(Again sorry for the Inconvenience here's part 2)

Clary's P.O.V

We were outside and I started to question them,

"Are you guys stalking me or something." I demanded.

The black haired boy stifled a chuckle,

"No, not everything is about you, you know." He said bitterly.

"Then what are you doing here?"

Jace answered,

"We got information that there was a demon here."

I looked at them quizzically, "Demon?"

Jace to say something but was interrupted by someone else's voice, one I had never heard before.

"Oh, Clary I see that your memory has left you."

I turned to see who the voice belonged too.

"After all I should probably be flattered, I am the reason for it."

I gasped, I front of me stood a gorgeous boy with light blonde almost white hair, black eyes and slightly pale skin.

He almost looked familiar, in fact the more I studied his face the more he looked like he was related to my mom.

Same long artist fingers, same long eyelashes, and same determined expression on his face, that I've seen my mom wear many times before.

"Sebastian." I heard Jace breathe in a small angry voice.

I turned to look at him, before attacking Sebastian's figure.

Sebastian seemed to laugh as Jace went right through him. Jace luckily realized what was happening and stopped himself before running into a wall. He turned back around and had a slightly confused expression on his face. Which I couldn't help but think was cute,

The way his eyebrows slightly furrowed together, and had his mouth into a tight line. I stood a little dazed looking at him before reprimanding myself for finding another boy good looking while having a boyfriend.

"Why are you here?" The boy with pale skin and brown eyes asked. I was slightly surprised when I heard his voice, it sounded so familiar, and nostalgic like it brought good memories.

Sebastian turned to look at him,

"Simon isn't it?" He asked "Well I heard that dear Clary here forgot about her boyfriend here, and I decided that I wanted to see the show."

He smiled evilly at Jace,

"It must hurt you so much that she doesn't remember you."

When Jace didn't react he tried again,

I mean that she forgot everything that you two went through, all that struggle you two had to be together." He paused walked closer to Jace so that now he was right next to him, "And now thanks to me She doesn't remember you.'

That was enough for Jace to snap and pull out his sword to attack Sebastian.


Jocelyn's P.O.V

"Do they even know where he is?" I asked Maryse calmly.

She looked down and played with her wine glass, running a finger over her wine glass.

"Yes, the Clave has his location as of right now, but the'll have to move fast to catch him. He keeps moving around, never staying anywhere for more than a week."

I took a sip of my glass.

"Do, you think he'll be alright with this?"

Maryse went silent, but answered without making eye contact with me.

"He'll have to be."

That's all she said before the door was opened.



How are you guys? I'm doing great I had an awesome week, (PS: You can skip this if you want it's just me ranting about stuff that has nothing to do with the chapter till the VERY end)

It all started with this week's episode of Glee, for anyone who watches it. It was pure amazingness! I literally couldn't sleep that night thinking about it, it was just too perfect! I don't know if I'm ready for next week's episode though It looks like it will definitely pull on my heart strings and play with my emotions.

BUT, then on Thursday I had an all day field trip for cooking class to maple tree farm (Yes I live in Canada we have a TON of them) and I tried a ton of stuff with maple in it including Salmon (It was gross though). Then we got home a little early and me and my friends just went to the library.

THEN, on Friday my family and I went to see Divergent. And I must say it was very good even though they had a couple of things messed up, but it was't that major. I would give it a 9/10. But my parents and sister really liked it, my dad even said that he liked it better than The Hunger Games.

AND NOW, Today when I went to church this morning I volunteer with the preschoolers and NONE of the kids with behavioral issues weren't in my group (YAY!). Then in big church I like to call it, we had communion which is one of the best times to be in church (All my Christian readers will understand). Plus it was one of my parents friends teaching today, and I babysit his kids so when he talked about them I could totally see them doing that stuff.

AND, Right now you're reading this and it's been less than a week since I published last and It's a long chapter, like more than a thousand words, plus there was a little tiny bit of Clace, YAY!

So who do you think the person Maryse and Jocelyn were talking about? Leave answers in the comments and you'll see next chapter if you're right.

Anyway, long Authors note.

I hope you guys liked this chapter,

Ciao, People
