Wah this chapter is so long I can't..

Well, I hope you like this first chapter! Thank you to everyone who submit! Feel free to review, favorite, follow and tell me if I portrayed the characters correctly!

And yes, I crammed all intros in one chapter. I know the feels of hn you want to see your OC, but o not. So I introduced them all at once. DEAL WITH IT.

Ichiro Takoizu stood in front of the entrance of Hope Peak Academy, staring proudly at the school.

He had receive a letter welcoming him in the academy which guarantied success. He turned to look at his aunt and younger brother and he hugged both of them. His parents had died in a car accident no long after his brother's, Hotoka, birth, resulting in the siblings living with their aunt.

Takoizu grabbed his brother by the shoulder, looking in his eyes seriously before saying: "Invest in real estate. There's no such thing as a permanent record. Always eat breakfast. All the girls on the internet are actually dudes. And you should never, ever buy the extended warranty on anything. EVER.".

Hotaka smiled, hugging his older brother before this one hugged his aunt, afterwards leaving toward his destiny and his upcoming homework in the prestigious school. Waving a final goodbye to his family, he looked at the building, smiling at his luck.

"Hope's Peak Academy, here I come..." grinned Takoizu, taking a step inside the grandiose academy...

Before everything became black.

Takoizu awoke on a luxurious bed with luxurious blankets and luxurious pillows in a luxurious room, who was probably in a luxurious hous, or maybe a luxurious manor! All that to say that the place was luxurious, and, obviously, beautiful. Remembering what just happened before, he wondered how he got there, and why he had blacked out. He was obciously not in a hospital, neither home. What truly happened? Hotaka and his aunt wouldn't had let him fall into a coma while entering a school and leave him there, to strangers' mercy!

Wait. Was there even people around? Not in the room, at least. Takoizu stood up, quickly checking his clothes - A turquoise t-shirt with "bow chika bow wow" printed on it in yellow text, black jeans and turquoise tennis shoes - to notice they were the same than when he had entered Hope's Peak. Therefore, he hadn't been in coma or anything, right? But where were the people? More importantly, were where the GIRLS?

Finding his rapier against the wall, beside the luxurious bed, he took, swinging it on his back, now reading to leave and to meet some pretty girls.

Sadly, when he opened the door, no sexy girls fawned over him. Actually, there was no one. The hallway was empty, desertic. No girls in view, or anyone. Takoizu sighed, still determined to find some hot chick to flirt with.

Turning around a corner, he bumped into someone. Hoping it was a girl, he was royally deceived. Because it wasn't a girl. It wasn't even a duo composed of a girl and a boy. No. It had to be a duo of boys. Obviously! Some luck he had!

"Ah, sorry!" said a boy wearing a light blue hoodie with a double sipper, both sipped up mid-chest. He also wore a white shirt, black fingerless gloves, brown shorts reaching past his knees and black sneakers. His light blond hair reached pass his chin and they were longer on the right side. His bangs slightly covered his sleepy hazel eyes. Takoizu noticed the boy's pale complexion, and the only thing he could think was that he needed to get outside more often... Maybe he could bring him to look at some hot girls at the beach, one day! "I didn't saw you!"

"I'm fine. The name's Ichiro Takoizu!" said the fencer, extending his hand for the boy to shake.

Ichiro Takoizu - Super High School Level Fencer

"My name is Satoru Ieru!" answered the boy, smiling sleepily.

Satoru Ieru - Super High School Archer

"You know Satoru, you should sleep more. Youre so sleepy! Plus, you keep yawning all the time!" laughed the other boy, a slightly pale, but quite tall and well built man with very dark eyes and a sarcastic smile slapped on his face. He had a small soul patch just under his lips and had blond hair, which seemed dyed, maybe? He was wearing hin glasses, a standard dark school uniform with a red tie and black shoes. Also, he wore a grat flatcap.

"Are your hair dyed?" wondered Takoizu, tilting his head to the side.

"Yeah... My ex-girlfriend dyed them. Kept them like that afterward. By the way, I'm Keiichi Noa, nice to meet you!"

Keiichi Noa - Super High School Level Hacker

"Nice to meet you as well! Hey, did you saw any chick near?" wondered Takoizu, eager to find some girls.

"Yeah, we just met one no long ago..." said Satoru, frowning.

"Where?" hurried the fencer.

Keiichi pointed toward an hallway, in which Takoizu rushed, shouting a goodbye to the duo as he ran to find some girls.

As he turned a corner, what he saw made him thank god, or whichever superior being existed. It was not only one girl, nor a duo of girls, not even a trio! It was a quatuor of girls! It was his lucky day!

The first girl had long, crimson-red hair tied in a high ponytail that reahed her waist with choppy bangs and bright blue eyes. Fairly tall, she had a dusting of freckles on her face and piercings up her ears. She wore a bright yellow unzipped sweat-shirt with various paint splatters on it over a white, paintless v-neck shirt with dark blue skinny jeans and black boots.

The second one was a bit on the short side, with a skinny, but athletic body. Her light blond hair fell hlafway down her back while her eyes were a light blue-green color. As she passed her left hand through her hair, Takoizu noticed a scar on its back. The girl wore a white wide-strap tank tope with a blue wave pattern on the front with ripped jeans and blue flip-flops. An energy bracelet entoured her right wrist.

The third girl had a short stature and fairly long hair having a mid-brown color. Her eyes were a beautiful mix of green, blue and grey that resembled the sea. She wore a simple outfit, consisting of a dark black jacket over a white shirt and jeans.

The last girl had long somewhat messy brown hair ( Picture here, remove the spaces! - : / / s t a . s h / b) Her bangs fel above her round blue eyes and she wore a blue maid outfit with a white tie and a white apron, plus a white headband in her hair and a white bow with its ends blue on the back of her dress. White socks and blue girls' school shoes completed the outfit.

"Hey girls!" said Takoizu, carefully 'analyzing' their appearance.

"Hey! I'm Chizuru Adachi!" said the red-haired girl, smiling.

Chizuru Adachi - Super High School Level Painter

"I'm Choco Monrova!" said the brown-haired girl, smiling a closed eyes smile.

Choco Monrova - Super High School Level Maid

"My name is Manami Kurokawa." quietly said the third girl, sheepishly smiling.

Manami Kurokawa - Super High School Level Landscape Photographer

"Ayano Ikeda." said the second girl, greeting him with a nod.

Ayano Ikeda - Super High School Level Professional Swimmer

"Ayano Ikeda? I already saw you at the Olympics! You're a really great swimmer!" smiled Takoizu. He was clearly thinking about Ayano, wearing her swimsuit in the swim competition. His stare slowly lowered and when Ayano noticed, she slapped his face, a red mark now marking the boy's face.

"Ouch..." whined the boy, rubbing his sore cheek.

"Pervert." groaned Ayano, walking away.

"So, we shall leave. See ya later mister!" cheerfully said Chizuru, smiling. "Let's run away from the pervert!" She whispered to Choco, who laughed ansd started to run with Chizuru, Ayano and Manami following close behind, walking fast.

Takoizu sighed. Well, his first encounter with girls wasn't so bad... Time for a second try! Having find his determination once again, he set himself on his search of other firls to talk to.

Again, luck decided to be on his side as he found a duo of girl. Really, he was pleased with the number of girls, as it over-powered the numbers of guys at the moment.

The first girl had green eyes and choppy red hair that reached her chin. Tall and pale, she seemed to have some muscles compared to the other girls he saw, namely Choco. She wore a sleeveless black top with a high collar and fairly baggy black pants. She finished the outfit with a pair of black combat boots.

The second girl had a well-mannered and healthy body posture with a slim built and a regular, well-toned peach-pink colored skin. Her eyes were dull grey well her hair were navy blue with higlights and black streaks, in a wavy, waist-length hairstyle with straight bangs that are tucked onto the side with a hair clip. She wore a typical elbow-long-sleeved sailor girl uniform, but white with a dark brown ribbon along with a dark brown knee-length skirt.

"Hey! I'm Haruna Takahashi!" the second girl introduced herself, extending her hand for Takoizu to shake. the boy noticed a small scar on her palm and a ring with a black and white soccer ball circled one of her finger.

Haruna Takahashi - Super High School Level Soccer Player

"The name's Ichiro Takoizu!" replied the fencer, shaking her hand.

"I'm called Texas Church, but you can call me Tex." said the first girl, nodding to greet him.

Texas Church - Super High School Mercenary

"Why do you have an english name?" wondered Takoizu, tilting his head to the left.

Tex laughed softly before answering. "My father was an soldier from USA stationed in Japan when he met my mother. They got married and lived there, but I was born when they were in vacation in USA. My father, who cruely lacked creativity, named me after the state they were in, which was Texas. That's basically why I have an english name." politely smiled Tex.

"Ooooooh I understaaaaand." said Takoizu, nodding.

"Do you know where is the 'presentation room'? We found a note indicating that we should meet there..." began Haruna, uncertain.

A presentation room? What was that?

"Well, we can search for it together!" smiled the fencer and the girls nodded. Takoizu smiled, following the girls. Hey, it seemed there was some pretty girls around... Whichever place it was, he didn't mind staying here for some time!

A blond boy yawned, waking up. The only thing he remembered was going inside Hope's Peak Academy... And here he was, laying on a luxurious bed. Yawning again, he stood up, quickly checking himself in the mirror. He wore the same clothes than when he blacked out, the teal swear-shirt with the picture of the fox from Courage the cowardly dog pictured on it, the plain black pants and black combat boots.

Yawning for the third time, he exited the room to see a short girl standing in the hallway, her already light pink, curly hair fading in an even lighter pink. She had childish, round peach eyes slightly hidden by her bangs and a pale skin. She wore a cute, simple gothic lolita dress with thigh-high socks and white flats. She was holding a huge bunny plushie, hiding her face behind it.

"Hey! I'm Haruki Hattori!" said the blond boy, smiling kindly. "What's your name?"

Haruki Hattori - Super High School Level Firework Expert

"Kosuke Tsubasa." answered the girl, staring at him.

Kosuke Tsubasa - Super High School Level Dollmaker

"You have weird eyes." continued the short girl, her wide eyes strangely looking at him.

Surprised, Haruki let out a nervous laugh. He kept forgotting that, to others, his eyes were indeedly weird. The upper portion of his irises were vivid green, while the other part was vivid pink.

"Hehe, guess so..."

The girl just stared at him with her big, round eyes as she slowly walked away, only stopping to look at him as she disappeared at a corner. Shaking his head, the boy continued his mindless wandering to encounter a rather short boy with a slim build. At first glance, Haruki couldn't decided if it was a boy or a girl because of the androgynous feature the person had, but belonging to the short, light green shaggy hair the person had, the lond decided that it was probably a guy. He also had cyan eyes and wore a grey shirt with abstract patterns around it, with short black pants and black shoes.

"Hey! I'm Haruki Hattori!" cheerfully said the blond, waving toward the shorter boy as he walked toward him.

"The name's Nozomu Akarui, but you can call me Nozu." answered the boy, smiling.

Nozomu Akarui - Super High School Level Artist

They talked a bit, before Haruki decided to wandered some more, in search of a more talkative friend, as Nozu was quite the quiet type. As Haruki bounced around the place, looking at the beautiful paintings hung in the hallways and the marvellous sculptures here and there, he bumped into someone, who proved itself to be a violet-eyed girl. She was rather tall and had a fair skin and a slender build. Delicate features were framed by long crimson hair tied into a low ponytail She wore a red blouse with black bras and long green-bluish Jean along with white shoes. A necklace with a amethyst tear-shaped pendant hung around her neck.

"Ah, sorry!" said the firework expert, helping the girl standing up.

"I'm fine!" said the girl, smiling.

"You sure?" wondered a boy Haruki hadn't noticed. He was shorter than the girl, wearing a black reddish zipless hoodie with dark brown colors inside and no sleeves. He also wore a dark red stringed shirt, grey pants with a black belt and black shoes. He had somewhat messy and spiky blond hair and yellow, cat-like eyes. He reminded Haruki of Kano Shuuya, a character of Kagerou Project, a manga he liked. They truly looked similar, when Haruki thought of it.

"Yeah! I'm fine, okay? By the way, I'm Sao Niven!" said the redhead, shaking Haruki's hand.

Sao Niven - Super High School Level Sojutso Practitioner

"Nice to meet you! I'm Ryuu Sakushi!" said Kano's clone, smiling.

Ryuu Sakushi - Super High School Level Doctor

"Haruki Hattori's the name!" cheerfully answered the blond, grinning.

"Did you saw other people? Sao and you are the only I met so far..." wondered Ryuu, sighing.

"Yeah, I met a guy named Nozomu! He's great, even though a bit too much quiet for me... There was also this strange girl, Kosuke." answered Haruki, lifting his shoulder.

"Well, let's go meet them. See ya later, Haruki!" said Sao, waving goodbye like Ryuu as they left.

Haruki returned the gesture, before continuing his mindless walk in the hallway. After some time, he spotted a duo talking. One of them had short, somewhat spiky at the back, bluish-black hair and heterochromatic eyes - one silvery grey, one prussian blue -, with a pale skin and light freckles across his (or her) nose. A white button-down shirt, the sleeves rolled up to the elbow, under a bluish-grey vest with a low, round collar and a baby blue never-ending scarf plus a necklace having a golden key pendant consisted of the outfit, plus plain black pants, a baby blue belt with long suspenders of the same color, going down to the ankle. Black combat boots, a puffin plush pendant attached to his belt, black fingerless gloves and many bracelets completed everything. Haruki couldn't decide if it was a guy or a girl, but if it was a guy, he had some feminine features...

Beside, a grey-eyed boy with black hair stood. He wore a black jacket, a scarf varying in shades of grey, black pants and boots. He was tall and slender, thin and good-looking. Haruki remembered seeing him somewhere, but where exactly?

"Hey! I'm Komaru Motochika. Please to meet you!" said the blond boy, his voice smooth and soothing.

Komaru Motochika - Super High School Level Voice Actor

"I'm Haruki Hattori! Please to meet you as well!" answered the black-haired boy, smiling cheerfully.

"Fufu, hello Hattori-sama. I'm Mao Aoki." said the bluish-black-haired girl or boy, even if Haruki thought it may be a boy, given the somewhat low voice, a bit low for a girl.

"Mao-chan is my bodyguard. Luckily, I met her no long ago. It seems we were both brougth here!" added Komaru, smiling.

Mao Aoki - Super High School Level Bodyguard

"Bodyguard?" asked the blond, surprised.

"I may be short and be a girl, but I know how to fight, Hattori-sama." answered Mao, grinning.

Haruki nodded, feeling a bit dumb. At least, he hadn't need to ask her what gender she was... Or called her a guy, not knowing she was a girl.

"Anyway, we must take our leave. There was a note indicating to meet into presentation room, whatever this is..." said Mao as they left.

"See you later, Ruki-pyon!" shouted Komaru, waving as Haruki waved back.

The blond boy continued his wandering a bit, before deciding to got to this meeting. Trying to find the 'presentation room', he spotted a guy wearing a full, black suit, his long brown hair tied into a low ponytail.

"Hey, do you know where is the presentation room?"

The boy stared at him with his red orbs. Haruki stared back at him, determinely waiting for the answer.

After five minutes, the boy sighed, pointing toward a door.

"Thank you!" smiled Haruki, opening the door to see a blue flash passing him front of him.

The blond turned, seeing the brown-haired boy hugged by a girl in a maid outfit.

"Uteeeeen!"shouted the maid, laughing.

Uten Monrova - Super High School Level ?

Haruki deduced that they were twins, by their similar looks. Smiling, the boy entered the presentation room.

The room had no furniture, just a stage with a podium. Many people occupied the room, all waiting for something to happen. The blond boy joined Komaru and Mao, who were talking to Kosuke, or at least, trying to make her talk.

"Ko-chan, what's your favorite animal?" wondered Komaru, smiling kindly. Kosuke frowned, pointing to her bunny.

"Motochika-sama, I don,t think she will answer your questions, especially such dumb ones..."

"Mao-chan! Didn't I already told you to call me Chika-kun? Stop with the formalities!"

"Why Chika, anyway? Why make a nickname out of your family name?"

"Because Koma or Maru sucks, while Chika is just fine. So call me Chika!"

Suddenly, out of nowhere jumped a dark skinned, blue-eyed boy, with curly blak hair, a muscuar built and a rapier on his back, shouting: "Bow chika bow wow!" before running toward a group of girls.

The quatuor stared at him with wide eyes, before Komaru laughed, shaking his head.

"What a weirdo! So, Kosuke, why don't you wanna talk?"

A loud noise erupted, saving Kosuke from answering. A bear toy appeared on the podium, emitting an horrid laugh. It's right side was white with a normal eyes and mouth, while the left side was black with an evil-looking red eye and evil grin.

"Upupu! Welcome to the manor of despair!" said the bear with a strident voice.

"What the?..." was Komaru reactions, while Mao just walked toward the stage, taking a closer look. Kosuke had her wide eyes opened even more wide, staring at the bear.

A crimson-haired girl beside, somewhat resembling Sao, muttered "What the hell..." while a the girl dressed in a maid outfit commented on how the bear was cute whil the suit guy just said that it looked dumb. A boy with blond hair and dark eyes just smiled, like if he just remembered a good memory while the others had curious or surprised reactions.

"What are you? Who are you?" wondered Mao, glaring at the bear.

"I am Monokuma! The principal of Hope's Peak Academy!"

"What kind of sick joke is this?" wondered a red-haired girl.

"A bear couldn't be the principal, dumbass." retorted Mao, annoyed. "Especially not an animatronic bear without any intelligence."

"Ah, you're right..." the bear sweatdropped. "A bear is not disposed to direct a school..."

"I am!"

Suddenly, a boy jumped on the podium, kicking the bear who exploded in the air above the surprised students. The boy looked like a humanized version of the bear. The right side of his hair was white, while the left was black. His right eye was black, while the left was red. He had sharp teeth and wore an hoodie with bear ears, half white, half black. Same for his pants, white on the right, black on the left. Even the shoes complied to this strange thematic. He looked around their age, suprisingly. Haruki mostly awaited a young boy wearing such a outfit...

"Now, let me explain you what's happening!" said the boy, smiling evilly. He had the same voice as the bear. "I'm Monokuma, the principle. I am here to introduce you the new program we offer. Through all the experience, you will be restrained into the territory of the Manor Of Despair. The program consist of imprisoning you in a area - the Manor Of Despair, for you - to test your despairing levels. Their is only one way to leave the program."
"What is it?" asked Komaru, frowning.

"Graduation, obviously! To graduate, you shall eliminate one of your classmate... Without getting caught! Upupu!"

"Uuuuuuh what?" said Haruki, his eyes wide open in shock.

"Stabbed, strangled, drowned, any way are good!" said the boy, smiling.

"This is atroceous!" said a girl, which Haruki recognized as Haruna, a soccer player he had seen on TV.

"Upupu, just remember that it is the ONLY way to ever get out of here... By the way, here are your Electronic ID, which contains the rules of the building. See ya, bastards!"

The boy then disappeared, leaving them in confusion. They went to search their own ElectroID, reading the rules.

"I don't understand... What's happening?" whispered Haruki, tired.

Suddenly, they heard some noise, which came from various speakers.

"Night Time now begins. The presentation room will be closed. Good night bastards!" said 'Monokuma' as the lights went off.

"Let's go sleep. Forget what this dude said: it's probably just a stupid joke. Let's meet tomorrow in the dining room to discuss this." reasoned Mao and everyone left, the doors locking behind them. Haruki sighed, walking toward the room he woke up in. He didn't understood what happen... Maybe tomorrow, they would be able to figure things out?

God... It was so sudden!

As Haruki thought, he bumped into someone, sending both on the floor. "Hey, watch were you are walking!" said a short boy with a rather high voice for a boy.

He resemble Kosuke with long pink hair fading in lighter pink tied in a low ponytail with a bow and peach eyes. He wore a black button-down shrirt, a pink tie and black pants.

"Sorry... I'm Haruki Hattori!"

"Kou Tsubasa."

"Is Kosuke your sister?"

"Yeah, and?"

"Uhm... You missed the principal speech." said Haruki, not knowing what to say.

"Yeah, I know, Kosuke told me about it. She let me sleep while she wandered off."

"Where is she now?"

"Sleeping. You should do the same." said Kou before disappearing inside his room. Haruki stared a while at the door, before leaving to his own room, letting himself fall on the bed.

There was strange people here... The headmaster on the top of the list. Haruki just hoped that what he said was false...