"Is it always night in here? Not that I'm complaining, but we've been here for hours"

"Not really, it's like The North Pole, half a year is night, half a year is day" The Doctor smiled fondly

"A beautiful violet moon this is" Rose smiled, marveled and The Doctor realized why was she so important to his future self, as his hearts were already in her soft hands

"So, tell me, Rose Tyler, what is your secret?"

She turned to him clueless

"Well, you must have one, because I don't understand, how did you manage to win me over after a few hours together?"

She blushed for a moment

"I could ask you the same question, although I know your secret "

The Doctor arched an eyebrow

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, I mean, you're the same person, and if you managed to become my world all big ears and northern, this version of you has a bigger advantage" She frowned "I have no idea why I'd just said that"

The Doctor laughed

"Truth filter, it's in the atmosphere, this is a place for true love, and hearts cannot lie, it's easier to talk about your feelings here"

"No wonder you've never brought me before" she said, her disappointment and pain in her voice

The Doctor took her hand

"I just… he…" she sighed "ever since he changed he has become more… confusing… one moment he flirts with me and the next he makes me feel I'm not even in the same room, one minute he makes me feel I'm the most important person in the universe and the next he runs out with a French mistress and abandons me"

The Doctor held her tightly

"You know what Rose? I could make a mental note to avoid France at all costs no matter the body"

Her face lighten up


"Well, I said I COULD, but I wouldn't, because if that doesn't happen, this won't happen either… and I'm so glad I met you"

The last words were the magic ones, it took her back to a dungeon in Cardiff, and then she realized what her precious Doctor did bringing her to his younger self, he really wanted her to meet the best version of him, so sweet, so caring. She just had to kiss him again

The kiss was soft at first full of emotion on both sides, she put all her repressed love into it and he felt it and immediately fell even more with her, returning her feelings and pouring something greater in it, he needed to be closer to her, as a rule he kept his companions at arm length, but this girl had something special, it felt as if she was a fixed point in his life, made especially for him, even he could swear he tasted the time in her.

The couple held tightly, not willing to let go, he was really carefree and this new body seemed built for romance, given his thirst for Rose's lips. She surrendered to him as well, and their hearts began to race.

The violet moon was washing its light upon them, soft watery noises were heard nearby , and Rose thought she was in a dream, a very vivid dream. In which her doctor was in love with her and not some French wh.- that was mood breaking.

The Doctor felt odd, jealous at first, then he realized how silly yet complicated was being jealous of oneself, then he noticed Rose's pain and felt nervous, anxious to make that pain go away, he started babbling to give him time to put things right

"Rose, I know you're hurt, and you're entitled to be, but the whole point of this was to make you feel better, I know he means so much to you, and therefore it hurts, but he's not here, you're far –" she stopped him with another kiss

"He's here, because you are him, also my first doctor"

"But I'm a younger version" he insisted "and"

"You're The Doctor, no matter the body, and I can see that now, even more clearly, like I said , both of my doctors are here in you, but you know what's more important and even better?" her eyes were shining with light and this make him to feel a bit relieved, so he smiled and nodded

"You're there with me too, I didn't knew at first because obviously we hadn't met, but I've realized now, as we were walking through this forest, I don't know how to say this ... is like, I wasn't seeing them in you, I was actually seeing you in them" she sighed "does that make sense?"

He was swelling with pride and joy "Perfect sense, Miss Tyler, and I'm flattered- He felt his hearts speed up with the new kiss he started with her, this one being more about desire than love, reacting with more passion than emotion so he dared to whisper in her ear

"Why don't we go somewhere more private?"


Nine was just not impressed by Ten's pouty face, for all he cared he had to pay for making Rose feel unworthy and make her cry.

"You were me, you should know by now that this is getting you nowhere, I think you need some time alone to set your priorities, because obviously you forgot them" he calculated everything and said

"Ricky, you're coming to help me find Rose? OR would you rather stay here mourning with pinstripes?

He didn't even argue about being Mickey, in two steps he was beside Nine, giving Ten an apologetic look

"Sorry, boss " he said "but"

"It's okay Mickey" said Ten, "the most important thing now is to find Rose, no matter how"

"NOW HE GETS IT" Nine retorted "if you had thought about it before probably we wouldn't be in this mess however"

"But what YOU'RE getting wrong is that I will stay here doing nothing,, I'm going to find her and when I do, I'll seek your TARDIS to see where to pick Mickey up, you ... idiot"

"I think I start taking good care of me now, whatever it is I did to become you, needs to be prevented"

"Oh you say that, but you wouldn't have it any other way, trust me, there's nothing you can do to stop it, and you would never want that to be prevented"

Nine pushed Mickey into his TARDIS huffing, so none of them would hear Ten saying

"However I'm sure Rose would want to have you still around... and that's what hurts me, I'm the one who somehow wishes to be still you if I had the chance"