"MOM!" Eren screamed as he was being taken away from his mother. Watching as the Titan came closer to his mother, smiling as if this whole situation was the most amusing thing in the world.

"EREN! MIKASA!" Cried Carla as she watched the children being taken from her, away from danger. Tears streamed down her face as she realized that she was going to die and that she will never see Eren and Mikasa again.

Eren watched in horror as his mother was pulled out of the wreckage that was once their home. He watched as his mother beat the Titan with her fists in a desperate attempt to free herself from the Titan's grasp. He watched as his mother was broken and then shoved into the mouth of the smiling Titan.

His mother was dead and all he could do was watch.



"Jäger, wake up."



"I'll kill 'em! I'll kill every last one of 'em!"



Eren groaned as he slowly opened his eyes after being tossed out of bed. He looked around the room and saw two familiar faces. Levi and Hanji.

Levi looked slightly annoyed, but with a hint of concern behind his cold eyes. On the other hand, Hanji openly expressed concern on her face, but it quickly changed to an excited expression.

"Now that you're up we can experiment today!" Hanji said excitedly.

"E-experiment?" Eren said worriedly as he wiped the "sweat" from his eyes. Experiment to Hanji was usually something dangerous and this concerned Eren.

"Relax. You're just going to shift into a Titan and I will be asking you to do simple tasks to see how in control you are!" Hanji explained upon seeing the worried look Eren had been giving her.

Eren sighed in relief. Good, he thought. Nothing too strange. As Eren started to relax he immediately became tense again once the other person in the room, who had since been forgotten, spoke.

"Now hurry up and get dressed Jäger. We don't have all day." Said Levi.

Eren stuttered out a "Y-yes sir!" and Levi and Hanji left the room.

Just when Eren had removed his night shirt, Hanji came bursting into the room.

"Hanji!" Eren said in shock as he tried to cover himself.

Hanji laughed at Eren's expression as his cheeks got redder and redder. "Oh relax, Eren! It's nothing I haven't seen before! Anyway, I just came by because I forgot to tell you to meet me and Shorty in the woods behind HQ!"

"Oh, okay. Thanks Hanji." replied Eren, who had relaxed a bit.

"Now hurry up and finish putting on your clothes! The fun size Corporal isn't very fun when you make him wait!" Hanji said as she ran out the door, leaving Eren to finish getting dressed in peace.

Time Skip

"Okay, Eren. All you have to do is turn into a Titan, stay in control, and await for my orders!" Hanji said with much enthusiasm. "Don't worry! If you do have trouble staying in control, good old Levi over here will cut you out in no time!"

"Tch, I'm not old, Shitty Glasses." Said Levi.

"Of course you are! Now, when I say go, turn into a Titan!" Hanji said cheerfully.

"Yes, ma'am, but what is my goal? I need a specific goal to change." Asked Eren.

Hanji thought for a moment before she spoke. "Your goal is to be able to control your Titan self so you don't hurt the ones around you."

"Okay, I'm ready." said Eren.

Hanji and Levi walked a little ways off before using the 3DMG to climb up a tree. Once they were off the ground Hanji yelled, "GO!"

Upon Hanji's order, Eren bit hard into his thumb as he thought of his goal.

Suddenly a bright flash appears and leaves behind a now Titan version of Eren.

"WOOHOO!" Hanji screamed.

"Calm down." Levi said to Hanji, who was clearly having too much fun with this.

"Can you hear us, Eren?" Hanji spoke loudly and with much enthusiasm. Her excitement levels rose some more when Titan Eren nodded his head in affirmation of Hanji's question.

"Do you remember what your goal is? Do you feel in control right now." Hanji asked.

Of course Eren remembered his goal. My goal is to get in control so I can protect the people around me.

Upon thinking this, Eren suddenly remembered his nightmare. He remembered how he couldn't protect his mother.

Suddenly Eren's Titan body tensed and snapped it's head in the direction of Hanji and Levi.

"Huh? Eren?" Hanji asked confused by his sudden change.

"Don't tell me he-"

Levi didn't get to finish as a giant hand came and grabbed Hanji and him, too fast for either of them to move out of the way.

So this is my first Attack on Titan fic that isn't just crack. This chapter doesn't really show it, but there will be hints towards Eren crushin on Levi and for Levi crushin on Eren as well. Leave a comment down below and let me know what you think! Bye~