Percy POV

"Campers," Chiron said, "It had been a long day. Tomorrow training stars so I suggest getting sleep. You all know when breakfast is. Warriors, please come to me," he stomped his hooves. The stars twinkled overhead and the moon was full.

"I'll meet you guys back at the cabin," I told my siblings.

"Bye, Perce," they said, walking off. Chloe was trying to convince Jacob to give her a piggy back ride, like Chris was for Blake.

"Blake is half your size!" I could hear Jacob saying.

I walked over to Chiron, where everyone else was. "What's up, Chiron?"

"I assumed that you all would want to talk," he said, before cantering off.

"So, guys," started DB.

"Is everyone okay with staying in our parent's cabin?" I asked, "Because if you're not comfortable-"

"I love it. My siblings are amazing," said Dawn.

"Same here," said Twi. Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Okay, so that's settled. Um, awkward question," I started.

"Why is everyone so shocked by you?" finished Twi.

"Um no, that wasn't my question," I said.

"But why?" asked Sunset, "Not that you aren't amazing, because you are, but did you see everyone's face?"

"Yeah, my cabin started whispering around me like crazy," Dusk said.

"So did my siblings," Sunrise said.

"Um...okay, are you guys getting your memories back?" I asked.

Everyone nodded, hesitantly, "Well, fuzzy, but they are there," Twi said, "Like I remember being with my friend, Sasha,"

"Well, I remember things, too. Like...saving Olympus," I said, barely saying the last part.


"Saved Olympus..." I repeated, a little louder.

"You're a legend!?" Twi said, "That's amazing!"

"Anyway...I want to ask something that I actually wanted to ask,"

"Shoot," said Sunset.

"Do you guys feel more...powerful, I guess you could say? Ever since I've been getting my memories back I feel stronger," I said.

Dusk replied fast, "Yes! I think I know why; we remember and are making more friends and have more people to back us up. Sure we are more powerful, but they are making us stronger. Like we are making them stronger,"

"Makes sense. Okay, let's go get sleep. We are getting back to training tomorrow too," I said, "Night, guys,"

"Is the great Percy 'Night' Jackson actually going to sleep!?" Midnight questioned.

"Maybe. I still feel all antsy, but it's been about 5 days of getting only a couple hours of sleep, and even now when I feel like I can run a million miles I might pass out," I said.

"Goodnight...Percy?" Dawn said. I hadn't even realized I still thought of them as their Chaos names.

"Should we call each other our Chaos names? Or our real names?" asked Sunset. Jared. Whichever one...

"I, for one, don't care," said Twi.

"Yeah, whichever one," said Sunrise.

Everyone else nodded in agreement. We all said goodnight, and walked back to our cabin. I didn't realize how late it was, but when I walked in everyone was asleep. Thank gods that none of them were snorers. I know I used to be able to sleep all night soundlessly, but now it was harder for me. I laid down on my bed, and shut my eyes. I drifted into darkness, breathing deeply and calmly.

I was standing next to Thalia's tree, my arms crossed and my back leaning against the bark. The stars were out, and even in my dream I felt powerful and jumpy. I remembered Chaos saying that he needed to talk to me.

As if on cue, the leaves started blowing in the wind. The starts seemed to shine brighter; the moon seemed to get fuller. Chaos was here. Standing in front of me, wearing his usual black attire, with the milky way dancing across the fabric.

"Hello, Percy," he said.

"Not Night?" I asked.

"Night was a nickname. Sure you were Night for a longer amount of time, and you gained more power, but you never stopped being Percy Jackson. Think about it; when you were Percy, you favorite color was blue. You loved the ocean. You were loyal beyond compare. You fought best with a sword. You were dyslexic and ADHD. As Night, what is your favorite color?"

"Blue," I said, smiling.

"Favorite place in the world? I know you can answer this, you have been all over it," Chaos asked.

"The Caribbean," I noted, remembering the soft sand and the crystal waters.

"Why?" Chaos questioned.

"Because of the beaches," I said. I started to get it. My name didn't change me. Nor did the amount of power Chaos granted me. I never changed from the kid who got kidnapped during his last fight. Or the kid who went to school upon school. Or the kid who was in love with a certain girl from the Athena cabin.

"Starting to get it?"

"I get it, I get it," I said, "But I also get something else," Chaos raised an eyebrow, "What is that?"

"You knew this would happen," I said.

"Explain," Chaos asked.

"Well, you know that a name doesn't make a person. You also knew that the giants would pull that trick," I said, putting pieces together.

"How?" he questioned. These questions weren't hard.

"Because you know everything, Chaos," I said, raising my eyebrows. He smiled, I continued, "Dusk said when she talked to you, she said you were happy that we were staying with our siblings. I bet you have noticed that me and the other warriors are...I don't know, stronger? I feel more powerful. You knew that by coming here, we would get our memories back. You knew we would get back into our old routines, and that has made us stronger. I don't know how, and I don't know why, but I know you do," I finished off.

"I know that your friend calls you 'Seaweed Brain', but you are quite smart," Chaos said, "You got me. You all are making the campers stronger, and the camp is making you stronger,"

"So tell me, why did you want to talk to me?" I asked.

"Percy, you know the reason I sent you here in the first place was for a war. Well you know that the war is real,"

Things were starting to get serious, "Yes, I know,"

"I just wanted to tell you, the giants are still weak. That trick they pulled took a lot of power. Camp has probably a year until the threat grows up much stronger," Chaos noted.

"A year for training? We can do it," I said, proudly.

"I'm sure you will all do fine, Percy. Good luck with everything. Remember everything we talked about," he said, before disappearing in the wind. My eyelids fluttered open.

I looked around at my siblings, who were starting to wake up. Chloe was swatting at Blake, who was jumping on Chloe's bed. Chris was drowsily walking to the bathroom, to brush his teeth.

These were my siblings, and I was glad to have been able to live to meet them. Chaos gave me and my siblings a second chance, and I was not letting it go. I got out of bed, and went over to Blake and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder like I do with Dawn.

"Percy!" she giggled, and I threw her on my bed.

"Thank you!" Chloe grumbled.

"No problem," I replied. Blake stuck her tongue out at me, and I did the same thing.

"Are you excited for training?" Blake said.

"Always," I said. I was finally back where I belonged.


Guys, this was so much fun to write! I'm going to miss it, but all good things have to come to an end. For all we know a sequel could come out one day!

The story I am writing currently is entitled "The One That Got Away". The bio is in the end of the last chapter.

The story should be up, check it out!

Check out my other stories too!

Thanks for reading my story and giving me your feedback.

Finally, the responses:

Tigerred101: Here you go! Enjoy!

TheRedHeadGryffindor: Glad to know you liked the story! Here is the final update.

Anthene: here is the answer