"Everybody stop!" Hiccup called, holding up his hand for good measure.

Fishlegs and the twins had just caught up to the small group, "What'd we miss?" Fishlegs huffed.

…And puffed.

"I think I just heard something," Hiccup said, looking downwards.

"Do you think it's Snotlout?" Astrid asked, also glancing below.

"I don't know…" Hiccup trailed off, "Toothless, dive!"

With a yelp, the rest of the teens followed Hiccup's suit, and they soon found themselves on the forest floor.

Ruffnut looked around and scratched her chin, "You know…this place seems familiar," she said.

Hiccup perked up considerably, "Maybe this is where-"


The teens froze as the ground began to rumble.

"Whispering Death? I love it! Snotlout is so lucky," Tuffnut said dreamily.

Just then, the ground next to the teens burst open, and the hideous creature flew out—with Snotlout on top of it.

Snotlout had spotted them, "Hey! Don't just stand there! Help me-e-e-e-e!" he hollered, as the dragon carried him away.

With a roar, Hookfang prepared to take off, but was stopped by Ruffnut.

"Hey! If you go after him, there will be no way for me to help," she stated, fully aware that there were other options...but of course, she didn't mention that.

Whining, Hookfang pawed the ground and huffed, glaring at the rest of the teens.

"Well gang," Hiccup said, mounting Toothless, "We'd better go and save him."

"Haha yeah, before his daddy has to," Tuffnut added.

The teens shared a knowing glance, knowing that that was the last thing Spitelout wanted to do.

Hanging onto the "rouge" dragon for dear life, Snotlout looked at the ocean helplessly.

"Where are you taking me, you overgrown serpent?" Snotlout asked.

Said dragon snorted and flew faster.

"Probably somewhere stupid," he mumbled, giving a shout when the dragon suddenly dipped.

"You're even worse than Hookfang, you know that?"

The Whispering Death huffed and sped up.

Snotlout groaned and rested his head upon the dragon's scales. Looking up, he gazed at the scenery.

There were oceans, oceans, more oceans, oceans, Berk, oceans, more oceans, and…huh?

Snotlout shook his head and stared at the upcoming island.

"Are you taking me home?!" Snotlout asked in disbelief.

The dragon turned its' head and nodded, showing its' teeth in an attempted smile.


In a few moments, the dragon landed, scattering all the villagers in sight.

"Hello villagers!" Snotlout boomed, "It is I, Snotlout Jorgenson, son of Spitelout Jorgenson, tamer of the Whispering Death!"

Said dragon snorted.

"Just play along, will you?" Snotlout whispered.

Spitelout rushed to the front of the crowd, "Son?! Is that really you?" he asked in disbelief.

"You better believe it, dad," Snotlout grinned, motioning the Whispering Death to lower him to the ground, "I have trained this mighty beast!"

Rolling its' eyes, the dragon gave Snotlout a mock bow.

Satisfied, Spitelout heaved Snotlout up onto his shoulders, "That's my boy! Did you see that everyone! My son tamed this ferocious, hideous, insane beast! Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!" he cheered.

Shrugging, Snotlout let his father carry him through the entire village, as said father was shouting out with glee.

Meanwhile, the teens had landed on the roof of the Great Hall and were watching the scene with interest.

"…You've got to be kidding me," Astrid deadpanned.

Toothless growled, "Calm down, Toothless," Hiccup said, squinting at the dragon, "…Toothless, is that the Whispering Death that tore through the town? You know…your 'favorite' one?"

Toothless snorted and nodded his head.

Hiccup stifled a chuckle and ran his hands through his hair, "I guess Snotlout and his dad won't have any problems with each other anymore…"

"-What do you mean your ankle is still hurting?!"

The twins began laughing hysterically, "You know Hiccup," Tuffnut started.

"I think," Ruffnut added.

"You may just be," Tuffnut grinned.

The twins looked at each other, "Wrong!" they shouted with glee.

Hiccup rested his head on Astrid's shoulder, "Whatever…" he grumbled.

Astrid punched him in the arm, "You're on your own this time," she said, flying off.

The teens looked behind him, "Err, yeah…see you!" Fishlegs said quickly, flying off.

The twins, still laughing, took off as well.

"Hiccup!" Snotlout yelled.

Hiccup swallowed nervously, "Yes, Snotlout?" he said, turning around.

Snotlout came (hobbling) towards him, "I need your help!"

Hiccup groaned...not this again.

After this long break, I have finally finished this story.

I am sorry for making you all wait for so long, but I have been so incredibly busy. Due to recent reviews, I decided to write this chapter and finish this story. On that note, I hope you all have enjoyed this story, and I look forwards to writing more!

~I understand that I've been dragging on "Quit Pressuring Me!", and I hope to put a stop to that sometime soon.

I also know that "Watching the Series" hasn't been touched in a while, but those chapters take the longest...

Also, while I do have unfinished stories, I do want to start on the sequel to "How to Help a Friend".

Now, all I have to do is figure out which one I want to write/continue first...