
Guest Chapter by Ultra-Pop

Marriage Proposal

Need to increase civilian power base. Easiest way to achieve this is to pursue a relationship with a suitable partner.

Proposal: Nina Einstein

Motivation: Access to a legitimate scientist, able to perform complex calculations and follow through on various complex schemes and ideas. Opens avenues in regards to scientific background and resources, the Einstein Movement being the most prominent. Possibility of grooming to become a general in the Resistance.

Possible problems: Racist nature leads to loyalty problems. Would status as Prince overrule hatred? Must investigate further. Friction with Resistance.

How to approach: Compliment intelligence. Attempt to get her out more, in regards to social situations. Investigate loyalties and source of hatred in regards to Japanese. Disguise past sorties with Britannia as hypothetical tactical scenarios to ascertain value as a strategist.

Nina, your brilliance is matched only by the lustre of your hair. Stand by your prince and face the world at his side?

Proposal: Milly Ashford

Motivation: Gain access to what remains of the Ashford fortune. Milly also regularly attends Britannian functions and would serve as an ideal social agent, especially considering her upbringing. Opens avenues to get into proximity to various nobles. Can become a Cat's Paw in more overt situations. Probability of assisting the Resistance increased due to Ashford history and knowledge of my past life.

Possible problems: I may be considered an improper match for an Ashford. High chances of discovery if Milly is used improperly or too frequently. Friction with Resistance.

How to approach: Return flirtations, simultaneously pushing her to more serious endeavours. Refer back to past, use as leverage to open courting with the Ashfords.

You've stood by me since I was but a lost prince… how would you like to return the Ashford's to prominence? Princess Milly has a ring to it, doesn't it? Stand by me and I'll do everything I in my power to make that a reality.

Proposal: Kallen Stadfieldt

Motivation: Gain access to the Stadfeldt resources and influence.

Possible problems: Her poor health and the nebulous home situation. According to rumours (must verify), her true born mother is a Japanese woman, now reduced to a maid in her household. Unsure of loyalty, either to Britannia or Japanese.

How to approach: Get the real story behind the rumours. Ascertain loyalty. If Britannian, reveal past. If Japanese, emphasize Resistance movement. Make special effort to get her schoolwork to her in her absence. Ask Milly to investigate (discreetly).

Q-1. Loyalty is no longer in question. New problems: my status as a Prince, reconciling Q-1 and Kallen in school environment. Protectiveness from Resistance. Revealing my identity?

Q-1… Kallen. We've had a rough start, but you know my conviction, the strength and truth of it. Join me, and make our dream a reality. For a free Japan!

Proposal: Shirley Fenette

Motivation: Gain long-term access to the military through her father. A long term Geass on him can gain me very useful opportunities.

Possible problems: Teasing from Milly and co. Not sure how to approach her. Interest in her father may seem strange. Chances of a Geass being interrupted (effects unknown? Should investigate).

How to approach: Ask Milly for advice. Ignore everything C.C. suggests.

Shirley… You bring out the better side of me. Not just my better half, but my confidant, my love. Stay with me. Keep me honest and true.

Proposal: Sayoko Shinozaki

Motivation: Strengthen ties to my family and gain access to the Shinozaki school. Their expertise could be invaluable, both in terms of existing agents and serving as a training locale for members of the resistance.

Possible problems: Shinozaki have an older approach to many ideas, including marriage proposals and ideas on how such a binding works and what precisely it entails. Need to investigate. Also, slight possibility of being assassinated should I diverge from a path favourable to the Shinozaki.

How to approach: I believe the best approach would be a straightforward one? The one benefit of the older traditions is that it makes it easier to just announce your intentions and get on with it.

Sayoko… you've shown so much love and loyalty to my sister. I can only hope I prove to be worthy of the same. Would you consent to being my right hand?

"C.C…. why are you giggling to yourself?"

"Oh, I just found your first draft for your harem…"

"… I'm almost too afraid to ask… do you mean harem, as in the popular misconception of polygamy, or harem as my father has, one to extend his power base?"

"Hmmmm… I'm not rightly sure. These young women are very pretty…"

"Are you going somewhere with this?"

"Oh… I'm just… so disappointed I'm not in here."

"C-C.C.! What are you doing!? Are you drunk again?"

"Wanna find out Lulu?"

AN: I'm a horrible person. Ultra-Pop sent me this guest chapter the 20th December… and only now have I gotten round to posting this…

Ultra-Pop, if you're reading this, I apologize profusely and beg your forgiveness.

So yeah, guest chapter. Anyone is welcome to send me PM's and DocX's full of ideas (wonderful, juicy ideas…) and I'll do my best to incorporate them into the Experiments log…

Anyway, hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season.

Read, enjoy and review.

Written: 25/12/2014

Posted: 12/01/2015