Epilogue: Four Years Later

Goten opened his eyes as the sunlight from the window entered the room. He smiled as he rolled over in bed to see his sleeping prince beside him. Trunks looked so beautiful sleeping peacefully he almost reached his hand over to caress his face, but he stopped himself.

Rolling over to face the window, Goten felt his mate shift so his arms were around the younger one's waist, pulling him closer to his body. His lips kissed his shoulder as Goten giggled. "Tha—that tickles Trunks."

"Good morning chibi." Trunks kissed down his lover's neck as he heard his mate sigh in pleasure.

"Kami I'm so glad the university is behind me."

"You're not as happy as I am about it believe me," said Trunks as he grinded his naked body against his own lover's bare body.

"Yeah ah! AH! I can see that Trunks." When Trunks buried his nose in Goten's neck, he felt the prince sniff him, making Goten giggle again. "Yo—you just can get enough of me can you?"

"You have no idea." His hot breath on his neck made Goten shiver. "I just keep thinking about out first time together. I felt just excited then as I feel now."

"Me AH! Too Trunks. You AH! AH! TRUNKS!"

"Yes chibi," Trunks smirked.

"You think we'll be this excited by each other years from now? Oh! And don't stop."

"I have no doubt we'll be this turned on by each other years from now." Trunks grabbed his lover's hips, positioned them, entered his opening, and moved in and out of him at such a fast pace that he couldn't tell his moans from his chibi's. "Kami I love you so much Goten," he said as he came inside his lover's body.

They fell asleep again with Trunks still inside Goten. When Trunks woke up a few hours later, he pulled himself out of his chibi who whimpered at the lack of contact, but he still didn't wake up. Sitting up he swung his legs over the edge of the bed and got up.

In the bathroom Trunks looked himself over in the mirror. He smiled as he saw the bite mark where Goten had bitten him during their first time with each other. It would never disappear from his neck, and it would always remind him that he belonged to his younger mate. 'Nothing wrong with that.' Then he thought of how Goten had been a virgin when they decided to have sex. 'He was so nervous, so shy, so innocent. He's certainly come along way from that. It was certainly the best night of my life.'

Stepping into the hot shower Trunks relaxed his body under the water. 'There's just something about this that doesn't feel quite right.' When a pair of arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders, Trunks smiled. "You know I wanted you in here with me didn't you?"

"I can't help it if you think too much, and I just happen to peak into your mind at this certain point."

"Well I'm glad you came," Trunks smirked as he pressed his lover up against the walls as Goten's legs wrapped around his waist. "I love you Goten."

"I love you to Trunks." He nuzzled his prince's neck. "Always."

On the drive to Mount Pao the next morning Trunks glanced from the road to his mate, who was staring at the scenery out the window, smiling as the breeze hit his face. Trunks shook his head and smiled. 'Some thing's never change, and they should definitely stay that way.'

"Hey Trunks can you smell that? I think my mom has outdone herself this time."

"Did she say why she was throwing this barbeque?"

"No, but you know my mom. She loves to get the gang back together."

"I'm just lucky I'm allowed five feet in her presence. It was a while before Chichi accepted me as your mate."

"Well I'm glad we're past that Trunks. I don't think I could go through that again." His face saddens. "I mean I never thought I would forgive her and then you—He felt his prince's hand on his shoulder.

"Forget it chibi we're all happy now. You get to eat your mother's cooking I mean what could be better?"

Goten smiled. "Going back home, lying in our bed just holding each other the whole day, and getting up occasionally for food."

Trunks smiled. "Sounds good to me and maybe you would consider some fondling and if it leads to sex somehow, then so be it."

Goten laughed. "As nice as that sounds, we promised my mother that we would show up. If we play hooky, she'll track as down and kill us or yell, which ever one comes first."

Trunks pulled up at the Son Residence and turned off the engine as they both got out of the car. Making their way to the backyard, they saw all their friends and family had arrived all ready. "Well Goten it looks like we're—Goten!" Trunks saw his mate make his way to the buffet table. "Of course I get left for food."

"Hey Trunks."

"Videl, how's it going?"

"Great I can believe Chichi managed to get everyone here on such short notice."

"Yeah about that, is there some kind of reason she threw this get together out of the blue?"

"You'll have to ask her. I tried prying it out of her, but we all know how stubborn she is," she said as she felt her husband's arm around her.

"You're still talking about that Videl," said Gohan.

"Well aren't you curious?" asked Trunks.

"Yeah of course but I know when to let things go. Ow!" He said as his wife elbowed him in the gut.

Trunks laughed as he felt the familiar touch of his sister's hand on his shoulder, so he turned around to face her. "Bulla."

"You know I see more of your mate then of you and while it's nice to have Goten around, it would be nice to see you more often." She hugged him.

"I promise I'll try Bulla. Things have been busy at Capsule."

So? Do you know what this party's about?" she asked.

"That's what we've been wondering about," said Videl.

"Hopefully we'll now soon. I can't take the suspense," said Goku.

"If the husband doesn't know, then you know we're in trouble," said Videl as Pan joined the group.

After a satisfying meal Goten made his way over to his mother, who was overseeing the party. She opened her arms to him, and he hugged her. He could feel her happiness as tears came down his face. "I know sweetie, I know," said Chichi.

"Thanks mom." He pulled away from her embrace. "So, what's with the party?"

"You'll find out soon enough."

"Oh come on mom I mean don't get me wrong you throw some great parties but—

"Just be patient Goten and enjoy the party."

"All right fine." She smiled as he walked away.

"Hey Goten." He turned to see the smiling face of his mate's mother.

"Bulma, I know you know what my mother's up to."

"Why would you think that?" She smiled.

"You're not going to tell me either." She shook her head no.

"Don't worry Goten it's nothing bad."

"Oh well that's a relief." He sighed.

Goten found Trunks leaning under a tree with his eyes closed. They opened once they spotted his mate who looked just as annoyed as he did. "So, you got nothing, huh?" the raven-haired man smiled.

"Well it's not like you did either," said Trunks.

"Hey! You don't have to snap at me Trunks."

Trunks sighed. "I'm sorry chibi." He felt his mate press himself against him with his arms around the prince's neck as his arms went around his chibi's waist.

"It's ok Trunks," he said as he started to sniff his older mate.

"What are you doing?"

Goten blushed. "I couldn't help it you just smell so good." He looked into the intense, blue eyes before him and suddenly he was pressed up against the tree.

"Don't start what you can't finish chibi." Trunks's voice became husky against the nape of the younger one's neck.

The warmth of his breath drove Goten crazy. "Tr—Trunks," he whimpered as he grinded his hips against Trunks's.

Trunks moaned as he leaned in to him, taking Goten's lips with his own, bringing his tongue inside his mouth, and he was surprised when Goten quickly separated from him. "Chibi, what—

"No, no we are not doing it right here out the open where everyone can see us."

"Where's your sense of adventure?"

"You're such an exhibitionist."

"Says the guy who initiated the whole thing." Trunks smirked as he crossed his arm over his chest.

"Oh—you—I." He felt Trunks behind him as his arms came around his waist, pressing their bodies together.

"You want me chibi I know you do," he purred into his ear.

"Lo—look whose talking."

"Oh but I've always wanted you." Trunks pressed harder against him as his mate cried out. His hand drifted from his chest and almost made it to his crotch, when Goten swiped his hand away. Trunks groaned. "You're just no fun tonight." He felt a wet kiss.

"I love you to Trunks." Trunks kissed him before the joined the gang again.

The day had fallen into night as the music was turned on and the guests started dancing, having a great time on the dance floor while some watched people attempt to dance. Laughs filled the air as well as conversation.

When the music died down and Chichi demanded everyone's attention, there wasn't a person who didn't stop what he or she was doing to see what she had to say. This suddenly made Goten nervous, but he was clamed by the simple touch of Trunks's hand in his. He smiled, knowing everything was going to be ok.

"I know you're all wondering why I threw this party. Some have been begging me to tell them but you know me," said Chichi as she got some laughs. "Anyway," she looked to the banner she had made, covered by a sheet, "I'd like to celebrate the four year anniversary of my son and Trunks's life together," she pulled the sheet of and the banner read, Happy 4 Year Anniversary Trunks and Goten."Congratulations you two."

This earned the couple claps all around, making Goten nervous once again. He didn't like to be the center of attention, and Trunks could tell by the look on his face. "Wow this is certainly nice of your mother to do ay Goten?"

"Yeah but didn't have to be in front of everyone," said the raven-haired man as he blushed.

"You know I've never given considerable thought to celebrating anniversaries."

"Yeah me neither Trunks."

Trunks smirked. "And I know how we can celebrate each and every one from now on." He tenderly stroked his mate's pale hand.

"How would that be different from what we do everyday?"

"Well," he kissed him on the cheek, "I'd take you away, somewhere nice with sand, beach, and a luxurious hotel room for two."

"Oh that does sound nice Trunks." He smiled.

"See what I mean?" His mate nodded.

"Speech! Speech! Speech!"

Trunks dragged a hesitant Goten up on stage as Chichi handed him the microphone. "First I want to thank Chichi," he turned to her, "I know I haven't always been your favorite person, but I appreciate you recognizing how much Goten and I mean to each other by throwing this party." She nodded and smiled at him.

Trunks then turned to his mate, who was still holding his hand. "And to you Goten," a blush immediately came to the raven-haired young man's face as Trunks laughed, "I love you, and I'm so glad I was persistent in my feelings to go after you. I've never been this crazy about anyone before. You make me feel like I matter when I didn't think so. You're everything to me, and I look forward to spending the rest of our lives together."

Goten put aside his embarrassment. "And to you Trunks. I love you so much, and I'm glad you were persistent with me to because I would have never had the chance to feel how much you love me each and every day." He laughed. "I don't think I've been loved this fiercely before. You excite me and frustrate me to no end, but I love it. I can't wait to see where life takes us together." He smiled at Trunks as he squeezed his hand.

They turned to each other, holding each other close as they passionately kissed as fireworks shot up into the sky, making the couple smile as they looked up into the sky, knowing their journey was just beginning.