My Baby's Got a Secret

Disclaimer: I'm not RIB, so I don't own Glee or any of the characters. This fic will dive into MPREG, so I'll be using my go-to MPREG explanation like I did in When We're Older aka the Reddin gene. The gene is based on the Reddin character from the 1994 movie Junior. You should really watch it if you like mpreg. It's a good movie, I promise (I also don't have any rights to it either!) The idea behind this fic belongs to the lovely likesboyswholikeboys. The plot is all hers and she graciously allowed me to write my take on her awesome plot, so all my thanks go to her! Also, I OWN NOTHING.

Kurt stretched his arms out, letting his fingers trail over the several envelopes that laid spilled before him. There were a couple of thin letters, ones that he knew were probably rejections (or perhaps informing Blaine about being waitlisted), but there were more heavier set envelopes than the thin ones. Kurt knew those ones would be congratulating Blaine on becoming the newest student at whatever college he'd applied to; however, none of them were opened. They'd been stuffed away in a box in Blaine's closet, not having seen the light of day until now and as Blaine slept on in the background, Kurt got to work, busying himself by sorting out each letter so that once his ex-boyfriend woke up, they could go through them.

In the crib across the room slept Jace, the infant napping peacefully as his father snored just a few feet away from him. Earlier that day had been a busy one for the family; Blaine graduated from high school and there had been a huge blowout between him and his parents, so Kurt knew that everyone was exhausted and just over that whole experience. That's why he stayed over that night: to make sure that Blaine had help with Jace and to keep an eye on his ex and their son. After the events of that afternoon with the fight and everything, it seemed better for everyone if Kurt was around because he was one of the only people who could get through to Blaine anymore. None of the Andersons could break through Blaine's walls like Kurt could, so once Blaine woke up (whenever that was), Kurt would be ready.

Ready with a handful of college acceptance letters, that is. Basically ready for the fight of his life.


"Hey now, I've got you. Shh sweetie, it's okay."

Blaine opened his eyes to a bright bedroom, cringing when a streak of sunlight pierced his still-blurry vision and made him cringe. Across the room, he could hear Jace's soft whimpers, but there was another familiar voice in the fray: Kurt. Blinking, the sleepy-eyed teen rolled onto his side and glanced over by Jace's crib, not surprised to find Kurt pacing back and forth in front of the baby's bed, his arms wrapped around their son as the baby cried and fidgeted against him.

"He might be hungry," Blaine murmured, snuggling into the pillow beside of him (it smelled like Kurt) and smiling when Kurt looked up at him.

"I didn't mean to wake you. He just woke up."

"It's okay. I should probably get up anyway. What time is it?"

"A little after eight. You both slept longer than I thought you would."

"It's been a tiring week."

"I'd say," Kurt said softly, shaking his head when Jace began to chew on his finger. "You are hungry, aren't you Jay-Jay? Do you want dada to get you a bottle? Yeah?"

"I can do it. You should sit down. You've probably been up all night."

Kurt rolled his eyes, "Nah. I took a nap earlier. I got my sleep in too, so I'm fine. However, if you want to join me while I make his bottle, you're more than welcome." When Blaine nodded, the two of them headed out of the room and downstairs into the empty kitchen. The rest of the household was still asleep so it was just the little family hanging out on the lower floor; being alone was nice and Kurt couldn't help but imagine a future a lot like this, with Blaine and their kids on an early spring morning, just spending time together in their quiet house.

"What are you thinking about?" Blaine asked, scooping a few spoonfuls of coffee grounds into the pot by the fridge. Within moments, the house filled with the smell of freshly brewed coffee and Kurt moaned at the scent - he did enjoy a hot cup of joe in the morning, especially when he was still fighting the urge to sleep.

"Just thinking about everything mostly. About Jace... and you."

Blaine didn't respond to that. Instead he busied himself by grabbing a few mugs from the cupboard and fixing up their respective coffees (cream and sugar for both with extra added cinnamon for himself.) Once their drinks were made, he slid a cup towards Kurt and watched as his ex balanced feeding Jace with one hand while he sipped at his coffee with the other. For the next few minutes, they sat in silence, the only sounds coming from Jace as he sucked on his bottle and stared up at Kurt with wide blue eyes. It didn't take him long to finish eating and once he was done, Kurt passed the baby off for Blaine to burp, quietly watching the younger boy walk back and forth around the kitchen as he patted his hand on Jace's back, patiently waiting for the child to burp.

"Do you want me to make anything for breakfast?"

"You know... I think we might have the ingredients for Belgian waffles if you want to make your mom's recipe. I haven't had one of those in a long time," Blaine suggested, blushing when Kurt smiled at him.

"As you wish. Do you think your parents or Cooper would want one?"

At the mention of his parents, Blaine's facial expression soured and he looked away, staring out of the kitchen window and out at the backyard. He continued staring for several seconds before he shrugged as an answer to Kurt's question and went back to burping the baby; a second later, Jace belched and Blaine adjusted him on his shoulder, moving closer to the window. "Do you ever just... think about Ohio? Like, think about how it compares to the rest of the country? Or the world?"

Kurt closed his eyes, lower lip tucked between his teeth as his stomach dropped to his toes thanks to the bland tone he could hear in Blaine's voice - his ex sounded so lost, as if the thought of being stuck in Ohio for the rest of his life hurt him immensely. "Blaine-"

"Like, when you're in New York... do you ever think about how small Ohio seems? Or how small Lima seems? Have you ever thought about the people here who've lived their whole lives in this city and have never left?"

"Blaine, I-"

"Do you think they ever wanted out but just never had the means to leave?" He cuddled Jace a little closer and from where he stood in front of the window, Kurt could see that Blaine now had his eyes closed. In the meantime, Jace was staring directly at him, blue eyes bright in the daylight as he watched his other father stare sadly at the two of them. The sight was heartbreaking; there stood Blaine, physically only a few feet away from Kurt but emotionally he was lightyears away. Jace rested against his shoulder, a permanent reminder of how much things had changed in Blaine's world and even though Blaine seemed so far gone, he was tethered to the little boy in his arms. Nothing would change that and it made Kurt want to cry.

Because no matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't fix this. He wanted to help Blaine, to show him that things weren't as bad as he thought they were, but every single time he thought he could help, Blaine would do or say something that sent Kurt reeling.

He didn't know what to do... and he didn't think he'd ever know.

"Is that coffee?" A voice interrupted and Kurt spun around, blinking dumbly at Cooper as the eldest Anderson sibling stumbled into the kitchen and immediately went to the coffee pot. "Thank god. I feel like I've been hit by a bus." The older man stared at the pot for a second and then froze, "Is this Folgers? Because I did a spot for them years ago and I'm only supposed to drink-"

"It's fine, Coop." Blaine whispered, turning to stare at his brother. "We all know what kind of coffee you drink, so quit freaking out. It's safe. You can drink it."

"Ahh, you're the best, Blainey."

"Don't mention it."

Kurt watched the brothers for a minute or two, eyes flicking between them as they stared at each other. The forlorn look that had been on Blaine's face earlier had melted away when Cooper entered the room, so the elder Anderson wasn't able to see what Kurt did - he didn't have to deal with the anguish that Kurt just witnessed and deep down, Kurt wondered if any of the Andersons had seen that side of Blaine yet. He knew that Marisol and Nicholas saw Blaine meltdown weeks before, which was the catalyst for getting him help, but the more he thought about it, the more Kurt wondered if Blaine hid the rest of feelings away around his family. It was strange and to him, it felt like things were only getting weirder.

"So, what're ya makin'?" Cooper asked, snapping Kurt from his thoughts as he leaned up against the counter beside him.

"Belgian waffles," Kurt answered, glancing over at Blaine to find his ex back to looking out the window again, lashes blinking open and closed slowly as he stared out into the yard. It hurt to see him so far away and Kurt knew that after breakfast, he'd have to do something about it, no matter how mad at him Blaine would be.


Summertime was coming to an end. The air outside was cooling and school was starting in two days. Kurt was still in Lima, bored to death while all his friends rode off into the sunset to their respective colleges and Blaine, who was about to start his senior year, was sitting at their table at the Lima Bean, nursing an iced latte while he waited for his boyfriend to get off of work. Outside, teenagers hopped in and out of their cars as they made one last coffee run before they headed off to the pool or on a joyride and Kurt couldn't help but watch them sadly, wishing to be that young and carefree again.

"When did I get so old?" He asked himself, untying his apron as he settled in the seat across from Blaine. His boyfriend's eyebrows raised in surprise.

"What do you mean?"

"Those kids out there. The one's in the jeep," he waited until Blaine turned to look at the group of teens who were fighting over where to sit. "I wish my life was as fun as theirs."

"Your life is fun, silly. And you're not old. You're nineteen. That's not old." Blaine reached out and gently took Kurt's hand, squeezing it within his own. "You've just got... cabin fever or something. But it'll get better. You'll audition for NYADA again and get out of this town eventually. You just have to believe in yourself."

Kurt sighed, flicking his gaze away from the window and back towards his loving boyfriend. Blaine was watching him, as he usually did, with those warm honey eyes. Love radiated from his stare, which made Kurt blush and the older teen ducked his head as he smiled. "You are such a charmer."

"So I've been told." A little smirk flashed on Blaine's face and then he let go of Kurt's hand, sitting back in his chair to sip at his latte again. "So... which one of these things do you think I should do first?"

"Start the NYADA one. I'd send it in now and try to get an early audition. You don't want to try out as late as Rachel and I did. After that, fill out the one for NYU and Columbia. I can start filling out some of them, if you'd like. I have nothing better to do."

Frowning, Blaine shook his head, dropping his hands to lay flat on the stacks of papers that were scattered all over the table. "Maybe this is a bad idea. I don't want you to-"

"No, Blaine. It's not a bad idea. I'm just throwing myself a pity party. I just- I'm not trying to rain on your parade or anything. You're applying to college and you're being smart about it. Smarter than me, at least. If anyone could learn from my mistakes, then good for them. It's better to apply to more than one school anyway. You can apply for your dream school and then have back-ups just in case that doesn't work out."

"You can still apply to other schools, Kurt. You love fashion. Why don't you apply at-"

Kurt shook his head, raising his hand to stop Blaine from continuing. Once his boyfriend quieted, he lowered his palm and reached out, grabbing some of the papers off of the stack in the middle of the table. "Today's not about me. We're starting out with you, okay? You're starting school soon and I want to help you before you get caught up in all those extra curriculars you seem to like to get yourself dragged into."

"I don't plan on signing up for much," Blaine interrupted and Kurt laughed, rolling his eyes.

"Sure, honey. Whatever you say. Now, how about we start on the NYADA application?"

"Okay. Yeah, sure."

The two slaved over the form for several minutes, filling out question after question until Kurt noticed that his boyfriend was unusually quiet. When he glanced up, he found Blaine rubbing his stomach, a sour look on his face. "You okay?"

"Yeah. I just feel kinda queasy. I think I drank too much coffee."

"I made that latte, so if it makes you sick, that's my fault."

"No. It was good. I just... think I should lay off coffee for a while. It's not being very good to me right now."

"Are you sure you're okay?"

Amber eyes flicked up catching Kurt's worried ones. "I'm sure. It's probably just a stomach bug. Now... what question were we on?"


"Kurt," Blaine froze, eyes narrowed as he spotted the pile of letters sitting on his floor. They were the ones he had hidden in his closet, carefully tucked away in a box that he was sure no one would look through. Of course, he forgot to count out Kurt, who somehow knew where everything Blaine ever had was hidden. He was good at that (finding things, that is) and it annoyed Blaine like no other. "What are these doing out?"

"We're going to open them."

"I'm not going-"

"Blaine," Kurt walked over and strapped Jace in his musical swing, clicking the knob for it to play some music while it rocked the baby to sleep. Once Jace was all set, he turned back around and withered a bit under the dark look he was receiving. "Some of these are heavy! They have to be acceptance letters... and yet you're ignoring them!"

"I can't go to college, Kurt. You know that and I know that."

"That's a load of crap. You can still go. There's daycare and babysitters and-"

"I'm not having some stranger watch my child!"

"You're being ridiculous!"

"No, I'm not. You don't understand."

Kurt scowled, crossing his arms over his chest. "You're going to pass up the opportunity of a lifetime to get out of Lima because you're afraid to let somebody else watch Jace? I can watch him. If you go to a school in New York, you can live with me and I can watch him while you're in class. We can plan our schedules around each other."

An exasperated noise slipped from Blaine's lips and he rolled his eyes hard, mirroring Kurt's stance as he glared at his ex. "You live with Rachel and Santana in a loft that doesn't have separate bedrooms. Santana sleeps on your couch! You three barely make enough to live on, you all have jobs that keep you out at all hours, and who's to say that Rachel and Santana want to live with an infant anyway? Babies are hard work; they aren't gonna want to put up with that!"

"Then we can find our own place!" He was answered with a scoff. "Blaine-"

"You seem to think that we're going to live together. I don't think we've ever discussed this." Before Kurt could reply, Blaine continued on, his voice growing louder with anger. "We talked about living together when we were dating Kurt, but we're not dating now are we? You and I have completely separate lives now. You're in a band, you go to NYADA, and you live in New York freaking City. Meanwhile, I'm jobless, have a baby, and I'm not going to school. Oh, and I live in Lima freaking Ohio. Wow, what a life."

"Jesus Christ, Blaine! You can come with me to New York! I want you there. I want to be with you and Jace all the time and I can't if you're back here." He sucked in a deep breath and looked down at his feet, willing the tears in his eyes to dry up. "And I wish you'd quit saying things like you have a baby. We have a baby. He's ours!" Angry blue eyes shot up to glare at Blaine, "You keep on shutting me out and I want to help you. I hate seeing you like this. I hate it and not being able to just talk to you makes me feel like I don't know you anymore and I don't like it!"

"It's because you DON'T know me anymore," Blaine yelled, kicking at the pile of letters with his socked foot. Jace screamed when the volume of their argument increased, causing Kurt to instantly move over to the swingset to unstrap their son and cradle him against his chest.

"Shh. Shh honey. It's okay," he soothed as he rubbed Jace's back. Across the room, Blaine had his fingers clutched in his hair, eyes wild with fire; the sight made Kurt's insides tighten. "Blaine, I... I know I don't know you as well as I thought I did. And I know that I missed out on a bunch of things, but I'm willing to work on this with you. I want to get to know this new version of you. I want to get to love this you as much as I loved the old you. They can't be much different."

"They are though," the other boy whispered, fingers sliding out of his hair as he went to wrap his arms around his waist. The room grew quiet except for the soft shuddering breaths Jace took as he continued to calm down and after several tense seconds, Kurt made his way over to where his ex stood, slowly inching his way towards Blaine.

"Can we just look at the letters? You'll never know unless you open them. Please look at them. See what they say. For me? For me and Jace? Just... think of the better life you could give him if you went to school. You can get a degree in whatever you want and find a higher paying job that will let you make the kind of money that allows you to buy him whatever the heck he wants." Swallowing thickly, he pleaded once more, eyes alight with hope. "Please?"

Blaine glanced down at the scattered mail by his feet as he inhaled sharply, "Kurt, I can't-"

"Do you really want to be stuck here in Lima? What happened to the boy that convinced me to put it all on the line and go to New York? God, Blaine, I was so ready to just stick it out here and you pushed me to go and I did and I-"

"Fell in love with the city."

"I did-"

"And you fell out of love with me."

"I... Blaine, no."

The younger teen slowly dropped down to sit on the floor, legs crossed, his hands brushing over the folded papers in front of him. "I pushed you to go to New York because I wanted to see you succeed and you fell in love with it up there. You were made for the city, Kurt. I'm not."


"How am I supposed to raise a baby in New York? How am I supposed to pack up everything and go off to one of the biggest, most dangerous cities in the country with an infant when I don't have a dime to my name nor do I have a place to go? And before you say anything about living with you again, we're not together-"

Before he could say anything more, Kurt interrupted, his voice thick again, welling up with bubbling emotion. "What part of me saying that I wanted to get to know and love you again did you not get? I don't want to leave here without you or our son, okay? I love you, Blaine. I've never fallen out of love with you, not after you cheated on me or after I found out about Jace. I've always loved you since the moment I met you and I always will... and I want to try being us again. I want you to be with me. I want to raise him together." He kissed Jace's chubby cheek. "I want this so bad and I'm fighting for it. This is me fighting for you, Blaine. Please. Just... fight for me too?"

Blaine reached up to wipe at the tears that wet his face, sniffling as he stared intently at those damn letters. In his heart, he wanted to agree with Kurt's words, tell his ex that he too wanted to try being them again and that this time he'd do things right, that he wouldn't hurt Kurt ever again. But then his brain would chime in, saying things like who's to say that he won't regret this once you get back to New York, he got distracted by the bright lights before, who's to say he won't again? Then where would you be? Out on the street with your son? What a parent.


"I... I'm scared," the dark-haired teen breathed, pulling his legs to his chest. "I'm scared of doing this again."

"Of doing what? Being together?"

"Yes." He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against his knees. "I don't want to hurt you again but I don't want to get hurt again either."

"Oh, Blaine, I-"

"I can't go with you up there and then get left behind again."

"I wouldn't-"

"But you did the first time."

"And I'll never let that happen again, I swear to you." As carefully as he could, Kurt sunk down to sit across from Blaine, situating the baby in his arms so that Jace was sitting on his lap, back pressed flush against his daddy's chest as the two of them sat by Blaine. "It'll be easier this time. You'll be there with me and we can do this together. I can show you the city and we can take Jace to Central Park or out to get ice cream or we can even go toy shopping at F.A.O. Schwarz." His eyes lit up over the endless possibilities that were flooding his mind and his excitement brought a slight smile to his ex's face. "Just think about it."

Blaine remained silent for a little bit, his sight only focused on Jace as he stared at the little boy sitting on Kurt's lap. Jace was looking up at him, his light brown hair sticking up all over the place while his little nose scrunched as he made a silly face before he sneezed. At the tiny achoo sound, Kurt giggled and Blaine quickly followed suit, ducking his head as his laughter became more jovial and light. "Poor little guy," he laughed, reaching out to boop Jace's button nose. "That was a bad sneeze, huh Jay-Jay?"

Jace blinked up at him, long eyelashes fluttering as he stared but then he smiled, cooing when Blaine beamed back at him. In the background, Kurt watched in awe, knowing deep within his heart that he just couldn't leave Ohio without the two loves of his life in tow. He'd do whatever it took to persuade Blaine to come with him because he couldn't miss out on anymore of this. He couldn't miss any more of Jace's life - or Blaine's for that matter - and he'd do everything in his power to prove to Blaine that things were going to be alright.

"Kurt?" The sound of his name pulled him from his thoughts and he looked up, surprised to find Blaine staring at him with an understanding expression.


"I think I... want to open these letters."

"Okay," Kurt exhaled, breath shaky as he blinked back the tears there were filling his eyes. "Great."


"So, that's the apartment? Whaddya think?"

The screen spun back around to face his boyfriend and Blaine smiled, tilting his head as he tried to get a better look at the person he missed the most. The lighting in Kurt's room was pretty bad, making their Skype date look like Kurt was chatting with him from a monastery, but that was to be expected considering he just moved into the loft a few days before and still had unpacking and room decorating to do. Thoughtfully, Blaine pressed his finger to his lips and sat back on his bed, watching the way his best friend settled down before he spoke.

"Well, for a dirty old loft in Bushwick, I think you guys made it look great. Umm, so far, I mean. It'll grow with time."

"I know," Kurt said excitedly. He bounced a bit on his newly made-up bed, hands clapping in front of his face before he rested his chin on them. "It's so cool to have all this. Rachel and I have all these plans - okay, I have plans for the rest of this place, but still... it's going to be fabulous. You're going to love it when you come see it, I swear."

"I'm sure I will." Rubbing his belly, Blaine sat back on the bed and situated his laptop so he could lie down for a minute. A sudden yawn interrupted him before he could speak again and Kurt frowned, his face going blurry onscreen as the lag between their connection kicked in again.

"Are you tired? I can let you go-"

"No! No, it's fine. I had a long day, but we hardly get to talk to each other anymore, so don't worry about it. I'm here to talk to you and you alone." When Kurt grinned, Blaine did so back, ignoring the cramping feeling in his thigh where a still-healing injection site lay. Other than the itching, aching needle prick on his hip, there was a bottle of prenatal vitamins and a what-to-expect booklet sitting on his dresser, a permanent reminder of the news he held within. "So... umm, guess what happened today-"

"Oh my god, I forgot to tell you about the cute little consignment shop Rachel and I found!" Kurt began to ramble, talking a mile a minute about adorable trinkets and decorations he was planning to buy later on. As he talked, Blaine struggled to listen, his heart throbbing in his chest as he fought over whether or not to just say those magic words, those words that could change everything. He was sitting on a pretty heavy secret and it was killing him to hide it away from the one person who deserved to hear it the most. Just sitting there listening to Kurt talk so animatedly, so happily about his new life made Blaine feel so much guilt licking at his skin. His stomach turned and he was a million percent sure it wasn't the baby.

"Kurt, I-"

"Oh my god, Blaine, I just... I'm so glad you and dad were able to convince me to come up here. I was just so miserable back in Lima and I... I love it here. It's like I was born to live here, you know?"

Blaine paused, his heart clenching in pain. "Yeah, I know."

"It's just... I feel so alive and- and so free. New York's a completely different world compared to Ohio. You'll love it too. I just know you will."

"Yeah... yeah, I'm sure I will," Blaine murmured back, his eyes burning as he struggled not to cry. Because he knew what this all meant, the baby news and everything. He'd never make it to New York. He'd be stuck in Ohio forever.


Papers scattered the floor, acceptance letters and denials alike were spilled all around them, but Kurt only had eyes for the piece of paper that Blaine held within his shaking fingers at that very moment. It wasn't a NYADA letter - Blaine didn't go to his scheduled audition, calling and bowing out at the last minute because of his pregnancy, but this one was from NYU, one of Blaine's safety schools had he not been able to go to NYADA.

"What does it say?" Kurt whispered, voice shaking just enough to give away the nervousness he had for the boy sitting across from him. Blaine's white knuckled fingers clutched the letter a little tighter, fingers bending the fragile paper beneath his harsh touch. "...Blaine?"

"I'm going to New York."


"I got in. I'm... I'm going to New York."

A yelp of happiness burst from Kurt's lips as he leapt up and hugged his ex a little closer, smiling into the warmth of Blaine's neck as the two of them curled around each other. Jace was still on Kurt's lap, laying on his dad's legs fast asleep and completely oblivious as to why his daddies were hugging and crying, A choked whimper slipped from Blaine's throat and Kurt tightened his grip around the other boy's compact form, pressing his lips against the tip of Blaine's ear. "You're going to New York. I knew you'd make it. I knew it."


Rain splattered against the windows as thunder boomed in the sky, flashes of lightning illuminating the frosted windows of the living room as Kurt sat in the darkened silence. It was a dreary evening in New York City and while Kurt wasn't sure if the rain was supposed to be a metaphor of the constant sadness he'd been feeling ever since he came home, he knew that it perfectly matched his mood to a T. Sighing, he wrapped his fingers around his mug of peppermint tea, closing his eyes as he tucked his legs more underneath him. The blanket he had covering his thighs slipped a bit and he tugged it back up, pushing the fabric between the couch cushion so that it held him a little tighter.

That's all he wanted... to be held.

Another crash of thunder echoed, making the loft feel like it was shaking, and Kurt pushed a trembling hand against his heart, feeling the thudding rhythm of it beating in his chest as it competed with the sound of the storm outside. He wasn't sure which was louder - the thunder or his heartbeat, but he knew that they both resonated harshly in his ears. The thudding drum in his chest sped up for a second as the screeching pull of the loft's main entrance slid open and he cracked open his eyes, staring through the darkness at a drenched Rachel Berry. His friend sighed upon the sight of him and she went to shrug off her coat, hanging it on the rack near the door before she walked over and sat down next to him.

"How long have you been sitting here? You can't mope all day. There are tons of guys out there who'd love to date you, Kurt!"

"It's not about that," the boy mumbled, lifting his cup to his lips to drink. Beside him, Rachel sighed again, more dramatic this time around, and she placed a cool hand on his forearm.

"You and Adam broke up days ago and you're the one who broke up with him so I'm not really sure why you're in here moping...?"

"I'm not moping because of Adam. He has nothing to do with this."

Rachel's expression darkened at his words, her smaller hand squeezing his arm a little firmer in her grasp. "So this is about Blaine then? And Jace? Kurt, you can't-"

"You can't tell me what I can and cannot do, Rachel! I broke up with Adam because I couldn't love him like I do Blaine, okay? I tried to make it work with him, but I couldn't. I can't force myself to fall in love with someone else when there's somebody I love back home!"

"I thought your home was here, Kurt?"

Brokenly, Kurt sniffled, reaching up to wipe away his tears with the sleeve of his shirt. "I thought it was too, but... it doesn't feel like it anymore. Not where they're back there and I want them here." He glanced over at the window, eyes flashing as another streak of lightning lit up the living room. "We had all these plans; Blaine was supposed to come to New York after he graduated and we were going to make a life together. Instead he and our son are back in Lima and I'm here and I feel so disconnected."

"You'd probably feel better if Blaine would let you have Jace for your birthday like you asked. It was wrong of him to fight with you over that. You deserve-"

"Sometimes I don't think I deserve anything," Kurt said quietly. Rachel took his cup of tea from his shaking hands and put it on the table, sliding closer to him to wrap her arms around him and hold him tight. He continued, "The other night, he was so... upset with me. Adam and I stayed out late and I knew I had to get home, but Adam wanted to talk a little longer and I told myself that he deserved time with me too; he was my boyfriend and he needed time with me. So I stayed and we came back so late that when I called Blaine, he- he was so angry with me."

"That's not your fault-"

"But it was because he was already ticked with me about Adam barging in during our conversation a few weeks ago and then that happened and I just... I felt terrible. Adam, he- he said the same things you've been saying but neither of you get it. You aren't a parent. You aren't in my situation. Neither of you understand."

"I know we don't, but Kurt-" Rachel paused, taking a breath before she continued. "What happened between you and Blaine wasn't your fault. He was the one who cheated. He was the one who lied to you about Jace and for him to get mad at you about dating again is just so ridiculous to me-"

"I don't think he's mad really. I think he's jealous. I... don't know."

"Well he still shouldn't get mad at you over that. You deserve to have a life too. You deserve love just as much as anyone else."

"But the people I love are back in Ohio."

"I... I know. Just- Kurt, please don't beat yourself up over everything. If you and Blaine are really going to work out, then you'll have to talk it out. If you guys are still soulmates like you believe you are, then you need to work on this instead of fighting all the time." On the coffee table, Kurt's phone buzzed with a text from Blaine and Rachel shook her head sadly. "Also, if you want to fix this, you'll probably want to start answering his messages. He's been texting you non-stop since your fight the other night."

"I'm not going to answer him back. I'm going back to Ohio to see him. We're going to talk this out in person, face-to-face."

Nodding, Rachel smoothed her fingers through Kurt's hair, holding him closer. "Well then, I wish you luck, I guess."

"Thank you. Hopefully, umm... the next time you see me, Blaine and Jace will be with me."

Rachel hummed in agreement, not so much that she thought it would happen, but she at least hoped they'd work things out for Kurt's sake. Because it had been a long depressing break-up and she was sure she never ever wanted to see Kurt deal with something like that again.


"Oh for fuck's sake, Berry! Answer your phone!"

"I'm coming!" Rachel sang, dancing across the apartment to grab up her ringing cell. Kurt's name was displayed on the front, along with a picture of Kurt smiling in front of Tiffany's, and she smiled at the photo, sliding her finger across the screen to answer the call. "Hello?"


"You called my phone, Kurt. Of course it's me."

"I just wanted to make sure it wasn't Santana answering your calls again." At that, Rachel's eyes narrowed; she'd have to have a long talk with her other roommate about privacy. "Anyway, I have something to tell you."

"You're on your way back home?"

"Yes and no."

"Yes and... no?"

There was a chuckle on the other end that tapered off into a sigh and Rachel grew a little worried; she had no idea what her bestie was about to say.

"Rachel, do you think you can handle living with Santana and just her alone?"


"I... Blaine and I... and Jace, obviously. We're getting an apartment together."

"But why can't you-"

"Do you really want to live with a baby, Rachel? You get mad at me for even turning the tv up just the tiniest bit; you'd go crazy if we all lived with you. Honestly, this is for the best. Blaine and I can work on everything together and we can raise Jace and... you understand, right?"

"Yeah. I do. It's just... we were going to take over New York together."

"And we will, just not while we're living together." There was a sigh on the other line followed by the shrill cry of an infant. The sound of singing filled Rachel's ears and she smiled sadly, listening as Kurt sang to his son. "Rachel, listen... I-"

"I understand. He needs you. They both need you."

"I'm sorry."

"You know, to be honest, I expected this. You and Blaine have way too much history to just let go that easily. So, I'm not mad. Jealous? Yes. Mad? No. I just hope everything works out for the two of you."

"Yeah," Kurt said softly, his voice breathless. "Me too."

"Well, I should let you go. Will you call me when you two decide to come home? Then I can meet that little wiggle worm you keep sending me adorable pictures of."

"I will. I love you, Rachel."

"I love you too, Kurt." The line clicked, the call ended, and Rachel glanced up at Kurt's part of the loft, her eyes watering when she realized that it soon would turn in Santana's piece of the apartment. Everything she and Kurt put together for their first place together would be going into a different home; it was bittersweet, but she understood. Smiling sadly, she wiped her eyes and wandered over to Kurt's bed, sitting down on the mattress that no longer smelled like her best friend, but like the girl who was currently hogging the bathroom. For a moment, Rachel let herself get lost in her thoughts and then she whipped her phone back out, her fingers flying across the screen as she sent out a last minute text. Her phone beeped seconds later with a response.

To Blaine: I hope everything works out between you. Also, screw you for taking my roommate!

From Blaine:Thanks Rachel. We love you too.


Boxes were stacked by the front door. Suitcases full of clothing and other items sat beside them, somewhat overflowing with piles upon piles of clothes and other items that were stuffed inside for the move. Kurt sighed as he dropped yet another box in the foyer, plopping down to sit on his butt on the stairs as he struggled to take a breather. The hot July heat blasted through the open door and the steamy air mugged up the windows, making everything feel way too hot and way too sticky.

"Is that the last of them?" Blaine asked, setting his own box down to lean against the wall connecting to the living room. Kurt nodded, too tired to get up, smiling when he felt the carpet dip beside of him as Blaine collapsed on the steps next to him. The younger boy yawned, using his hands to paw off the sweat that coated his face and when Kurt turned to look at him, he was surprised to find Blaine staring up at the wall, thoughts lost somewhere in the ether.

"You okay?"

"I'm just thinking."

"-'bout what?"

"About this. About the move. About leaving Lima." He swallowed, his Adam's apple bobbing. "I didn't think it would happen, not with having a baby and everything."

"You sold yourself short. You always do."

"I just didn't think it was possible. I mean, how am I supposed to manage all of this when we get to New York? You and I will be starting class in a month and we're going to be busy. I just don't see how it'll all work out."

"You're still scared."

Blaine closed his eyes and Kurt took that as his moment to step in. Tiredly, he pushed himself into a sitting position and then leaned over his ex, dropping his head until it bumped against Blaine's. A long time ago, he would've cringed at having his sweaty face anywhere near Blaine's (unless it was during after-sex cuddling), but right now, it felt right to be that close to him. "Blaine?" When those autumn colored eyes that he loved so much finally crinkled open, he leaned down, pushing his mouth against Blaine's in a searing kiss. They hadn't touched like that since the day Kurt came back to Lima, way back in May, and it was a long time coming.

Moaning, he deepened the kiss, sucking in a deep breath through his nose when Blaine eagerly kissed him back, hands clutching at the hem of his sweat-damped t-shirt. They stayed like that for a while, bodies pressed flush on the staircase, Blaine's back and legs molding into the wood as Kurt laid all of his weight down on top of him. It was highly uncomfortable and Blaine was sure there'd be bruises on his body later, but he couldn't stop. Kissing Kurt was something he feared he'd never be able to do again even after his best friend kissed him months ago. But now, being held down by Kurt's strong form and being kissed senseless made Blaine's mind short circuit and he felt much, much better about what was about to happen in his life.

He was moving to New York with Kurt.

And Jace, obviously. The latter of the two making a squealing sound that caused the couple to break apart for air. On the other side of the staircase stood Burt, eyebrow raised as he shot an amused look at his son and his son's (most likely based on this very public display of affection) boyfriend. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No," the boys chimed together and Jace squealed again, little arms waving as he reached out for Kurt. The smile that lit up Kurt's face as the baby reached for him made Blaine's stomach swoop and he proudly watched as Kurt took the little one from Burt's arms and bounced him around a bit, cooing in a high pitched voice that Jace adored.

"So, is everything ready to stick in the truck? Marisol said you two swept over the room and made sure everything was packed up, so I'm assuming that this little roll in the hay you two were having was a celebration of getting all of Blaine and Jace's stuff packed up."

His teasing made the boys blush and Blaine covered his face with his arm, shaking his head as he listened to Kurt admonish his dad for playing around with them.

"The packing's done, dad. All we need to do is get everything put in the truck and we can head out."

"Great. Well then I'll let Nick know that you're done and we'll come back to help you load up the rest of the truck. So, if you two were planning on trying to make me another grandbaby to spoil, I'd suggest-"

"Dad!" Kurt's eyes were wide with shock, his voice shrieking, scandalized. Blaine burst out laughing at the older Hummel's brashness and Kurt quickly scolded him too. "Blaine! Don't laugh at him! It only encourages him!"

With that, Burt went off down the hall, his laughter trailing behind him and once he was gone, Blaine finally stood up, dusting off his shorts and shirt before he made his way over to where Kurt and Jace were standing by the door. He gave Jace a quick kiss to the top of his head, trying his hardest to smooth down the cowlick that always seemed to develop above his forehead (adorably enough, it reminded him a lot of the swoop that Kurt always put his hair into, which made things even more unfair because Jace was looking more and more like Kurt every single day.) When the baby gurgled at the kiss, Blaine smiled and leaned forward, kissing Kurt swiftly as his ex smirked against his mouth.

Before he could step back, Kurt took one of his hands off of Jace's back and reached out, grasping Blaine's wrist within his fingers. "And where do you think you're going?"

"I'm gonna go start taking the boxes out to the car."

"And what if I wanted to kiss my boyfriend a little longer?"

Blaine paused, eyebrow raised in thought. "Your boyfriend?"

"Mhmm. My boyfriend. The person who's my very best friend in this whole world, who is the father of my child and who gave me the greatest gift in the whole world-" He lifted Jace up a bit, showing him off (as well as showing off the muscles in his arm, which Blaine greatly appreciated.) "-also known as this precious little angel who I love dearly. Yes, I'd like to kiss my boyfriend. Because I love him and I hope he loves me-"

"He does."

"-as much as I do him." Gently, Kurt leaned in and captured Blaine's lips with his own, dropping the boy's wrist as he took a hold of Blaine's hip within his grasp. Jace, in all his cuteness, leaned forward just the tiniest bit and smacked his drool-slippery hand into his daddies' chins, humming happily when the men pulled away and stared wide-eyed at him.

"You are just too cute," Blaine cooed, tilting forward to leave big muah-smacking kisses all over Jace's little face. The baby laughed in delight, his high pitched squeals bringing both sets of grandparents out into the foyer to see what was going on. There in front of the door stood Kurt and Blaine, Kurt holding Jace while Blaine played with the baby, both of them laughing in time with the little one in their grasp. They both looked happy and in love and all four adults exchanged a knowing look, smiling at one another as they observed their kids finally falling back into place.

"Is everybody ready to go?" Marisol asked, waving at her grandson when the three in front of the door stopped to look at her. Blaine stepped back, nodding his head as he took one look at his best friend (boyfriend), at their son, and then back at their families, his eyes last stopping on his mother. A wide smile spread across his face.

"Yeah. Yeah, we're ready." At which Kurt took his hand and added, "So ready."

Out they went to finish packing up the car, off to New York to start the newest chapter in their lives. Blaine was starting at NYU, Kurt was going back to NYADA, and they were going to be living in a tiny two bedroom apartment on their own (one that both of their families were helping them to pay for.) It would be tough and things would most likely be touch-and-go for the first few months of them living together after not being them for so long, but Kurt was ready for it and he was sure Blaine was too if the way his boyfriend squeezed his hand as they walked to the car gave him any indication.

"I love you," he whispered, looking down at the boy walking next to him. They had a long way to go, a lot of things to talk through and to try and understand, but he was sure they'd be fine. They were Kurt and Blaine. They had to be okay.

"I love you too," Blaine said back, smiling up at Kurt for a moment before he stopped to open up the car door and climb inside the back, arms outstretched to take Jace so he could put him in his carseat. Once Jace was buckled in, Kurt leaned down to kiss Blaine once more, ignoring his parents' watchful eyes as he pulled away and brushed his thumbs along Blaine's jawline.

"Let's go to New York."

A/N: FINALLY. Two months and I'm finally able to get this final update out. Holy crap am I sorry that it took so long. I updated this way back in February and planned to finish it before March but then I just completely got sidetracked. Oh, and then when I went to finish this chapter, my brain was like, "OH BUT DIDN'T YOU WANT TO WRITE AN EPILOGUE TO THIS" so then my mind flipped to that instead and I started writing a chapter that had nothing to do with this at all. Ugh. Anyway, here's the update. I hope it fulfilled your expectations of the basic ending of this. I do have part of an epilogue written, but I really don't know if I want to post it. It just jumps to the future of Kurt and Blaine after they go to New York and it deals with some of the ramifications of Blaine's secrets and their relationship. If I decide to post it, it'll be soon (not two months from now like with what happened with this chapter) but if not, I'll mention it on my tumblr or something. Anyway, thanks for reading. Hope you enjoyed!