Hey guys! Once again you have astounded me with your continuing support. I realize that the story may be a bit hard to follow with whom may be speaking, or it could not be. Regardless of that, I am going to make it easier to follow. I'll put the persons view at the beginning.

Maura's POV:

There, I finally said it. Now all I have to do is let Jane make her decisions on how she feels about me after I told her what I was feeling. Man it felt good to finally voice it after so long of keeping it bottled inside. It felt as if a weight had been lifted and I could breathe freely, no worrying or fearing people would view me as even more of a freak than what my nature already damned me to be.

"Wow. I was not expecting that at all, baby." Jane confessed. "How long?"

"I presume I started feeling this way since before I was made into this creature you see before you. It has been too long, dear. I've spent many years filled with self loathing, hatred, and disgust. My body has tortured me for so long. Sex has been my greatest fear."

The concern in Jane's eyes was palpable. All I wanted to do was reach into her mind and soothe her. Ease her worry.

"Oh God, I had no idea. You must be so very tired of the constant hiding. Honey, come here." Jane held out her arms. I relaxed into her, letting go of all worry. "I'm not going to just up and leave you like that. You're stuck with me. Forever, remember?" Jane said with a smile.

"I love you, my sweet Jane. You make me feel normal when all I am is fucked up. Thank you."

Jane began crying through her smiling eyes. I could tell she was perplexed but not put off by the idea. "So, do you want to be the man I know you are?"

"What? You believe me to be a man? Jane, my love, you've no idea how happy that makes me. For you to see me as-"

She silenced my next words with her intoxicating kiss. Her entire being was electric and addicting. "Now come ravish me, master." Jane whispered huskily, her lips lightly skimming my ear.

Jane had centered herself at the head of the bed, surrounding herself with the pillows.

"My darling Jane, you look so breathtaking." I whispered.

Jane curled her fingers beckoning me to come here.

"As you wish, love." On my hands and knees, I stalked over to where my Jane was. Like a predator closing in on its prey. My eyes instantly clouded over with lust. Changing from red to black. I was so hungry for her and the decadent blood that coursed through her veins.

I could feel the excitement radiating off of Jane. It turned me on even more.

The lighting set the ambience in the room on fire. Such a dim setting with my lover looking at me with her sex gaze, shadows dancing off her body.

Reaching her, I slid my hands over her ankles, up the smooth expanse of her well toned calves. My fingertips caressed her thighs. As I leaned in I blew lightly and nipped playfully, leaving small marks but quickly soothing them by running my tongue over them.

"Make love to me. Please." Jane begged. "My body craves you. I want my man to make love to me. I need you."

I smirked up at her, a devilish and wicked grin that screamed out the pleasure she was in for.

Jane smiled at me. Her eyes staring right into mine filled with love. I slid up against her body, placing soft kisses as I went. When I was face to face with her and had her attention, my hand ran down her stomach, passed her navel leaving a trail of goosebumps in its path.

She moaned at my touch. "Baby, you can't keep making those sounds. They make me wild for you." I slipped my hand under her silk nightie and brushed my fingers over her lace panties. The brunette responded to my touch. I felt wetness through her panties and it caused a growl to rip out from my chest.

Jane writhed and clawed at my back drawing a bit of blood. "Mmm, please baby?" she begged.

"Well who am I to keep my girl waiting?" Pulling her panties down, I covered my fingers in her wetness and slowly pushed them into her core. I bit down on her neck and began to suck at her pulse point which seemed to only add to her euphoria.

My fingers slid in and out of her dripping wet pussy, making her scream my name. I added another and curled my fingers to her undoing. She clenched her walls around them and came.

"Baby, that was amazing." She said as she looked at me.

"Jane, I told you. I will make you mine."

A/N: Alright, so I'm putting this story on hold for awhile. My classes are about to start and I have a full course load, plus I'll be working out. I don't want to post random bull shit, but I'll probably make some one-shots. If you feel like it, please review. I read all of them and reply. So far I have only had one negative review and that was from a guest. I don't think they like to make actual accounts. =) lol I love you all!