My Phone, your Phone

Naruto walked through the slightly crowded lunch hall leisurely as he casually whistling a happy tune. He was in a very good mood today as, very soon, his god father, an annoying pervert that goes by the name of Jiraya, would call or text him to tell him whether or not he could go on the week long camping trip with his uncle Iruka.

He hurriedly slipped his phone out of his orange jacket pocket and immediately searched it for any messages or calls he may have missed. He made his way through the room, skilfully dodging people while his eyes were still glued to his phone, but stopped abruptly when something came running into him at full force, making him crash painfully to the ground.

His eyes were screwed shut due to the impact and were hazily opened to find the cause of his sudden fall, only to find a large tuff of black hair splayed across his broad chest. The hair looked silky and very thoroughly looked after which made him feel the need to touch it and test its softness, but he restrained himself as he felt the extra weight that had been on him, being lifted.

Once the other teen was fully up he pulled himself off of the ground and dusted off the small amount of dust that was probably covering his backside. He looked up from his task when he heard a harsh growl coming from in front of him. There stood a very pale, very handsome, and very angry raven haired boy that didn't seem too happy about the seconds' earlier collision.

"Tch, idiot, watch where you're going," he hissed rudely at the blond opposite him. Naruto fumed, he did not like being accused, especially for something that wasn't fully his fault, "don't you dare blame me for all this you bastard! Maybe next time you should watch where you're running!"

For a few seconds, they glared at each other, both trying to get the other to back down, but both failing miserably. The raven opened his mouth to retort when the faint, but loud sounds of squealing girls were heard in the distance, slowly but steadily coming closer.

His open mouth snapped shut instantly as his already pale face paled significantly more, Naruto's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion, was he not getting a snarky comeback? "Oi, bastard, are you ok?" the other seemed surprised by the question and made a shocked face, as if he didn't expect it and quickly wiped his face back to a scowl before nodding and mumbling out a small "I'm fine".

The moody boy was about to walk away abruptly when Naruto caught sight of something on the floor out of the corner of his eye and grabbed the other teen's arm before he could leave. This earned him an annoyed glare from the raven which he countered with an equally annoyed glare, "just wait a sec," he bent down, one arm still gripping the slightly taller guy's arm, the other reaching to pick the object off of the floor. "Here." Naruto said in an aggravated tone, roughly shoving a phone into the mystery boy's hand.

The raven looked down at his hand in shock before pulling his arm out of Naruto's grip and searching his jean pockets. When he found that his phone was not in there he smoothly slipped the item in his hands into one of them, Naruto watched him in amusement, "you're welcome" he snorted out, noticing he wasn't going to get a thank you.

"Whatever," the other boy scoffed, because of his short temper, the blonde was just about to hit him when the annoying squealing was heard in the distance again. He turned to face it, getting annoyed at it more than the bastard behind him.

When the noise subsided and he didn't find anything he turned back to face the raven, only to find the space once occupied, empty! Naruto was officially livid, how dare that bastard! He was about to stomp off to his last class when he saw another phone on the ground.

He picked it up and checked it, it was his, he pressed a random button but it wouldn't turn on. He shrugged it off as being dead and slipped it back into his orange jacket pocket before walking off to math class, oh the joy.

"I'm home" he shouted into his empty house. Jiraya, as usual, wasn't home yet so he grabbed whatever food he could find from the counter top and plopped down onto his worn out couch. He dumped his bag on the floor and leant back onto the soft leather, he closed his eyes and sighed, school was finally over for the summer, now he could rest.

He already had his whole summer planed out, first he would go on a nice camping trip with his uncle Iruka, who wasn't really blood related but was still family, to Naruto he was like the father he never had.

Once he came back from camping, him, his best friend Kiba, and his other friends Shikamaru and Chouji would hang out for the rest of the summer, playing pranks, eating various foods, and, just for Shika, some cloud watching.

Yup, he had it all planned out, and nothing would ruin this summer for him. He opened his eyes and sat up from his relaxing pose, digging through his cramped pockets for his phone. Once it was finally out he pressed the middle button on his touch screen and instantly groaned when he remembered that his phone was dead when he picked it up after an infuriating experience that he would much rather forget.

He hopped up from the couch and stepped over his bag making his way towards the creaky stairs; he shook all thoughts of a certain bastard out of his head and opened the door to his bright orange room. He walked over to his cluttered desk and hooked his phone onto it before flopping face first onto his light blue bed to take a much needed nap.

He woke up with a start at the sudden beeping of his phone, his head shot up from the mattress, his arms trying, but failing to support his sudden movements which ended in him collapsing on the floor next to his bed in a daze. He slowly lifted himself off of the floor and into an awkward standing pose; he shook his head to rid it of its dizziness and made his way towards his desk, where his phone lay.

He lazily picked it up and glanced at the screen as he pressed the button, he watched as the screen vaguely lit up and showed him the picture of a full battery telling him his phone was now full charged. Carelessly ripping his phone off the charger, he went back to his bed and lay on his back, the phone position above his head.

He turned it on and waited, the screen flickered to brightness and he stared at it in awe, didn't he have a lock? He shook it off as his phone malfunctioning and focused on it; the background was completely white, now he was confused.

When did he ever have such a boring background like that? He went to his contacts in mild panic and found it completely empty apart from, 'Father,' 'House,' 'Itachi,' and 'Mother.' His grip on the phone loosened as he came to a conclusion.

This wasn't his phone.

AN: Hey guys i hope you like my new fic, if you enjoyed reading this please follow, favourite and/or review and check out my other works. :D