(Heyyy! The long awaited next chapter is here! Hooray!)

Takafumi sighed heavily as he opened his keycase and unlocked his best friend's door. He slowly pulled open the door and stepped in. He slipped off his worn loafers and grabbed a pair of grey house slippers. His hand groped the beige wall for the light switch, he gently pushed the plastic switch and in a quick instant the dark apartment light up like the fourth of July. Takafumi sighed heavily as he saw the empty beer cans that covered the light-hardwood floor. He saw Takano, his best friend, laying on the floor. His body was still and slowly puffed out air.

"Good, he's not dead." Takafumi inwardly thought as he picked Takano's body up from the cold floor and carried him to bed. Takano groaned as he felt his body moved from the floor, he knew it was his friend by the smell of stale cologne mixed with sweat.

"Yokozawa…'' The drunken man whispered as he clung to the wild bear. Yokozawa set Takano's body down and pulled the fresh, cotton-smelling covers over him. Yokozawa ran his fingers through Takano's thick black hair and turned on his heel before he walked out of the room, pulling the bedroom door closed upon his exit. Yokozawa looked at the heap of cans lying around and shook his head.

"He knows better." Yokozawa whispered in the cold room as he walked to the kitchen and grabbed the trash can. He pulled the plastic bag-covered can into the living room and filled it with the cans and other trash lying about. He grabbed the broom from beside the fridge and swept up the loose dirt and dust, he was surprise by the mess, since Takano had always kept a tidy home.

The bear-like man frowned when he'd finished cleaning up. "It's because Onodera married her, isn't it?" he asked himself as he untied his tie and took off his blue suit jacket. He brought his hands up to the first button of his shirt and unbuttoned it. He had let the white undershirt he'd worn underneath his dress shirt slightly show. He took a seat on the crème-colored couch and closed his tired eyes. Yokozawa figured he'd sleep there just in case something happened to his dear friend in the middle of the night.

The next morning Takano awoke to a mind-pounding headache and the smell of eggs being cooked. He placed his hand over his mouth as he yawned and walked to see who was over.

"Masamune, you're a fucking idiot!" Yokozawa yelled in a loud voice, which made Takano's head pound in extreme pain.

"Shhh!" Takano pleaded as he gave Yokozawa the hand and took a seat down on his comfortable couch.

"Serves you fucking right, you shithead!" Yokozawa scolded him more as he wore a white apron and rolled the yellow and fluffy eggs.

"Ugh!" Takano groaned in pain after he turned over and placed his hands over his ears. He had tried to block out Yokozawa's loud voice, but the loud voice seeped in between the cracks of his fingers and tortured him harshly.

"Eat.'' Yokozawa ordered as he placed rolled omelets and plain white rice out for two. "Not hungry." Takano responded and rolled over.

Of course he'd not been hungry, the alcohol had destroyed his appetite. Takano was surprised that he'd not thrown up, but then again he had drowned only drinks and wouldn't have anything to purge except the numbing drink.

"This is not even your punishment." Yokozawa harshly glared as he looked at Takano. "Now get your ass up and eat." Yokozawa ordered once again and this time stood over the pain-stricken man. "Fine…mom." He rolled his eyes to Yokozawa and forced himself to stand, his movements were shaky, but he'd made his way to the table.

"Where the hell did you go on Saturday? I couldn't get a hold of you." Yokozawa sat across from him and picked up his chopsticks. "I-I...went out." Takano tried to give as vague an answer as he could, he didn't want to remember that he'd spent the night with Haitani, someone he couldn't stand one bit.

"Where?" Yokozawa prodded, wanting a clearer answer from him. "Drinking with someone." Takano sighed as he picked around his food, he'd not taken a single bite; all he had done was move it around.

"With who?" Yokozawa looked up and into Takano's amber-colored eyes.

"No one special…" Takano broke eye contact with Yokozawa and looked down to the floor.

"Hmph.'' Yokozawa huffed as he heard Takano's unclear answers. He knew the stubborn ass wouldn't give him anything more and simply dropped the conversation.

"Eat." Yokozawa ordered once again as he'd finished his plate.

"Not hungry." Takano replied again and sighed, the food only made his stomach churn in discomfort.

"Then go shower, you smell like a brewery." Yokozawa stood from the table and grabbed his used dishes. He walked into the kitchen and quickly washed them using the aloe-scented dish soap.

Takano stood from the table and walked into the bathroom, he'd turned on his shower and stripped of his clothes. He let the water wash over him as he leaned against the shower wall, he hoped that his pains would wash down with the sweat that left his body.

Yokozawa walked to the table and wrapped the uneaten food. He knew Takano would be hungry later on, when the hangover from the night before had left and saved it for later. He opened the door to the fridge and put it in.

''You're such an idiot sometimes…" Yokozawa whispered to himself. He walked out into the living room and grabbed his suit jacket from the back of the couch. He then thrust it on over her shoulders and buttoned his dress shirt's top button. He sighed heavily before he grabbed a black ballpoint pen from the pencil cup and then quickly wrote a note for Takano to read later.


I'm going to work. Please try to come in at some point, your work will suffer if you don't. I'll call later if I don't see you.


After Yokozawa put the ballpoint pen in his hand down he turned around and walked towards the genkan, slipped out of his house slippers and into his leather loafers. The bear-like man grabbed the door handle and softly frowned as he pulled it open. "Bye." He mumbled as he exited the lonesome apartment. He made sure to lock it before he left the apartment complex.

Yokozawa Takafumi walked into the lobby of Marukawa Publishing and looked around. He saw Onodera talking among some other co-workers and furrowed his brows in an upset rage. He couldn't help but huff as he walked over to Onodera. Steam seemed to blow out of the bear-like man's ears as he saw Onodera's happy and grinning face.

"That bastard!" Yokozawa inwardly shouted as he grabbed Onodera roughly around the arm, pulling him forward he pulled him away from his conversation. Onodera quickly apologized to the other men and the one woman before he was tossed into an empty conference room.

(To Be Continued!)

(Note: Sorry it's taking me so long to update. I've been busy and it's been hard to write. I broke my laptop charger and have been without it for a little bit, which SUCKED BALLS! I hope to update all my stories as quickly as I can, but I don't know how long that will be. Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed the latest chapter. Feel free to tell me what you thought of it, but please don't be a douchebag about the story. See you in the next chapter.)