Title: Weekends
Fandom: Frozen
Pairing: Hans/Anna
Summary: Breaking their weekend ritual, Hans and Anna must come to terms with their feelings—whatever they may be—and however far apart they are.

Notes: This chapter is short, I know. But I decided to expand the first chapter by adding more into the past events. Hence, 'Recollections'. Also, I have been slow with my fics because I've been working on my graduate school papers and my students' grades. But once I clear all that, I'll have more time to work on my drafts.

After the first time Hans and Anna slept together, Anna had asked him a question.

"Does this mean we love each other?"

And Hans had looked at her straight in the eye and caught the glimpse of hope that was fighting to stay alight like a cupped flame in the coldest winter. Until that moment she was trying to hold on to her old self, the young woman clinging on to the idealistic love she had nursed in her head from a tender age. It was all she had ever known and all she ever yearned for borne of loneliness and hurt. And yet, she had lain with him. What did that mean?

"Anna," Hans did not know how to put it gently, "love does not equate into everything." There was a slight crack in his voice.

"Do you at least care for me?" She whispered achingly, bargaining for feelings that could justify what they did.

He nodded, shifting his position so that he stared at the ceiling, a hand raking through his hair. He really did not want to see what kind of expression she was making, did not want to risk seeing false hopes of something more…

"This doesn't make you a bad person." He spoke, partly to her and mostly for himself.

"Then what does this mean?"

Hans had to be honest, a defeated sigh escaping his lips.

"I don't know."

The first time Anna and Kristoff kissed after the great thaw, Anna was finally convinced she had found true love.

The feeling swept her off her feet as Kristoff did when he had spun her around. It was dizzying—a thrilling excitement she had not felt since—her thoughts abruptly stopped there (an image of a prince she'd rather forget). And as she gazed lovingly into Kristoff's face with his adorable smile and soft eyes, she expected that things would only get better from here.

Oh, but she was wrong.

Being royal ice master and deliver was completely useless in Arendelle with a queen who could summon ice for the citizens without costs. However, the magical ice did prove to be a valuable commodity to warmer nations.

Next thing Anna knew, Kristoff was always away on long voyages to deliver Elsa's slow melting ice to countries near and far, together with Sven and Olaf. Whenever they came back, he would brim with excitement as he talked of all the places he explored and the people he met. Unfortunately, he never stayed very long, after a week or two; he'd sail off once more with the exports.

This situation left Anna feeling very lonely. Yes, she and Elsa had finally gotten along after all these years, but she had queenly duties to attend to. And the minor princess duties of making nice and attending parties was a dull affair when you had no one to stave off boredom with.

It had been months since she and Kristoff went on a proper date. And the last time she saw him, he didn't seem too bothered with their current situation and Anna found it too hard to dampen his boyish enthusiasm of his travels with her complaints.

So she just kept quiet.

"Oh Haaaans, you're incredible. Sooo much better than my husband. He can't even compare." The grand duchess sprawled herself on the bed, as if she were posing for a nude painting. Stretching, her womanly assets pushing out pointedly, she eyed his back with satisfaction.

Hans, fixing himself something to drink, threw her a smile.

"You are much too kind, your grace." He tilted his glass, "Would you like a drink as well?" It was a routine question; they never stayed long.

"Oh, no thank you. I think I should get fixed up and head back soon…" She sat up and leaned over to the ivory nightstand, grabbing her coin purse. "I'll leave the remaining balance as promised right here." The clinking of coins touched his ears as Hans eyed his glass of brandy, his body tensing to the sound—feeling his dignity remove with each coin kissing the surface.

He could hear her giggle as she started shuffling back into her clothes.

"I never thought I would be pleasured by a prince before. It's such a wonderful notion."

"I am pleased to have your patronage, my lady."

"I'll be sure to tell all my friends of your discreet business."

"I appreciate your generosity." He spoke pleasantly, but behind his mask, he was raging like a caged animal. A thrashing beast poked and starved, fighting with tooth and nail to be set free. He did not want to be here. He was a prince, not a common whore. He was meant for greater things. How he wanted to turn around, smash a glass to the wall, and scream at how she was not even remotely worthy to kiss his ass.

But, he remembered painfully, he had nothing now.

He was nothing now.

"Hans, I'll be leaving now. Till next time." She gave him a little wave as she turned the knob.

He was nothing now.

And he needed her—needed them to survive.

So he just kept smiling.