She came too little by little, her mind kept drifting in and out of awakening. She awoke briefly to see two faces staring down at her. One was male, the other female. The woman was staring down at her confused, "Who is she?" She asked quietly, her voice seeming to float in her ears. The male just stared down at her, "I do not know." He whispered. It did not escape their notice that this woman was equipped with a horn and a bow and quiver full of red fletched arrows. She was so beautiful that she could have been easily mistaken for one of their kin. Wordlessly both elves brought her into the realm of Mirkwood, ruled by Thranduil.

Susan woke up her head pounding, the room she was in reminded her vaguely of her rooms in Narnia. The wood carvings were exquisite, she sat up and then realized that she was completely naked under the covers. "Do not be frightened Milady, your dress is being cleaned." The voice was spoken by a tall, blonde man whose eyes were a strange blue...supernatural she would say. The crown about his brow marked him as a person of nobility, though she could see by his stance alone that he was well used to being acknowledged as such. All this she noted in seconds and inclined her head in respect, "I see...and may I know where I am?" She asked as she slowly raised her eyes to meet his.

She shifted to better conceal herself under the covers, she couldn't help feeling like the man was mentally undressing her as he stared at her with an unreadable look in those eyes. He drew closer to her, "You are not an elf...though you could pass for one." He said eventually as he studied her with an almost hungry look in his eye. Before she could react he had seized her roughly by the chin and twisted her face so he could better see her features. "Who are you?" He asked, his fingers felt icy against her skin and that was when she noticed the pointy tips of his ears...wait elf...he was an elf? She had a sinking feeling she wasn't in Narnia or England anymore but somewhere else. "I'm Susan Pevensie Milord." She said quietly but respectively.

She didn't include her title but as soon as she had said her name a look of shock flashed across his face and he released her as though burned. "I see, my name is Lord Thranduil." He said eventually with his face turned away from her. He turned back to face her and Susan almost flinched away as his hand ran along her bare shoulder, "I would be honoured to have your presence by my side tonight Miss Pevensie." He said, his tone implying that she had no choice in the matter. She nodded in understanding, "Very well Milord." She said gently. Thranduil moved towards the door, "I will send someone to help you change into something more approapiate." He said over his shoulder before he left the room. As soon as he left, Susan allowed herself to relax just slightly, she had no idea where she was plus her current state of undress made her feel vulnerable. Brushing her hair back she started to inspect the room she was in. "Miss, Lord Thranduil asked me too give you this." Susan whirled around to see a vaguely familiar face. The woman from before was standing near her bed, in her arms was a change of clothes complete with under garments.

Susan frowned, "You look familiar...have we met?" She asked curiously as she hesitantly took the clothes from her. The woman nodded ,she was beautiful but unlike the Lord Thranduil's her eyes were a warm brown. "Legolas and I found you by the forest, you were deathly ill. Normally we wouldn't take people in but the items you came with...where did you get them?" She asked curiously. Susan tensed just slightly as she listened to the woman's words...items? Had her bow and horn come with her then? The woman was still waiting for an answer, and Susan could tell that this woman for all her friendly appearence might not be so nice if she refused to answer.
"They were given to me by a friend." She said eventually.

Father Christmas to be exact but she wasn't entirely sure if this woman would believe her. "May I?" She asked gesturing to the clothes still in her arms and the elfin woman nodded hastily, "Yes of course." She said and stepped back far enough to allow Susan room to get up and change. Sliding out of the bed, she took the clothes and hastily changed into the undergarments first. With them on, she would at least feel slightly protected. The dress looked very similar to the dresses from Narnia, and she felt a pain in her chest that she hastily pushed away. Changing into the gown, she twisted her hair into a loose french braid that she knew would hold at least for awhile.

Finished she turned around and jerked in surprise there right behind her was the man from before. Like Thranduil he had strange blue eyes, eyes that were studying her as if he wasn't sure how she had gotten there. She backed up a few steps until the backs of her knees hit the bed and she stopped. He kept staring until suddenly he burst into a fluid language that Susan didn't understand. He turned to look back at the woman who was watching the proceedings with an unreadable look on her face.

The woman responded in kind and the man said something darkly and which sounded like an insult. Susan hated how she was being kept out of a conversation like this...she was a Queen and even if here on this place she wasn't seen as such she deserved some respect. "Whatever it is you are discussing, I would like to know what that is." She said regally, suddenly appearing very much the Queen she was. "I am not deaf nor am I blind...clearly something about me upsets you..what is it?" She demanded. The man gave her a look of absolute rage and a small amount of disgust, "Your kind isn't welcome here." He said menancingly. Susan wanted to roll her eyes, great now she had a man who not only had anger issues but was clearly upset at her for disrupting his life. "Well then, I suppose you had better take it up to the Lord Thranduil, he is the one who has allowed my stay here." She said calmly not at all ruffled by the man's attitude. The man just kept glaring at her before he abruptly turned away from her and stormed to the exit. She sagged in relief as he left, "Who was that?" She asked once the man was gone.

The female elf glanced down at her, "That was Legolas...Thranduil's son." She said as she neared her side. Susan grimaced, "Of course it was." She muttered. The elfin woman smirked, "I think I like you Susan Pevensie, my name is Tauriel." She said with a little wink. Susan raised an eyebrow at her, "How did you know my name?" She asked curiously. Tauriel gave her a tiny smile, "Everyone here knows who you are after all quite famous." She said simply. Susan wasn't entirely sure how to react to that statement and gave her a weak smile. "Shall I give you a little tour?" Tauriel asked as if sensing Susan's sudden discomfort. Susan nodded hastily, she did after all need to know more about the place she would be staying in. "I don't suppose I can retrieve my things?" She asked as they left her room. The entire place felt like they were inside a giant tree, the walkways resembled branches and she had to take a moment to examine it with interest. "No...Lord Thranduil is keeping them for the moment. If or when he decides to give them back is up to him." Tauriel explained gently.

Susan was starting to feel more and more like a prisoner...a feeling she didn't like at all. As they kept walking, Tauriel pointed out certain areas to her she was quite good at explaining things to her. Somehow Susan had arrived in a place called Middle-Earth...something she had never heard of before . She had no doubt Aslan was behind it, but why now? She had been alone for over a year, her siblings having been killed in an accident. She had thought her time with adventures had ended but she had a feeling wherever she was...she was needed. "You mentioned that I was famous around here...what did you mean by that?" She asked as she tried to steer her thoughts elsewhere. There was a long pause, "I cannot tell you why...Lord Thranduil will tell you tonight." Tauriel said eventually. Susan nodded, "What's happening tonight?" She couldn't help but ask. Tauriel brightened, "Its the Midwinter Festival, where we celebrate the coming of winter and the promise of spring." She said excitedly before she sighed out her eyes growing down cast. "I will be performing my guard duties otherwise I would be there." She added with a roll of her eyes. Susan felt her stomach drop, Tauriel was the only elf in this place so far who seemed welcoming...however she was not unused to attending social functions solo. "Well I'll tell you how it goes then." Susan said with a little laugh.

Tauriel gave her an understanding look, "Legolas will be there...and even though he has a mean bark, he really can be quite nice once you get to know him." She said in a assuring tone. Susan highly doubted it but gave her a smile anyway, "I'm sure he is." She said with a strained smile. They soon were outside Susan's quarters once again, "There is a dress for the Festival in your room. I believe Legolas is to be your escort for the evening." She added with a little chuckle. Susan blinked, hoping against hope that she hadn't heard what she was pretty sure Tauriel had just told her.

Seeing the look on Susan's face, Tauriel bit her bottom lip "Relax Susan...everything will be all right." She said gently before she opened the door and stepped to the side, allowing Susan to pass by her. Susan straightened her shoulders, she was a Queen for heaven's sake and it was time she acted like it. Almost as if sensing the change, Tauriel smiled and inclined her head respectfully at her as Susan walked past her. Once inside her room, Susan allowed herself a moment to breathe. She was in unknown far she was being kept in a fancy room and told what to do. It was high time she found out what was going on around here. With that thought in mind, she saw the dress resting on her carefully re made bed. The dress was gorgeous and she was pretty sure that it would be worth quite a why was a human girl being given such a nice dress? A girl whom none of the elves even knew...the mystery was indeed curious and she was determined to find out what was going on.

(I am taking a lot of liberty with this story XDD however I hope you like it, I am currently working on the second chapter x3)