One Week Later

Miami-Dade Memorial Hospital

Eric remained semi-coherent, but still very badly injured and it made Horatio hurt to sit by Eric's bedside each day, but he did it. He did it because with the help of Tim and his social worker mother, he had gotten himself appointed as Eric's medical liaison for as long as Eric needed one simply because Eric's parents had asked him to due to the fact that Marisol would want it. Pavel and Carmen Delko and had been given temporary guardianship of Eric until he was deemed fit.

Thoughts of Marisol kept Horatio company, as did books during the two hours that he spent at Eric's bedside before he had to report for work. Since Eric had been shot, Horatio had gone back to running on fumes and had been subsisting on sleep and food while pouring himself into trying to figure out who shot Eric, as the fragment that could be removed was different from the bullets in the gun that Tim had found wedged in the Hummer. There was another gun.

"Mari," Eric's faint voice suddenly spoke from the bed. " that you?"

Horatio frowned as Eric's eyes fluttered open and he looked at him, "Mari?" Eric asked softly.

Quickly realizing that Eric had lost his memories of Marisol's death, Horatio sighed, "I'm sorry, Eric, Marisol's not here right now," he said in as kind a voice as he could muster. "I'll…"

Almost immediately, Eric drifted back to sleep and Horatio rose from his chair, troubled enough to excuse himself from the room for a breath of air. He had been warned that Eric's memory among other things would suffer permanent damage, but to actually see it was troubling.

As Horatio lingered in the atrium that connected several wards trying to compose himself, he noticed Chief Burton and Emily standing at the end of one of the hallways talking quietly. He watched as Chief Burton nodded and silently left while Emily remained where she was.

Unable to help his curiosity, Horatio walked down the hallway, "Emily," he called out.

Emily looked surprised to see Horatio, "Lieutenant Caine, good morning," she said in a pleasant voice. "I trust by your expression that you've been to visit with Eric this morning and it..?"

"He was asking about his sister," Horatio spoke softly. "His memories are…"

Emily nodded, "It's a normal thing in brain injury patients," she replied softly. "I'm sorry if it affected you, but it may be a permanent thing. That's why Eric will need a guardian and medical liaison for a while until rehabilitation can help him learn to compensate for the losses."

Horatio gave Emily a curious look, "What are you doing here?" he finally asked softly.

Instead of replying, Emily sighed, "Ryan's here, isn't he?" Horatio softly mused.

"Horatio, Chief Burton is going to talk to you later," Emily replied in a quiet voice. "I need to get permission from my brother to discuss it beforehand and I'm sure you have a busy day."

Horatio frowned, "I wouldn't mind talking to Ryan myself if he'd talk to me, actually," he replied in a concerned voice, wondering why Rick had ordered Ryan to stay in care for so long.

"Wait here and I'll see if Ryan wants to see you," Emily spoke quietly. "All right?"

Nodding, Horatio remained silent as Emily disappeared through the doors and was gone for several minutes before she came back, "Ryan's agreed to see you," she spoke softly.

Deeply confused as to what was going on, Horatio followed Emily down a long hallway into the admit area. A nurse nodded at them as they proceeded into the open inpatient ward.

"I don't understand why Stetler thought it would be necessary to admit Ryan here for a full week, Emily," Horatio said in a concerned voice, surveying the home-like environment.

There was a silence, "Stetler admitted me for 72 hours, Horatio," a voice said calmly.

Horatio turned his head and was surprised to see Ryan standing there on his crutches in scrub pants, slippers, a loose shirt and a flannel hoodie with a hospital bracelet on his wrist while Rosa lingered nearby, "I'm guessing you were here visiting Eric?" Ryan asked quietly.

"If Stetler admitted you for 72 hours, how come you're still here?" Horatio asked quietly.

Ryan sighed, "After the 72 hours were up, I decided to stay here for voluntarily treatment and I will be for the rest of the month," he explained in a tired voice. "I've been thinking long and hard about things and it'll be best for me to focus on personal recovery right now."

"Why was Chief Burton here?" Horatio asked in a confused voice. "Visiting you?"

Shaking his head, Ryan sat down in a cushy chair and elevated his casted leg on a nearby ottoman while keeping a hold of his crutches, "IAB's been investigating my abduction and everything since then and Patrol failed to provide protection for me, leaving it to you to do it," he replied in a quiet voice. "The problem was that you hadn't bothered to assign me any personal protection and Eric simply offered to drive me home from the wedding because he was worried about whether I'd be okay. He didn't know about the protection order and neither did anyone else because you didn't tell anyone. Stetler filed a legal claim against the department on my behalf and on Eric's behalf in response to the attack on us last week."

Horatio's eyes widened in surprise, "Excuse me?" he asked in a surprised voice.

Emily sighed and brought two chairs over, so Horatio joined her in sitting, "Detective Caine was the responding officer to the scene where the Hummer ended up," she explained, having gone over the police report with Calliegh. "He decided to launch an investigation into the attack."

Horatio frowned, but said nothing as Ryan sighed tiredly and placed a hand on his ribs, "I rebroke my leg, hit my head, and hurt several ribs as well as my sternum when the Hummer flipped," Ryan spoke in a tired voice, stifling a yawn. "Detective Caine talked to me until they got me out of the vehicle and then everything's a blur. I guess I had an emotional…"

"It's all right, Ryan," Emily spoke quietly, seeing that Ryan's pain level was rising.

Ryan sighed softly and nodded, "Chief Burton approved Ryan's request for disability as well as back pay," Emily continued softly. "Ryan will be on the CSI payroll until he's finished his recovery and then he'll be returning to work in the lab, but not out in the field yet."

"I...I'm getting tired," Ryan spoke up quietly. "I should rest since I have therapy later."

Horatio watched as Rosa came down the hallway and helped Ryan up, speaking gently to him in Spanish as she led him back down the hallway, "I'll walk you out," Emily said as she stood up.

Nodding, Horatio got up and followed Emily back down the hallway to the atrium.

New York, New York

Sully sighed heavily as he entered the café where Holly said that Carlos and Jimmy usually met up for coffee and a doughnut before doing their daily endurance rehab. Jimmy was sitting at a table in the corner, basking in the sun while Carlos sat mostly in the dark looking tired.

As Sully neared the table, he frowned at seeing Carlos's shoulder back in its sling with a cast now covering Carlos's arm and wrist, "Sully, hey!" Jimmy said in a kind voice. "How are you?"

"I'm fine," Sully replied as he joined them at the table. "How's your rehab workout?"

Jimmy sighed and looked at Carlos, "The shoulder injury created a bad stress fracture that I didn't know about until I was readmitted for post concussive syndrome," Carlos explained in a pained voice. "My arm and wrist are both fractured and I still have headaches and photophobia sometimes, which is why I'm sitting in the shadows right now. Jimmy's being very kind…"

"Carlos, we're friends," Jimmy said, cutting him off. "I'm gonna go check on our orders."

As Jimmy got up and went to the counter, Sully sighed, "Holly said you'd probably be showing up today," Carlos spoke tiredly. "Since you don't usually visit, what's going on?"

"I'm here on Victims' Assistance business, Carlos," Sully replied quietly. "Officially."

Carlos sighed and nodded, "A week ago, Ryan was in a bad car accident with a Miami Crime Scene Investigator when their Hummer was attacked by gunfire and the CSI was shot, causing the Hummer to crash and flip," Sully explained quietly. "I don't know how bad the CSI is, but Rick Stetler told me that Ryan was injured and ended up having an emotional breakdown after unsuccessfully using manipulation tactics on him. Stetler admitted him to psychiatric care for a 72 hour hold by using his law enforcement authority, but Ryan ended up voluntarily committing to inpatient treatment for the rest of the summer. Has he contacted you at all recently?"

"Not since before I was attacked on the job," Carlos replied softly. "Why tell me this?"

Sully sighed, "Victims' Assistance New York wants you to come in and talk about when you were in a group home with Ryan because they think it will help Ryan with his recovery," he replied calmly. "You don't have to do it, but Grissom thinks it would help your friend. Ryan mentioned in his intake counseling that you were one of the few friends who stayed."

Carlos went very quiet and looked at the table as Jimmy returned with a bag and two tall hot drinks in his hands, "Here's your green tea," Jimmy said, placing a cup in front of Carlos.

Nodding, Carlos placed his hand around the cup and sighed, "Jimmy, I have to take a raincheck on our walk today," he spoke in a quiet voice. "Can you let Holly know I had to go do something? She's at the zoo today with Tommy, Kylie, Danielle, John, David, and Ellie since Bosco is working. Tell Holly that I had to go do some personal business downtown."

Jimmy eyed Sully suspiciously, "What's going on?" he asked in a suspicious voice.

"I'm on official business and can't talk about it," Sully replied in a calm voice.

Jimmy scowled, "I thought you retired?" he asked in a confused voice. "What…?"

Carlos let go of the tea, quickly got his sunglasses out of his pocket, and put them on before slowly standing up and picking the tea up, "Just call Holly for me," he said quietly. "Sully?"

Sully nodded, stood up, and walked alongside Carlos as they left, leaving Jimmy alone and bewildered, "If you need a cab, I can get one," Sully said in a worried voice as they walked away from the café. "The Victims Assistance New York Office is nestled in the Crime Lab because…"

"It's just a few blocks," Carlos interrupted softly. "The walk…will calm my nerves."

New York Crime Lab

Nearly 30 minutes later, Carlos found himself sitting on a comfortable couch in an office that was simply decorated and extremely neat. When they had arrived, Sully had explained why they were there and they had been directed to the Victims Assistance wing of the building.

"Just relax," Sully, who was sitting in a chair beside the couch said calmly. "Breathe."

Carlos scowled, but silently took a sip of green tea and sighed when the door opened and Grissom came in carrying a thick file with Mac Taylor at his heels, "Hello again, Carlos," Grissom said in a kind voice. "This is Detective Mac Taylor, the Head of Victims Assistance New York."

"Hi," Carlos replied in a nervous voice. "Sully…Sully said you wanted to talk to me?"

Mac nodded and sat down behind the desk while Grissom took a seat in the chair and set the file on the table for Carlos and Sully to see. The file was marked CLASSIFIED and was labelled Carlos Nieto, "Everyone who involves themselves with Victims' Assistance has a file kept on them," Grissom explained calmly. "Sergeant Stetler didn't do an interview when he visited."

"He tried, but I was scared to talk," Carlos admitted softly. "Bernard…has influence."

Grissom sighed, "What changed?" Mac asked quietly. "Why are you here now?"

"I've been having long talks with my wife at night after our kids go to bed and telling her about my past," Carlos admitted quietly. "I usually end up crying when I tell her about the bad parts, but she says that it takes a lot of courage to talk about bad things that happen to us and that it takes even more courage to heal from them. Kylie's been really upset about this whole thing because it reminds her of when she spent time at that bad house in Miami…"

Mac nodded, "Kylie was very lucky," he replied calmly. "As were you, Carlos."

"I don't understand," Carlos replied quietly. "How can you call what happened luck?"

Sully suddenly looked uncomfortable, "After Bernard was fired and that farce of a trial happened, he took off to California and eventually murdered some cop's wife as well as Emily Wolfe's little girl," Grissom spoke softly. "They had been living together as common law and Bernard wanted to marry her, but Emily refused and so Bernard and Emily got into it…"

Carlos frowned, "I didn't know," he replied softly. "I thought he was just into molesting…"

Sully looked at Carlos, "What?" Sully said in a shocked voice. "Bernard did what?"

"It's not something I talk about," Carlos replied softly. "I was at that group home for a long time and I was picked on over my ethnicity and a speech impediment I had. Bernard stopped the teasing and expected me to pay him back for his kindness. It went on for months and it happened to Ryan too when he got there. Ryan and I became friends one day when I helped him steal clean pants from a downtown store that he could wear to school because Bernard had wrecked his. I got caught shoplifting and turned over to this guy named Officer Stetler and his training officer, John Sullivan. I ended up telling them and then there was a huge raid."

Sully sighed, "You told me he just beat you up, Carlos," he replied sadly. "You never…"

"It was bad enough he did it to Ryan after what Ryan went through with his dad!" Carlos snapped, shaken by the whole discussion. "Do you have a trashcan somewhere?"

Grissom frowned, "Why?" he asked in a worried voice, noting how pale Carlos was.

"Because I'm going to throw up," Carlos replied anxiously, suddenly feeling nauseous.

Grissom quickly grabbed Mac's trashcan and thrust it into Carlos's arms, cringing as Carlos began to vomit violently into the can. When he was finished, he promptly passed out cold.

Sully reached into Carlos's pocket and pulled out the younger man's phone to call Holly while Grissom gently moved Carlos to the floor, "I'll call EMS," Mac said as he grabbed his phone.

Central Park Zoo

Danielle sighed heavily as she sat on the bench next to Holly, watching as John and Tommy looked at an exhibit of amphibians with David, Ellie, and Kylie, "…Jimmy, I trust that Carlos would have a good reason for going off with Sully," Holly said as Jimmy stood nearby.

"If you're thinking Carlos is doing something illegal, Jimmy, you are way off base," Danielle spoke in a concerned voice. "You were our CO and you should trust him like I do."

Jimmy sighed, "Of course I trust Carlos and I trust Sully, Danielle," he replied in a concerned voice. "I just think it's funny that Sully and Carlos took off from the café without explanation."

"Yelina's shopping this morning, so maybe they went to go meet her," Danielle replied calmly.

Holly's cell suddenly rang and she answered it, expecting to hear about the next class she had been scheduled to teach, "Hello?" she asked in a kind voice. "Yes, this is Holly Nieto."

Danielle frowned as Holly gasped and started crying, "Is he okay?" Holly asked tearfully.

"What's wrong?" Danielle asked as Holly hung up the phone having been told that Carlos had thrown up and passed out during a Victims Assistance interview. "Holly, can I help?"

Holly sighed as she put her phone away, "Carlos was talking to some Victims Assistance people and he threw up and passed out," she replied tearfully. "I don't want to worry the kids."

"Is Carlos being taken to the hospital?" Danielle asked quietly. "I can take you there."

Holly sighed anxiously, "Hey John, Tommy, Uncle Jimmy's going to hang out with you guys for a while so your Auntie Holly can take me baby shopping," Danielle lied as she stood up. "Okay?"

John looked suspicious, but a look from Danielle kept him quiet and allowed Danielle and Holly to slip away quietly. Jimmy sighed and silently went over to the kids to keep them distracted.

Coral Way Apartments/Medical Hospice – Miami, Florida

"Mister Fierro?"

Memmo sighed as he looked up from the book he had been reading while waiting for Bernard to summon him up to the apartment for the daily meeting. Jason Wolfe, who had told his mother he was going to the arcade, was standing there in shorts, a t-shirt, and a jacket.

"What do you want?" Memmo hissed darkly. "I don't recall inviting you here."

Jason sighed, "I drove the van for you so my Uncle Ryan could be watched," he replied nervously. "I drove off fast so that you wouldn't get caught for shooting that cop…"

"Oh," Memmo replied coldly as he stood up. "Are you asking for payment?"

Jason nodded, "I gotta help my family somehow since my dad's in jail and cut my mom and all of us off," he replied nervously, frowning as Memmo came around the desk and grabbed him.

Memmo swore as he dragged Jason from the office and across the lawn to the medical hospice buildings. He stopped in front of a door that had a small cross on it and knocked loudly.

"What?" a cold, tired voice called out. "It's mandatory rest period, but come in if you must."

Memmo silently opened the door and led Jason inside, "Bernie?" he called out calmly.

"I am in bed," the same tired voice called out. "Memmo, I'm not ordering any hits…"

Memmo scoffed and dragged Jason through the condo to the bedroom. Bernard was resting in a hospital bed with an oxygen tube in his nose and electrodes on his chest while a blue pajama shirt covered the rest of his upper body while Dr. Price put an IV in his arm. A rhythmic beeping came from a machine near the bed and Bernard's blonde hair was messy and his skin pale.

"Don't be alarmed, Jason Wolfe," Bernard said calmly. "It's simply my daily rest period."

Jason nodded, but said nothing, "You see, when I lived in California, I did some bad things and I ended up nearly getting killed by some cop named Jesse Cardoza who left me with a cardiac injury," Bernard continued quietly. "I've taken medicine for it, but it's not getting any better."

"I'm sorry," Jason apologized in a quiet voice. "I…I had no idea that you were…"

Bernard sighed, "Hence why I hire young and healthy individuals like yourself," he replied in a calm voice, giving Jason a look. "I do apologize for not paying you for your services as a driver."

Jason swallowed hard, but said nothing, "I shouldn't have come asking for money, but I gave my money to my sister, Jenny, so she could take her boyfriend shopping for stuff he could wear on a job interview," he finally said quietly. "She's been dating the brother of this creepy CSI guy for a while and he got beat up at his dad's restaurant a while back, so he doesn't want to work…"

"A creepy CSI?" Bernard asked curiously. "Jason, just out of curiosity…"

Jason sighed, "Jenny's boyfriend is named Tony Speedle and Tony's brother, CSI Tim Speedle, just got married to my Aunt Emily a week ago," he replied in a cross voice. "I hate them…"

Bernard looked surprised, but said nothing, "I tried to come earlier, but Dad called from jail and he started in on Jenny dating a diabetic who's not too bright," Jason spoke angrily.

Nodding, Bernard sighed sleepily, "I need to sleep," he spoke calmly. "Memmo, get Jason his money and take him wherever he wants to go or feels that he might need to go. Goodbye."

Memmo nodded and escorted Jason from the house and back to his apartment, remaining quiet as he popped open a safe, "Here," Memmo said as he handed Jason a stack of hundreds.

Jason silently pocketed the money, "Did you want to go deal with this Tony Speedle guy who's dating your sister?" Memmo asked curiously. "Or did you want to go home and chill?"

"I want to tell the guy to leave my sister alone," Jason replied in an uncertain voice.

Angel of Mercy Hospital

Stella Bonasera sighed as she held the phone to her ear, listening as Bernard told her that he wanted to see Carlos one last time before he died and that he had phoned some of his 'delivery' guys to help her get Carlos to Miami. She had been in the park when she had overheard Danielle Boscorelli and Holly Nieto mention Carlos and had followed them discreetly.

Once she figured out that they were going to the hospital, Stella had phoned Bernard and shared that Carlos Nieto was in the hospital yet again. Bernard had ordered him retrieved.

As Stella approached the entrance, she saw a plain white van parked outside of the ambulance bay, blocking access, "…You're gonna have to move the van, jagoff," she saw an angry cop in uniform, who was yelling at the two uniformed guys. "You're parked in front of a…"

"Bosco, dude, this is our jurisdiction!" Stella heard a voice say as two more cops approached.

Not wanting to be seen by the police, Stella silently entered the hospital and immediately saw Carlos sitting on a gurney with an IV in his arm being held by a blonde woman she didn't recognize while Danielle Boscorelli sat in a nearby chair, quietly talking with both of them.

Relieved that not many were around, Stella moved behind Carlos, grabbed a scalpel off of a tray, and quickly shoved Holly off of him before grabbing him in a headlock, "Carlos!" Holly said in an anxious voice as Stella forced him to his feet. "Look, whoever you are…please…"

"I have a man in Miami who is anxious to see you before it's too late, Carlos," Stella hissed as she poked Carlos's neck with the scalpel. "I suggest you come with me or I scalp them."

Carlos's eyes widened as his gaze went to Holly, who was on the floor crying, and to Danielle, who had gotten up to fight, "Don't do anything dumb, Danielle," he said firmly. "Bosco would…"

Danielle helped Holly up and said nothing as Stella passed them, swearing as she grabbed the IV pole that Carlos had been using and smashed Stella over the head with it, causing her to lose her grip on Carlos, "RUN!" Holly screamed as she grabbed Danielle and pulled her back.

Stella swore and bolted after Carlos, jumping on his back as he ran into the street, sending them both to the ground in a heap. Pain shot through Carlos's back and his casted arm.

"HEY!" Bosco yelled as he ran over with his gun out. "GET OFF OF HIM NOW!"

The men who were under orders to grab Carlos tried to bolt, but they were stopped in their tracks by Ty and Brendan. Bosco reached down to pull Stella off of Carlos, but Stella smashed Bosco in the abdomen and wrestled his gun from his grip as she got to her feet.

Stella fired several shots at Ty and Brendan just as shouts filled the air. The men ran around the other side of the van and ripped Carlos off of the ground before grabbing a hold of Bosco.

"I will break your friend's skull, cop," the man holding Bosco hissed. "Do not struggle."

Bosco swore as Carlos was dragged and thrown into the van, his eyes wide when Stella promptly shot him in the lower leg, "Now you can't run," she hissed darkly, raising the gun.

As Stella was about to shoot Bosco, a bullet hit her in the hand and blew the gun out of it, "STOP!" Grissom shouted as he prepared to shoot Stella again. "Stella Bonasera?!"

Bosco swore as he was suddenly shoved into the van and the door was slammed shut. The van was filled with various tools and other supplies as if the kidnapping had been planned. Carlos was lying against the other door trembling anxiously and whimpering incoherently.

Anxious yelling and more shots filled the air as the guys threw themselves into the van and the van tore off down the street away from the hospital. Ty and Brendan quickly ran over to Stella.

Stunned by what just happened, Grissom ran inside and saw that Danielle was trying to console a sobbing Holly while ignoring the IV pole that was on the floor, "Mrs. Boscorelli, Mrs. Nieto," he said in an anxious voice as Sully approached from nearby. "My apologies, but…"

"What happened out there?" Sully asked in a shocked voice. "I was just on the phone…"

Grissom sighed, "They got Carlos in the van and shot Officer Boscorelli in the leg before throwing him in the van," he spoke in a somber voice. "NYPD is all over it, I assure you…"

Danielle gaped at him as horror filled her, "Maurice was shot and taken?!" she asked in an anxious voice, her entire body trembling. "Jimmy… Jimmy's got the kids at the zoo…"

Holly's eyes filled with tears as Danielle struggled to compose herself because she knew getting upset wouldn't be good for the babies. As she paced, however, a sharp pain surged through her abdomen that sent her to her knees and caused her to let out an anxious whimper.

"I…I think I'm having a contraction," Danielle breathed in an anxious voice, placing her hands over her belly as she sat down on the floor because her knees were hurting. "Ohh…"

Grissom paled, "I'm not due until September!" Danielle whimpered anxiously.

"Come on," Sully said in an anxious voice as he leaned down. "Holly, give me a hand."

Nodding anxiously, Holly helped Sully get Danielle up off of the floor and over to a gurney, "Get over here now!" Sully shouted as medical staff hurried into view. "She's having contractions!"

Dr. Fields, Mary Proctor, and several nurses descended on Danielle and Holly stayed close as Sully went over to Grissom, "Dad, go get Jimmy and the kids!" Danielle called out anxiously.

"Jimmy?" Grissom asked in a confused voice, giving Sully a look. "Who's Jimmy?"

Sully sighed, "Jimmy Doherty, a friend of the family," he replied anxiously as he and Grissom hurried out of the ER and saw blood, bullets, and panicked people everywhere. "TAXI!"

"Go get Jimmy and the kids and get back here!" Grissom said anxiously as Sully ran off to grab a taxi.

Swallowing hard, Grissom quickly got his phone out and quickly dialled Mac's number.

Coral Way Apartments/Medical Hospice – Miami, Florida

"Mister Marquez, will you please help me?" Jason, who had decided to do something about his sister's crazy boyfriend, asked as he followed Memmo back into Bernard's hospice residence.

Bernard, who had enjoyed a nap and some medicine before getting up, gave Jason a look as they both sat on couches in the living room while Memmo lingered near the door and Dr. Price sat on a piano bench, "You do realize that you'll probably end up in prison like your father if you go after the brother of a Crime Scene Investigator?" asked in a quiet voice. "Do you know this?"

"I just want to scare him a bit," Jason replied anxiously. "Just enough to keep him away from…"

Bernard sighed, "I control many gangs in and out of Miami, Jason," he replied in a calm voice, feeling refreshed from his rest. "If you want to avoid prison, I can utilize my gangs to help."

"Jenny's my sister, sir," Jason replied anxiously. "I only want to scare this CSI's brother."

Bernard looked amused at Jason's focus and was about to reply when his cell-phone suddenly rang, "Bernard Marquez," he said calmly, answering it and suddenly smiling as he listened to the caller.

Back of Van

"…We should be in Miami in about two to three days, boss," Bosco heard a voice say through the grills that separated the front seat from the back storage area. "We had a little trouble and we have an extra hostage…"

Still unsure what was going on, Bosco quickly checked Carlos, "Nieto," he whispered softly. "You all right?"

"Bosco…" Carlos whispered groggily, unable to move from where he was. "My back…hurts to move."

Bosco sighed and silently eyed his lower leg where blood was now seeping through the pant leg of his uniform. He rolled his pantleg up and saw that the bullet was barely in his leg, but it had broken through the skin.

Swallowing hard, Bosco grabbed plyers from the supplies and yanked the bullet out, ignoring the pain that filled his leg. As the van rolled along, he put the plyers holding the bullet into his pocket and searched through the supplies.

Among the supplies, Bosco was fortunate to find a bottle of peroxide and simple first aid supplies which he used to clean and dress his wound. He then found a pillow and slid it under Carlos before gently rolling him on to it.

Carlos whimpered, but didn't fight because he knew that neither he nor Bosco had the ability to escape without the other getting hurt or killed. All they could do was rely on each other and hope that both of them survived.

Please read and review!

This is the end of this story. Look for the continuation of this thriller in Pathway of Disturbances.