Authors Note: I own nothing and all I want for Christmas is Souffez/Whouffle to be completely canon...

"Excuse me, are you lonely?"

The question just slipped from John's mouth, remembering that it was the question that arguable set him down the path he had walked.

"Clara Oswald, before you say anything I have to say something." John started, before the misty eyed brunette could say anything. "I am so tired Clara. I am tired of running from things, and from you. It took me some to time to realize what I want. Sorry for the wait, I can be daft sometimes. Clara, I'm no longer running to things, I'm running towards them before they flare and fade away. And that doesn't include you."

At that statement, Clara's heart all but stopped. She wasn't sure if we was turning his back to her or not. Clara knew that this was the impasse at which the two stood. The burning question in her mind was should the two move forward together, or take two steps back by themselves. Doe eyes met the big sad ones and John began to finish his thought.

"I don't want to run towards nor do I want to run from you. I want to run with you. Clara just like that first day, I just want to hold your hand. I know it's basic but that is really all I want." At this point, John was calm and seemed to be a bit at peace. Like he had finally found the solution to a problem plaguing him most of his life. And in hindsight, maybe he had.

"So Clara Oswald, will you run with me?"

The question was a simple one. It had no hidden agenda or false information. To Clara, it was the question she really wanted to hear and respond to.

"Wasn't it a daft boy who once told me that when holding onto something precious we run and run as fast as we can? You're that precious thing and I plan on holding on and running for as long as I need to. So yes, John Smith I will run with you. And know you'll never shake me off now." Clara laughed, a genuine and hearty noise before grasping John's hand.

When they met, it was like two pieces fitting together. The two were almost scared to let go, because after reaching so hard, they had embraced once again, and neither wanted that to end.

"Sure Soufflé Girl, I mean after all you are the boss."

With that the two smiled once again and began to run toward the shop. Neither looking back nor looking toward the future, but instead focusing on now, and each other, like it should be.

When the two reached the shop, they noticed Peter roaming the store shelving books and talking to an occasional customer. It was odd to see the teen acting so friendly to others. He even let a smile appear here and there.

"Peter what are you doing?" John asked, Clara tucked behind him. She wasn't sure how Peter would react to her being there.

"Well your Granddad offered me a job when you left for Miss Oswald. Basically I come in and work whenever needed or want to and I can access to the shelves all I want. I figured it was a fair trade. Plus I want to possible takeover for you when we graduate. I have no interest in Uni and you do so that works out fine. You're okay with that right?" Peter explained, not stopping the process of replacing books on their wooden thrones.

"No it's not a problem, Granddad's going to need the company anyway. You two can share a cuppa and be angry old men. I know how you both are. And thanks for the cover." John responded. "Just curious but are you okay with Clara and I?"

"I can't say that I know her all too well but if she make you happy then it is fine by me. And maybe now you'll get your head out of your arse and actually talk to others again. That Amelia says she's been missing you." Peter smirked and gave John a firm pat on the back and extended a smile and hand to Clara. She took it and returned the gesture. The Doctor and Clara knew they would never be the best of friends but maybe that was because the two were so similar. However for John's sake they'd get along.

John just smiled at the two and when they were finished the three said goodbye for the moment. The reunited couple moved up to John's bedroom upstairs, and they laid down not doing more than catching up and trying to recover the years they had missed.

After this, they spent ten minutes debating over what movie to watch. Clara wanted romance while John wanted a musical of some kind. It took a few more moments, but the two decided on Begin Again, and would then move into a comic movie. (John won that decision, promising next time to marathon Clara's favorite Disney movies.

The two huddle under a blanket with their backs against the wall and became absorbed in the film. It only took about forty minutes for both teens to start to drift off and they ended up asleep, Clara's head resting on John's shoulder and his head against hers. When Granddad came to check on the two of them, he couldn't help but smirk and take a quick photo.

Quietly, he called Peter and David over real quick to see the scene. Peter just rolled his eyes and returned to the shelves, while David snickered at first and then whistled in a mock appreciation, waking up the napping duo. They were groggy at fist and then noticed the position they were in. Even now, knowing each other for years were embarrassed by the act of being caught. They blushed and scooted apart, causing David and Granddad to laugh even harder.

John frowned, got up and began to chase his brother. Behind the two, Clara and Granddad laughed at the way the two were acting. Even Peter could be heard crackling downstairs at the antics of the siblings above. And for the first time in a while, the Smith house and Arcadia Bookshop were full of laughter and joy.

A Few Months Later

As each day passed, the graduation for the group grew closer. These last few weeks were a mad scramble to resolve anything and everything that had happened the last four years. The bridge between John and his other friends had been gaped, and the teen had returned to his usual puppy behavior. But instead of being the small group of four (John, Clara, Amy and Rory) it had expanded to include Peter, Osgood, Kate, The Paternoster gang, Sally, Craig and Sophie.

Even though the group had expanded, it seemed as though nothing had really changed. There were big group events at the shop, but usually the collective teens did not amass in a single location. The group had its smaller groups and most of the time, people just wandered from one to another. It was undeniable that John and Clara were at the center of everyone. It had been the couples will they-won't they status that made everyone roll there eyes.

Everyone was happy that they had again found each other, and that now it appeared that they would last. The two had changed bit of plans and were moving to London to attend school. Everything was arranged and now that Peter was taking a job at the shop, John felt free of Gallifrey's hold on him. While the place had some of his greatest memories, it was with Clara that he wanted to be. They were ready to hold hands and start to run. It was only a month or so to go and nothing could make the group happier.

Amy and Rory would be heading to New York for school, with an opportunity at New York University for Amy to get some history and writing courses outside of the U.K. and Rory having a nursing degree option with her. It was bitter sweet because even when the three were distant, they had been close in location. This would be the first time since John had meet the Ponds that they were be so far. But visits and Skype calls were promised but it was still uncharted waters. It was changed, and it still scared John, and to a degree Clara.

Craig and Sophie had agreed to take a year off, and planned to join some organization to travel to other countries helping monkeys. (Okay it was Sophie's idea but it wasn't hard for the two to follow.) Vastra and Jenny were moving to London as well, but planned to attend a different university from John and Clara. Strax was enlisting in the armed forces and the three planned to follow up on their plans in four or five years and open a private investigation business. Kate had been recruited by U.N.I.T, a government agency to receive a private education in return for working for them. Osgood got a similar offer, but instead chose to study with John and Clara before taking the job there.

Sally had decided to backpack through Europe with nothing but an instrument or two. She was heading to Ireland about a week after graduation. Apparently Peter was going with her for the opening bit of her journey. He said something about not wanting her to begin alone. Those two were the ones who never seemed to date in the group but it was hard to tell if they had a spark. He did promise that he'd be back before John left. Everyone thought it was odd but made no comment.

It just goes to show how much people can separate at any point in there life, each one of the group had a path planned out in front of them. Even if it was a little dark and rocky, eventually they would all find the end.

"John, come on you idiot, if you sleep any longer we'll be late for graduation." Clara groaned at her boyfriend. He was sprawled on his bed, face buried in a pillow. She pushed him a few times but to no luck did he budge. The brunette sighed and bent down to his ear.

"There's fish fingers and custard downstairs."

It was all the floppy haired boy needed to hear to spring from his bead and quickly throw clothing on before running down the stairs. Instead of a delicious meal waiting at the table was an annoyed group of teens and family staring at him.

It was Donna who broke the silence, yelling a consensus "Finally!"

After recovering from the banshee's yell, John returned to his bedroom, mind you Clara still in it, and preceded to put on his cap and gown. The girl couldn't help but laugh and roll her eye sat her boyfriend.

"You're an idiot, you know that right?"

"Yep, but I am your idiot, who also rocks a cool bowtie." John retorted, flashing a large grin. He took Clara's hand and leaned in for a soft kiss.

"John, Clara get down here now! I don't need any great grandchildren yet." Granddad yelled, causing the two to blush. Still holding hands they made it back downstairs and the Smith boys had similar grins. Granddad and David pulled out cameras and began assaulting the group.

After what seemed like hours of pictures, the group had made it to the ceremony. John had to go and prepare for his speech, Valid-Victorian and all. The group was spread out due to last names with only Amy sitting next to Clara. They knew that the event was starting when the lights dimmed and John took the stage.

He stood at a podium looking out to the sea of faces, some familiar, so not. He locked eyes with his Souffle Girl and felt ready. He gave a few little coughs to clear his throat and began.

"Hello Arcadia High School. As corny as it sounds, its been a long four years, hasn't it? I wanna start by getting the quote out of the way. "We may lose or we may win, but we'll never be here again." It's from an Eagles song. But I think it accurately portrays what it is that we all feel. No matter how much we succeed or we fail, not one of us will find ourselves to be back here, at this spot ever again. It's just a simple fact. And there is nothing wrong with it either. Life would be boring if we didn't change. There'd be no point.

It would be an endless cycle of what has happened already and never develop further, and that scares me. Why would man need to go on at this point? It's because man would have to learn to change. Even if we never had changed, we'd find a way. We always do, for better or for worse.

This may sound odd but how many of you know me by the name of The Doctor?" At this more than half the room raised the hand and John smiled even more. "Well that's no longer entirely true. My name is John Smith and I need to move on.

You could say that times change, and so must I... we all change. When you think about it, we are all different people, all through our lives and that's okay, that's good! You've gotta keep moving, so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this, not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me."

And with that last drawn out line, John took a breath and utter "Thank you all for a great four years. And I hope you continue on whatever path you have chosen and make it to the end a better person."

"John that was beautiful." Clara exclaimed, tears in her eyes over the words her boyfriends had given to all the students. Most were teary eyed, and couldn't seem to shake this deep feeling from John's advice.

"I could only find the words at the last minute you know. My speech was utterly different before you came back into my life. You gave me those words Clara so I am forever in your debt."

John pulled Clara into a deep hug and neither wanted to let go. The two knew that this would be a goodbye after they found the others, in two days Amy and Rory would be gone with everyone else close behind.

"We should really find the others." Clara said from John's chest, not convinced at her own words.

"I agree." John replied with the same emotions in his voice.

The two grasped hands, a motion that the two could almost perfectly preform as though it were involuntary. They shifted through the crowds, reviving well wishes and pats on the back. There were even a few girls thanking John for the kind words, and they would never forget it. John and Clara found the others at the other side of the area. Everyone was exchanging hugs and laughing, knowing that this would be the last time everyone would see each other for sometime. It was Amy who spotted them and waved, her face lighting up at the sight of the two.

"Raggedy Man, that speech was so touching. Didn't know you could talk like that." Amy joked, elbowing the boy.

"I agree with my fellow Scott, John. Those were some breathing taking words." Peter offered, hugging John, then in a shocking turn of events, Clara too. "Why is everyone gaping, it was just a hug. She's my mates, girlfriend."

"Its because you're usually on full attack eyebrows dear." It was Sally who offered the reply, pulling in the taller man for a hug.

Peter blushed and returned the gesture, leaving everyone even more in shock.

"Before you start freaking out, yes we started dating a week or so ago, and yes we are going to try it long distance. Any questions? No. Cool." Sally both explained and finished the conversation everyone wanted to engage in by herself. Peter just smiled and shrugged.

"Alright you kids come on. One more picture of you all before the hat toss." It was Wilf and Granddad who rounded them up and proceeded to begin the second hell of photos. It wasn't until attention was called that they were able to escape the torture.

Three taps on the microphone altered everyone of the school principle standing on stage. "I know it's been a long day already so I'll keep it short. Congratulations to everyone, you've made it after four years. I wish you luck from this point on. You all know what to do next. On the count of three."

"One." The principle counted.

"Two." The teachers joined in.

"Three." was a booming chorus of students and teachers. And with that number, what seemed like a million hats flew to the top of the auditorium and everyone begin to cheer. It was finally time to begin a new path.

As hats began to fall, John turned to Clara and whisper " I love you." Before pulling her into a kiss. It was like their first all those years ago. And neither would ever forget it.

Amy and Rory were the first to leave. John and Clara went to the airport with them. David and Donna were traveling with the Ponds, seeing as David had made it into a roadway production and would begin to rehearse. Donna had a job at a local newspaper in town lined up. It was a tearful departure, but at the end John knew that they had to go and smiled to them.

"I guess this is goodbye Ponds. And Rory, don't try to fight it: you're a Pond."

The watery response was just a simple answer. "I know."

The group hugged and in the gesture of Amy and John a brief exchange occurred. "John, I want you to promise me something."

"Whatever you want Amelia Pond. The Girl Who Waited, and whose name is a fairy tale." John returned.

"Let me go, and sear Clara onto your heart. I know that I was the first face that face saw, but this face you have is brand new, and she deserves it now me. Can you do that?" She whispered back, not able to look at him.

"Of course I can. I think I may have already done that. Now go along Pond, you have much greater things to see." And with that, the two split and said finally goodbye.

The plane was boarded and the John and Clara duo made there way back home.

The rest of the goodbyes were easier. Peter and Sally were next, just taking a train that would not be too long. Then Vastra, Jenny, Osgood and Kate. Strax seemed to disappear, and they knew that's what he wanted. Craig and Sophie were the last and promised to write soon. It wasn't long and the two were left to themselves.

Time passed and Peter returned. He smiled the whole time and told them that he'd meet Sally in two weeks after John and Clara left.

It was a week and a half later when John and Clara were ready to leave. Granddad made them take all there bags ahead of time, and the group of four were outside the shop. Peter had just went around back to retrieve something while Granddad gave a quick goodbye.

"You two don;t worry know, Peter and I will be alright. Have fun and stay out of trouble. And I am so proud of you both. That's why John I have one finally gift to give you."

Peter rolled the item out and removed a cloth. It was a sleek motorcycle, large enough to fit two.

"It was your parents. They bought it after they got married but never had the chance to ride with Chris. It was in their will that the one who got a lasting relationship first received it. I think you two fit. SO here you are." And with that he tossed the keys, the two giving us hugs and retreated to the shop.

"Impossible Girl, are you ready?" John asked putting on a helmet.

"For what Chinny Boy?" Clara laughed back.

He leaned and kissed her once, before starting the bike and taking off onto the street to get to London.

"For anything to happen."

And with that the two raced into the distance, ready to begin a new path, with nothing but each other.

"That's what I'm counting on."

Authors Note: SO this is it. I'm sorry for the quick ending but to me it just seemed right. For those who stayed with the story and enjoyed, I thank you so much. I know it was hard with my weird updates but nonetheless I cannot express the gratitude from my heart for reading. Keep an eye out too, I have some one-shots coming before another story. I hope you all enjoy and for the last time, please read and review.
