skagengiirl prompted: They share something. Food or some (important) detail from their pasts, or love/fondness of a book or movie or TV show.

A/N: with your list of possible things they share including "some (important) detail from their pasts," it very hard for me to look past the BIG OBVIOUS of them both having grown up alone. But I tried, and this is the result.

As for what it turned out to be, I've had this headcanon for a long while now – Emma has several movies among her favorites that are more "guilty pleasures" that just… Make her feel better on a bad day. Foremost of these are The Princess Bride and Singin' in the Rain. Why? Because they're fun. Singin' in the Rain, in my headcanon, is basically the only musical Emma can even stand, as well (unlike me. I adore musicals, but Emma really doesn't seem the type).

I wasn't initially sure if I was going to put this into Stars or the Miscellaneous One-Shots collection, since it fits in either and was not specified as Stars. As you can see, I did come to the decision that it's Stars verse. Sometime during the curse.

"Let's see what you've got," Emma smiles, looking at the milk crate filled haphazardly with DVDs that Graham had pulled out. They're staying in for the night, avoiding prying eyes and a mysterious writer on a motorcycle who won't leave her alone.

"I don't really know, just some things I got on sale," he shrugs, pulling out some beers for them.

She starts shuffling through the movies. Mostly action films, a few noir… A few haven't even been opened. But at the bottom of the pile, the case well-worn and obviously loved, is a copy of a movie she never expected him to own. It's a classic, she knows that, but… Their tastes tend to run similar and it is only by chance that she has a copy of it in her box of things over at Mary Margaret's, seeing as she was barely willing the first time she watched it.

"Singin' in the Rain?" she asks softly, looking up to him.

"Oh, uh-" Graham looks embarrassed, "I put that at the bottom because-"

"You thought I'd judge you?" she interrupts, feeling a little hurt.

"No, Em, I just didn't think you'd want to see it- You're not really a musical kind of girl, you know?"

"You're right. I'm not. Except for this one," she takes it to the DVD player and pops it in, grabbing the remote and settling on the couch next to him, leaning into his side, resting her feet on the coffee table. Graham hands over her bottle and puts an arm around her.

"Except for this one?" he asks, honest curiosity in his voice, as he nuzzles her sweetly the way he often does, his face in her hair, breathing in her scent as she skips through the previews to get the menu to come up.

"Mm-hmm," she murmurs in agreement, "This one makes me very, very happy."

"Me too," he admits, placing a kiss on her jawline before turning to the screen as the opening credits come up.

"It's- It's like- I can't feel so sad when I'm watching it. It helps me forget," she explains. She remembers the first time she saw it, a teenage girl having snuck into a showing that one of the local theaters was doing on some sort of "classic films weekend" in an attempt to avoid going back to one of the worse foster homes. They didn't care if she was there or not, but when she was there… It was bad. Most of the time, her attempts to stay out of the house were disguised as a job hunt, but that day, she'd gone to the theater instead. She hadn't had the money to buy a ticket, but one of the side doors had been open and she'd taken it as a sign. She'd nearly left when she realized it was a musical, but with nowhere else to be, she'd stuck around… And been happy.

"I used to keep it at the station… Before Henry went and found you… Well, some days he would come hang out. I never told Regina, she would have gotten angry over it and he was safe with me, you know? And he would come over and I would put it on for him," Graham says, pulling Emma closer as she lays her head on his shoulder, a smile on her face from both the movie that's playing and hearing about Henry, "I don't think he appreciated it as much as you do, but… Those were the only times, before. That I was ever really… That I ever really felt anything. Watching this movie with Henry, I was actually happy. Didn't realize it until recently, because I didn't realize how empty I was before until you got here, but-"

She swallows as he cuts himself off, internally cursing the fact that she's teary-eyed over his explanation. She's not sentimental. And it's a silly coincidence, anyway- It's a classic for a reason. She's sure it makes a lot of people happy. But somehow, sharing this with him… It's strange how that makes her feel, the happy twisting in her heart. Just when she thought they couldn't be any more of a perfect match, he had to go and love the same one musical as her.

She hits the pause button, even though they've just barely been watching for five minutes, twisting up and meeting his lips in a gentle kiss.

"Now you don't have to worry about that. You don't have to be empty anymore," she says as they part. She doesn't understand what he sees in her, she doubts she ever will, but she knows that as long as he'll have her, she's willing to keep trying. This relationship- It's already the best thing that's ever happened to her, despite its perhaps rocky start, and she knows that good relationships take work and if he's willing to put up with a broken girl like her…

"Nor do you," he murmurs, nudging her nose affectionately, "You don't have to be alone anymore. You've got Henry, Mary Margaret, and me. You always will. Storybrooke can be your home, if you want. The people here care about you, Emma."

Home. That is the one thing she's always wanted- The one thing her heart aches from wanting. Or- It did. Things have been different since Storybrooke. Since him, although she would rather not admit that. She's never needed anyone else before and would like to think she doesn't need anyone else now. But there's no longer a world where she's not in Henry's life, and- She hopes there's no longer a world where Graham is not in hers.

But home is also the one thing she stopped allowing herself to get her hopes up for, long ago. After what happened with Neal- And after her entire childhood- She had decided that home was just something she was destined not to have.

But maybe… Maybe she can, she thinks, leaning in for another kiss.