NEW STORY! *happy dance* Well, as the summary says, this is a collab story with the wonderful PhantomxK! :D She came up with the idea and together we worked in the whole plot-line! :D

I really hope you enjoy the story!

We don't own the Mortal Instruments

Everything was cold and dark around the room but the sweetest scent of blood and the bitter taste of betrayal hung in the air above the badly hurt girl. The small body of a malnourished four-year-old lay under the bed. Her legs were cut up and she looked beaten beyond belief. She was trying to escape the bad men in white coats, she did not want to be in pain. Her black hair was tangled and disgusting with the red blood pasting the locks together making them stick to her forehead that had another wide gash on it. She laid there whimpering on the floor.

'Someone please save me.' she begged as the door opened and she tried not to scream.
The doctor was a tall bulky figure that had bright blonde hair and honey colored eyes

"Jinx it is time for your medicine" the man spoke as if the medicine would help.

As he got down and rip her out from under the bed. Her body began to wiggle as she screamed and yelled causing the other patients in the asylum to yell and scream as well. The doctor gave her a sharp slap on the back

"None of that! You know better, now be a good girl Jinx" he said as he laid her on the sliver table. Jinx began to scream and cry as they put the cap on her

"Stop! They are real! they are! why don't you believe me!?" she yelled. As her voice broke, huge gray eyes seemed to be blood shot from tears that streamed down her face.
The doctor smiled "Now Jinx, you are being a bad girl and bad girls need to be punished. Dr. Adams set the voltage to 4. Alright Jinx are you ready" he said though he did not care. He enjoyed seeing the girl scream, but tonight she was not going to take it. The second the switch was flip and the pain began there was a blinding light and that was the last Jinx ever saw of the bad men.

-Two Months later-

Alec sighed as he breathed out cold puffs of air that floated in the air. It was already the first week of December and Alec hated to be demon hunting in the coldest months because it meant more layers of clothing that led to restricted movements in a fight. However, December marked his and Magnus three year anniversary and this year they had been hoping to add to their family a daughter. However they were having no such luck. Jace and Izzy decided that demon hunting would be the perfect way to help relieve the tension of finding a daughter.

So here, they were on the outer parts of the city at an abandoned asylum. It had been giving off reports of high demon activity since it was blown up in October, but they had been walking around for about an hour and nothing had been found. Alec sighed until he saw a rock come right at his face. he ducked right before it hit him.

"Jace give me some light" Alec waved him over.

As Jace came closer Alec noticed movement somewhere in the back of the room. He moved closer to the pile of mattresses. When he peaked over he saw a little girl curled into a ball. Her wounds were infected and her eyes were slightly glaze over. When she lifted her head to see them, her eyes widened as she saw Jace and she pounced right at him. Jace dodged his mini attacker with ease. As she went at him again Jace raised his blade, but Alec yelled.

"Jace don't" he said as the girl threw another rock at him and began to ran.
"Alec what the hell?!-"Jace exclaimed towards him confused.
"She is not a demon. Come on!" Alec yelled going after to see that it was too late.

Izzy had gotten to the girl and now had her unconscious. Alec sighed and Izzy looked worried as she looked at her brother.
"She came out of nowhere! I hit her without knowing it" Izzy said as Alec took off his jacket wrapping it around the little girl trying to stop the blood.
"Izzy enough! we need to get her to Magnus now" he said to her and quickly the trio were drawing a portal back to Magnus' apartment who did not look at all happy they were running in tracking snow and mud all over the place.
"Alec! the new carpet please!" Magnus exclaimed but stopped when he saw the girl in his husband's arms and quickly went into warlock mood.

He ordered his husband to take her to his study where he then shooed them all out and began his work.
A few hours later the smell of warm chocolate and pine filled Jinx nose as she began to wake up. She opened her eyes in fear, when she saw a furry white thing was close to her face. She screamed falling off the sofa and scrambled away as two men came running into the room. She watched as the furry thing ran out and she looked at them and backed away in fear.

"Please don't hurt me!" the little girl cried as Magnus knelt down.
"Shh it's okay. We are not going to hurt you. I'm Magnus and this is my husband Alec. He brought you back because you were badly hurt." Magnus said as he looked her up to see if she had any new wounds.

The girl had been hurt badly and there was only so much damage Magnus could heal without hurting the girl further. He had confirmed to the trio that she was of warlock blood and not a demon but that left so many other issues, such as how she got in such a state and what she was doing in that building.

"Can you tell us your name?" Alec asked as he sat down next to his warlock. The small girl was shaking softly from being scared so badly by Chairman. He shook his head, he had forgotten about the cat.
"My name is Jinx" The little girl said weakly.

So what do you think? I promise the whole idea will be slowly developing, as well as the background story will be explained in future chapter!

This chapter was written by PhantomxK! :D

And we both would like to know, if any of you would like to know more about Malec! Like, how they got engaged, or the wedding, or some other stories! Like spin-offs from this same story! and my dear PhantomxK will post them! :D

So leave your reviews! tell us what you think! We need your feedback! So please do tell us! Also favorite and follow! :D

Thank you all so much for reading!
