Disclaimer: I never owned Ghost Hunt I thought you guys knew that...

A/N: So while I am creating a plausible plot for my next story, I came up with this please excuse me if this doesn't make sense, it was written unintentionally after all. So here you have it.

Summary: Noll wasn't blind to his feelings or was he? Lin recalls all those time he spent with his ward, Noll's fears, thougts and tries to settle on a conclusion about his relationship with Mai. A story line told by different people from different angles, watch what the camera captures.

Pairings: MxN, LxMad, AxM, YxMas...other normal pairings, I respect John's wishes to remain a priest :-)

Read and Review...

- L I N -

Contrary to popular belief, Oliver was not blind...

He was on the other hand more observant and intelligent than any teenager I have met in my life, however, as I watched him cough a little to himself and bury his head in the book when Mai-san's head rested on his shoulder, I had my doubts on him being the most genius boy in the universe. Mai-san's head somehow snuggled further into his shoulder and I watched his eyes grow wide, not in discomfort but in amazement and as I observed the two from the car's mirror, unable to hide a grin. She opened him like she was a key and he was a door, rusted yet willing to be opened if anyone tried.

I think he is blind...

I had known Oliver and Eugene since they both were two little eight year old boys, powerful, but nonetheless children and may I emphasize as I first thought, two good-for-nothing twins, with great attitude, arrogance and confidence. Noll's personality fulfilled the criteria but Gene's didn't meet the qualifications of my imagined kid, he was more like an annoying, pink-haired, loud woman I knew. Oliver was a book back then, a closed one but somehow I managed to earn his trust and get him to confide in me, which he rarely did. A certain woman once remarked that the reason for me and Noll being friends was that we were both alike. Surely I'm nothing like this stupid teen seated behind me, hiding a smile as Mai sighed in her sleep, I'm more expressive, maybe not, but still I do speak more than him.

Alas, both Mai-san and Madoka may beg to differ on the above point.

Noll was a smart child, that much I knew since he outwitted me with his theory on the supernatural when I first met him but I also knew that besides having born with good looks and more brains than those put together of the whole male population, he was still imperfect in various ways. I understood him like he was my son, he hated being compared, not because he was afraid he would lose but because he was sure that no one could win against him. He did not like stupid people, he detested Madoka's black-mailing technique, his mother's loud ways, his brother's stupid antics and my 'unnecessary' advice on matters. He never spoke in favor of holidays, money or any other luxuries but he simply demanded books, silence and oxygen, which Luella and Martin were more than happy to give. But that was all before Gene died...

I somehow had always pitied Noll since the very beginning, because somehow I felt that he was alone, too lonely for even my liking. He had no friends, people saw him as a locked-up boy, he had no friends, nobody trusted him and what actually made me be his confidante was the way in which he was indifferent to it, the way he accepted it; to me it was unnerving, the way he was quiet, alone, buried in books. He knew the mistakes in him and he let himself be walked over with by trying to be Gene's shadow only.

So I was naturally happy when Taniyama-san started to bring out the real him, the person he had sealed beneath layers of knowledge, wisdom, calm and cool. She was his opposite, like another dimension but she tried to get past his walls and for that I had always respected her. She was Noll's first friend after Gene, the first person he actually talked to.

I had seen him break at Gene's death, in fact I had been the first one to rush in his room to see the PK overflowing from his being and his pale hand clutching Gene's black shirt tightly, his breathing abnormal, coming out in irregular gasps as he slid to the floors. But he didn't cry, there wasn't a single tear, his breathing was the only proof of his sadness other than that his expression had hardened, his eyes becoming nothing but blue orbs and he was more intent on working restlessly. I was just able to stand and watch while he worked himself away, I could do nothing more than watch from a distance and worry over him. Finally upon Martin's insistence, I was told to escort the boy to Japan and be his guardian; truth to be told I had almost no hope of finding Gene's body but for his sake I came here.

And then Taniyama-san waltzed in his life, turning him around, the change was gradual and no one except me and Madoka could spot it but he was politer, he considered twice before speaking and he had developed a playful side by teasing Mai-san. At first I ignored the fact that he may develop a fondness for the clumsy, danger-magnet, cheerful, loud girl but as time passed I became sure, absolutely sure that Noll liked the girl. Madoka went to her extremes and at one occasion bet her fingers on the fact that he may feel more than simply liking.

I didn't like her at first, she was too loud, noisy, obnoxious, disobedient and a Japanese, also she had injured me due to her carelessness and had somehow this silly, unrealistic attitude towards life but as the days passed and she became a regular I was compelled to reconsider. The way she would come in and announce her entrance, shout at Noll, call him names, be childish and pull disastrous pranks on him, reminded me of Gene, it reminded him of Gene too and that's why he tried to keep his distance, failing miserably.

Oliver twitched once more in the back seat , and silently leaned against the leather surface, trying to sleep ignoring Mai's head which was buried in the crook of his neck. Accidentally, he caught me staring at them and his eyes gave me a clear message. 'One word and I'll rip you from limb to limb' I watched as he let his eyes close, it was the first time I had seen him so peaceful, since Gene's death.

Beside me in the passenger seat, Hara-san let out a sigh, apparently she had seen the little scene in the back and was mourning for it, but one look at her face told me that she had too accepted the fact that Noll liked Mai. Her contemplative pose accentuated by the kimono sleeve that hid her frown spoke of how much she envied their silent happiness.

Everybody knows that they like each other, except them, they are not blind, nor are they dense; they simply didn't want to open their eyes to reality, they diidn't want to admit. I just can't imagine Mai-san's expression, when he would tell her his real name, his purpose for coming to Japan, when he would disband the tean. She would yell at him, be heart broken but the thing I wanted to see was if he would care. If he did, then I would contemplate on getting rid of the title 'idiot scientist' which had been bestowed to him, but if he didn't – well then.

Slowly I watched as he pushed Mai away from his shoulder and settled her carefully on the other side of the seat seeing Hara-san's frown diminish to hopefulness. He leaned back in his seat, pinched his nose bridge and sighed to himself as if Mai had caused him real trouble but I think I knew what he was thinking, what he felt. He was afraid, afraid of gaining something and loosing it, afraid of breaking this time, he never took risks and he was avoiding taking one now. But I believed that this risk was worth it and he still pushed it away, still tried to block it out.

No doubt he was blind...

No doubt he still had a long way to go before he learned what the girl meant to him...

That idiot scientist.

-The End-

Words: 1478

Edited: 17/12/2013

Thanks for reading I'll upload the next installment soon :-) I know it's nothing special but it's just a new technique I'm experimenting with. Until next time!
