Finally chapter 11. Sorry for taking so long. Got caught up in work here in college. Enjoy!

Angel-Demon hybrid

Also I don't own anything.

Chapter 11

Seth knew that what he was doing was a bit risky. His boyfriend was going to be mad as hell at him when he finds out. Earlier that day, Seth was picked up by his vampire friends and brought back home, where his dad began to fuss over him like no tomorrow. Once the boy assured him that he was fine, Charlie left and let Alec and Seth have some alone time. After an hour, Alec left to go home and contact the leaders about the werewolves. It was then that Seth made his move.

Recently Seth discovered a new ability. He could sometimes see the world through his boyfriend's eyes, including where he went. So Seth knew where the Cullens were living. The plan was to skateboard over there, talk with the Cullens, then skateboard back before it got dark. His dad was going to be out until very late that night because of a small barbecue going on at La Push. Bella was with the Cullens and Alec and the others were at their own house.

Once Charlie left, Seth got ready. He slipped on his protective gear, grabbed a few things from his room and placed them in his backpack, and grabbed his metal bottle filled with blood. He got his skateboard and headed out. It would take him at least thirty minutes to get to the Cullens by skateboard. He set off, hoping to not get caught.

Thirty minutes later

When Seth finally reached the Cullens' house, he was a bit tired. That was one hell of a workout for his legs. He got off and picked it up before walking down the driveway towards the house. Once he got there, he knocked on the door three times and waited. A few seconds later, the door opened and revealed Emmett, who was shocked to see him standing there.

He didn't have a problem showing it, "Seth! What are you doing here?"

Seth said in a low tone, "Let me in right now. I need to talk with all of you."

Emmett let him in. Seth took off his shoes while Emmett went to go get the others. By the time Seth found the living room, everyone, including Bella, were there. Bella looked shocked to see him there, as did everyone else.

Bella asked, "What are you doing here brother? You should be in bed. Lets get you home and-"

Seth growled, cutting her off, "Cut the crap sis. Since when have you ever given a damn about me? I don't need nor want your concern. You betrayed me. Me! Your own brother! You are no different than the kids who bullied me! Now all of you listen and listen well. I know what you are and what you can do to us, but don't think that that is enough to scare me. I love Alec. Him and I are soulmates, destined to be together forever. Corny as hell I know, but it is true. I don't need nor want your concern or constant excuses to get away from them. It is my life and I will decide what I want to do with it. If I want to throw it away and become a vampire, then I will. You cannot stop me. From now on, stay the fuck away from me, or I will not hesitate to let Alec and the others go after you. Oh, and sis? I have decided that I will become a vampire on my seventeenth birthday, which is in about right after our sophomore year ends. This is my choice and you don't have jackshit rights to stop me. Oh, and one last thing. From this day forward, I hereby declare myself not related to in anyway but blood to Isabella Swan. So later assholes."

With that, he shoved his shoes on and left the house, everyone quiet and shocked. Seth felt happy to get that out. Now all that was left to do was tell Alec about his decision and hope that he agrees to it. He headed home, wanting to call his boyfriend.

Once he got back, he went upstairs and laid down on his bed, relaxing and letting his ribs rest, which were starting to hurt. A minute later, His window opened and in popped Alec, who didn't look too happy at the moment. Seth could only guess why. Within a flash, Alec was on top of him, pinning his wrists down with one hand, the other holding Seth's face so he was looking at him. Seth looked up at him.

Alec snarled, "What. The. Fuck. Were you thinking when you snuck off to the Cullens? Did you think that I would not know about your plan?"

Seth gasped as Alec pressed down harder on his body. Alec's eyes were a deep crimson that was filled with rage. The younger male couldn't help but whimper. Alec snarled again and pressed harder.

Seth groaned, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you. I just wanted to get them off my back my way. They needed a good telling off by me. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. Please forgive me."

Alec bared his teeth and growled low. Seth, instinctually, bared his neck to the vampire, as an act of submission. Alec was quick to latch on and bite down hard, making sure the bite was painful as to punish his unruly mate. Seth gasped and squirmed, unable to do anything to ease the pain. Alec began to drink the blood that rose to the surface. After a bit, Alec pulled away and kissed Seth harshly, making it as painful as possible. Seth submitted and let his older mate do whatever he wanted. After a minute, the vampire pulled away, letting the human breathe.

Alec then spoke, "Have you learned your lesson yet, or do I need to punish you more?"

Seth whimpered submissively and nuzzled the pale neck in front of him. Alec knew that Seth learned his lesson and returned the gesture lovingly. He then went and laid down next to the teen and pulled him into his arms. Seth snuggled close before settling. After a few minutes of quiet, Seth broke it.

"There is something I want to tell you."

Alec asked, "What is it love?"

Seth gulped before saying, "I know when I want to become a vampire."

Alec thought his heart started up again when he heard those words. He gulped and asked, "When?"

"My seventeenth birthday. That is when I want to be turned."

"Okay love."

"I love you Alec."

"Love you too Seth. Now get some sleep."

With that, Seth drifted off into dreamland. Alec smiled before pecking him lightly on the cheek before getting up. He had to call the leaders and tell them about Seth decision on when to be changed. They would be overjoyed to know that he will be turned in about 8 months from now. They were all betting that he would wait for a year or more to be turned.

Alec then left through the window and got into his car. He drove off, heading home as fast as possible. Yes, even he was a bit of a speed demon. Comes with being a vampire. Once he got home, he headed straight for the study and picked up the phone. He dialed in the Volturi number and waited as the phone rang. The secretary picked up and he told her that he wanted to speak to Aro immediately. He was then patched through.

'Alec! How lovely to hear from you! How is Seth? Is he doing well?'

Alec replied, "Seth is doing fine My Lord. He is still healing but will be okay. He also-"

Aro interrupted him, "Wait. Still healing? What happened to our beloved human?"

Alec growled into the phone, making Aro on the other end shiver at how dark and angry it sounded.

Alec snarled out, "Some asshole at school thought it would be a wonderful idea to beat up Seth to the point where he had to be taken to the hospital. Good news is that he is healing and will be fine. Also the human has been dealt with. He is still healing from his own injuries as we speak. Also we seemed to have met someā€¦ unusual people through Seth. Did you know that there is a pack of shape shifters who turn into wolves living in La Push? Seth met them as two of them are taking care of him during the day. We met with them and were able to create a treaty. So as long as we do not break our part of it, we will leave them alone and them us alone."

Aro snarled when he heard that Seth was beaten up, but calmed down. He was surprised at the pack of shape shifters. They never received any news about that before. Leave it to Seth to become friends with them. He was so proud of the little human.

Aro said, 'What were you saying before I interrupted you?'

Alec replied, "I think it might be best if the other leaders and wives were there as well Sir. They should all here this."

Aro replied, 'One moment please.'

A few seconds later, Alec was placed on speaker and the other leaders and wives were there.

Aro said, 'Okay Alec. What is it?'

Alec took an unnecessary breathe and spoke, "Seth has decided on when he wants to be turned."

Then the squealing began. The wives were excited. The poor kings had to cover their ears.

Once they calmed down, it was Caius who spoke, 'When does the boy wish to be changed Alec?'

"On his seventeenth birthday, which is about two weeks after the school years ends."


'God damn it!'

'Pay up love! I was right!'

Alec asked, "Who won the betting pool?"

Aro said, 'My wife did. Poor Caius.'

Alec chuckled and then said in a serious tone, "The Cullens are pushing it Master. Not only them but Isabella Swan too. They are putting too much stress on my soulmate. Is there anything we can do?"

Aro was silent for a bit, unable to think of a solution. It was his wife, Sulpicia.

She spoke, "Why not have him transfer to a high school here in Volterra? We can keep an eye on him and away from the Cullens at the same time. He can go home for the holidays and for his birthday before being invited to spend the summer here. His fathers love you enough that he might allow this."

Alec thought about it and then said, "That does sound like a good idea. I will speak to Seth and Charlie about it. Plus lately there have been several murders around the area lately. We have reason to believe that they are being done by a nomad coven. I don't want Seth to be in danger."

Aro spoke, "Go and speak to Seth and Charles Swan. Get back to us when you have your answer. Also if worse come to worse, kill the nomads."

Alec smirked a dangerous smirk and said, "Understood My Lord."

He then hung up. The conversation overall went well. Now all he had to do was tell the others of the plan and ask his beloved soulmate.

Done! Damn this took awhile. Hope you all liked it! R&R Please! No flaming! If you do, Seth and Alec will hunt you down!

Angel-Demon hybrid