"Sam, you can't be serious!"

"I'm sorry, Jimmy."

"Don't call me that, Jim snapped, staring up furiously at his older brother.

"Don't try telling me you're sorry, either."

"I am sorry, though," Sam said gently, lifting his hand as if to touch Jim's face, but of course unable to. He was a few light years away, after all.

Jim scowled at his PADD, unmoved by the gesture.

"You have to understand, it's the best for Auri and the unborn baby if we just stay in in Earth Colony II."

"But what about me?" Jim asked, knowing he sounded childish, but he just couldn't help it.

"I don't want to spend Christmas alone."

"You won't," Sam soothed him. "Frank will be there, won't he?" "Yeah," Jim mumbled.

He hated Frank, and Frank hated him, but neither his mum nor Sam were fully aware of that fact, and Jim and Frank were careful to keep it that way.

Frank, because he wasn't keen on fighting with Winona, and Jim because he didn't see the point.

He wasn't even sure his mum would believe him, and Sam had truly enough to worry about, helping to build a new colony, his wife pregnant.

"See, it won't be that bad," Sam said now smiling encouragingly.

"Look, I gotta go, Jimmy, but we will talk before Christmas, ok? I promise."

Jim nodded his head and tried to smile, too, and then Sam's face was gone and he stared at the blank screen for a moment, before dialing Spock's number. After at least a minute, Spock appeared, bowl cut ruffled and eyes bleary with sleep. "Jim what is the matter?" He asked, urgently. Jim bit his lip.

"Sorry for waking you, I didn't realise how late it is for you," he said, feeling kind of bad.

"I just wanted to talk to you." Spock's face gentled.

"What did you wish to talk about?" he asked in that special tone of voice he only used for Jim.

Jim could feel his guts unclench a little. "I have to spend Christmas alone with Frank," he admitted quietly. "I am sorry to hear that. Did your brother not plan on returning home this year?"

"Can't. He's got too much to do, with Auri and the baby and everything."

Jim swallowed. "It's ok though, I can deal with it. Tell me something about school on Vulcan? It's really dull here."

"If you wish," Spock replied, but fromthe way he began describing a new project of making his own star charts from several planets in the galaxy, Jim knew he enjoyed telling him.

They hadn't actually seen each other in person for years now, and Jim missed his friend so fiercely he could barely stand it sometimes. He knew Spock felt the same, although he'd never express it like that. Listening to Spock's gentle, calm voice talking about the stars reminded Jim of their childhood together, and finally brought the sleep he couldn't get after Sam's late call.

The next morning, Jim was woken by Frank knocking on his door, calling him for breakfast. Or, well, calling him to make breakfast, really, as Frank was a terrible cook.

When Jim didn't answer immediately, Frank barged into the room. Jim was looking at him with bleary eyes, but suddenly, there was the sound of someone yawning coming from the end of the bed.

Jim froze mid-stretch and reached for his PADD lying there, nestled in between the covers, but Frank was faster. He grabbed the PADD and looked directly into Spock's face.

Frank slowly turned to Jim, a murderous expression on his face.

"Are you telling me, you've been up all night, talking to this...creature again?"

Jim was furious immediately.

"Don't call him that! He's my friend, asshole!" Frank dropped the PADD onto the bed, his face beet red. "How do you think you can address me, huh you little fucker?"

"I'll address you anywayI want!" Jim snapped back.

"I'm your parent, you'll address me with respect!" Frank snarled, spittle flying from his mouth.

"You're not my dad!" Jim shouted, tears in his eyes.

Frank lifted his hand and backhanded Jim across the face, who staggered and fell onto the bed.

"I suggest you learn some manners, unless you want to spend Christmas in the garden shed,"

Frank said coldly, then left the room and slammed the door shut.

Jim saw his PADD flash, but the screen was black when he picked it up. He dropped it carelessly onto the floor, then curled up on his bed, hand on his swelling cheek, and stared at the wall unseeingly.