This is my first fan fiction so please read and review. Tell me if you like it and I appreciate suggestions. So…let's begin. I do not own Austin and Ally

(Line Break)

Ally sat with her friends, Cassidy and Brooke, on the first day of her senior year. It was first period, History, and her and her friends were texting while Mr. Patel was saying something they obviously couldn't care less about.

Group Chat

Brooke: Hav u guys seen the new guy yet?

Cassidy: Yea! He's cute!

Ally: Wait. Wat new guy?

Cassidy: U haven't seen him? The whole skools been talking about him.

Brooke: Yea! Idk his name but he's so hot!

Ally: Does he hav a gf?

Brooke: Ooooo Allllyyy! U haven't even seen him and u already wanna hook up!

Ally: Shut up! Does he?

Cassidy: Lol yea, sadly he does. He hangs out with her, some red head kid and a some…Mexican chic I think.

Brooke: Wow Ally, u r soooo late! U need to keep up.

Ally: It's the first day of skool. I thought I wud hav chance to relax before I settle back in to my popularity status.

Cassidy: Being popular is a full time job. U gotta b able to handle it.

Ally: Whatever.

Someone cleared their throat loudly beside Ally and she jumped. She looked up and saw Mr. Patel standing over her desk. She quickly tried to hide her phone in her hands but the teacher was holding out his hand.

"The phone Miss. Dawson."

Grudgingly, she locked the IPhone and placed it in the hand of the teacher. Beside her Cassidy and Brooke snickered and she rolled her eyes.

(Line Break)

After dropping her things off at her locker, Ally started towards the cafeteria. The first half of the day had gone by fast, although it had seemed a lot longer without her phone. She sighed at the fact that she wouldn't get it back 'till the end of the day. She snapped out of her thoughts and quickened her pace. Brooke and Cassidy were already waiting in the cafeteria.

Reaching the end of the hall she turned the corner…and crashed into somebody. She staggered back almost falling and would've if someone hadn't been firmly grabbing her wrist. Finding her balance, she looked up to her victim. It was a boy. He had a mess of blonde hair on his head and his skin was pale, bringing out his dark eyes. He was wearing a black T-shirt, jeans and black high tops. Behind him were three other people, a tall red head, a short Latina and an average height dark skinned girl. Ally shook her to keep from staring.

"Sorry," she said, almost choking on her words. "I didn't know you were there."

He smiled, his teeth were pure white. "It's fine, it's not really anyone's fault. I'm Austin," he said, letting go of her wrist. "This is Kira, Trish and Dez." He gestured towards the trio behind him.

"Ally," she whispered, looking straight into his dark brown eyes.

"Well, Ally, it was nice to meet you."

Ally knew she should've said something back but before she could, Austin was slipping past her followed by the other three. Kira gave her a look, but Trish and Dez didn't look at her at all.

After they left, Ally was still frozen in place. That was him. The new guy. Something tickled at her stomach but she shook off the feeling before it could get stronger. She continued to walk to the cafeteria, trying to keep from tripping over feet.

(Line break)

"Ally, where were you? It doesn't take forever to get from your locker to the cafeteria," Cassidy questioned.

The three of them were in the cafeteria, sitting at a table in the middle of the room. For some reason the table always seemed to be magically reserved for them.

"I got held up," Ally mumbled, popping a French fry in her mouth.

"Held up, Ally? Please, that's like the oldest excuse in the book," Brooke said, folding her arms.

Ally tilted her head in fake curiosity. "There's a book?"

"Ally, we're being serious," Cassidy said but there was a smirk on her face, "where were you?"

"Guys, just drop it okay. I was at my locker and I took longer than usual."

Brooke sighed. "Okay…," she said, "but for all we know, you could've of been hooking up with the new guy."

Ally let out a fake cough to keep her facial expression from changing. "I can promise you, that never happened."

Cassidy snorted. "Whatever."

(Line Break)

The end of the day came fast and after Ally picked up her phone from Mr. Patel, she'd said bye to Brooke and Cassidy and was walking to the 'EXIT' doors of the school that led to the parking lot with her 2014 Toyota Corolla in it. She was about to pass the Art room when she heard voices and stopped before she passed the door.

"…leave. This place is boring."

"We can't leave yet. The council told us to do this so we have to finish the job."

"This place isn't so bad Kira. You just need to adjust."

"Like your adjusting by making new friends. What was up with that anyway, talking to that girl."

"Her name is Ally, and I bumped into her. It would be rude not to say anything."

"Well actually, she bumped into you and since when do you care about being rude."

"Kira relax, there's no need to be jealous."

"Jealous! You-!"

"Guys! Now's not the time for relationship problems."

Ally backed up, not wanting to listen anymore, and bumped into something. She turned around and saw Dez staring down at her.

"Well hellooo…," he says. "What are you doing?"

"I-sorry. I have to go." She turned and almost screamed when she saw Kira standing in front of her.

"What do you think you're doing?" she asked, her voice sinister.

"Leaving," Ally tried to push past her but Kira blocked her path.

"Were you spying on us?" Kira's eyes narrowed down into slits. Ally staggered back.

"No. I wasn't. Actually I-."

"Kira leave her alone."

Ally turned her head and saw Austin standing in the doorway with Trish behind him.

Austin turned to Ally. "Sorry, Ally. Kira can be a bitch sometimes but she means well."

Ally looked to the ground, not wanting to see the look Kira was giving either her or Austin. "Right. Well, bye." Without looking up, Ally moved around Kira and started walking to the doors, not looking back once.

Soooo, tell me how it was. No negative comments please. Constructive criticism is okay. Welllll bye! R&R!