Rating: K+/T

Disclaimer: I don't own Marvel (or any of their characters) but it's on my Christmas list...

A/N: hello, fair Mortals! I have emerged from my hiatus once again to bring you this jewel of literary greatness...not... *crickets chirping in the silence* Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Chapter One

Clint had no idea that his fun evening out with Natasha would turn on him like this. After they were finished with dinner, Natasha decided that it was time for her favorite part of dating. Clint, being a guy, naturally hoped that her favorite part of dating was the same as his favorite part. Clint should have known better.

Crazy Russian Girlfriend= crazy crap entertainment named after the Russians.

And that was why he was in an interrogation room. Bound to a chair. He had no idea what he had done to piss her off. All he knew for sure was that it wouldn't end well for him. Suddenly, a bright light came on, causing him to see spots. For the first time, he was able to see his surroundings. Blank brick walls. Camera in the corner, with a blinking red light letting him know that the tape was rolling. Natasha had shed the lightweight gray shawl she had been wearing during dinner. The strapless black dress showed off curves that would cause any man's jaw to drop. But Clint was no ordinary man. His eyes rested on the item she held in her hands.

She had a gun.

Despite the nippy climate in this particular interrogation room, He broke out in a sweat.

A/N: tune in next week when we shall find out why dear Clint is being interrogated. btw, I already have everything written, and all the documents loaded, so it shall for surely be next week, unless I get no response, because then it shall not be worth my time...so review! Please!