Chapter Seven

The atmosphere in the room had completely shifted from awkward silences and short questions to a long stare and a gentle smile. Chihiro released his breath that he had been holding the entire kiss, his little fingers pressed against his budding cheeks. His tears had dried and he just stared, his hazel eyes wavering in desire and comfort. Mondo lingered with his forehead pressed against the other boy's, his eyes shut tight and his body shaking lightly. The same way it did when he was angry, but trying his hardest to suppress the urge to yell. "That's why it would be a problem for me," he muttered with his hands sliding briefly from Chihiro's shoulders to his neck where he brushed beneath the programmer's chin with his thumbs. "Because I really… really… like ya'."

Licking his lips briefly, Chihiro felt his heart's pace slow as he came down from the incredible high of being kissed again, and this time completely sober. It was just as confusing as the first time their lips touched, but this time he knew deep down in his gut that it wasn't just a fluke. It wasn't just an accident brought on by a night of drinking. It was intentional, and wanted, and incredible. The young boy smiled brighter than before as a wavering sigh escaped his lips. "Yeah?" he questioned, his little hands wanting to reach out and embrace the man before him. But he simple stood within the gentle touches of his fellow classmate, waiting on his next move. As happy as Chihiro was, it still seemed that Mondo was uncomfortable with his own demons.

And just as quick as it came, Mondo let go and stepped back a bit, turning away from the boy. "What am I doin'?" he grunted to himself, his fists balled in anger at his sides. Chihiro's bright smile instantly faded and his trembling fingers slipped from his cheeks, falling to his stomach. The biker began to mumble to himself, his body wavering a bit between turning around or rushing to the door. "This is fuckin' stupid," he then grunted beneath his breath, but loud enough for his small companion to hear. The blonde bit down on his lip, realizing that his foolish smiles and high hopes may have come too soon.

"It's okay…" Chihiro murmured, reaching forward to press a gentle hand along the biker's shoulder.

In the instant that his fingers made contact, Mondo whipped around and grabbed the programmer by the wrist. "It's not okay!" he shouted, his voice bellowing throughout the laundry room. Chihiro winced, the man's blind strength digging into the pale skin below his palm. "I was raised my whole life to believe I was a man… head of a biker gang, tough, mean… and now I'm falling for you?! A boy?!" His voice continued to rise in intensity and eventually Chihiro yanked his wrist away, drawing it towards his own body. He whimpered and back stepped until his body crashed into the dryer. This room, unlike their bedrooms, was not sound proof. Anyone simply passing by could hear this exchange.

"Please… don't be… so loud," he whimpered like a frightened animal, cuddling his now sore wrist against his chest. His big hazel eyes welled up with tears once more and the fear raced through him like the night of the mistake, when Mondo had yelled like he was ready to punch someone. The blonde braced himself for any angry swing, keeping his attention full and bright.

"Do you know what everyone's going to say when they find out?!" Mondo yelled, despite his classmate's timid and frightened request. His arms where thrown at his side and he thrust them towards Chihiro, which only made the boy cower back even more. "They're gonna think I'm weak! Weak cause I like another boy… and one like you, too!"

Chihiro clenched his hands tightly before his face, feeling the imprints of Mondo's fingers burn on his skin. "Please… don't," he almost whispered this time, and only because he knew Mondo was past the point of listening. The man was angry. Maybe at Chihiro, but probably at himself more than anyone. Chihiro remembered when he was young, unable to confront his own feelings. He would have temper tantrums, he would cry, toss stuff around in his room just to relieve his anger. Up until he discovered his love for computers and technology, the only way he could think to sort out his frustrations was by pitching a fit. Remembering being a child, on the play ground with his "friends", being pushed down in the dirt for being weak… Even now, as a girl, he was still seen at meek and timid. He felt his cheeks burning with anger, frustration, and disappointment. "You know what's weak?" he suddenly spoke up, tucking his hurt wrist behind his back. He was sure that as quickly as his forehead when it smacked against that counter, his skin was now bruised with the fingerprints of the biker.

Mondo's dark eyes narrowed and for a moment, his shoulders released some tension, seeing the stern look across his fellow classmate's face. It was then that his blind anger began to diffuse, and he noticed the tears streaming down the young boy's face. He had gone to that place again, that intense rage that caused him to black out on reality. And despite not hitting him, or meaning to, he had hurt the poor boy before him. His body began to shake, but he waited silently for Chihiro's response. "When you grow up unable to believe in yourself," the blonde murmured, rubbing his wrist behind his back and lowering his head. "When you aren't able to accept who you actually are… and you hide it. And it makes you angry. It makes you quiet. It makes you scared of anything and everything around you."

The biker let his arms fall at his sides and he felt a small relief throughout his muscles as he calmed down. Hearing the hurt tone in his comrade's voice, he felt guilty for causing such a ruckus. Chihiro was scared, he could tell in the boy's posture and the way he wavered on his heels as he spoke. "It's when you change who you are as a person just because you're scared of what everyone else says about you… it's not standing up for who you are, and covering it up with stupid lies just to… make everything okay… it's lying to yourself. That's what makes you weak," Chihiro continued, reaching up with his fine hand to drag the tears off of his skin. His entire body shook, because even though he was trying to put a little hope into Mondo's heart, he couldn't shake off his own insecurities to get his point across. Whereas this new revelation, Mondo liking another boy, was new to the biker, Chihiro had been putting up with his own issues since he was a child. It wasn't until now that making a change even seemed like an option. "If it's what you feel… you shouldn't lie to yourself about it."

The taller man bit down on his lip, feeling guilty for his rash actions. It was Chihiro's fault that he was having such confusing feelings, as it was hard enough attempting to prove his crush on him before Mondo found out Chihiro was indeed a boy… but trying to either push the affection aside, or get over the fact that he was nearly in love with another boy was not easy. Not easy for someone who was raised to not care for another person's problems. Not for someone who was meant to be a leader. "You can't live your entire life in self loathing," the small programmer whimpered, bringing his hurt hand towards his lips. He dropped his head briefly, his wispy bangs fluttering over his eyes like a curtain to mask more tears. "It's not a good way to live…"

Feeling like he was going to have a break down, Chihiro quickly whipped around on his heel in an attempt to make a break for the door. He could come back for his laundry later, but retreating to his room sounded like the best idea before Mondo got any angrier and Chihiro came off like more of a child. As he went to leave, though, Mondo reached out, gently grabbing at the boy's slightly injured wrist. "Let me see your hand," he spoke up, catching onto Chihiro's sweater sleeve, keeping in him place with a calm tug. The small boy eased up a bit, hearing the softer tone in his companions voice, but was still reluctant to stay still.

"I'm fine," he whispered, just above the sound of the dryer's tumbling laundry. Mondo continued to tug, however, pulling at the boy's sleeve defiantly. "I said I'm fine!" Chihiro then yelled, snapping his sleeve out of his friend's hand, thrusting his arm at his side. He stood in the middle of the laundry room, his body hunched over as he cradled his wrist against his chest. The boy couldn't even tip his head up to look the other man in the eyes. None of this would even be happening if Chihiro had just told the truth in the first place. If he could have just been stronger growing up. Not even in physical strength, but in confidence. If he had been able to fight off all the negative words and have a little faith in himself instead of hiding behind a curtain of insecurity, this wouldn't be happening.

Mondo sat heavily in a nearby chair, lowering his head towards the floor with his hands dropped between his knees. He sighed loudly, absently rubbing at the back of his neck. At his movement, the blonde glanced between his bangs and tears to watch the biker. They were both defeated. With a hard swallow, he slowly stammered forward, bashfully offering up his arm for inspection. He knew it was bruised. He could feel it. The biker picked up his head, reaching out to take Chihiro's hand within his own. There was a brief shock of warmth that flooded all the way up the smaller boy's arm and he immediately stood up straight at the quiet strength in just the simple holding of his hand. Pulling back the sweater sleeve, the taller of the two stared at the red marks left carelessly on Chihiro's skin. "Sorry…" he winced in a pained breath, embarrassed. He had done exactly what he had set out not to do when he had left Chihiro's bed room that night. He had hurt him. Pulling the sleeve back down, he released the tension in his hand, expecting the other boy to retreat. But he didn't. Chihiro held tight to Mondo's hand.

The hum of the dryer rang out behind them as they just stared at one another, the programmer slowly interlacing his fingers with his companion's. He brought his other hand to wrap around Mondo's strong fingers and mumbled, "Is it uncomfortable that I'm holding your hand?"

It was slightly uncomfortable, but not even for the fact that Chihiro was a boy. But because of the fact that someone Mondo had spent months secretly fawning over was touching him so delicately. Even after realizing Chihiro's secret, Mondo couldn't get over the feelings that had developed. This kid was smart, classy, polite, and a genuinely good person to everyone he ever met. He was adorable and graceful to the point where he would enter a room, and although the rest of the class would over look him, Mondo could catch him from the corner of his eye like Chihiro was a signal of light. He was everything the biker would never be. The only reason people ever stared at him was because he was getting obnoxiously heated over a small comment that challenged his pride or because he had gotten so angry over a test that the teacher was temporarily throwing him out in the hallway. No one came for him to help on homework. No one came to him for ideas. No one picked him first for group projects.

"N-n-no," Mondo responded slowly, a furious blush gracing his cheeks.

"Does it make you happy?" Chihiro's small hands enveloped Mondo's one strong one with impressive warmth, enough to send a shiver along the biker's back as he sat up straight within his chair.


Chihiro smiled and sunk down to his knees on the floor, keeping his body straight so they were about at eyelevel. He could feel Mondo's grip tighten around his grasp. "You shouldn't hide something that makes you happy," he murmured, staring at the way their fingers interlocked with one another. "If it makes you happy… I'm willing to hide my secret. I've done it long enough that…"

"No, no, you can't do that," Mondo grunted with a brief squeeze of his hand. "You just said you shouldn't hide something that makes you happy…"

"Hiding my secret to keep yours safe… and being with you… would make me happy… for once," the programmer smirked with his head lowered to hide his bashful smile. "Assuming… you actually wanted to… be with me… I… I would do that for you…" He squeezed both his hands tightly around his companion's before staring up at him with a timid blush and a brief smile spreading across his lips. The prospect of being in a relationship gave him hope for his future, even if it meant continuing to hide his gender from his fellow classmates. Hiding it with the purpose of making someone happy was better than hiding it in his own fear.

Surprise fled through his body when he felt something wet fall against their hands. Staring at the man before him, Chihiro found that his fellow classmate was crying. Tears were something he had NEVER seen in the eyes of Oowada Mondo, unless he laughed so hard that he couldn't help himself. Seeing the almost pained look across the biker's face, Chihiro did the only thing his body could think to do. He let go of their hand lock and threw his arms around Mondo's neck, clinging tightly to his trembling body. It didn't take the taller of the two long before he returned the embrace, burying his face in the crook of his partner's neck. His sobbing was quiet, consisting of only a few breaths and a grunt or two as he suppressed his emotions. "I won't put ya through that forever," he grunted, holding the small programmer within his strong, but shaking arms. "I'll get stronger so we won't have to hide…"

"You're already strong," Chihiro murmured with his chin rested against the temple of his fellow classmate. It took years for Chihiro to finally find the strength to tell another person, outside of his father and the headmaster, of his darkest secret, and although it took a little alcoholic influence and some pressing kisses for him to blurt it out in the most awkward manner, the boy was proud of himself. Someone else knew, accepted him, and even liked him. He wasn't sure how well he was going to be able to function in a relationship, especially with someone who was still so confused about the idea of it.

Drawing in a long breath, Mondo brought his lips against the small patch of revealed skin along Chihiro's jaw line. The blonde shivered, but let out a small giggle. A hopeful, bashful one. "I know you think I am… but… don't let me keep you from…" Mondo muttered out, his breathe warm and inviting against the programmer's skin.

Chihiro leaned back and pressed his finger against his companion's lips, shaking his head in brief defiance. "You got me to admit something to you that I couldn't bring myself to say to anyone else here," he explained, pressing his forehead against Mondo's. His small hands slid from the back of the biker's neck to his cheeks, keeping the man's attention focused. "And until you came into this room today, I seriously considered never telling anyone… keeping it a secret until I left this academy and then disappear from all of your lives… Maybe I won't tell them right away, and maybe I'll never tell them as long as I'm here with you… but, at least I'm happy knowing that you still like me."

Mondo bit down on his lip before a small smirk spread across his lips. He tried to bashfully look away, despite wanting to keep a hardened exterior through all of this, but Chihiro's hands kept him in place. "You make me happy, okay?" the programmer squeaked. "And that's what matters the most." And for the first time since the first kiss, Chihiro made the move and pressed his lips against the biker's. It was quick, but sweet as he was so nervous, a little giggle broke their lips. Chihiro wasn't sure how good of a significant other he could be, with his timid, meek nature, but he hoped that he would be good enough to help the biker. And eventually… accept himself.

Author's Note: Ugh, that last bit of this kind of sucked, but I have literally been sitting here for about three hours trying to figure out how to end this. Sorry if it's bad. So that's the end of this one, but fear not, there will be a sequel. I thought it was a good breaking point to start up another story involving them working out a relationship and eventually (or hopefully) opening up to the other students about their lives. I don't know exactly when I'll start that one as I have another fic I need to work on, and another one that's been working itself out in my brain. Anyway, I hope everyone enjoyed it! I appreciate all the reviews, favorites, and follows! :D Let me know what you think and what you want to see as far as the sequel goes! I love feedback!