Hi, this is my FemHarryXGeorge story. I was inspired by this one fic on this site but I don't remember the title (but if you find it link it to me because I really want to read it again, it had some of the characters gender-bent like Ron, Harry and Hermione). I've changed some of the story line from the books (obviously). I tried my best to edit it, I hope you enjoy it.

Chapter 1

The Start of Fourth Year

Harry Potter tentatively gazed around the Burrow, it was just as she remembered it the last time she was here before second year. Warm and inviting were the words she wanted to use, full of life unlike the Dursely's small house on Privet drive. At least to her, this seemed like a home, though she didn't have many to compare it to in the first place, the Dursely's did not let her out much. Hermione sat on the old chesterfield with Ginny, Ron on the wooden rocking chair, currently she was sitting in the kitchen eating some soup and fresh baked bread, Mrs. Weasley had gone upstairs to get Fred and George so she could continue scolding them about the magical toffee they dropped in front of her cousin.

She smiled into her spoon at the thought of her cousin's tongue when she had left, he deserved it too, she thought. She could hear Mrs. Weasley get louder and louder progressively, Harry could not hear either Fred or George though, they never did seem the type for screaming matched with their mother.

"I can't believe them," Hermione walked into the kitchen with a annoyed look across her face, Ginny and Ron had followed. "Giving that candy to your cousin? Isn't this considered underaged magic? Can't they get expelled for this?" The bushy haired girl sat at the table in the seat next to Harry.

Over the summer Hermione had grown slightly in height, she was taller than Harry but only by a few centimeters. Ron on the other hand had surpassed both of them, Ron had probably surpassed most of their year actually.

Harry had barely grown in height, she had in other places though but it was covered by the impossibly large clothing that once belonged to Dudley. The only things she owned in her own size was her uniform, though it was time to get refitted in a new one this year, her shirt was a little on the small size.

"Hermione come off it, Harry got a good laugh at least," Ron grabbed a slice of bread from the plate in front of her.

"I wish I could've seen it." Ginny said as she sat across from Harry with Ron at her side.

"But you will Gin, theres many more from where that one came from," the Weasley twins came running down the narrow stairs, Fred first, wearing a large grin. He walked to the side of the table where his sister sat. "We were only testing the first batch on Harry's dimwitted cousin."

Hermione let out a huff and crossed her arms over her chest.

"Its not like we did permanent damage to him," The other twin George spoke up, he sat himself beside Harry. "Besides he really did deserve it from what we've heard. The way he and his family treat Harry."

Harry felt her cheeks heat up as George threw his arms around her shoulders, she hoped nobody noticed but she could see the corners of Hermione's mouth twitch upwards a little. Harry hoped it was because of what George said about Dudley.

"Are you still going on about that terrible candy you two gave that muggle boy?" Mrs. Weasley came down the same flight of stairs as Fred and George had, she had a sour expression on her usually happy face.

"Uh, I'm finished, it was very good."

"Oh Harry dear I'm glad," She pulled out her wand and gave it a wave. The bowl lifted itself off the table and into the sink. Now all of you, go upstairs and look at your lists for school, make sure you take note of everything you need. We're going to go to Diagon Alley tomorrow so we're not rushed after the World cup."

Harry and Hermione were sharing a room with Ginny, they would've been in one of the older Weasley brother's rooms but Ginny had insisted they share hers, though the room was a bit small Mr. Weasley had managed to fit a muggle bunk bed in it. Ginny had wanted to share because she likened the experience to a sleepover, neither Harry or Hermione had said no.

"I saw the look you had on your face earlier," Hermione had begun as soon as they closed the door. She sat on the lower bunk, Ginny and Harry on Ginny's bed.

Ginny looked at Harry and then at Hermione, "What look?"

"Oh, the one Harry had when George put his arm around her shoulders," Hermione grinned knowingly. Well of course she knew, Hermione was brilliant after all, Harry thought.

Harry's face turned scarlet, it was competing with Ginny's hair for the reddest thing in the room. She shifted around and tried to adjust her shirt (though no amount of adjustment would ever make it presentable).

"You like George?" The youngest Weasley looked at Harry with a bright smile, it fell a bit before she asked, "You know who's who though, you're not going to accidentally ask Fred out?"

Harry spluttered, "Of course not! That is if I liked George which I don't."

But she knew that both of the girls had seen through her.

"George has more freckles..." She looked down at her hands resting in her lap. "And the way they act is different too, just the way they stand. Fred is always first, he's always starting things. George is always more relaxed and he seems more, I don't want to say caring because I'm sure Fred is too, but George is..." Her face was bright red and she had nervous smile.

Both Hermione and Ginny giggled, Ginny patted her shoulder, "You've got it bad."

"You two promise not to say anything?"

They both nodded at her, Harry felt relieved a bit. She had them to confide in now.

There was a knock on the door, it opened and Ron came in with his Hogwarts list. He was about to say something before he stopped and looked at the three occupants of the room.

"Why do you three look so happy, I don't know what half the things on my list are."

"Honestly Ron, give it to me," Ron handed the list to Hermione.

Harry took this moment to go look at her own school supply list. There was the usual textbooks, she had already decided on new robes. Potions equipment, the usual really only new editions, she wondered why Ron was confused.

"I need to use your washroom," Ginny pointed towards the general direction.

The hallways of the Burrow were narrow but not in a bad way, every wall was covered in moving photographs of the family. Most of them were of the Weasley children in various stages of their life, she took note of one were the twins had made Ron cry and smiled. It must be nice to have siblings. Other photographs had members of the family she had not met, like Bill and Charlie the two oldest brothers. Some were of family members that were gone, Mrs. Weasley's brothers smiling at her with a very young Molly in the middle of them.

"Enjoying the old family walls?"

Harry jumped with a start, she turned around completely and came face to face with the boy she was only talking about minutes before.

"Mum worked really hard to fit as many as she could, of course she's saving walls for when we all get married and have kids," George smiled at her. He continued, "Personally I don't think Charlie will get married, they don't have laws that let you marry your work, but the rest of us... She's expecting a lot of grandkids."

Harry relaxed herself. "Do you... Want kids?"

George seemed surprised by her question, he cupped his chin in his hand and pretended to think hard. "Yes, I think I do. Three at least, and they'll all pull pranks on their cousins."

Harry smiled, "Will they team up with Fred's kids if he has any? Or will it be a competition?"

George laughed out, he ruffled Harry's long, perpetually messy hair, "Who knows?".

"What are you two doing out here?" Fred peeked out of the room he and George shared. "Having a romantic rendezvous in the hallway? Didn't even bother telling old Fred did you?" He laughed, Harry's face reddened.

"I needed to go use the washroom," she turned away abruptly and walked through the ajar door at the end of the hall. She didn't catch the confused looks that the twins sent to each other, she closed the door and locked it.

There was a large mirror above the sink, she used it to look carefully at herself. Messy hair, short stature, pale skin. The only thing she liked were her eyes, but they were hidden behind her glasses most of the time. She wished she was prettier, like Ginny. Or smart like Hermione, not that she didn't think Hermione wasn't pretty, she noticed the bushy haired girl was putting more effort in her appearance, she would soon have boys looking at her. The only reason anyone would look at Harry was to see if they could spot her scar through her messy hair. Harry sighed at her reflection, she was glad the glass wasn't enchanted to say nice things, she wouldn't believe them anyway. Sometimes she wished she was a boy, they didn't have these problems as far as she knew.

She didn't really have anyone to talk to about issues like these. Her Aunt Petunia didn't want any part of it, Harry didn't even think about talking to her. The only one that ever told her about more feminine things was Madam Pomfrey, only because she wasn't sure what was happening to her body in second year, why her lower half cramped up.

Harry was too shy to talk about these things with Hermione. The truth was that she started to like George last year, she managed to keep it a secret for almost a full year.

But George wouldn't like her back, why would he when he had so many other girls he could be with.

She washed her hands and dried them on the maroon hand towel.

It was getting dark out.

"Harry!" Ron ran up to her with a smile. "Bill and Charlie are here!"

The older brothers, she was excited to meet them.

Bill was handsome...So was Charlie. They were both very charming, both she and Hermione seemed to agree on that pretty quickly. Both brothers started to talk to their mother on the kitchen leaving the younger people in the house to sit around the fire place.

"Want to play some quidditch?" Ron suggested.

Fred, George and Ginny all seemed to get excited, Hermione on the other hand started to look nervous.

Harry started, "Umm you don't mind if I just go to bed. I'm pretty tired."

The Weasley siblings were outside playing, Hermione had come upstairs with her. The brown haired girl was reading one of Percy's old Herbology books on the bunk below Harry. The window in Ginny's room started midway and went all the way to the ceiling so Harry could see them all playing because she had pulled the curtains open a bit.

"Do you think he'll like me?" She mumbled.

Harry thought that maybe Hermione had not heard, or that she was too engrossed in the textbook. But the older girl answered, "Is this the only thing bothering you Harry? You seem... reserved, even Ron noticed. And you know Ron, he doesn't notice things."

Harry heard the other girl place the book down.

"You know you can talk to me, I'm one of you're best friends."

Harry decided to tell the girl about what she thought in the washroom earlier.

"You're not ugly, and you aren't stupid. Being the "Girl Who Lived" isn't the only thing that defines you."

"I know... But sometimes I can't help thinking it."

"If it means anything to you, I overheard the twins saying you're cute right after you got here... I mean they agreed on it, I think it was George who brought it up."

Harry looked over the edge of her bunk to her friend below, she smiled. "Hermione, thanks."

The other girl smiled. Eventually both of them dozed off, Harry had pulled the curtains closed and the room was dark. Neither of them woke up when Ginny came up about an hour later to sleep as well.

"I think she likes you," Fred Weasley knew his brother was still awake in the pitch dark of their rooms.

"No, can't be."

"It be."

George shifted over to face the direction of his brother's bed. "And you think this because?"

"Did you notice how red she gets when you're around? And only you. Thats the look girls give Bill," Fred laughed quietly. "I was actually watching you two in the hall earlier, you weren't looking at her face enough."

George was silent.

"C'mon George, you're supposed to notice things like this. You're almost as dense as Ron is."

"Ok then, say she does like me. What am I going to do?"

Fred grinned to himself, "Well do you like her?"

"I..." There was a long pause. "I don't know, Harry just turned fourteen. It feels odd."

"Give it a year."

It was the last thing that Fred said before turning over and going to sleep. George though remained awake. he thought of the girl, two years wasn't a lot but it sure felt like it was at this age. She was cute though, but it just didn't feel right. He liked the thought of her liking him though, he couldn't deny that at all. He fell asleep with the thought of her fresh in his mind.

The next day Mrs. Weasley had woken them all bright and early to go school shopping, Harry swore she heard Ron grumbling about his books again when he shuffled to the washroom. Hermione was already awake, she was excited to get her new books, she sat down at the kitchen table eating breakfast and was talking animatedly with Charlie. She seemed to be quite interested in the biological properties of Dragons.

Harry groggily sat down beside her.

"How are you this tired Harry? We went to bed early last night," Hermione stacked toast on her plate for her.

Harry yawned, maybe it was the dream she had of the previous year. It was too bad that Sirius was still on the run, he probably would've wanted to come to the Quidditch World Cup too. "I'm not sure," She nibbled on the warm toast, too shy to say anything more around Charlie.

Hermione brought up something else, how Harry needed new street clothing, especially if she wanted to go to Hogsmede with her and Ron. Harry agreed and was surprised when Charlie offered to take them after they went to Diagon alley since he had already promised Ginny earlier. She was glad that Hermione suggested it, she looked terrible in Dudley's clothes, he was huge. She was sure that Hermione had brought it up because of their conversation last night.

Ginny came down the stairs and Charlie mentioned how the four of them would go together, the red haired girl smiled brightly and started talking animatedly about this little shop her mother once took her to in London.

Soon everyone was seated at the table, including and Percy who had both been working at the ministry for most of the previous day. Hermione and Ron had taken up the seats on either side of her, Ron was currently stuffing his face full of breakfast. Across from her were the twins. She couldn't help but notice how George hadn't said much to her, he was occasionally looking it at her though. Fred talked to her though, from the other side of the table Ginny was talking to her mother and Percy to her father.

"So Harry," Bill Weasley started. "You're seeker for Gryffindor? You must be excited to see your very first professional match."

"Yes, I've been excited since Ron invited me. I can't wait to see it being played in a huge stadium."

"You think you want to play professionally."

"I... I don't think I'm that good," she blushed at the idea. Truthfully she never thought about playing Quidditch after Hogwarts.

"Arf yo kiddin," Ron looked up from his plate, "Yor greaf."

"Ron! Don't speak with your mouth full!"

He swallowed hard and continued, "Harry's a great seeker, best one in the school for sure, you guys think so too right."

Fred and George both grinned, "Course she is, we actually win with her on the team."

Soon after they all finished their meals and they set off to go shopping.

Diagon alley was just as crowded as it always was before school, she was glad they hadn't seen Malfoy this year. They all quickly made their way to the bank, Harry noticed that the Weasley's were hard pressed for money and she felt a bit guilty when they reached her vault.

She took out just a bit extra for when they would go to muggle London later to shop.

Shopping for school supplies had gone smoothly and they let Mrs. Weasley take back all their supplies so they could go directly to Muggle London. Harry was surprised that Charlie was the type to patiently go shopping with a bunch of girls. She had opted to buy simple things like well fitted jeans and some simple shirts, nothing too expensive.

Back at the burrow hours later they all sat around the crackling fire place talking about the World Cup.

"It's not fair, why do you get to sleep in tomorrow," Ron shoved a cookie into his mouth.

"Because we aren't allowed to apparate yet Ron," Hermione answered even though the question was directed at Bill and Charlie.

They were going to have to go to bed early if they wanted to make it to the Cup, Harry still wasn't sure how they were going to get there, would they be flying? Mr. Weasley had not really gone into much detail about the trip, he only mentioned that all the kids who couldn't apparate would have to wake up hours before the sun was in the sky.

"Now you two," Mrs. Weasley levitated the empty plates towards the kitchen as she addressed the twins. "I don't want you to take any of that candy with you because I know you've hidden some away, its best you destroy it now."

"Mum no, we've worked a long time on it–"

"Fred Weasley! No!"

Progressively the shouting match had gotten louder and louder, much more on Mrs. Weasley's side of the matter, Hermione had motioned for them to go upstairs. Ginny had gone to take a bath so it was only her, Hermione and Ron sitting in Ron's room.

"I haven't told you two something, it's important and I haven't gotten a chance because we've haven't had a chance to be alone," she looked out in the hall to make sure nobody would hear. "I had a dream earlier, before you picked me up from my aunt and uncle's... it was about Voldermort, he was with Pettigrew and another man..."

Both Hermione and Ron wore matching looks of concern.

They did not get to discuss further because the twins burst through the door.

"I can't believe our mother!" Fred huffed.

"I can," George plopped himself on Ron's bed as his twin paced the room.

"She's right you know," Hermione looked at them smugly.

"And you're about the only one too."

'No, I'm sure Percy–"

She was cut off by Fred who snorted loudly, "Don't be so boring Granger, Harry likes them," he turned to the dark haired girl who was leaning against Ron's window.

"Of course I do," she looked towards Fred and then George, her gaze lingered on the second and Hermione huffed.

"Harry, don't let them push you around."

Both Fred and George looked at her in mock horror, Hermione scowled.

Harry let herself gaze at George a bit longer, she looked down when his brown eyes met her green ones.

"All of you to bed!" Mrs. Weasley called from downstairs.

When Mr. Weasley said early, he meant early. The sun wasn't out and it felt as though she only had an hour of sleep. Ron was the hardest to wake, Mrs. Weasley had been yelling at him for at least ten minutes now. "Ronald! Do you want to miss the world cup!" That statement seemed to be the one that finally woke him.

After they all made sure that they had everything, Fred and George being interrogated and searched (producing a whole batch of ton-tongue toffee from all sorts of places), they set walking in the cool morning breeze.

It was long before they reached the hill they were supposed to.



A man and what appeared to be his son were standing there.

Cedric Diggory, Harry knew the Hufflepuff boy from Quidditch, she had fallen from her broom in second year against his team. He smiled at them all, he was quite good looking.

"Ah! And this is Harry Potter! I heard about how to lost to my son, won't that be a story to tell the future generations! But the best player won after all, don't you agree?"

Cedric looked as uncomfortable as Harry did, he tried to set his father straight but failed. From behind her she heard Ron and the twins mumbling some choice words.

"We best be off, we're the only ones who will use this portkey today."

"What's a portkey?" Harry whispered this lowley to Hermione.

"It's an object that is enchanted to take a wizard places, usually far. It usually takes the shape of something inconspicuous so muggles don't touch it."

Mr. Weasley led them to what appeared to be an old boot and instructed them to touch it, only a finger would do. As a second warning, as the world began to spin, he told them to brace themselves for the landing.

Harry decided that she hated traveling by portkey, when Ron's father told them to let go they were all flung violently. Now she understood why he had told them all to brace themselves. Harry screwed her eyes shut, the half expected to break something in the fall but it never came. She was being held, she opened her eyes and noticed that she was currently in the arms of Cedric Diggory.

"Didn't want you to fall again," he grinned at her.

She noticed her friends, Ron, Hermione, Ginny and the twins were all on the ground. Nobody caught them and she felt bad. Mr. Weasley and Cedric's father on the other hand seemed to have landed as easily as Cedric.

"Oh, thank you."

He let her down gently and offered a kind smile which Harry returned.

"Ok now you five get up, we have to go to our tent!"

Hermione was the first up surprisingly, she dusted herself up and looked at Harry with a raised eyebrow, in return she got a shrug.

Mr. Diggory bid Mr. Weasley goodbye, Cedric waved at Harry and Hermione.

"Well you two looked cozy," Ron stood up and picked at the dirt on his hands.

"It was nothing Ron, he just..."

They bickered all the way to the tent, Harry insisting that she was probably just the closest one to Cedric and thats why he had caught her as she was about to fall. Behind them, they did not notice the unreadable expression on George's face or the way that Fred would throw his brother amused looks. Making sure that the others didn't hear him, he whispered to his brother.

"Think Diggory's got a thing for her."

George let put a indignant noise.

"I think this was the first time Harry's gotten close to a boy that might like her," Fred continued.

"He doesn't like her, he was looking at that Ravenclaw girl last year, Chang."

"Cho? The seeker? Well she's good looking, but she's no Harry."

George turned to his brother with a playful smile, "What's this? You're after Harry too? What will Angelina think?"

"No, no. She's all yours, I'm just looking out for you." With that he ran and caught up with Ginny and they started talking about Quidditch teams.

George looked towards where Ron, Harry and Hermione were. He specifically looked at the shortest, her long hair swayed with each step. He had told his brother that he didn't know if he liked her last night, but he knew that Fred was more than convinced that George did like her. But still, he felt like it was too early to say, he wasn't sure that he liked her because he genuinely did or because Fred had suggested it and now he merely liked the idea of it all. It didn't explain that rush of negativity he felt when he saw Diggory stand there with her in his arms, he already didn't like the guy but he was sure that he couldn't stand him at all anymore.

Soon they reached the tent, he noticed Harry look at it with a confused expression. He understood why too. "Don't worry, it only looks small on the outside, we won't we sleeping in a pile."

They entered the tent and Harry looked around in pure wonder. It was a big room with a sitting area and kitchen, at the back there was three other rooms.

"Two rooms have three beds each, the third has four beds. Girls in the one to the far left, boys to the one on your far right. Charlie, Bill and I will sleep in the middle, maybe Percy too but I doubt it. Now have at it."

With that Harry, Hermione and Ginny ran to the left room and pulled tents curtain behind them for privacy.

"Harry! Cedric Diggory likes you!"

"Ginny not you too, and hush, someone might hear you!"

"Someone might hear her?" Hermione took out a pink jumper and placed it on her bed. "Harry we were all there... George probably saw too."

Harry plopped herself down in the middle bed.

Hermione added "I'm sure he didn't think anything of it."

Little did they know that a similar conversation was happening two rooms away.

"Can you two believe that Diggory," Ron huffed. "And after last year's Quidditch match too, he's just trying to butter her up."

"You like Harry Ron?" Fred tossed his bag on the floor.

"No! Harry's like another little sister to me. What I can't be upset that Diggory... What about you George?"

George didn't answer, instead Fred spoke up, "Ron you're going to have to excuse Georgie here. He's having some confusing feelings about Harry that are all part of growing up–" He was interrupted when a pillow flew at his head and then he started to laugh.

"Sod off Fred..."

Ron gave them a blank look before his eyes widened.

"You like Harry, since when?" He dropped what he was doing and immediately stomped over to George's side.

"Look at what you did Fred..." George sighed. "Ron I don't know."

"What do you mean 'Don't know', you better start knowing. I'm not going to let you play around with her–"

"Boys, its lunch time."

They made it back to the burrow, Mrs. Weasley ran out in a hurry to make sure they were all in one piece. Harry was still very shaken from the death eater attack, she was afraid of what this meant. They said it was just some unruly remainders of Voldermort's followers, but she knew it was a sign that he wasn't truly gone, he was only going to get stronger now. She had no way of knowing how to stop him.

They all entered the burrow, tired and in need for food and rest.

Harry sat herself on the old couch in the sitting room, she was surprised when Fred and George sat on either side of her. Fred grinned at her, "So Harry, ready for Hogwarts?"

"Definitely, I've really missed it."

"And Diggory?"

"Don't even start Fred, after everything thats happened you want to talk about Cedric?" Harry huffed, she stood up and didn't even spare a look at either twin, she made sure that she didn't look at George at all. She was about to walk away before she was grabbed and pulled back to the couch.

"I was joking, joking!" Fred laughed

George shoved him off to the side.

"Harry don't worry, we'll keep Diggory away from you," George grinned but Harry swore she saw some semblance of seriousness in his eyes.

"You don't have to, I'm sure he was just being considerate..."

She didn't catch the George's frown, but his brother did and snickered.

"So you two," she decided to deviate from the topic of Cedric, "Whats up with those toffees, did you make anything else." She seemingly said the right thing because the twins got matching grins.

"Well you see," George started.

"We've been working hard for a long time and we've got many ideas." Fred finished. He indicated for her to lean in, he probably didn't want his mother overhearing. "We're going to start a joke shop after Hogwarts."

"Or at least thats the plan, if it wasn't for Bagman." George scoffed.

Harry's brows furrowed, "Ludo Bagman?What happened."

"Well we made a bet with the sneaky bastard and won, but he paid up in leprechaun gold. It disappeared, now we're back to having no money."

Ron picked that moment to walk in, he sat across from the three of them. He looked at Harry and then at George. "They're not picking on you Harry are they?"

She laughed and shook her head to indicate that they weren't. George threw one of the burgundy pillows at his brother.

"Harry," Hermione entered the door of the sitting room, "Do you want me to help you pack your trunk?" She had something akin to urgency on her face though that indicated that she wanted Harry upstairs immediately.

Once they were in Ginny's room alone she turned to the green eyed girl.

"Are you going to tell Sirius about the dream," much to Harry's surprise the other girl really was helping her pack for school, Hermione's trunk was already properly organized.

"Yes, I–" They were interrupted again when Mrs. Weasley came in.

"Oh girls, I'm glad you two are responsible enough to pack up." She directed Ginny to pack her belongings too. The youngest girl didn't look too happy and Hermione offered to help her after she was finished with Harry's. They spent quite a bit of time trying to figure out how to pack all her belongings.

"Are you going to ask George out?" Ginny asked sometime after her mother had gone downstairs to tell the boys to pack up. Harry dropped her potions book at the question.

"No! And Ginny you can't keep asking me about George!"

"But it's cute."

"What's cute?" Ron had a basket of laundry that Mrs. Weasley most likely made him bring up.

"Nothing." His sister went back to folding sifting through her closet for Hogsmeade appropriate clothing.

"Ron did you pack?" Hermione sternly asked him.

"I'm getting to it."

"We're leaving tomorrow," she finished putting the last of Harry's textbooks in the red trunk. Harry offered her a small thank you before edging to the door, Hermione's voice had become shrill and she knew that was a sign that her and Ron were about to fight. It had become common over the years.

Ginny threw her a confused look as Harry mumbled something about fresh air.

The Weasley's garden was full of life, she sat on one of the benches and thought about the upcoming year at Hogwarts. Some things were exciting, like seeing her other friends, Quidditch, and the school itself with it's moving staircases and beautiful grounds, she was excited to see Hagrid, Professor Mcgonagall, Dumbledore. Unfortunately Lupin wouldn't be back. Harry admitted some things weren't so exciting, like Snape, school work and Malfoy. But really those things paled in comparison with the joy she got when she thought about being there again. This year she could go to Hogsmeade with Ron and Hermione (without having to be under the invisibility cloak).

"Harry, what are you doing out here?" With a start Harry turned, Bill Weasley standing behind her.

"Oh uh, Hermione and Ron were..."

"Say no more, I was in there when it started. It's almost dinner time, why don't you go wash up." Harry nodded at his words, it had gotten late while she sat outside.

She went upstairs and it was quiet in the hallway, as she passed Ron's room she heard him mumbling to himself about how uptight Hermione was and how he didn't need another mother. In the next room Hermione was telling Ginny about all the things the girl would be doing in third year potions, the red-haired girl seemed to zone out every now and then. She passed the rest of the closed doors and washed her hands.

Downstairs she offered Mrs. Weasley help but the older woman just told her to sit down and relax.

"Did you two pack?" She asked her twin son's when they came down.

"Yes Mum," George sat on Harry's left, Fred on her right.

Soon everyone was seated at the table.

"Unfortunately both Percy and Arthur are at the Ministry, trying to sort out... Well you all were there." An uncomfortable silence fell over the table, only broken when Ron started to choke on a piece of chicken.

"Ronald, you wouldn't choke if you didn't shovel it in like it was your last meal."

"Sorry mum."

They all went to sleep early, though Harry noticed Mrs. Weasley checked on them quite a few times during the night.