grateful for, but I never could see that. I believed that inherently I must be bad…it was the only reason I had for why I was seemingly forgotten at Christmas. Yet I always had love and affection. All I had to do was open my eyes to see it."

She began to cry again, but her smile was warm.

"All these years," she whispered, "Ever since that Christmas where I found you…" she shook her head to dispel the unpleasant memory. "Well since that day I have had but one wish each year."

Now her tears left her so choked up she had to stop. He waited patiently for her to regain her composure.

"My wish never changed. And every year," she held his gaze firmly in her own, "I was disappointed. Yet the next Christmas my wish was the same. And each Christmas I held out hope that this would be the year."

He felt his stomach knot painfully with anticipation. "Orihime what was your wish?"

She smiled and said, "I need you to say something for me."

He now narrowed his eyes, "I don't understand."

"Tell me, Merry Christmas," her eyes changed and he sensed her mounting anxiety.

He wanted to take that anxiety away. He wanted her to never worry again. If he could he would see that she never shed another tear because of something he had done to hurt her. If it took him the rest of his life he wanted to make her happy.

He lifted her hands to his lips and kissed them tenderly. From deep in his heart, and with every honest emotion he felt he whispered, "Merry Christmas, Orihime."

She let out a strangled gasp and he was surprised to find that she was not the only one crying anymore. His own vision blurred and he grabbed her tightly against him. Burying his face in her hair he declared, "I am so sorry, Orihime. For twelve years I wasted my life and buried my heart. Twelve wasted Christmases without you. But now," he pulled back and smiled at her, "Now I want nothing more than to make it up to you, if you'll let me."

She stared into his eyes and then her smile grew wider than his. She nodded enthusiastically and he let out a holler of sheer joy. Grabbing her again he lifted her and spun about, not caring who saw them. When he stopped, and her feet were once again on the ground he leaned in and kissed her with all the love he felt in his heart. Her hands found their way to his hair and she sighed into his mouth.

He loved her more than his own life. He pulled back, his lips mere centimeters from her own, "Merry Christmas, Orihime."

She smiled back, "Merry Christmas, Grimmjow."