A KHR fanfic, by: MidnightMirror

A/N: Hallo~ MidnightMirror, here! Call me Kagami-chan, though XD Honestly, this is just a story that came popping up in my mind. It keeps nagging untill I got a headache, so I'll just write the plot.

Warning: Strong, Smart & Dark!Tsuna, twin fic. Don't like, don't read. [I'll only show this once]

Disclaimer: Seriously? A disclaimer? I don't own KHR. If I do own it, I'll make the manga have more crack XD

Voice inside head

xXLeone di CieloXx
Chapter 1: A White Angel

"I'm home!" A blonde man shouted happily from the frontdoor.

"Papa!" Another blonde, around five years old, exclaimed. "How's my little boy?" The father said, picking up the blonde of the floor. He squealed at the sudden movement. The two of them laughed, before the father asked the young one a question, smiling. "Where's your cute little brother?" The five year old pouted. "I'm better than Dame-Tsuna!"

The man frowned. "Dame-Tsuna? Why're you calling him that?" But before his question was answered, a brunette walked to him. Catching the man's attention, she smiled brightly. "Welcome home, dear!" The man grinned.

"I'm home!" He said as he hugged his wife, his son joined in soon after. Unfortunately, they didn't notice the brunet hiding behind a door. He soon ran to his room, crying. 'I'm being forgotten...' He thought, sorrow evident in his eyes. He locked himself in his room, still crying, he slept away. Not after he heard a voice inside his mind.

They're tricking you, Sawada Tsunayoshi. Don't ever forget that.

9:00 am

It was morning. A seven year old brunet woke up, due to the sunlight that lit his room. He stretched his arms and yawned. "Morning..?" He said as he rubbed his doe-like eyes cutely. He smiled, despite of his bitter-sweet life. Life was cruel for him, he knew. But he didn't give up. He wanted to see the rest of the world. A mere childish dream. It was a miracle he survived to greet tomorrow. The brunet laughed lightly, "Silly me..."

"Tsuna?" The door to his bedroom opened, revealing a blonde with brown eyes darker than the brunet, now known as Tsuna. "Yuki?" Sawada Ieyuki, his twin, smiled as he opened the door wider. "Breakfast's ready. Mom's calling."

"I'll be down in a minute!" Tsuna replied, jumping from his bed to grab whatever clothes he find to put on. Yuki went out of his twin's room, revealing his true self as he did so. Yuki smirked as he descended from the stairs. "Today's gonna be a wonderful day..." He hopped down the last step and greeted his mother once more, "Morning, mom!" Sawada Nana giggled. "Mou, Ie-kun. You already greeted me early this morning!" Nana looked up from her cooking to her beloved son, who grinned brightly. "Haha! You're right!" Yuki laughed.

9:15 am

But this was soon replaced by a frown as soon as he heard light footsteps from the staircase, alerting him that Tsuna had finished changing clothes. Nana frowned also, but when Tsuna's eyes met hers, she put on her fake smile. "Good morning, Tsuna!" Tsuna smiled sweetly at his mother. "Good morning, mom."

Yuki inwardly scowled at his twin as he got on one of the chairs in the dining room. Tsuna hummed happily, smelling the delicious aroma that filled the house. His mother, was a great cook. One reason he didn't give up on his life. His brother, was an excellent scholar and athlete. Despite the continuous bullying from students that stared at him in disgust and telling him to get away from his brother, Ieyuki was another reason he didn't want to die early.

Ieyuki was a role-model whilst his mother was the greatest mom. Iemitsu? Last time he's home, the brunet was only five years old. He trusted them greatly, Nana and Yuki. If only he realised his mistake.

"Tsuna, do you know we're going somewhere today?" Yuki said, waiting for Nana to say something. Instead, Tsuna spoke. "Mom, where are we going?" The young brunet asked his mother. His mother smiled,"We're going to somewhere great, Tsuna~!" Tsuna smiled widely at the answer, "Is it a surprise? I can't wait!"

He didn't sense that something was wrong. He was completely oblivious with his surrounding, he didn't notice his older twin smirking on his seat. 'A great place indeed...' Nana laughed gently at the brunet's response, yet making Tsuna fall for her trick again. "Of course it is a surprise! Eat your food first, okay? Then we'll head to the car!" She said, holding up two plates of omelettes. Tsuna nodded and ate his food quietly while Yuki followed his brother's actions.

Nana smiled at Ieyuki, quite forgetting about the youngest boy of the house. Ieyuki was her little prodigy. Tsuna was useless, a no-good at everything. 'Dame-Tsuna' she heard one of her Yuki's friend called him. She shook her head. Why didn't Tsuna try to become like his twin? A little scholar and athlete. She would be happy if Tsuna was like his brother. But, no. Tsuna failed in almost everything, the complete opposite of Yuki. She slightly hated Tsuna, but she must keep her act around him.

9:45 am

Yuki stood up from his seat, carrying his empty plate to the sink, stopping in front of his mother first. "Mom's omelette is the best!" He smiled while Nana squealed at his son's cuteness. Of course, the youngest was the cutest, but seeing Nana didn't pay much attention to the brunet, it was no wonder. Tsuna stood up and tried to walk to his mother to compliment on her cooking too, but ended up walking unconsciously straight to the sink, muttering a thank you as he passed his mother.

But as usual, Nana is in her own world, giving her full attention to the smiling Yuki. Putting down the plate, he turned on the water tap, letting the flowing water wash the renmants of his breakfast on the plate. He smiled to himself. His family. When he got no friends, he got his family. Even though they didn't pay him attention sometimes.

Don't trust them!

"Eh?" That voice..."Who?" But, Nana called out to him, snapping him out from his thoughts. "Tsuna! Let's go!"

He followed Nana to the car, where Yuki was waiting, right beside the door of the car. Iemitsu was nowhere to be found, obviously. The brunet's twin, Ieyuki, pushed Tsuna's back lightly, making Tsuna yelp in suprise. Nana went to the drivers seat, leaving the two of them outside. Yuki smiled at his twin. Tsuna smiled back, not wary of the glare Yuki gave him as the latter turned to face the car.

Tsuna hopped into the car, before Yuki came in and closed the door. Nana drove the car away from their house. Tsuna jumped excitedly on his seat. "Yuki, where are we going?" Yuki chuckled. "A very great place just for you, Tsuna." Tsuna's eyes gleamed happily. Who would've thought that his family, who forgot him every now and then, would take him to somewhere exciting? Scenery passed by, but Tsuna was day dreaming. Yuki glared at Tsuna. 'Dame-Tsuna don't deserve to live...' The scenery changed from buildings to forest, the atmosphere thick with mist.

11:00 am

Nana suddenly braked the car, making Tsuna ram his head behind the driver's seat. Yuki laughed and Nana giggled. "Muu..." Tsuna whined. "Tsuna, we're here..." Tsuna squealed at his twin's reply as he opened the door, not looking outside the window first.

Don't go outside!

Tsuna stopped mid-track as he saw the scenery outside. "A...cliff?" He breathed out, still gripping the door. Yuki smirked at his little brother's obliviousness, and at last, pushed him outside whispering, "You don't deserve to live..!"

Tsuna fell and cried, "YUUKII!"

Yuki ignored him and turned to his mother, smiling. Nana brightly smiled back. "Let's go home, ne?"

At exactly 11:05...Sawada Tsunayoshi...'died'.

"YUUKII!" He shouted, hoping that his brother will pull him back. Yet, he didn't. His brother pushed him from a cliff. The person he trusted the most tried to kill him.

They hate you...and you trusted them...


And you...hate them.

Hate...? More like depise.

Sadness, regret, angriness, betrayal. Those emotions swirled inside him, mixing everything up. The only thing he can think of is...cry. And that he did. Not that anyone will see him. He's going to die anyway. Memories of his messed up past came to him. 'I'm already forgotten...' He thought as he prepared himself for his death.

But it didn't came. Now he was confused. "How-?" He looked up. Caramel, wide eyes met amethyst eyes. "Hello~!" The boy happily said. The white haired boy, was flying. Pure white wings on his back, flapping in the air.

The boy was wearing a baby-blue long sleeved hoodie with the number '100' on the bottom left corner of it, white trousers clings to his waist, covering his legs and something that looks like a purple upside down crown tattoo below his left eye. He grinned, "Ne, tell me your name! I'm Byakuran!"

Tsuna was still shocked by his sudden appearance. Wasn't he falling just now? Byakuran saw his expression and blinked. Then, he realised the problem and chuckled. "Are you that shocked because I'm flying?" Tsuna nodded slowly. The white haired boy hummed in understanding.

"Why?" Tsuna breathed out, eyeing the other. Byakuran tilted his head and smiled. "Let's go down, okay?" With that they landed down safely and Byakuran made his wings disappear. Tsuna, with mouth agape, stared at him. Byakuran noticed this and laughed. "What's your name?" Byakuran smiled, repeating his question.

The brunet snapped out of his thoughts about angels and answered, "S-Sawada T-Tsunayoshi. B-but, c-call me T-T-Tsuna..." He stuttered and Byakuran grinned. "Then I'll call you Tsu-chan!" The brunet groaned quietly. "And Tsu-chan, about your question..." Byakuran tapped a finger to his chin, humming. "...why, indeed?" Byakuran chuckled, "Maybe~ Because I saw your mom with your sibling pushing you of the cliff~" Tsuna widened his eyes."No..."

Byakuran continued, "They were so mean-"

"NO!" Tsuna shouted, before confusing himself. He hated them, didn't him? He thought of it himself, no? Yes, albeit unconsciously. The brunet stared to the ground, letting his emotions pour out, forming to a single tear.

"...I-I'm confused. They c-cared for me, t-then tried to k-k-kill me. T-they don't w-want me anymore. I-in the e-end, I'm j-just D-Dame-Tsuna...What should I do now?" The brunet cried, rubbing his eyes with the sleeves of his orange jacket. A voice rang inside his mind.

You, of all people, know the answer to that very question...

Byakuran then held the brunet's wrists, stopping him from crying to sniffles. The white haired boy stared to Tsuna's eyes. Finally, he hugged him. "Tsu-chan. Follow what your heart wants. Don't hesitate nor regret what you're going to do." He said. His reply was slightly same with the voice's answer.

"B-Byakuran? You just met me...why?" Byakuran smiled as he held Tsuna an arm-length away by gripping his shoulders. "I've already decided." His smile broke into a grin, "Tsu-chan's gonna be my little brother from now on!"

Tsuna could only gape at his brother-to-be, before he said, "Y-you're n-not gonna leave me?" Byakuran hugged him again, now tighter as if he's going to disappear any second, and whispered, "Never. And I promise."

A/N: ...wow. That was SUPER short. The plot in the first chapter is proceeding too fast! Am I supposed to congratulate myself? Nevertheless, R&R! [was this supposed to be on top?]