When I first saw her, we were mere children that just had reached the age of ten.

She was a Midgardian, nothing special, compared to a god like me, but she had something, a little something that made her interesting. She was intelligent, knowing that there was something else, something higher than her and her fellow mortals.

I had sneaked down to Midgard, or Earth how they called it. She sat alone on a bench reading a book, while the others were busy with playing their silly games. She was so deep in her own little world that she did not even notice that I was talking to her. I was more than just irritated, after all I was a prince of Asgard. This ignorant Midgardian was supposed to worship me.

And she was ignoring me! This was outrageous. I tried a few times to get her attention, but she did not look up from the scripture she was reading. I finally lost my patience. I got a firm grip on her book and ripped it out of her grasp.

"Hey, what are you doing?" she yelled and pulled the book back.

"I am trying to make you aware of my presence for quite some time, you puny girl!" I retorted. Even though Mother had taught me to be polite towards woman, I simply could not help it.

"Puny?! Did you just call me puny?!" It seemed that I insulted her more than I originally intended to, but now it was too late to apologize.

"Indeed, I called you puny, because you are." I could imagine that this was my doom.

"Why you little!" she roared and pounce on me. She was so fast that I did not even see her flying towards me before she had pinned me to the ground. "Who's the puny one now?"

"You are strong, I give you that, but you have proven your point, so get down from me," I demanded.

"Not. In that. Tone," she spat right back.

"What ? You dare to speak to me in such a manner? Do you not know who you are talking to?"

"Shakespeare in the park?" She still had me lying beneath her.

"No, I am Loki." I glared at her with all my might. "And you better show some respect."

She let out a laugh. "Show respect, to you?"

It suddenly became clear to me that I was not acting very polite either, so I changed my course. "Maybe we should make a fresh start. Hello, my name is Loki. May I now inquire your name?"

She relaxed visibly and finally removed herself from me. "I'm Cassandra."

Cassandra. Never have I met a girl like her, but then again, I had never really talked to anyone, because they would rather be listening to my brother's rambling than to me. "I am pleased to meet you." I bowed slightly. When I straightened up again, I noticed her staring at me funnily.

"You're not from here, are you?"

"That is right, Cassandra."

"I know it may sound strange if I ask you that, but are you, by any chance, from… I don't know… Asgard?"

She was pretty quick at figuring out that fact. I thought about lying to her, but what would it do. I had the feeling that she could see though my act. "I am." So I decided tell her the truth.

"So, I pretty much almost beat a god?"

"Basically, yes," I chuckled.

She giggled, a sound that normally was indicating my brother's presence, but not now. Now, there was no Thor she could admire, no Thor to be picked over me. She was laughing because of me. Just knowing this warmed my heart immensely for a reason I should be able to comprehend later.

"Wow, I didn't think my day could get so weird, but how can I be sure that you are the real Loki and this is not some kind of trick?"

I blinked at her before I looked around briefly. When nobody was watching us, I held out my palm towards her. A dim, green glow appeared in mid-air and stretched out, forming a flower. The glow turned darker, as it grew less translucent, and finally materialized a pearly white rose.

She was astounded when I handed her the delicate plant. She smiled at me. It was a genuine smile, not one of those full of pity or mockery. This one was a smile of happiness. "Thanks," she blushed.

I smiled right back, yet I started thinking about needing to go home very soon. Heimdall most likely had already noticed my disappearance. I caught myself thinking about possibilities to smuggle her to Asgard, but I quickly realized that I knew of no spell to conceal her from Heimdall's all-seeing eyes. There was only one possibility.

"Loki? You're alright?" She was waving a hand in front of my face.

"Yes," I replied without facing her. "But unfortunately, I have to return home. I am afraid my mother is already worried sick."

She looked crestfallen. "I see… will you come back here ever again? I could show you some pretty awesome stuff around here."

I smiled at her hopeful expression. She meant well and what was even more important, she was honest. "I do not know, but I will try my very best, dear Cassandra."